DISCLAIMER:This story is a work of fanfiction written for the sole purpose of serving fun. The author doesn't own the canon-verse and original characters.

A/N: Why hello! So this one was originally written as a quick one-shot, but a few random ideas had just suddenly hit me, and I've seen some collection of drabbles for some pairings on other fandoms, but none (at least, I haven't seen one) on this pairing. So I just thought, why not also make for them, right?

Now, please read and enjoy!

1. If I Were to Ask You on a Date

He is downright aggravating, what with that overconfident smirk of his and those damned green eyes which often hold a glint of amusement especially if they are directed to her. Now that the thought crosses her mind again, Kaoru can't help but scowl as she stares distractedly at the blackboard in front of her.

She was the first to be here in their classroom,—no thanks to her brother, Dai, for waking her up too early—and as of the moment, no one among her classmates has arrived yet. Be that as it may, that fact has nothing to do with her bad mood this early. She doesn't give a damn if all her classmates don't know how to be punctual for even she isn't the one to complain about the thing. The truth is, the source of the grim air around her has nothing to do with the class in general, and it solely involves a former nemesis instead.

That guy. He was even more tolerable before; that was when he was still insulting her, when an afire enmity was the only thing in between them. Back then, the guy only treated her as a nuisance, but it didn't bother her that much because the feeling had always been mutual. She could have gotten used to it; she did, in fact.

However, everything changed six months ago when he started distancing himself from her. Even in those times when Kaoru had blatantly mocked him, the guy didn't give a reaction which could be considered normal where she is concerned. He just stared at her impassively, and then stalked off without saying a word; no smartmouthed comeback, no insult, nothing at all. Kaoru thought there was something going on with his life which made him suddenly down, but when she observed that he was perfectly normal around other people and he was acting strange only to her, she fully understood then that it wasn't anything about him or about his life at all. If anything, it was all about her.

The fact that she couldn't fathom the rationale to that behavior completely unnerved Kaoru, thus, she confronted the guy. She was just suspecting that he was up to something against her, and it wasn't like she actually cared for him.

The confrontation, however, had just brought her at sea. When Kaoru asked him what the hell was wrong with him, the guy just smiled at her sheepishly, a complete opposite from his usual arrogant one, as he muttered, "I am sorry, Kaoru. 'just trying to figure out something."

Dumbfounded, Kaoru watched as he turned and walked away from her. Clearly, there was something not right about the situation. The dude's smile was one thing, the way of addressing her with her given name was another, and then, what was up with the apology?

Kaoru got all her answers the next day. Through the school's PA system, he announced his 'love' for her. All the students, teachers and other staffs in the campus served as witnesses.

It was a remarkable day for her, but not in a pleasing way. And her initial reaction, of course, was to think that it was a trap. Nevertheless, the guy presented no sign of such.

Her nightmare began from that day on.

Flirtatious smiles every now and then, perverted comments from him have become run-of-the-mill on her existence. And, it doesn't help that most people are rooting for him. Kaoru's close friends, Momoko and Miyako, advise to give him a chance. The dude's brothers plead for her to stop their brother's suffering for their sanities' sake—so much for exaggerated actors. And, heck! Even Dai, her own overprotective brother and the guy's soccer buddy, keeps telling her that the dude's not really that bad.

He was already annoying before, and he is just thrice more annoying now.

Stupid fucking Butch Jojo.

"Good morning, babe."

You know that expression, mention the devil and he will appear. Now Kaoru learns that it's not just a freaking mere expression.

Kaoru looks up, glowering at the new comer. As always, his I'm-so-cool-and-I'm-so-hot smirk welcomes her fiery stare.

"What do you want, Butch?" Kaoru growls.

"I want you," Butch answers without missing a beat. He sits across her, widely smiling. "I missed you."

Kaoru's scowl becomes more evident. "We see each other every day, every class, which I am very ungrateful of."

"Aww, why so cold Kaoru-chan?"

Kaoru stands and rounds on her desk. Stopping close to Butch, she glares down at him. She isn't really in the mood for this. "Look, Butch, will you tell me what do I need to do just so you'll already leave me alone?"

Without batting an eye, Butch answers, "Kiss me. But then, you doing that will just probably give me more reasons not to leave you alone."

"In your dreams," Kaoru chides, grimacing just at the very idea of kissing him.

"But, Kaoru-chan," he whines, "Hershey's makes one million kisses a day. All I am asking is only one from you."

Kaoru groans. "You're crazy, Butch."

"Crazy in love with you."

Three. Butch grins as Kaoru glares at him.

"Scratch that. You're drunk."

"Nuh-uh. I am just intoxicated by you."

Two. Feeling her temper slowly flaring, Kaoru clenches her fists and grits her teeth.

"Shut up, Butch. Just shut up."

"Make me. Oh, how about you shut me up with your mouth?"

One. That's it! Totally frustrated, Kaoru aims a punch on his face, failing to give heed on her stance. Alas, her punch hits the thin air as Butch sidesteps to dodge her, and the momentum is too great that it causes her to lose her balance.

Before totally meeting the cold floor though, Butch catches her by wrapping his arm on her waist. Thankfully... Not.

"I really love these moments when you're being such a damsel-in-distress."

"I am not in distress, and moreover I am not a damsel!" Kaoru hoists herself up and turns to face him.

The action proves to be a big mistake as she suddenly finds her face in a very dangerous proximity with his. And as much as she wants to pull away, Butch is none the slower for he already has his hand on the back of her head, and his free arm encases her lean frame.

"Gotcha," he whispers, hot breath wafting against Kaoru's cheeks.

"Y-you're too c-close, Butch," Kaoru utters, silently cussing her failure to make a coherent comeback.

Butch chuckles. "Am I?"

Kaoru glares in spite of the blush threatening to become evident on her face. "Let me go."

"Heh, only if you answer me, Kaoru-chan. Just yes or no. No other answer will be accepted. And, whatever your answer will be, you ought to comply."

Kaoru gives a quizzical look. Nonetheless, she answers, "S-shoot."

"...'ya sure you'll oblige based on your answer?"

"I have one word."

Butch smirks. "Alright, Kaoru-chan. Here's the question," he pauses for an added suspense, and snickers as Kaoru scowls in annoyance, "So, if I were to ask you on a date, would your answer be the same as the answer to this question?"

Bewildered, Kaoru blinks. She bites her bottom lip, intently pondering for her answer.

Few seconds have passed. "No," is her firm response.

There's another pregnant pause before Butch disentangles his hand from her dark locks and unwraps his arm from her middle.

With a wide smile gracing his feature, he says, "Ok then, Kaoru-chan. Saturday, six p.m., I'll get you at your house." He winks, and then turns to walk for his assigned homeroom seat.

"W-wait!" Kaoru protests, "Not fair! I mean, my answer is 'yes!'"

Butch faces her again and pouts. "But you already said, 'No', Kaoru-chan."

"I was just confused! You tricked me! Yes, the answer is 'yes', damn it!"

For a brief moment, Butch just stares at her. Sighing, he then asks, "You're not gonna change your mind again, right? That's your final answer?"


"Fine," he mutters, and makes an expression which is close to disappointment. But the expression is short-lived as the grin resurfaces. "Saturday. Six pm. Be ready."

"What?! But–"

"And, no but's, Kaoru-chan," he cuts in, his tone sobering up . "What happened to the 'I have one word?'"

Butch pauses briefly to give room for Kaoru's response.

Nothing comes.

"So Saturday at six, it is," he states.

And right on cue, after his last word, a group of classmates arrives. They stare curiously at the two—Kaoru who's still rooted on the same place, looking like a deer caught in the headlight; and Butch who's already sitting, a very pleased smile on his expression.

Kaoru just stares at Butch, dumfounded, as she tries to comprehend everything. Then at last, it dawns to her. Her eyes widen.

Butch Jojo. Fucking smartass. He didn't really give her any choice when he asked the question, now did he?