All character rights belong to supernatural.

I figured I'd write this story because there isn't enough Garth love out there.

I am a Reaper, one of many. Never favoured by my father so never deserving of a name. That was all reserved for Tessa. Tessa and her impeccable ability to persuade anyone, even a Winchester, into crossing over. Perfect Tessa could make even dying seem ok; make the afterlife seem like paradise. I blame myself for all the lost souls still wandering on earth. So many turned their back on me and went mad because of it. Who's to blame them though, all I had to offer was a cold hand and a free passage to Heaven or Hell. I never quite had the way with words that father was hoping for, no condolences have ever crossed my lips. Maybe this was due to my inability to stand behind him, to trust in death. This led to weak pitches full of inconsistencies that even the most far-gone could see right through. Hollow promises coming from an even more hollow being. After each soul passed on, I would plead with my father for the chance to do good for once. For all my years of service taking lives, couldn't I save at least one? And he set me forth with my one and only grace from him; A chance to be human, to become part of the world and to save one life.

"You will stay on earth until you save that life and then you will return to resume your duties. Choose wisely, don't save the first soul you happen upon." My relentless whining had made him weary and he offered no smile with his words.

"Why are you doing this for me?" I feared I would ruin everything by asking, but I needed to know.

Because you need to understand that nothing is without consequence. To let everyone die around you would mean an eternity on earth and yet the soul you choose to spare will be the one that ends you. You do something no reaper should, you care about the dying. This is your one fault." As he spoke the darkness around me receded and a bright light burned my eyes. I shut them tightly until sudden warmth pressed against my skin. Opening my eyes I found myself in the midst of a crowded street bursting with people. The air around me hummed with conversation and music and was filled with the thick heady scents of car exhaust, cigarette smoke and vendor food. I strolled casually down the street, taking care to bump into everyone I could, craving the contact. I received many a glare and harsh word but no one crumpled at my feet with empty eyes. I had been rendered powerless and nothing pleased me more. I ambled around for hours and was in such awe that I hardly noticed when I collided directly with an unsuspecting stranger. Both of us fell to the ground and I felt my first tinge of annoyance towards the person who had brought me out of my happy thoughts. With dark eyes and equally dark hair fashioned in a typical boy's cut, the man in front of me was not overly attractive but rather…cute.

"I'm so sorry, Miss, are you ok?" He jumped to his feet quickly and held out a hand to help me up with. I hesitated only slightly and quickly brushed aside any apprehensions I had as I took his hand firmly in my own. Amazed by the warmth of his hand in contrast with the chill of mine, I allowed myself to be pulled to my feet.

"I'm quite alright, thank you. No harm done." My smile felt genuine for the first time in years.

" I'm Garth by the way. Garth Fitzgerald IV, that is. I would shake your hand but…" His voice trailed off and a blush crept slowly up his face as we both looked down at our still intertwined hands.

"Pleasure to meet you." I couldn't think of anything else to say. My mind had gone curiously blank.

"And your name is?" It was only courtesy for him to ask but I felt my heart sink. I licked my lips nervously and scrambled to come up with an answer, any sort of name. Nothing seemed to fit, even ones I had so previously admired.

"I…I've forgotten mine. It's been so long since anyone has asked." A truth within a lie; no one had ever asked me and I wouldn't have had an answer anyways. He seemed concerned by this and I lost all confidence in my response. To my great relief, a large smile suddenly spread across his face, so full of life and vibrancy that it left me momentarily breathless.

"Then I guess we'll have to find you one! C'mon, I know just the place to look."