(Abigail's POV)

"What on Cybertron below are you panicking about young one?" Megatron said as he looked me over for injuries, picking my small body up in his deadly talons gently. I just blinked and stayed quiet, my anger seething under the surface. I suddenly felt something tug at my…spark, a frown covering my face as I looked down. There was nothing there yet it tugged a little harder, finally bursting through and wrapping around my own spark.

"It is ok little one, I've got you. Sire is here." Megatron rumbled as he cradled me to his chest plates, my frame going limp with comfort as I heard his spark. I suddenly sat up again, shaking my head to brush off the feeling.

: Relax my sparkling, all is well. : Megatron's voice rumbled through my spark, my eyes widening as I realized that he shared a parent bond with me.

So that's what that tugging was I thought to myself as I struggled to get away, Megatron's eye ridge rising as he sat me down gently.

"Enough squirming, your creator will be in here soon enough. Calm down." His voice held a commanding tone, one I had to obey as I sat obediently with a scowl. We stared at each other for a few minutes, his claw reaching out to rub my head lovingly. My scowl softened at the loving gesture, my eyes shutting off momentarily.

"Megatron…what is wrong with her?" a soft voice broke the silence as light pedesteps entered the room, a short thin black femme with soft red optics coming into view. Megatron turned and kissed her helm softly, moving aside so she could come closer to me. Once she got close enough I immediately felt at peace, a purr leaving my throat as I decided to reach up for her. She smiled softly and picked me up, gently resting me against her chest plates.

I could get used to this I thought to myself as I curled closer, her hands covering me protectively as she turned to Megatron.

"I do not know my spark, she screamed and when I came in she was panicked." He muttered as he looked at me over her hands, his expression softening as he purred deeply towards me. I found myself purring back before nuzzling into the femme, her soft chuckle making me frown from the vibrations.

"Probably a night terror, nothing more. I will sleep with her for the rest of the night. Soundwave needs you at the helm, get to it." She said with a wink as she kissed his cheek plates, the mech nodding and tapping my back before standing straight.

"I will be back in momentarily, why not just take her to our berth Nightwave? I am sure your brother will not need me for long." He muttered as he smiled down at us softly, my eyes widening unconsciously at the new information.

"So I'm Soundwave's niece and Megatron's daughter…that's just grand." I muttered to myself, my new parents looking at me with a laugh.

"There she goes with her sparkling babble again, she will be fine. Her and I will go to our berth, I expect you to join us before the night is out." Nightwave…my mother said with a stern glare before leaving the room, Megatron's laughing following us. Over her shoulder I saw him wave at me, his frame disappearing out of the main door. I frowned at my predicament, my mother cooing at me as she sat me down.

"Let us hope that you sleep better next to me my little one." She said with a soft smile as she lay on my right side, her gentle hand gathering me to her chest plates.

"At this rate, I'll be asleep in no time." I muttered out as I looked up at her with wide eyes, her soft smile making me wonder how she became a Decepticon.

"You are simply adorable when you start your sparkling babble. Nobody understands you yet all of them are wrapping around your finger. Now go to sleep little one, it is time to rest." She whispered as her hand covered me protectively, her eyes shutting off as she fell asleep. I watched her for a few minutes, trying to go asleep but failing.

How the hell do I go to sleep I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes…optics. Trying again and failing I decided to just lie there, looking around me instead of up at the ceiling. It was obviously a bedroom, or berthroom, and seemed very cozy. There were what looked like those electric picture frames on a shelf, images of my new parents together and then with me flashing across the screen. There was what looked like a simple chandelier hanging in the middle of the room, currently shut off so the room was bathed in darkness. On the end of the bed was what looked like a chest, my head tilting in curiosity as what was in it. On each side of the bed were drawer looking chests, each having data pads on its surface. Suddenly the door opened, my optics immediately flicking to it. Megatron walked in quietly, his huge frame stopping at his side of the bed. Dropping a data pad on his dresser, he turned towards the bed and jumped.

"Primus little one, you nearly scared my armor off of me. Why are you not asleep?" he muttered as he caught my inquiring gaze, his expression softening as he lay next to my mother and me. His larger servo covering my mother's that was on me, his head tilting down to nuzzled mine carefully.

"Let's get you to sleep little one, you need your rest." Megatron whispered as he curled closer and looked at me, pushing me to sleep through our bond as my optics shut off.

(Time Lapse: A Long Time) (A/N: lol sorry idk how long it takes to grow up xD)

"Ha ha, can't catch me Uncle Soundwave!" I yelled as I took off down the hallway of the nemesis, Soundwave's silent pedesteps following quickly. It had been a long time since I first got here, my body now in an adult frame to fit my mind. I never told my parents where I really came from, deciding to hide it from them until the right time. I realized that I arrived as a baby about a year after I was supposedly dead, and it took a long time to finally get into my adult frame. My mood sobered as I realized that my human family was probably long gone, hoping that Sam and my parents stopped mourning and lived on. A weight tackling me to the ground broke me out of my thoughts, air expelling from my vents in an oof as I hit the ground.

: Next time, do not choose me as your entertainment. I will not be as nice as I was today. : My uncle commed to me as he got off me, lifting me off the ground as well. A slight smirk in his voice let me know he was joking about being mean, but the warning let me know that he wouldn't tolerate it again.

"Sorry." I said with a sheepish look as I glanced as his visor, his expression unreadable but his frame relaxed. He nodded and patted my helm before turning away, his frame disappearing into the control room once again. My own frame deflated as he left my presence, relief that I wasn't in trouble leaving me in waves.

"What is this I hear about you causing ruckus little one?" a deep voice boomed behind me, irritation clear in its tone. I flinched as my frame tensed once again, cursing under my breath as I turned around. My father stood in front of me with his arms crossed, a brow ridge raised as he tapped his claw.

"Umm…you heard wrong?" I said with a hopeful smile, my father expression staying emotionless.

"I doubt very much that Soundwave would tell me wrong information." Megatron said as his jaw seemed to clench, my optics dropping in shame as I clasped my servos behind my back struts.

"I am sorry sire, I will not happen again." I whispered as I looked down, my father stepping closer to left my helm.

"Next time, mess with Starscream little one." He said with a wink before patting my helm, his frame walking away in the next moment. I looked at the direction he disappeared into with wide optics, my lip plates opening and closing with no words erupting.

"Nice." I said simply with a laugh as I turned and walked away, shaking my head with amusement at the very thought of messing with Starscream.

(Time Lapse: 1 Week)

I twisted and turned in front of the huge panel mirror, looking at my final frame with curious optics. My frame was all pitch black like my mother, my dark silver protoform dainty and feminine. Armor covered every inch of my now thicker frame, a visor like my uncle's added to cover my optics. My black seeker wings perked high on my back, the cockpit on my back instead of my front. Landing gear ran down the back of my legs, my arms armed with deadly missiles. My pedes looked like heels, similar to Starscream's. On my wings were Cybertronian symbols, identical to my mother's own symbols. They fluttered in response to my excitement, my emerald optics my only reminder of who I was.

"Are you ready to show off my little one?" my creator said from the doorway, causing me to turn in surprise. My sire stood next to her with a fond smile, both of them waiting for me to leave the room

"As I'll ever be." I whispered as I took on last look in the mirror, then turned and went to their sides.

"Well then, let us go show my beautiful sparkling off." Megatron said with a smile as he patted my head, my optics narrowing as I playfully glared up at him.

"I'm not a sparkling anymore sire." I muttered as my creator laughed at my expression, winking up at her bondmate playfully.

"You will always be our sparkling." She whispered as she hugged me tightly, tugging me to follow my sire as he started walking.

"And we will always love you." Megatron turned and said, hugging me gently and kissing my helm.

"You look absolutely amazing little one." A deep scratchy voice said from behind my father, us all turning to see my uncle Soundwave softly smile.

"Thank you. That means a lot to actually hear you say it." I said with a shy smile as I hugged him gently, his own arms coming up to hug me back. After a moment he pulled away with a smile, before he became emotionless again. He patted my mother's head and walked away, us all shaking our heads at his routine.

"Come my beautiful femmes, let us go see what is happening in central." My sire said as he wrapped us both in each of his arms, me and my mother about the same height to him. We looked at each other and laughed, shaking our helms in amusement.

"Yes sir!" we said at the same time, my sire grumbling at our own antics with a smile.

A/N: Now I know I said it would be out by October 3, but I just couldn't wait to get the pilot out! It was nagging at me and nagging and nagging and I just finally gave in. So here is the pilot to my new story, Megatron's Daughter. Now, if you're a new reader then you'll have to read my other story Sunstreaker's Angel because this is its sequel. The next chapter will instead be out on my birthday, October 3! And as always, I hope you enjoyed and please review!