A/N: I'm back with another chapter. I hope you enjoy it.

"I need all the details of his killings. Maybe there was something that I missed." Caitlyn arranged his killings chronologically, starting from his first kill to his recent one at the university. She then realised there was one place missing. If this was really about his life, then the puzzle was missing a piece. The largest piece that could end it all. The one that created him. His old house.

The final showdown was finally here. He was finally meeting his VIP – the love of his life. Tick tock. Tick tock. The clock was ticking. He could bet with every fibre of his being that all the cops in Miami are searching for him. After months' worth of waiting, the day had finally arrived. He stood at the front yard of his old cottage house. He stood tall, legs spread wide. He hooked his thumbs into the belt loops, thrusting his pelvis forward. He smiled proudly to himself. He was where he needed to be. This was his last performance. He either makes it, or he breaks it.

This cottage house brought back a lot of memories. It was where he grew up. Nay. It was where the monster in him was created. Every single day, he was insulted, ridiculed and looked down upon like he was some loser. His siblings would call him a freak, a weirdo and other cruel names. He was always the one who had to take the blame even though he was not the one who did any of those things. His father would get angry at him, whipped out his belt and started lashing at him. And what would his sister and brothers do? They would cheer their father on. Entitled little fuckers. That they were. As the next day came, his siblings would find some other ways possible to get him into trouble, just so their father would get angry at him.

Every little thing he does, he does it with perfection and symbolism. The Ace of Spades – it was a representation of himself. His career and his personality. He gambled on the lives of his clients; on the fate of their divorce or the custody of their children. It was a symbol of superiority, victory and triumph just like how he wanted people to view him. He wanted them to know that he was no longer that weak kid of that weird kid. He had proven them wrong and he had changed his destiny. He had nothing else to fear. It was their turn to fear him. To him, he helped free other people from a horrible life because to him, no matter how hard they try to forget the past, it would always come back to haunt them. And he didn't want that for them.

He strutted across the walkway. He stood still at the door. He closed his eyes, head tipped back slightly, he drew in a deep breath. He focused his mind on the whimpering from inside the house. He smiled. Contented. This was it. He told himself. This was the final showdown. He turned the doorknob as slowly as he could to savour his final moments. And there she was, his final sacrifice.

"H, are you very sure you're gonna let Caitlyn do this?" The Texan paced up and down in the lieutenant's office.

"it's the only way." Horatio sighed. "I will make sure we cover every ground. She'll be wearing a wire. We'll make sure she's watched and monitored. I will personally ensure that she's safe." Horatio assured the Texan.

"Her father's gonna hunt you down if anything happens to her. He's with the Feds H, he can make anyone or anything disappear. Just saying."

Horatio stood at the window, overlooking the parking lot. His mind tried to discern the possible dangers of their plan. As he was staring out, he noticed the reflection on his window glass. He gestured her to come in. His face softened into a smile that invaded his eyes. In an instance, his worries washed away.

"Don't look at me like that. Please Horatio." She gave him a smile that wavered. She knew that he only reserved that smile for her. He knew his boyish smiles were her weakness. "Horatio, I thought you called me in to talk about the plans?" Caitlyn wanted to get straight to the discussion. Horatio pursed his lips.

"Mr Wolfe is currently working on the yearbook. We're trying to see how Timothy Harris looks like now."

"How exactly?" Caitlyn raised an eyebrow.

"We have this technology where we can age someone using a photo. It is a rough sketch but it's somewhat accurate." Caitlyn nodded slowly. Her mind wandered and focused on a particular someone. She sighed a heavy breath, weighing the pros and cons.

Her mind wandered to the suave, brown-haired man who always came into her office. He was well-built, always looking very sharp and smart with his fitted suits. Whenever he walked into her office, he brought an air of confidence, masculinity and dominance. His perfume alone could overwhelm her senses and it lingers even after he had left her office. His scent had a hint of tobacco and spices. One could tell he had expensive taste.

Horatio noticed that Caitlyn had gone quiet. He turned to face her, watching as she had her arms across her chest and fiddling with her rose gold necklace. She stared out the window, seemingly having thoughts in her mind.

"Penny for your thoughts Caitlyn?" she jumped at his voice.

"Sorry. I'm just a little nervous and worried that he might just be near me. Now that I know what he's capable of…" her voice trailed off. "I don't know. Nevermind. Maybe I'm just overthinking it." She shook her head and brushed off her thoughts. That could not possibly be him. The man he knew back then was blonde and he does not have an air of confidence or dominance, at all.

Horatio slowly approached her, reaching out to her arm and pulled her away from the window, and towards the couch. He sat her down gently.

He spoke in a quiet and calm voice, maintaining eye contact with her. "It's going to be okay sweetheart. I'm going to be there with you at every step, making sure you're safe."

"I know that. It's just…I think I've already met him. But I'm not sure if it's him. It's almost been 15 years." Horatio cocked an eyebrow.

"Where did you meet him?"

"He's a client of mine."

Horatio rubbed his temple, trying to figure what to say next. "Could you reveal his information?"

She shook her head. "There's no reason to believe that he's a danger to himself or others. The only reason I suspected it's him is because of the words he used. And I don't think that's enough to point to him."

"I agree." His voice dropped slightly. "Based on your statement alone, it wouldn't be enough for a warrant. We need something more." He paused and titled his head towards her. "Do you think you can get him to say something more?"

She felt a tightening sensation in her chest. Could she? Or couldn't she? The killer was right under her nose. She stared into Horatio's hopeful eyes, trying to come up with a response. Initially she was agreeable to help Horatio lure the killer out but the circumstance had changed. The killer didn't need to be lured out. He was out there, in plain sight.

"I can try." She responded softly, avoiding eye contact with Horatio. He reached out to her hand, quietly comforting her.

"I'll make sure you will be safe." Horatio reassured her. Caitlyn nodded, grabbed her bag and proceeded to walk out of his office. "Where are you going?"

"I need to let off some steam." She rushed out of his office, leaving Horatio alone with questions.

Caitlyn parked her Ferrari and sat in her car quietly. She stared at the sign with slightly teary eyes. She leaned back into her seat, closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. She opened her eyes and took another deep breath. She needed this. She needed to let off steam and speed was the only way to take the edge off her. She marched towards the entrance only to find someone familiar standing at the ticket counter.

He watched as she walked in with confusion in her face. He smiled sheepishly. Her confusion became something else. The corner of her eyes crinkled. Her eyes, her lips and her spirit smiled at him; all at once. He felt his heart skipped a beat.

"I figured you'd be here." He had a silly grin on his face.

"Race with me will you?" she wriggled her eyebrows.

"I don't think that's a good idea. I'll just sit by the side." Caitlyn shook her head and pulled him by his arm towards the counter.

"Booking for two please. 2 laps." She turned her attention to Horatio and smirked. "It's your fault you're here. Now you have to race me." She winked at him. "We're racing." Horatio smiled to himself. This was not what he anticipated.

Sat and adjusted, Caitlyn turned to Horatio who was still getting used to the cramped go-kart. He was still adjusting his legs and still putting on his gloves. Having taken off his jacket and putting on the jumper suit, he looked different than usual. He zipped up the suit to the end and fastened his gloves.

"Ready?" She asked as she watched the corners of his lips rose into a tiny smile. He nodded and they both put on their helmet. "I'm gonna smoke you Horatio." She assured as she rubbed her palms against each other.

"We'll see about that." Horatio quirked an eyebrow and a slight playful look on his face which Caitlyn found to be amusing. Geared and pumped, Horatio was determined to race her. It was unlike him but he liked to be challenged. He was going to win this. Caitlyn on the other hand, having her head in the game, was focused on winning the race. She was glad that he had brought her to the track to release her pent up emotions.

Gripping the steering wheel hard, Horatio straightened himself up and glanced over to Caitlyn with such determination in his face. He pressed on the engine. It roared. Then he heard her press hers. The roars of her engine overpowered his and he pressed harder. The screen started counting down.

Three. He looked over to her side. She pressed on the engine again. Then he did. Two. He pressed it harder. One. Horatio gripped harder on the steering wheel. The horn went off and they sped off.

A little behind, Horatio kept his eyes on the track. Left. Then right. Then left again. He pressed on the oil, increasing his speed and went ahead of her. He was beating her. He heard a loud roar and then a loud zoom. She was ahead again. One more lap. He sped again, almost drifting at the corner, trying to catch up to her. He could feel the victory in his hands. He could taste it in his mouth. He could feel the adrenaline pumping in him and he was loving it. He sped, she sped. He went ahead and she caught up. The engines roared again and again. He could see the finishing line. He sped again. He could literally hear her at the back of his car and then there she was, zooming away and crossing the finishing line. He zoomed across after her and slammed his palms on the steering wheels. He lost.

Horatio was a little behind time compared to Caitlyn. She had indeed smoked him. Taking off his helmet, he ran his fingers through his hair, combing it to its proper self. The race went well except, he lost. And he was starting to feel a little queasy. Apparently he was losing the ability to keep it down as well. He needed to take a seat. Having lost the race, he couldn't show her that he too, couldn't take extreme speed or adrenaline pump. It was embarrassing. He unzipped his suit and aired himself, cooling down to get rid of that queasy feeling. In front of him, Caitlyn stood and took off her gears; her helmet and suit. She gave him a mischievous yet victorious smile, bragging to him that she had won the race.

"Yes you won and I lost." She smiled victoriously again. However, she noticed the pale look on his face. His cherry lips looked as if someone had just drained blood out of it.

"You okay?" Horatio raised an eyebrow at her. "Are you feeling sick from the race?" Caitlyn teased him playfully. She tried so hard to keep her face straight but failed miserably. She made sure she suppressed her laughter and Horatio noticed her biting down her lip to keep the laughter in. That was it. He was caught red-handed. Now he needed to let it go. He wanted to throw up.

"Yes. I know. I'm weak. I think I need the toilet. Where's the nearest one?" He could feel his face redden. He could feel his blood rushing up his head. Horatio stood but a wave of nausea hit him and he bent at his stomach, almost throwing up his lunch earlier. Caitlyn rushed over to his side, supporting his weight, wrapping her arms across his waist and shoulder.

"Hang on." Caitlyn gently but quickly guided him to the nearest men's room and accompanied him inside in case he collapsed. She brought him to the cubicle and let him throw up while she went to get him some tissue paper. As she turned back to get him, he was already staggering his way out of the cubicle and she had to rush to him. She wrapped her arm around his waist to support his weight and slowly guided him out of the racecourse. With him being light-headed, she had to drive him home and leave her car behind.

Reaching his condo, Horatio insisted that he could go up on his own and driving him home was more than enough. Caitlyn gave in and handed him his keys then watched him walk into his apartment safely before heading home.

As Caitlyn walked out of the elevator, a message notification popped up. Horatio. He was asking if she had reached home safely; to which she replied that she was at home, safe. She searched for her keys in her bag and unlocked her door. She closed the door behind her and leaned her body on the door. Closing her eyes, she smiled to herself. She had a great time with Horatio. She laughed to herself reminiscing Horatio's reaction after the race.

Before she could reach out to the light switch, her living room lights flickered and lighted the room. At the corner of her living room, there sat a man on her couch, crossing his leg across the other. She couldn't recognize the man at first but as soon as her eyes adjusted to the lights, she knew exactly who he was.

"Gabriel Louise." Her mind started thinking of the worst-case scenario. "Or should I say Timothy Harris." She wanted to move but she felt rooted to the spot. She still managed a few words. "What do you want from me?"

"I wanted you to notice me. We made a promise." Timothy Harris had a desperate need in his tone.

"That was 15 years ago Timothy. And we never promised to do this." He slammed his hand onto the couch.

"You did! You promised that we would end the sufferings of these people!" He bolted upright and lunged towards Caitlyn. He pushed her against the door with his body. He leaned into her ear. He whispered authoritatively. "Do as I say and no one gets hurt."

Her phone vibrated in her pocket, making a slight noise as it vibrated against her keys. Timothy held out his hand, asking for the phone to be surrendered to him.

"Horatio. Who is he?" He instructed Caitlyn to unlock her phone and read the text message. He let out an arrogant laugh. "A date huh?" He kept her phone in his pocket. "Get out and walk towards the grey SUV. Don't even think of running or doing anything stupid."

"Where are we going?" She asked, just to confirm her suspicions.

"You know where we're going. Shut up and walk." Suspicions confirmed. They were going to his old house. She wondered if Horatio was going to notice she was missing. She had informed him that she was home safely. He's going to think that she was avoiding him after he sent that message. And now if she doesn't appear at his lab, he would really think she was avoiding her. She didn't exactly have a great track record when it comes to matters of the heart. She was going to die if Horatio thought she was avoiding him.

Horatio checked his phone for the third time. There was no reply from her still. She must have fallen asleep.

A/N: Let me know what you think of this chapter. Leave a review!