I decided no smut. :(
Enjoy our last summary!

We celebrated for hours, until the crew was so drunk that they all had to retire to bed. With a few more congrats, it was time for Killian and I to retire too. I took his hand and pulled him to his cabin. We entered the warm inviting room; I released my grip, and let him shut the door behind us. I walk over to the bed and sit on the edge. His eyes meet mine. We sit there in relaxing silence for a moment, enjoying each other's presence. He leans back against the door, then used his finger gesturing me to come to him. I sit there stubbornly, with a playful smile. He cocks an eyebrow at me. I gave up, and pulled myself up off the bed and walked over to my husband…my husband. I love that I'm able to call him that now. I wrap my arms around his neck, and his hands rest my hips. His head dipped down to my lips, ghostly touching them. His tongue brushed over my lips. I smile, pressing mine to his. The kiss was long lasting and gentle. We slowly part from each other.
"Are you happy," he pauses, and then flashes a smile. "Mrs. Jones?"
"I am, Mr. Jones." I rest my hand on his scruffy cheek. "Did you really mean what you said the night you purposed to me?" I ask.
"That was only half the things I wanted to say to you that night, so yes I meant it." He grins. "I meant every word, still do." We stare at one another for a few moments.
"Thank you." I say.
"For what?" he asks.
"For saving me… in more ways than one." I say.
"You're not the only who was saved. If I hadn't met you I'd still be the greedy, asshole of a pirate I was." I laugh.
"Well your still kind of an asshole." I say playfully. He tickles my side a bit. I laugh before resting my forehead against his "I love you." I whisper, feeling my eyes burn with on coming tears. "I love you so much."
"I love you more."

Thank you guys so much for reading! I had so much fun writing about these two. I'm going to start a new story soon. Not sure what I should write about, so maybe you guys can help me. Leave a review or message me with a story idea you'd like to read about. Thanks again guys! :)