Natsu never thought everything through but now all Natsu wanted to do was think. But all that was on his mind were the prevy naughty thoughts he had for his blonde celestial mage partner. All he wanted was to touch her... In ways he never touched anyone before.
But he wasn't the only one who had these types of feelings though.
Gajeel was straining himself just as much as Natsu, to hold himself back from touching his short bluenette book worm.
As dragon slayers however, they wanted to mate. And these were the two girls they would claim as theirs. But how would they do that? How would they even know how to love something.. To claim someone so dear to them? Would they lose control?
So many thoughts ran through the dragon slayers head, some not so suitable and others comforting... But what if they love of their lives, the woman they wanted to claim, sink their teeth in and touch their beautiful bodies, didn't accept them?
Little did they know the girls wanted them just as bad.
Lucy always wanted to be Natsus woman, Natsus everything. She had a lot of prevy thoughts about how Natsu would sink his sexy k-9's into her soft silky skin, to kiss everywhere on her body, to the part of his body always hidden from her sight. She wanted Natsu to take the last bit of her innocence, in every way. The her body ached just thinking about Natsu fulfilling her needs and making the ache between her legs go away...
Levy was a book worm, she didn't deny it. But her fantasy of being with Gajeel... In that way... She wanted to collapse into a million pieces. Of course she though of him like that! He was always protecting her... But Levy wanted him.. In ways even her probably thought she'd never think like. Levy, of course, has read all kinds of things about sex but never did she ever do anything like that with anyone... She wanted to Gajeel's and Gajeel's only...
And that's how things changed for these four guild members...

Natsu was usually never as grumpy as he was today. His mind was full of sexually hunger. His body yearned for Lucy in ways it hadn't ever before.

He pictured what he would do.. How he would take her.. How he would make her his...


"Natsu!" Lucy's voice sounded so sexy. She was yelling his name...
Wanting more of him... Stretched out beneath him sweating and panting. Her tit's bouncing as he intruded her body, as he bit her tits and pounded her body,
" dont stop..."
Her body trembled as he sunk his teeth into her neck, marking her, making her his. Pounding into her...


"Natsu! Are you just going to sit there and mop for no reason? Whats even wrong with you?"

Natsu looked up to find his bubbly blonde celestial mage who was standing over him with that cute pout face she made when he was doing something wrong. He buried his face into into his arms as he looked away from the beautiful wizard before him. oh how he wished he could sink his teeth into that..


Lucy became more annoyed. He just looked up at her and then looked away like she wasn't even standing there. She hated when he was like this. Why does he have to think like this? Stupid dragon slayer... Stupid sexy dragon slayer that she yearned for so much...

"Lu-chan!" Levy called out when she walked into the guild hall.

Behind her was Gajeel. He looked angry and annoyed. Him and Natsu didn't look like themselves and their aura... Something was fizzing through they're heads. Something must be up.

"Hey Levy-chan. How's it going?"

"Oh Lu-chan..." Levy grabbed Lucy and dragged her all the way to a corner of the guild hall out of the boys sights.

"Lu-chan... Gajeel..." Levy starred at her friend worried like. "He's acting weird... I woke up to cook for him and me... But he said he had no appetite... Then as we were walking here, i almost fell and when he caught me... It was like he pushed me up and started to walk faster... I wonder.. if I'm doing something... wrong..."

Levy's face was distraught. All she kept thinking about was if she was doing something wrong. Hopefully not. She just wanted Gajeel to be happy.. To know that.. She...

"Levy-chan your perfect. I admit he seems a little irritated but it couldn't be about you. Your amazing. He probably didn't sleep well."

Lucy didn't know if this was true or not but seeing Levy cheer up even a bit made Lucy feel like she accomplished something.

"Your right... Thank you Lu-chan... Maybe I'm overreacting..."

"Your welcome Levy-chan! Now lets have a fun day okay?"

Levy smiled such a beautiful smile." Yeah! Lets get some cake!"


When the girls left Gajeel took a table at the back of the guild hall. He was so lost in thought he didn't realize he sat alone until he heard her laugh. Shorty was a couple tables away, eating strawberry cheesecake. Of course she wasn't going to sit with him, he was being a huge jerk like always. But... He didn't mean it... It was just when he woke up... All his dreams were about Levy's slim tiny body trembling splayed out below him... Scratching his back , screaming his name...Gajeel couldn't handle that, those images that made him want to hold her until the night was no more...

"Hey..." Gajeel looked up and saw Natsu. His face looked as distraught as Gajeel's.

"What do you want huh?"

"Can we go talk..."

Gajeel looked up and saw that Natsus face was serious as could be.

"Yeah, what do you want..."

Gajeel and Natsu looked at each other in utter frustration. They both silently agreed they knew what the other was feeling. Just by looking at each other, they understood the others problem. But both idiots didn't know what to do. They had such simple minds and were trained for fighting. Woman were sure as hell not their specialty...

Dragon's only mate once.. And even after their mate dies, they wont ever find love again, so of course naturally, neither of them knew how to deal with these new profound feelings. Were they really...

"Gajeel. Natsu. Are you guys... um... okay?"

They both looked to they're companions. Lucy and Levy were standing next to them. Both girls looked so innocent and pure. Gajeel and Natsu both growled, their teeth growing as they hide their faces immediately.

Why did these girls have to be so worried... So cute while they worried? It wasn't like they were dying... They are just dragons... No one could care for a dragon like they...

"Lu-chan's heading home Natsu... And so am I Gajeel. So you guys have fun..."

"You shouldn't walk home alone. I'll walk with you." Gajeel began to get up when Levy stepped away from him.

"You don't need to do that. I don't need a body guard. So don't follow me."

Gajeel stopped in his tracks. He was stunned by the seriousness in Levy's voice. Even Natsu looked up in surprise. Levy had never been that angry with him before. He felt so fustrated. And before he could even protest Levy left him with his thoughts. She walked right out the Guild hall with out another word to him or anyone. Lucy had already left.

Both dragon slayers felt irritated. They knew all eyes were on them because of the outburst. Gajeel slammed his hands on the table and got up. His fist were clenched so hard it looked like he would bleed from it. Gajeel made no eye contact with anyone while he stalked off after Levy... Thats all he could do.

Natsu still , agiatated, walked off behind Gajeel. He had to go see Lucy. Or at least see if she was okay.

Both slayers opened the guild hall doors and walked in opposite directions.

Lucy started to take off he clothes to get into the bath. She was so jitty. Natsu's attitude made her feel so down in the dumps... She didn't understand what she did wrong. As she soaked in the bath she thought of Natsu. His tight abs, pink silky hair, warm body...

Stop it Lucy. Concentrate...

But she couldn't. Her dragon slayers body made her virgin body feel so much hotter in the bath.

As she got out she realized she ALWAYS looked at Natsu as her dragon slayer and no one else's... Not even Happy's. She didn't understand why she felt like this but she did. Natsu was hers... And she wanted to be Natsu's everything... In every way.

As she opened her door to her bathroom, Natsu stood there looking down at her inthe small towel she wore around her body, which was above average. She blushed as he looked away and stepped put the way. She rushed to her room and slammed the door.

He saw me... In only a towel... WHY THE HELL IS HE HERE?

As her heart raced behind a closed door, Natsu stalked over to it. He wanted her even more then he did earlier. He just wanted to rip that cloth off her body and nip at her delicate skin, ravish her with bite marrks from his k-9's. He wantd to kiss, rub, bite her till she moans..

"Hey.. Natsu.." The door was now open with a fully clothed Lucy, with short shorts and a tshirt that made her clevage more defined.

"Whats up?"

"I'm kinda... well cold. Can you hug me for a while?" He looked up to see Lucy shivering like a wet cat.

"You should put on more clothes if your that cold Luc." But after he said that he regreted it. She looked so rejected and sad. She wanted

Natsu to hold her. Lucy wanted Natsu to be her heat.

"Come on. Lets try to sleep." A stunned lucy turned to see Natsu take off his scarf and vest to plop on her soft bed.

As she layed down after turning off the light she looked at Natsu to see that he was watching her, like she was his prey.

Then he grabbed her, like he couldn't help himself, and kissed her soft plump lips. She replied with pressing her lips into his. Natsu didn't know what came over him as he moved Lucy's body to be all on her bed and underneath his full weight. He was so ready to take every ounce of innocence she had.

Their kiss broke. Lucy's breathe was shaky and her lips trembled.

Oh my.. Hes so... Natsu...

"Lucy... I'm sorry." Natsu looked at her so sheepishly. He knew he should of kept his urges under control. He knew he should have...

"Natsu, will you kiss me again?" Lucy's vioce trembled almost as much as her lips were. He didn't even hesitate to consume her lips all over time however he wasn't so gentle. His teeth nippled at her lips, his body towered over hers putting all his weight on the fragile body his dear Lucy had.

He wasn't going to be gentle... He knew he couldn't... He just hoped she wouldn't hate him for this...