Yes, it's the end.

And before you start filling up the reviews and PMs with questions, just read this out.

I'm going to write a squeal, it will be called Tales of a Feather.

I don't want to continue in one story; I mean going from chapter 30 to 35 to 45 would be crazy. Just think of this story as prolong (a really long prolong) to Amy's next stage in life as a nation. Besides I want to start focusing more on the supernatural and adventure genre than family and drama. I mean, the next story will continue to carry those traits, but it's transforming into something big.

In The New America, I focused more on Amy and her life. But in the squeal, Amy is going to get more involved with the nations and the spirits. She will be thrown into various situations with different nations that will change her little by little. She will also pick up some skills along way, which she'll need when she has to face her.

Till then, goodbye

With love: Sowelo.

Update: First two chapters are out, NOW.