'Sup guys? Before you decide to be angry with how long it's been since I've updated anything, I need to tell you that I've actually been working on an original work on . ( s/3211289/1/Fintan-The-Dragon ) ((Shameless self-promotion, lol!))

I've nearly graduated high school so soon I might have more time for my writing.

ANYWAY! Hope you guys enjoy!


"Ugh. Natsu did you put on weight again?!" Lucy groaned under the weight of her pink haired partner. Like usual, Lucy was stuck carrying the still-motion sick dragon slayer while Happy teased her from the air. Dante wondered why the knight-woman didn't carry him. She seemed much stronger than Blondie. Or the stripper-guy. Dante grimaced slightly in his mind. He had already forgotten their names. Well, everybody but Lucy's that is. But he wasn't quite ready to admit to that yet.

Erza read the request paper over again, locating the employer's residence. It was small, and insanely worn-down. It was so bad they all thought it would blow down with the slightest breeze. Naturally this meant Lucy and Natsu had to wait outside. Pyro and all that. Lucy gently sat Natsu on the ground, leaning him upright against a nearby boulder.

"What do you think of Dante, Natsu?"

"He's weird. He smells funny" Natsu groaned, still holding his stomach.

"Funny how?"

"I dunno, funny" Natsu shrugged, slowly getting better.

"That's a great help" Lucy pouted back.

The two best friends sat in silence, a light breeze passing them by. Natsu glanced over at Lucy, smiled gently at her as she pushed a lock of hair behind her ear, only to have it escape a moment later. Natsu groaned again as his stomach heaved again, sighing miserably as he leaned back against the rock. Lucy could only smile with pity at her poor friend.

"Oh, I forgot to ask, what is the job this time anyway?"

"We're gonna go kill a monster. Big, ugly thing I hear"


"Apparently it's terrorizing the village down the road from here"

"I see"

"You gonna be okay?"

"I'll be fine, Natsu, don't you worry" Lucy smiled kindly, patting his head gently, her slender finger sinking into his pink locks.

"You know, you could use a haircut."

Natsu only gave a somewhat disgruntled look.

"Yeah? And who'll do that? All the barbers don't like be since I've blown up their stores at one point or another"

"Cancer could do it for you" Lucy chirped, withdrawing her hand and retaking her seat on the ground next to Natsu. Natsu just scoffed as if the idea was ridiculous. Lucy replied simply be raising one of her eyebrows.

"I would rather not. I've seen what he can do" Natsu laughed, thinking of all the times that Cancer had made someone completely bald before their very eyes. Lucy laughed with him, her smile was radiant to him.


Dante sat uncomfortably on the lumpy couch, a scowl set quite permanently on his face. The knight-woman was talking with the old man who had put out the request.

Did Lady have to do this sort of thing when setting up jobs for them too? It's such a bore! Dante thought to himself, the creases in his forehead only increasing as the meeting went on. Ice-boy had stripped again, and was leaning against the couch behind knight-woman, Dante observed. Wendy, the only other name he had managed to remember, was sitting on a chair off to the side, like a child watching the adults having a conversation, her cat in her lap. That cat had an attitude.

"We'll be off right away then" The knight-woman said, standing up and shaking the old man's hand again. Her armour was clanking slightly, and it was irritating Dante slightly. Why the hell was she wearing armour for just a meeting anyway? Dante followed, standing after her and walking out the door, the others of the group right behind. What he saw irritated Dante even more for a reason he didn't quite understand.

The pink-haired guy was dancing around Lucy like an idiot, and she was laughing. Damn she was pretty when she laughed. Then Dante mentally punched himself in the face. He couldn't be thinking of girl's right before a big job! Despite his own berating, he still couldn't take his eyes off of the pretty blonde.