Note 9

Hello~! My, this really is quite the way to help and encourage each other isn't it? I'm sure you're doing fine but it always helps to check in and let you know how I'm (we) are supporting you Yuuta (it's supposed to be the whole team! Give me that pen! Ahhh! Don't die on us!). Sorry about that yes, erhm, keep doing your best and watch over Yuuta. Or. Else. Yes I am talking to you Mifuki.

Mizuki frowned as he read over the brief but somehow absolutely threatening and terrifying letter. Only Fuji could pull off sounding completely pleasant and encouraging and subtle death threats in the same paragraph. But of course by now the hair twirling manager was pretty used to this so he only seemed mildly displeased. "He got my name wrong again."

The others on the team were more so offended. "I think they forgot about the rest of us da-ne!" Yanagisawa exclaimed as he read over Mizuki's shoulder.

Atsushi nodded gravely, "Yeah I can see that…the only upside is that we aren't the ones being threatened."

Even so the captain was miffed, "Honestly, you bother sending the letter and only remember two of our players? One being our creepy manager and the other being their little brother; that just shows they don't respect us as a tennis team!"

"Well it's not like we made it very far in the tournament anyway," Atsushi pointed out, "my brother's team made it farther so maybe that's why more people remember them."

The duck-lipped tennis player looked down, "We really aren't very good then are we? I mean we rank lower than a bunch of beach bums with a first-year as a captain da-ne," he sulked.

"Than that just means we have to work harder!" Akazawa declared.

Mizuki looked positively mirthful at that remark, "I'll get to work on gather more data than~. Oh Yuuta-kun, would you like to tag along?"

He was blatantly ignored as the youngest Fuji re-read the letter over again. Yuuta placed a hand to his forehead and groaned. And people wondered why he decided to switch schools…

A/N: That moment when you realize how far behind on updates you are… Which school next?