Chapter 22 - The Battle

Isabella's POV

I teleported everyone to the forest area behind our army. We walked through the crowd. We could see people sitting around camp fires, eating.

'They did well setting everything up in two days.'

People stopped what they were doing, got up and bowed as we passed.

"Wow. Does everyone, here, know who you are?" Caius asked me.


I looked behind me as I heard someone running. I saw it was Jane who ran into the clearing. She ran past us, without stopping, to Aro.

David ran out two seconds later in wolf form. He changed back.


"Yes, I'm here."

We walked up to Aro and Jane.

"Master, they just entered the other end of the forest." I heard her say.

David ran to him.

"They will be here within in minutes." David said.

"Ok. Attention everyone..." Aro called out to everyone.

Everyone stopped and looked at him.

"We need to get ready. The army is not far away."

Everyone started rushing around, taking down tents and gathering everything to the side.

The dragons took true form and flew to the small clearings on the sides of this clearing.

We walked up to Aro and Marcus.

"Hello Aro. We must be just in time." I said.

He turned around.

"Isabella, Caius. You made it. Stefan and Vladimir, good to see you. Is this your coven?" He said.

"Good to see you too, Aro and yes. After the Russians attacked us." Stefan said.


"Thanks to Isabella and Caius, the rest of us survived."

Everyone gathered behind me and Aro as we heard running feet.

"They're here. Get ready." I said.

I stood next to Aro with my hood up. The Major stood on my other side while Marcus and Caius stood one step behind.

Just as we moved into positions, thousands upon thousands of vampires stepped into the clearing. At the front stood Dominika and Bogdan.

I looked through their numbers to find the people with powers. I found some of them grouped together at the front, just behind the leaders.

'That's stupid. That is the worst place to put them and the most obvious.'

They stopped fifty metres from us.

"What's this? The Volturi knew we were coming. How is this possible? No seerer could see through our shields." Bogdan said.

"Don't underestimate us. We have known for months." Jane said.

"We destroyed you."

"No. We were saved."

"No matter. We still outnumber you." Dominika said. "Don't worry, love, we will destroy them all and take our rightful place on the throne."

They moved forward.

"Not going to happen." Caius said. "We'll destroy you or die trying."

Our side cheered.

'Damien now. Light the fires and send out a fire blast to destroy as many of them as possible.'

'Of course.'

'Don't reveal your identity though.'

I saw fire come from all directions. The newborns and vampires saw it and tried to move out of the way, some forward, some back, pushing others forward.

The vampires at the front started blowing up.

'Hmmm. Land mines. Cool.'

I could see that there numbers have reduced. They lost about three thousand.

"What the hell?" Dominika yelled stepping back.

I threw off my hood. They looked over and saw me.


"Yes it is me. I warned you years ago and a few months ago, not to challenge the ruling party. I told you I would destroy you and anyone who ally's with you."

"No matter. We destroy you and take the place your son wanted long ago." Bogdan said. "We have many people among us who can neutralise your powers."

"I have taken down many of your people with powers including neutralisers. Why do you think that this will be any different?"

"Attack." He screamed.

The army ran forward.

Explosions went off as more hit land mines but they kept on coming.

"Major, now." Aro shouted.

Major gestured behind him. Rockets were shot at the army.

'Where the hell did they get those?'


"Aro, Marcus, here." I said and tossed them a blade each. "They are designed to destroy vampires."


"Everyone, take true form. Karina, you and the other nymphs, take to the skies. Shape shifters, take your most powerful form. David..."

He nodded.

Everyone did as well. He changed into his werewolf form.

I grabbed my blade and we all charged forward attacking the vampires that got through the explosions.

'Come and join us, Damien. Show them the power we have.'

'Thank god. I thought we would be waiting forever.'

The dragons took off and started throwing fire at the vampires in the back.


I charged through the enemy. I was looking through the vampires, for people with powers.

I knew I found some when powers started hitting my shields. I looked at their group and noticed there were thirteen vampires with powers.

I sent out a fire attack.


One tried to block it with fire but I was too powerful. He was destroyed. I saw more vampires fall.

'They must have been protecting that group of vampires.' I thought

I continued looking and I saw many vampires I thought were my friends but I knew they weren't now.

I found another group of vampires with powers. I just finished destroying them when I was attacked from behind. He tried to bite me but my shield protects against bites. I threw my shield off my body to throw the person off and turned around.

It was Eachann from the Turkish coven.

"Merhaba Eachann, benim müttefiklerinden biri olduğunu sanıyordum?" I asked in Turkish.

(English translation: Hello Eachann, I thought you were one of my allies?)

"Isabella Merhaba. Ben ancak Rusların beni daha teklif etti. Ben şimdi onlara hükmetmek istiyorum." He replied.

(English translation: Hello Isabella. I was but the Russians offered me more. I now want to rule with them.)

"Gerçekten seni izin verir mi?"

"(English translation: You really think they will let you?)


(English translation: Yes.)

He attacked.

"So be it."

I dodged him and cut him down.

"Ben yapanlara yok çünkü asla bana ihanet." I said as I threw him into the fire pit.

(English translation: Never betray me because I destroy those who do.)

I left the pit and continued attacking.

Aro's POV

I saw the dragons take off and everyone take true form, just as we reached the army. I sliced through vampires with the blade.

'Wow, their true forms are amazing and this blade is powerful.'

I was running through vampires left and right when I saw the confrontation between Isabella and one of the Turkish coven.

I saw the Turkish guy get cut down and thrown into the fire.

I looked around to see how everyone was doing, when I saw a dragon and three nymphs knocked out of the sky. Six vampires had grabbed the wings of the dragon and crushed them. The nymphs were flying underneath when the dragon fell.

I ran over to help them. I saw that they were all dead.

"NOOOO. Damien." Dale said landing near him.

I saw eight vampires start to surround us. Dale was sobbing.

"Dale, snap out of it. We are surrounded by vampires." I said.

She looked up.

"Damien wouldn't want you to stop fighting."

She stood up.

"You're right."

I saw Isabella start towards us. I looked at her and saw her eyes were almost red.

'Huh. She couldn't be. A vam...'

Everything went black.

Isabella's POV

I saw Damien fall. I was fighting my way over to him when I saw Dale land and Aro rush over.

I looked at Aro just as the vampires surrounded them. He and Dale got up.

'I think it's time to end this. We have lost many allies.'

Just as I looked Aro in the eyes, a newborn came up and tore his head off.


I exploded.

Marcus's POV

I saw the bond between Isabella and Aro change to soul mates as his head was ripped off.

"NOOOOOOO." Isabella screamed.


Some kind of bubble exploded out from where Isabella was standing incerating the enemy around her.

The next thing I know, a creature flew up into to the sky.

'It couldn't be. Isabella the Pure Blood Vampire? She has been with us this whole time. She looks different though.' I thought.

She was in a short blue black dress, no sleeves, high heel shoes and the black cloak she always wears. I saw her sword in a sheath at her side.

Isabella's POV

I took true form and flew into the sky. I knew I looked different, I could feel it. I was feeling the pain of Aro being ripped a part.

'Elemental gemma posuit, sociam covens tueri ab igne.' I thought.

(English translation: Elemental jewel, protect my ally covens from fire.)

Shields appeared around every coven member.

'My friends, please help in this attack. We have lost many of friends and love ones.' I thought to everyone. 'Those who can control fire come under me. Anyone can fly come up here. The rest stay, I will bring you up. Everyone else, you are protected. Please, stay together and keep fighting. I'm ending this now.'

Everyone cheered mentally.

I looked around and found the four dragons that were left and Karina and the other fire nymphs next to me and saw Ben on the ground.

"Aere levate adiuvare amice inrumpentium exterritis."

(English translation: Air, lift my friend to help with the attack.)

Ben was lifted up.

"I want you all to summon all the fire power you have as I speak this verse. My powers will combine with yours."

They nodded.

"Quacumque die invocavero miscere vires suas igni elementi afflige inimicum. Cum impetu coniuncta oppugnas mei sodalis. Post quæ nihil. Elementa et unita, et perdat." I said in Latin.

(English translation: I call upon the elements to combine their energy to fire to destroy the enemy. Combine you attack with the attack from my friends. Leave nothing behind. Elements unite and destroy.)

I felt all my energy leave me. My attack combined with everyone else's. The attack spread wide, destroying everyone.

I looked around and saw Karina, the other nymphs and Benjamin falling, unconscious.

I quickly grabbed the bottle of blood and drank it all. I felt my energy return.

"Aer, eripe animam meam amicis."

(English translation: Air, save my friends.)

The air raced down and pulled them short from the ground. I landed next to them.

I touched the nymphs and fed them energy. I, then went to Benjamin and gave him the other bottle of blood.

They woke up just as everyone started cheering.

"You did it." Everyone screamed."It's over."

'We did it. It is all over.'