"Calvin Benson! Out of bed, lazy bones! You're going to be late for school and I'm going to be late for work!" Olivia called for the third time that morning as she got ready for work, holstering her gun and attaching her badge to her belt, before rushing to the kitchen to throw together her son's lunch. She wasn't going to tell him again; if he wouldn't get up, she would go in there and douse him with cold water.

Calvin was warm and comfortable in bed, dreaming about Selena Gomez, but he knew that his mom would only call him three times. If she had to come into his room, she would be accompanied by a cup of very ice cold water. Calvin was no dummy, he preferred his showers warm, so he obediently dragged himself out of bed. Unlike Olivia, Calvin was not a morning person, and it didn't help that he had been up late reading his comic books, despite Olivia's strict instructions to turn off the flashlight and go to sleep. Still, he managed to shower and dress in record time.

"Well, good morning, sweetheart," Olivia chuckled when a sleepy Calvin appeared in front of her and put his arms around her middle, hugging her. Olivia returned the hug and kissed the top of his head, "we have time for a quick breakfast. How about milk, toast and blueberry jam?" She knew that this was his favorite, and she was rewarded with a smile.

Calvin arrived at school just five minutes before the bell was due to ring. Quickly, he gave Olivia a hug and a kiss. Olivia returned the affection while telling him to have a good day and to remember to write down all of his homework assignments. Calvin jumped out of the car and hurried into the building while Olivia quickly made her way toward the precinct. With any luck at all, she would be able to punch in exactly on time.

"Good morning, Olivia," Captain Cragen addressed her, "you and Nick are catching today, but we haven't had anything yet."

"Maybe we caught a break and crime has decided to take a holiday." Nick grinned from where he sat at his desk.

"Yeah, right, Amaro," Olivia rolled her eyes as she sat down at her own desk, "I've been at this job for almost twenty years. Trust me, even on an actual holiday, crime doesn't take a holiday."

Two hours later, still no cases had come in. Everyone was surprised. A day with no cases happened about once every two hundred years in this line of work. Olivia had finally resigned herself to a day full of paperwork when her cell phone rang. She put her pencil down, wondering who would be calling her.


"Hi, Mom." Calvin's voice came from the other end of the line.

"Hey, baby," Olivia greeted him warmly, "are you okay? Are you sick?"

"No, ma'am," Calvin assured her, "I'm okay. But I forgot my Geography notebook at home on the kitchen counter. Could you bring it to me, please?"

"Sure, I can do that. Give me ten minutes."

"Good morning, Detective. What can I do for you?" the secretary at the front desk greeted Olivia.

"I just need to drop this off to Calvin. He left it at home this morning."

"Oh, not a problem," the secretary smiled, "I'll have our office aid get it to him right away. He's in math class right now. He doesn't have geography until after lunch."

"Thanks." Olivia turned to go.

"Detective Benson? May I have a word with you?"

Olivia turned to see the principal standing in the doorway of his office. She walked into his office with him, preparing herself to hear about some sort of mischief that Calvin had gotten himself into. Calvin wasn't acting up anywhere near as much as he did when Olivia had first taken him in, but, like any normal child, Calvin had his good days and bad days.

"I was just about to call the precinct, Detective, but since you are already here..."

"Not a problem. What can I help you with? Did Calvin do something wrong?"

"Oh, no," the principal shook his head, "Calvin's behavior has been excellent. But we do have a situation with another one of our students, Leslie Morrison. She's in Calvin's class. She's eleven years old, and she hasn't been in school for about a week. As you know, parents are required to call and let us know if their child won't be in school, but we haven't heard from Leslie's parents. We've tried calling them three times, and nobody answered the phone. Would you mind terribly going to their address and checking things out?"

The principal handed Olivia a slip of paper with an address on it.

"I'll head over there right now." Olivia nodded as she glanced down at the address. She recognized it as being located in the wealthier side of town.

All seemed well when Olivia pulled up in front of the Morrison's house. The neighborhood was quiet, except for somebody's dog barking somewhere in the distance. Olivia walked up to the house and immediately pulled her gun when she noticed that the door showed signs of being tampered with. She nudged the door open with her foot and stepped inside cautiously.

She almost tripped over something, and looked down. There at her feet was the beaten, bloodied body of a woman, starting to grow cold. Olivia assumed it was Leslie's mother. A few feet away lay a man, Leslie's father, whose body was in even worse condition than his wife's. The room was a mess; blood everywhere, furniture overturned. Olivia's heart pounded in her chest as she whipped out her cell phone.

"Nick, get a bus over to 567 Crystal Ct. Two bodies on the scene, a male and a female. Signs of a break-in and signs of a struggle…. Their little girl goes to school with Calvin. She doesn't appear to be in the house, but I just got here, so I'll keep looking…. Okay…. No, not that I can tell…. Right."

Olivia ended the call and went in search of the rest of the house, praying that Leslie was still in the house somewhere. Alive.