Chapter 2

Diana reentered her apartment, her heart aching and her body longing for a man who kept his feelings safely locked away in the desolate frozen wasteland called his heart. She didn't know how much longer she could go on fighting for something that he obviously didn't want or even admit to.

She'd never realized how deeply it could hurt to love a man who didn't want to love her back, one that refused to allow her into his shadowy private world. Hadn't she more than proven how much she wanted to be let inside, that she wasn't going anywhere no matter how many times he had tried to push her away or how cold and callous he was towards her?

His dark, scowling façade may have kept everyone else at arm's length, scaring away those who would try to get close to him, but not her. She had come back time and time again because she loved him, hoped that maybe he had felt something for her too.

Maybe this was one battle that she was just never meant to win no matter how badly she wanted it.

A sudden soft thud caught her attention, causing her to spin quickly on her heel, her arms immediately raised and ready for battle despite being scantily dressed. Her anger with Bruce had put her more than in the mood for a good fight.

Diana froze at the sight before her, staring confusedly at the caped crusader standing just inside the balcony doors. His dark foreboding presence filled the entire doorway; his imposing masculine form outlined by the moonlight streaming in behind him giving him an even fiercer air if that was even possible. Seeing him standing here in her apartment larger than life was the last thing that she had expected to find.

"You didn't return to the Watchtower for medical treatment," his deep raspy voice cut through her still stunned mind like a hot knife, sending a sudden shiver up her spine.

The accusatory edge of his voice didn't go unnoticed by her, but she'd taken far worse from him and lived through it. He couldn't scare her away like he did everyone else with his harsh tone and scathing words. She knew it was his defense mechanism, but it didn't work on her which she knew got under his cowl more than anything.

Diana slowly lowered her arms as she appraised him for a long tense moment. "Are you here to hog tie me and take me back?" was her clipped response, her blue eyes blazing like twin flames despite the iciness in her tone.

"I wanted to make sure you were alright," he stated, doing his best to keep his focus on her face. His pulse was racing at the sight of her standing half nude in front of him.

Even though his face was cut like perfectly chiseled stone, his expression revealing nothing, she could still tell that he was trying not to stare at her barely clad form. "Why do you care?" she asked, folding her arms across her chest.

She wasn't about to admit to anyone, least of all him, that her shoulder throbbed mercilessly. She'd rather live with the pain than admit she needed treatment. Besides, she'd endured far worse than this.

He slowly walked towards her, his eyes never leaving her face, making her wonder if he seriously was going to tie her up like some animal and force her back to the Watchtower. Her shoulders set and chin held high, she refused to back down from him or any man for that matter. She was an Amazon, bowing to no man.

Bruce fought back the slight tug at the corners of his mouth as he drew near to her, knowing there was a part of her that was wondering if he was truly serious about forcing her to return to the Watchtower. She looked so regal, standing tall and proud like the fierce warrior he knew her to be. Her shoulders were back, cold defiance dancing in her blue eyes, practically daring him to try something…anything at that moment.

She appeared to be more than ready to do battle with him if provoked, but one of their typical sparring matches was not exactly what he had in mind to do with her at that particular moment. Diana had no idea how damn sexy she looked in that negligee or the fact that she was making his knees weak with such overwhelming desire he could barely put one black boot in front of the other.

Coming to a stop directly before her, Bruce stared into the impossibly blue depths that he could so easily drown himself in. He was dumbfounded and yet incredibly frustrated by the fact that she could have such an overpowering affect on him, causing him to so quickly loosen his hold on his resolute control.

On top of that, he was still furious himself for entering her apartment at all. What had he been thinking?

Focusing his thoughts once more, he forced him to respond with his usual cold detachment. "Because you're my teammate," he evenly stated, refusing to divulge more that he absolutely had to at that moment.

"Is that all I am to you?" she demanded to know. "A colleague?"

"You're my friend, Diana," he curtly snapped as he fought against the hot arousal rising deep within him.

Diana studied him, trying desperately to see past the mask and gruff words. This was more than she had been able to get out of him than before, but she wanted even more, demanded more. She had him here in her apartment and she wasn't going to back down. It was now or never.

"I mean nothing more to you?" she pressed further, remaining fearless beneath his withering glare.

Bruce could feel his heart beating faster, harder like a stampede of wild horses as she waited for an answer. A part of him wanted to run, to disappear into the protective embrace of the night, the dark shadows that would swallow him whole and protect him from this terrifying step he was fighting so hard not to take.

He didn't want to face this…her. He wanted to be able to banish his feelings for her, forget how his heart stuttered in his chest every time she entered a room or how his breath seemed to always catch in his throat whenever she looked at him with those mesmerizing blue eyes.

Then there was the other part of him, the part of him that wanted her more than the air he breathed. He wanted her in his life forever, wanted her to be his in every way. He wanted to build a life with her despite all the countless reasons why he shouldn't.

"Stubborn to the very end, Princess," he finally rasped, the edge in his voice now replaced with something more akin to deep frustration.

Diana stared unflinchingly back at him, her heart hammering so hard with his nearness she swore he could probably hear it. He was so close she could feel the soft brush of his warm breath against her face and causing that damn flutter in the pit of her stomach to erupt again.

She clenched her jaw, determined not to let him see what his close proximity was doing to her, how much of an affect he had on her. She would not give in this time. It was his turn to make the move if he wanted her.

Standing so close to her, Bruce fought to maintain control against the overwhelming urge to pull her into his arms and kiss her breathless. His heart, his body demanded that he take her now; his mind kept shouting at him how wrong this was, how this would only complicate their working relationship, their friendship. He didn't want to lose her if this didn't go well.

Tired of the games, Diana finally spoke. "Why are you here, Bruce?"

He could see the anger and heartache reflected in her eyes, the pleading note of her voice begging him to finally tell her what he had been refusing to admit, his real reason for being here in her apartment. It actually penetrated straight through his Kevlar armor and pierced his heart.

Couldn't she see that he loved her? Wasn't his presence here enough, speaking volumes about what he felt for her without having to say the actual words?

"I came here to see you, Princess…to make sure you were alright…nothing more," he bit out, his anger rising with each word that spewed like acid from his lips. The heated internal struggle between bat and man was growing unbearable.

"Well, you've seen me now," she said, still standing toe to toe with the formidable Batman. "I'm fine so I guess you can go back to your precious Gotham now." She suddenly turned away from him and headed towards her bedroom. "Shut the door on your way out."

Bruce watched as she disappeared into her bedroom, his heart clenching painfully in his chest. It felt as though she was walking right out of his life, giving up on him for good. He couldn't let that happen. He couldn't lose the only woman who seemed to know him almost better than he knew himself and yet she still cared about him, wanted him in her life…wanted a forever with him.

It was unimaginable to him, unfathomable.

"Damn it, Diana," he heatedly growled under his breath, his nostrils flaring.

Angry and hurt, Diana came to a stop in the middle of her bedroom, her arms wrapped tightly around herself. She began to wonder what it was going to take to finally make him admit his feelings.

She felt an unexpected gloved hand abruptly wrap around her arm, turning her and swiftly pulling her back into him. She suddenly found herself nose to nose with the terrifying Batman, pressed tightly against his black Kevlar uniform, his powerful arms keeping her pinned against him. He was breathing heavily, his intense gaze seemingly burning a hole straight through her and causing her to flush hotly.

Before she could even form a response, his mouth was suddenly on hers, hungrily kissing her with all of the pent up desire that he had been denying for so very long now. Suddenly in that moment, nothing had ever seemed more right to him in his entire life than having her in his arms.

Diana's head was spinning with the passion in his kiss, the sheer urgency behind it. She was afraid to truly hope at what this all meant, worried that it would end all too quickly and he would be gone.

She immediately parted her lips, begging him to taste her. His tongue was suddenly tangling with hers, so hot and demanding that she couldn't stop the moan that rose from deep in her throat. Her arms wrapped tightly around his neck, pulling him even closer and refusing to let him go any time soon.

She could scarcely believe that this was really happening, that Bruce was standing here in her apartment kissing her like this. She feared that it would end too quickly and he would take off again, disappearing into the night and regretting that it had even happened, refusing to admit that it ever had.

Retreating, Bruce quickly ripped his cowl off, revealing his handsome features as he fought to catch his breath. Diana took his face in her hands, her thumbs softly caressing his cheeks as she stared into the piercing blue eyes that she never got to see nearly enough of.

This was him, the real Bruce standing here before her, revealing himself to her. It all seemed too good to be true.

His mouth swiftly descended on hers again, stealing her breath as well as all form of coherent thought. His hands were intently roaming over her body, his fingers rough against her skin and she suddenly wondered when he had removed his gloves.

At that point, she no longer cared as one hand buried itself in her hair, the other caressing her backside through the silken material of her negligee. All she could think at that moment was how desperately she wanted this man in her arms, how she wasn't about to let him go without him knowing how much she loved him.

Her fingers slid up into his dark hair, tugging on the short strands as she returned his passion in full. His mouth suddenly left hers, descending down the slender column of her throat and relishing the feel of her sooth skin against his lips. She tasted even better than he had ever dreamed possible.

All logical reasons as to why he should stop this now quickly vanished from the Batman's mind in the wake of his crushing desire, his heated need for this stunning goddess in his arms taking over. There was no denying his love for her any longer, the hunger for her that seared through his veins and consumed his heart.

He wanted to take her and make her his once and for all, the sudden thought of her ever belonging to another man too painful to grasp. He couldn't allow that to ever happen.

Diana moaned at the feel of his hands and mouth on her skin, wanting and needing so much more. He was swiftly setting her body on fire as he kissed behind her ear, his teeth raking against the sensitive skin there.

She quickly began searching for a way to remove his Kevlar uniform, desperate to feel his warm skin pressed against hers. He took hold of her hands, guiding her to the hidden fasteners that would release him from its confines as he kissed his way back to her lips, needing to taste her again.

Nothing was going to keep him from having her now, nothing getting in the way of what he so desperately wanted. He had denied himself this for far too long, the countless reasons why suddenly so foolish.

She quickly began removing his uniform, anxious to feel him for once. She could scarcely believe he was finally giving in to what they had both been feeling, wanting; finally succumbing to the intense sexual tension that charged the air every time they were near one another.

Pulling back, he helped her remove the rest of his uniform and boots, desperate to make love to her. Staring at his chiseled form standing before her, Diana slowly traced the curves and valleys of his muscular chest, admiring the perfection that was Bruce Wayne.

Her lips soon followed, caressing each and every scar that marred his skin as if trying to erase the past pain that he'd had to endure. He buried his hands in her thick raven hair, his head tilting back as his eyes fell closed in rapture at the feel of her warm lips brushing against his chest.

It had been far too long since he had allowed himself to actually feel something for someone and let someone into his heart. Nothing before that he'd ever experienced in his life could have ever prepared him for this moment, for the heated passion and love being shared with this Amazon princess who had somehow managed to steal the heart of the Batman.


Her name was like a strangled gasping plea on his lips, his chest heaving with a need so fierce he thought he might go mad. She was driving him absolutely wild as she seductively kissed her way up his throat, along his well-defined jaw before finally reaching his mouth once more.

Their lips met again in a breathless gasp, his fingers immediately pushing the straps of her nightgown off of her shoulders. She abruptly broke the kiss, hissing softly as his hands gripped her shoulders.

Bruce smirked, shaking his head softly as he gazed into her eyes. "So it does hurt," he scoldingly murmured. "My stubborn Princess."

Turning his head, he slowly trailed kisses along her collarbone, being careful as he reached her badly bruised skin. He tenderly brushed his lips over the purplish-blue discoloration, silently apologizing for not being able to keep her from being hurt.

Diana panted at the feel of his warm lips against her skin, his one hand suddenly finding her breast. Heaven and hell and everything in between could've collided in a mighty explosion at that moment and she couldn't have cared less. All she knew was Bruce and the amazing pleasure he was stirring deep within her.

"I'm so sorry, Princess," he murmured against her wounded shoulder, wishing he could take her pain into himself.

"Bruce…" she breathlessly gasped as his hand teased her breast. "I want you…now."

His hands were suddenly on her firm thighs, grasping hold of her before lifting her up and wrapping her long legs around his waist. She firmly gripped his face in her hands, kissing him with all the love that she felt inside for him.

Before Diana realized it, her back was hitting her bed, Bruce moving over her. He settled between her spread legs, completely stunned by her utter splendor. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on, both inside and out.

"You are so beautiful," he softly murmured, his chest beginning to heave with the heated passion pumping through him at that moment.

Bruce lightly traced the delicate curve of her face with his fingertip, drinking her in and committing it to memory. He didn't want to forget one single moment of being with her.

Diana softly smiled up at him, her body craving him, wanting him now. She reached up, grasping him by the back of his neck and pulling him down onto her. He kissed her deeply as his hands began to explore every inch of her, remembering that this was her first time. He wanted to make it special for her…for them.

His hand stroked her thigh before wrapping his fingers around her smooth skin, pulling her leg higher. Lining himself up, he slowly pushed into her, hating how he was about to cause her pain.

Diana broke the kiss, her head falling back as she cried out at the sudden intrusion. Sharp pain shot through her as he waited for her to relax, knowing it would soon pass. He brushed soft kisses against her face and throat as he gave her time to adjust to him.

The feel of being buried deeply within her core was better than anything he'd ever known, making it more than difficult to hold still when all he wanted to do was thrust even deeper into her over and over again. He was desperate to make love to her, to replace the pain he'd caused with nothing but fierce pleasure.

"Just breathe, Princess…" he whispered against her lips, taking her face in his hands and forcing her to look at him.

Diana pulled him closer still, her lips crashing into his and kissing him hard. He slowly began to move within her, setting a slow steady rhythm. He could scarcely believe how well they fight together like two pieces of the same puzzle as he made love to her. It was almost as if this amazing goddess had been solely created for him and him alone.

Diana could barely catch her breath as Bruce made love to her, the feel of him so hard within her the most amazing feeling she'd ever experienced. Sharing this first time with him was more than she could've ever hoped for.

Panting heavily, Bruce pressed his forehead into the crook of her neck as he began to thrust faster, harder. Diana repeatedly moaned his name; a breathless erotic chant that only turned him on even more if that was possible.

She began to writhe beneath him, her fingernails raking across his back and causing him to gasp her name. A soft sheen of sweat formed on their skin on they made love, their mutual moans and pants filling her bedroom.

Bruce could feel her walls begin to grip at him, her climax quickly approaching. He quickened his tempo, his lips caressing her throat as he pounded into her. She came with a sudden scream of his name, her body trembling violently as he came as well in a fierce release, emptying himself deeply within her.

He wrapped her up in his arms, pulling her close against him as he rolled to his side. Diana pressed her lips against his chest, her hands stroking his sweat slick skin. He softly caressed her back, his mind reeling with what they had just done.

Diana leaned up, pressing her lips to his and relishing the feel of him lying in her bed beside her. "That was…amazing…" she breathlessly whispered.

Bruce smiled at her as he gazed into her gorgeous blue eyes clouded with rapture, pleasure that he had created. "It was better than my dreams," he admitted.

"Your dreams?" she smirked in surprise. "You mean you've been dreaming about me?"

Embarrassed, he immediately realized his mistake. "Well…I mean…"

"I've dreamed about you," she admitted.

His smile slowly returned, the thought of Diana dreaming about him arousing him all over again. "I have to confess there has been a dream or two, but I admit to nothing more."

"Nothing more?" she teasingly asked. "Not even that you have feelings for me?"

Diana leaned in closer, her lips slowly teasing his ear before blazing a seductive trail of kisses along his jaw, taking her time to torture him. Her hand stroked his abdomen before working her way further down, causing him to suddenly gasp as she took him in her hand.

"Because…I love you, Mr. Bruce Wayne…billionaire playboy…the Dark Knight…the terrifying Batman…" she purred in his ear, grinning as she felt him tremble against her. "I love you…every single part that makes up you."

Bruce felt his heart race with her words, the very words that he had been secretly dreaming of hearing her say for so very long now, but was too terrified to hope. Diana loved him – all of him, the dark and the gloomy, the moody and the sullen, the broken and twisted.

For some incredible reason, she loved him.

His analytical mind wanted to question it, to scrutinize every single aspect of him and tear it apart bit by bit, but his heart already knew.

He swiftly rolled Diana over onto her back, keeping her between him and the mattress. His leaned in kissing her deeply, his fingers interlocking with hers. He pinned her hands to either side of her head in ultimate control, knowing she could easily escape him if she truly wanted to.

Pulling back, Bruce gazed into her blue eyes, suddenly knowing that after all these years he'd finally found his way home. "I love you, too, Princess," he murmured, nuzzling her nose with his.

Diana smiled as she stared up at him, her heart suddenly soaring. He leaned down and kissed her passionately, anxious to show her how he felt all over again.

Bruce could scarcely believe that this was real, but he found for the first time in his life he could breathe – actually, truly, deeply. With her, he could finally breathe.