Talking is a very essential part of anyone's life. If you don't talk then people will assume that it's their job to talk for you. I know better than anyone. No I am not dumb, or some kind of "freak" as they like to call it, who won't talk just because she has been through something. I just choose not to talk. Its just better that way. If I don't say anything, I can't hurt people by saying the wrong stuff. So yeah. I guess you can say I'm REALLY shy!

But sometimes, like I said, people try to take control over my life for me. Like my parents, the owners of the second biggest record label in the country. They think and I quote "honey we are your parent, we know what you are thinking so you don't have to talk." Sometimes it works but sometimes….. it doesn't.

Well long story short, I am really shy and I don't open up to people that often.

Hi, meet me Ally Dawson the shy 23 year old who is currently working as an editor in a newspaper organization.

Tonight my family and I have been invited to dinner by our only competition, the biggest record label of the country, Moon Records. They wanted to discuss something with my parents so that's why we have been invited. The Moons (mike and mimi) have a super star soon whose name is, well I think you guys know, Austin Moon.

I do listen to his songs and they are quite good. And also, from what I've heard he is a really nice guy. Anyways back to the dinner. I quickly got ready for this "Important dinner". I was wearing a black dress with a sweet heart neckline with thin straps. (just imagine Ally's Dress in club owners and quincinearas but in black.) I decided to pinup my bangs along with some of my hair. I put on some light make up and some black heels and I was ready for the dinner.


We arrived at Moons Manor and were greeted by Mark and Mimi Moon themselves.

"Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Dawson, so nice to meet you. And you must be Ally, right?" Mr. Moon said.

"Yes, Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Moon." I said shyly. See I told you I can talk. I just choose not to cuz I am shy.

"Oh please, call us Mike and Mimi. Oh and please follow us to the dining room. Dinner will be served shortly." Mimi said as she walked into the kitchen while Mike led us all to the dining room.

"So Mike, where's Austin by the way?" my das asked. For a couple of rivals they do seem quite casual with each other.

"oh hes taking a shower. He'll be down in time for dinner." Just as Mike finished his sentence, a blonde haired man walked into the room.

"oh and there he is. My son, Austin Moon." Mike said as he patted Austin on the back. The magazines were right. He is drop dead gorgeous.

"Austin, this is Ally. Lester Dawson's daughter." I heard Mike say. Austin held his hand out for me to shake. I shyly shook his hand. If you all are wondering why I didn't have a fangirl; well that's because I am used to it. When your dad owns a record label, you get used to seeing famous people all the time.

"Dinners Ready!" we heard Mimi as she walked in the room holding a tray. Well then, let the dinner begin.

(After Dinner)

Well now that dinner was over it was time for that big talk. We all gathered in the TV room for that big talk. To say the dinner was awkward was an understatement. The only people who spoke were my dad and Mike, who were discussing business and Mom and Mimi who were discussing fashion. That left me and Austin in a totally awkward position.

"Well then, lets get down to business!" Mike said. "Lester as you know that we both have a very powerful position in the music business. You and I both know is that the only competition we have is each other." My dad noded.

"Well then, I was thinking that why don't we finish this competition for good." Mike smiled at my father.

"Mike are you suggesting…" "Yes Lester, a merger! Together we can rule this industry. What do you say?" Mike asked.

"Well I say that it's a wonderful idea Mike!" my father said happily.

"But there is one thing. As you know in the past people have tried to double cross me. So I was thinking, of something to make this more permanent."

Queue dramatic pause.

"I was thinking marriage. Your daughter Ally, with my son Austin. What do you say Lester?"

WHAT! How… What? I have to say something.

"That's a wonderful idea Mike!" my mom said. What the heck is she thinking?

"I agree with Penny Mike. What better way to make this permanent than marriage. But I think we should ask the kids first!" THANK YOU DAD!

"Oh I talked to Austin about this he is absolutely fine with this! What do you have to say Ally dear?" Mike asked me. Now is my chance to say no. I can do this!

"Well of course she's fine with it. Aren't you Ally dear! She's really shy so she doesn't speak a lot, but as her mother I know what she thinks!" REALLY MOTHER!

"Well then, its settled! Let us all toast. To a new beginning!" with that everyone toasted. Everyone but me. How can they do this to me! I just simply got up and went outside.

"She just needs some air." I heard my mom say and with that I was out of the house. I HATE MY LIFE!


Ally was just sitting on front door step to catch some air and to clear her head. She could not believe this was happening to her. She heard the door behind her open and felt someone sit beside. She turned her head to see it was the blonde pop star.

"Hey Ally, right?" Austin said. Ally just rolled her eyes and stayed silent. She currently had her legs up to her chest and her arms on her knees and her head resting on top of them.

"Listen, I know that all this is a lot to take in. believe me, when my dad first told me this I wanted to run. But I decided not to because he has done so much for me in life, I owe him everything."

Ally remained silent.

"I know this is gonna be very uncomfortable for you, so if it makes you feel any better, I will convince my father on court marriage. Just a couple of signatures and that's it." He waited for Ally's reply but again she didn't answer. He finally to leave Ally alone since he knew what it was hard.

A tear escaped Ally's eye when she heard Austin leave.

After a while, when Ally had found her composure, she went inside just to find her parents ready to leave.

She decided to face outside as she didn't have the courage to face the Moon's.

The car was filled with akward silence. Ally knew she was in for it when she reaches home. As soon as they stepped inside Ally's mom shouted, "Ally what were you thinking? Running off like that. Do you know how embarrassed we felt!?"

"Im sorry mom, but it takes time to let it all sink in. I mean its not every day you are forced to marry a rock star, who you don't even know." Ally shouted. The thing with Ally is that, whenever she is around the people she knows, she can talk and talk and talk. She's just like everyone. But when she is around new people, its like someone has turned off her talking switch.

"And how could you say yes. You know that I cant… how can you say yes without even telling them that I cant…" Ally was cut off.

"Ally sweety, if you think I didn't tell the Moon's about your secret than your wrong. When you stormed out of the room I told Austin and Mimi everything. They are well aware and are still ready for the marriage."

Ally was in shock. She couldn't believe that someone has accepted her despite her flaw.

"Ally honey, not all people have the heart to accept that. But they did. And I know Austin will keep you happy. And besides, you know how much this means to you father. So please, Ally, I beg you. Don't turn it down."

Ally could see tears forming in her mother's eyes. If anything she couldn't see her mother cry. She knew she had no choice but to say yes.

"Fine! I wont." As soon as Ally replied, her mother was over joyed, and started to thank her a million times.

"That's great honey, I'll call Mimi right now and tell her to get everything ready. We have to be quick. Austin has to leave for New York in a week so we have to get everything done by that time."

"New York? You mean.. I .. I am moving to New York?"

"Um yes. Yes you are!" with that Penny was out of the room.

Ally marched into her room locked the door and slid down. Tears were streaming down her face. She wanted to all this be just a dream.

In a week she will no longer be Ally Dawson. She will be Ally Moon, wife of the famous singer Austin Moon. In a week she will be living with a person she barely knows, miles away from her home town.

In a week, everything will change.

A/N: Hey guys! I hoped you liked the first chapter of my new story. Please please please review as more reviews equals faster updates.

Oh and in the chapter you might have read that Ally has a secret… keep that in mind as that secret will be told in the chapters later on.

Thanx for reading.
