*Disclaimer: I own nothing recognizable, all those rights go to Stephenie Meyer. As all song rights go to the listed artist. I only own any original characters.

A/N: Hi, I know it's been a long while between updates, so I hope that you are still with me. I could give reason after reason as to why it's been so long but I do believe it's been long enough so better to get on with the story.

But first I need to put out some IMPORTANT comments about this chapter.

This is a LONG one so get comfy and be ready to absorb a lot of information as I wanted to hammer this out so we could move forward a bit more quickly (please note I said a bit).

We will get Old Quil's back story and find out who he really is; and in doing so to make his back story work for this tale, I did alter some of the original legend about the wolves' origins (and in doing so, I mean no disrespect, it is just my take on how to tie this story together). So you are warned, if that is an issue now or in the future you might want to end here.

We also get more Paul in this chapter, and see a bit of what he is thinking since it's been a while. A quick note is please remember that Paul is a hybrid like Bella and able to change between human, traditional werewolf and shifter wolf (and in this chapter you should be able to figure out how that was made possible).

Most importantly in this chapter, Bella will tell her tale to Sam. I want you to know now that Bella will make some crass comments to someone about their occupation. It's not a personal view, it's just how I see my character reacting after the past she has had and the way she was brought up with Manny and his crew.

Also Spanish isn't my forte; I am not fluent so please bear with me on that.

As always, I want to thank all of you who have reviewed, read, and added this story to their favorites and to their following list. All of your support means so much to me.

There's so much I want to say

But I'm so scared to give away

Every little secret that I hide behind

Would you see me differently?

And would that be such a bad thing

I wonder what it would be like

If I told you

Song: If I Told You

By: Jason Walker

Fear and panic raced through the elderly man as he stared at the ominous cloaked figure. The Volturi have always been a sign of bad things to come, but most of all a sign of death and oppression. In that moment he wondered why he hadn't met his death yet as nobody crossed their path and lived to tell, causing his brow to furrow and for his eyes to narrow in curiosity.

"What is this? Red Riding Hood and her Big Bad Wolf?" he mocked. He couldn't help it; one, he was a sarcastic ass and two, if he was to be dead he would already be unless the vampire wanted to toy with its meal beforehand; and if so he planned on annoying it to no end and in return hopefully giving him a quicker end. Did he still fear? Yes, but who wouldn't fear as they faced down death. He just had to push it aside, because if he was going to die he wanted to know all he could by goading the leech into sharing. 'Even from the other side there is still the ability to make an impact in the battles to come,' raced through his thoughts as his lips twisted in a sneer as he looked up in defiance.

"Something like that old man," snickered a sweet feminine voice from under the hood.

"Why are you here?"

"Impatient in your old age, aren't we?" Her twinkling voice was filled with amusement. "But if we are to do this then I guess introductions are required, or maybe not," she mused as lily white hands emerged from the inner depths of her robe, rising upward to lower her hood, which allowed her face to become free to the moonlight. This caused old Quil to take in a sharp breath at the familiar face that stood before him but now looked back at him with amber eyes.

"Rosalie," he murmured with shock.

"And I believe you already met my, as you put it, big bad wolf, otherwise known as Paul," she snickered knowing that mangy wolf would have had completely lost it with the reference he was her pet. "Well now that introductions are out of the way, shall we discuss business or as I like to say our common tie?" she smiled as she offered her hand to the man who still remained perched on the forest floor

'Hardly,' he muttered to himself as he rolled his eyes at the gesture before stiffly making his way to his feet allowing him to come eye level with the vampiress. "The only common tie we have, Cullen, is a treaty. Which you are currently violating."

"What, can't accept a helping hand from an old acquaintance?" a saccharine smile playing on her ruby red lips. "And treaty? What treaty do we have that binds us?"

"Does the innocence act ever really work?"

"On mortals," she mused with a slight shrug. "They weren't born to resist such charms."

Internally he sighed knowing how true that statement was. Because if mortals could resist, there would be a few less vampires in this world. "Don't play coy on the treaty, Cullen. A vampire's memory is like an elephant's; it never forgets."

"Now you know that isn't true. What is you go by now; hmm…oh, right - Quil," she smirked. "We don't remember much or if anything of our mortal exist-"

"That's because you weren't a blood bag yet - hence no special enchantments," he bit back as he stretched out his sore body from the impact to the ground the werewolf had blessed him with.

"True." She knew the games annoyed him to no end but it was in her nature to enjoy them and in his too at one time. And for her mental games weren't something she got to do very often anymore when you lived with the masters of manipulation.

"So again, Rosalie Cullen, why are you here risking death by violating the treaty?"

Before he could blink she had closed the gap between them with an amused smile dancing on her glossy red lips. "You're right; I am being coy. I remember very well a treaty, BUT I am in no way playing coy when I ask what treaty binds us," she smirked as she pointed between the two of them before quickly gesturing to her changing eye color, "Because as you can see I am no longer a member of the Cullen Coven. So that makes their treaty terms null and void for myself granting me the right to stand here or perhaps over there," her voice full of mirth as she danced around from spot to spot before stopping abruptly and turning her amber eyes towards him. With a devilish smile playing at her lips, "I wonder, would you feel the same on this issue if Sarah was the one standing here? How does that exactly work. Hmm...born of Quileute blood, dies with Quileute venom tainted blood coursing through her veins. Is she allowed on Quileute land without harassment?"

'Sarah!' The name instantly made his blood chill as his hairs stood on end from the looming shadow that now seemed to creep over him. "How do you know Sarah?"

"Typical male, answering a question with a question," she snorted. "Let's just say Sarah is the one to convert me to the dark side," she sighed as she waived her hand down her black cloak to gesture her meaning.

"What would Sarah need a Cullen for?" frustration lacing his words at her ability to dance around a simple answer.

"She doesn't," she hissed. "Does it look like I am resembling a Cullen anymore?"

"That is like saying if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, it must be a duck," he snorted in amusement at her annoyance. "But to make it more relevant for you; if it has cold marble skin, sparkles in the sun, thirsts for blood, (and blood is blood no matter the source) it must be a vampire."

"When did you become so proverbial? Because I remember a time when you couldn't go five minutes without some sort of mischief - unless your hide was on the line. But that is how you ended up here, isn't it?"

"As much as I enjoy this go around, do you mind answering why Sarah would need you (an EX Cullen) when she has so many vampire servants to choose from?"

Rosalie sighed agreeing this was getting them nowhere; while it was amusing for a bit, her time was limited. "Because she needed someone with no loyalties to the Volturi. Someone that could deceive them for the purpose of protecting her secret, yours, this tribes, and who would do anything to secure what is in the best interests of Bella. That there Old Man is our common tie, Bella Uley."

Old Quil felt his heart race in fear. 'It's too soon to secure what is in the best interests of Bella,'pulsed through his thoughts as her words forced themselves front and center. How could Sarah send for the girl so quickly? She had to be able to see it wasn't time. Yes the girl had met with her son but the girl was still in no way cemented in any bond to aide in the future. 'What could the girl profit from being under the Volturi thumb instead of remaining here where she was free to learn and love; and not be turned into a weapon without ever knowing those comforts,'the nonstop panicking thoughts kept coming endlessly.

Rosalie could hear his heart's erratic beat and how deeply he smelled of fear. 'Can shape shifters have a heart attack? 'she pondered as she watched the distressed being. Sighing internally she knew she couldn't take the chance as he played a role in this and Paul almost killing him once was enough for one day; she didn't need to be the one responsible for his death and for Sarah's wrath. Reaching out she placed her hand gently on the old shifters shoulder, allowing him to escape his thoughts for a moment and turn his eyes to her. "It's time we go over what and why Sarah has sent me, Kear," her voice even and soft as she watched him, startled at hearing his true name. It made her wonder how long it had been since he actually heard it.

"I almost didn't recognize it as it sounds so foreign now," his voice wistful as he was taken back to another time.

"Mmm...," she hummed as she took a seat upon a log, her amber eyes carefully observing the form the shifter had taken causing her to wonder why he would choose this exact form and for how long had he maintained it. "Feel free to shift back, I became fond of your troll like form... after a few cringe worthy encounters," her amusement at the jab showing in her voice and by the curve of her lips.

Her words seemed to be the key that unlocked his entranced state, as his once distance gaze focused onto her. "Tell me, Rosie, did the venom enhance your narcissistic trait when you turned or were you always so vapid?" he snorted. "Because only someone so vain of their own sparkling appearance would find my true form troll like-"

"Oh, please. There was a reason your kind could change their appearance; and it wasn't for your ability to blend in oh nat-ur-al," she snorted.

He paused for a moment with his mouth left half open and froze in mid retort as the glint of righteousness went from his eyes and it morphed into defeat.

"So go ahead and shift back. I promise to keep all jabs to a minimum."

"Ever think I choose to stay like this?" he sighed in defeat.

"Uh, no. Patience was never your virtue."

An amused snort filled the space between them as he silently moved towards the log taking a seat next to the sassy vampire. He couldn't blame her assumption. When their paths last crossed he was far from patient as it was a quality he truly lacked. He proved the saying true; he wasn't comfortable in his own skin or anybody else's for that matter and he changed his form randomly and sometimes hourly. "Are you fond of stories?"

Rosalie felt the snarky retort making its way to her tongue; yet as it reached the tip she found herself swallowing it as she took in his haunted expression, causing her to slowly nod for him to continue.

With a heavy sigh and his eyes focused onto something in the distance, he managed to find his words. "Know that while I might look senile I can assure you I am quite lucid. So when this seems to have veered off track, I can assure you that we are just taking the long way around as there are no short cuts in good storytelling," he chuckled as his lips twitched upward into a half smile before his eyes shut and he drew in a deep breath. When his eyes reopened the words once again came.

"Long ago when the children of the moon fell and aligned with those they were once sworn to hunt, it left the beings of the otherworld no protection from vampire kind; in fact it suddenly became a massacre for my kind (shifters) and many other races (nymphs, sprites, etc.) as now not only did the vampires hunt us so did the wolves; all in order to appease their new master in his thirst for our blood as it is like ambrosia compared to a mortal's blood when drank. Our blood held another allure to the vampire king, forcing it onto those who weren't drained. Those unlucky few were imprisoned and forced to breed with mortals on the threat of death. All this in order to give Aro more hybrids he could change into vampires with gifts. I, like many, had no desire to find myself in either situation and it wasn't often our kind congregated due to the risks of such a gathering but with an enemy so strong we needed to try and find a way for survival."

"It was in that meeting, we all agreed the best way to survive until the next alpha was born, to lead a revolution. Was that we had to find small groups of mortals who were desperate themselves for protection. We would give them what they needed for protection by using our gifts and in return they protected us. For shifters we all agreed on the same thing; we would make our own warriors, our own army to fight off the vampires and Children of the Moon that hunted us. After that night, I wandered many nights looking for the right place and opportunity to offer my services and within these woods I found it," his words stopped abruptly as his mind wrestled with how to continue. The mantra, 'some things are best left unsaid,' won out causing him to leave his first interactions as just that and going forward with the need to know.

"The tribe's people know their legends, the elders more than most. But like all legends they are "based" on a truth, which as the more it gets passed around it begins to blur and becomes a tangled mix between fact and fiction. Like your kind for example all the world knows of vampires, BUT they believe them now of something based on a novel, a creature that turns into a bat, is easily killed by splintered wood, has some form of allegory to garlic, and burns to dust in the sun's rays. When in truth your existence is based in the Fates' hands, you are incapable to shift into a flying rat, your skin is like granite that leaves wood useless, garlic does not repel you from feeding it just adds a bit of seasoning to the blood you drink, and instead of bursting into flames in the sun you burst into a giant disco ball. So it is no surprise what the tribe knows and believes about how they attained their magic; is a bit misinterpreted and who was I to correct them?"

"Their beliefs were in my favor and they kept me more off the radar and better hidden. If nobody remembered the shifter who bartered their blood for safe harbor, nobody could again ask for it or blackmail for it, allowing me to live in peace and change forms as I saw fit to live within the tribe as someone new when the time came. Yet I wasn't foolish when I gifted the tribe magic. Mortals are greedy and impulsive and giving them free range with a full shifter's blood would be more than they could handle. So I bound them to one form and for the magic to lie dormant in the blood until the threat of vampires were close. Only when their presence was detected through scent would it trigger the lifelong change. Lastly, I had to choose a form; knowing that the Children of the Moon at one time were best to fight those that hunted us, I made my own type of Child of the Moon."

"So I bound my gifted blood to the form of a wolf, a wolf that was large enough to fight its prey and that could change at will with no ties to the moon. I chose the form of a wolf as like the Children of the Moon they were ruled by an alpha society. One strong leader to keep the rest in line, also the wolf's priority is to its pack and they fight well in numbers. All things that benefited me in my pursuit of protection."

"With the chief and tribe agreeing to my terms, a bonfire was called and the pact was put in place giving my gift to a chosen bloodline. Chief Taha Aki's line was the one chosen, you now know the line as the Black family. That night the chosen warrior's blood was poured into cup, along with the blood of a chosen wolf and finally my blood was added acting as the binder." He paused for a moment cringing at the memory, "Once he drank all that was in the cup, it caused his body to convulse from the fever and his body to twist and contort as bones broke and took a new shape; after hours of suffering with one last blood curdling scream, his body exploded into a giant wolf, one stronger and larger than a Child of the Moon turning him into what I believed would be able to more effectively fight the vampires and Moon's Children to come.

"And that time did come, and when it did, Taha Aki's line almost became decimated calling for them to call upon me again asking for the help in creating a new warrior bloodline; this time the Ateara line and Uley line were chosen. In return I bartered a new home out of it and meat from their hunts. They again agreed and once they could get blood from two more wolves of the same pack as Taha Aki's wolf I would bind them. A few weeks later they acquired the missing blood and that night the ritual was done once again but this time the cup was not only a mix of chosen warrior's blood, the wolf's blood, and my blood but a mix of one another's blood. Only Taha Aki's cup differed; it only contained the blood of wolves and the men, all in order to bind them completely as a pack and gift them with a form of communication. Once they drank the new blood ties caused them to suffer just like Taha Aki suffered on his first shift-"

"Wait. You made them drink one another's blood, the blood of slaughtered wolves, as well as your own? And yet you and the mutts call us bloodsuckers."

"How else do you bind a blood magic? Besides it was a one-time deal - well sort of. And nobody was slaughtered as the wolves had to give their blood willingly because they were taking a part of their essence. That isn't something that can be taken, it had to be given."

"I'm still not getting the point here," her tone showing her boredom.

"I was getting to it before you felt the need to put in your two cents. Do not interrupt again, I'd like to get to the point sometime soon as I feel this night is far from over when it comes to a wealth of information," he grumbled knowing that the vampiress would have her own tale of information to share. "It was about five years after you and your coven had come and gone that I let my arrogance get the best of me. I let myself roam the city and forest without any form of cover for my scent; deciding my sage pouch was unnecessary I let it at my cottage. I was so comfortable and complacent in my safety net that I didn't notice the two vampires that followed me into the forest. It was there that I was attacked and after a small chase, been caught and about to be bitten when the Ateara wolf came out of nowhere and engaged my assailants. It didn't take long before one vampire used the wolf's focus on its counterpart to tackle the wolf, wrapping its arms around its core and began to squeeze-to this day I can remember the echoing snap that emanated as the wolf's spine broke."

"In that moment, the Uley and Black wolves barreled onto the scene. Knowing in that moment these vampires were going to be a difficult match for two wolves who basically stopped shifting, I drank the contents of the bottle that hung from my neck binding me to these men and wolves as I shifted my form and joined in the fight. However the moment I took form, I was assaulted with horrific pleas for help, orders and feelings that were not my own - making it difficult to remain focused during the fight, yet I managed and with the three of us we disposed of them. It was in the moment that the fighting stopped my mind became fully engulfed with so many thoughts, feelings and memories that were not my own but it was as if I was living them. I might have created the connection, but until that moment I had no idea of the magnitude of what I created. It was the mind with the flickering weakening images that caught my full attention; and for the first time in my life I felt sympathy for someone, for the first time I felt guilt. Front and center in the fading wolf's mind was his imprint."

Old Quil paused a second to hold up his hand to cut off the questions he knew she had; she didn't know what imprinting was and he had no intention of telling her. He already said more than he wanted to. Most of all on that subject, even it was just the word itself it was something to sacred. Thinking quickly for a cover but not a lie as a lie could be scented, he went with a form of the truth. "If you could just listen we could get this over with you know? To answer your question, an imprint is a tribal word for wife. In seeing the images of his wife, I saw where the Ateara wolf was before he came to my aide, he was standing by his wife's side as she was bringing their first born a son into the world, and at the first sense of my trouble he was out the door running to my aide alone as he was the first to feel my distress. He was still more connected to his wolf than the others since he only stopped shifting about a month prior. Just as quick as the images came, even quicker came the blackness and the mournful howls. It felt to personal to be in their minds any longer, so I shifted out leaving them to their thoughts as I collected the scattered vampire limbs and set them ablaze; all the while my mind swirled with what I had just seen and these new feelings."

"All too soon we put his body to rest, as the last bit of dirt was placed, I couldn't fight the guilt anymore and for the first time in my life I cried, fell to my knees and cried. I took away the life a good man, friend, husband, and a new father due to my arrogance. It was then I knew what needed to be done and I shared it with the last two wolves. They were hesitate at first but agreed it was for the best after some thought."

"That night I preformed the ritual one last time. Bleeding my magic nearly dry but resulting in what was needed to bind more tribesman bloodlines - those deemed worthy by a council to include the wolves and myself. Finally, I made my way to the Ateara home with the two wolf men. There in the window a tortured face laced with concern and joy stood the wolf's widow and young son. It was in that moment I knew I was doing the right thing and that my immortality, my eternal youth was a small sacrifice in an attempt to repay a debt. So with that bit of magic that coursed through my veins, I used all but a very tiny amount to live out a mortal like existence as Quil Ateara III."

Rosalie's eyes flickered away from the haunted ones before her. "Why did you tell me all this?"

He sighed heavily. "One alone knowing a secret is only good if you want to take said secret to the grave," he paused as a confused pair of amber eyes met his. "And this is not a secret I wish to take to my grave. It is a secret I realize that needed to be told because eventually we all know a war will come and I need Sarah to know the only shifters here are the ones of tribal legend. Lastly for you to share with Bella when the time is right for her to understand the other side of her heritage and for her to see how she is tied to these people. How all that reside here are... CLAN. I stress that word for a reason as you do not understand it, but one day it could very well be the key to the lock," his voice cracking with emotion yet a snicker of amusement left him as he realigned his gaze with hers. "Finally your insistent nagging and photographic memory have been useful."

There were no words, not even a retort could muster its way forward in response to his ending verbal jab. Slowly her eyes drifted away focusing on anything but the being in front of her before she lifted herself up putting some space between them as her mind replayed it all. She wondered if he regretted it, if he feared what was to come - after all, he lived so many centuries and never had to give death an- after-thought; therefore, never having to fully process it or even surround himself by it.

She internally winced as she realized her own slight dulled indifference to death. Was it due to being a vampire that dulled parts of your humanity so you could survive off killing or was the indifference due to the lack of experience with death. Sure she had technically died but yet she didn't experience a mortal's death because she was still here in a sense, nor did she watch those around her suffer and die or have to mourn a loss, because in her world that simply wasn't an issue. While the debate could go on forever and the subject would surely haunt her, nothing haunted her more right now then a memory of Alice's words.

"Does she really have that much importance?" Rose asked as her sister walked into the small closet to remove a broom and dust pan to clean up the shard ridden mess at the base of the door.

"Yes. BUT she still has to choose when the time comes," Alice said sadly

"Who will help her choose?"

Alice looked up at her sister with a knowing smile, "Why you, of course."

Right in this moment Alice's words never rang more true; she was just handed as the now feeble shifter had worded it... the key. The puzzle pieces were fitting themselves together so well that only the Fates themselves could have constructed such a perfectly fit solution to the once jumbled mess.

"So, Vampiress, now that you know my business, I believe it is about time you share yours."

Rosalie's face contorted a bit at his declaration. How was she to give a message, a now impossible decree for him to carry out now that he was more mortal then Fae. She briefly wondered how Sarah never saw any of what he spoke. 'Guess you only see what you're looking for,' sighed through her thoughts; knowing Sarah's mind's eye was focusing on nothing but how to play the cards before her. The clearing of a throat pulled her from her inner musings and to the realization she had yet to answer. Shifting her eyes to the moon above she could see their time to leave was coming soon. "I have to find Paul as his long absence is never a good thing."

"Is that your way of saying he'd hurt her?"

His tone made her wince slightly; it wasn't like the statement was untrue and she hated that she had to use it but she needed a buffer to distract his train of thought to allow her a moment to collect hers in the best way to answer. "Don't be ridiculous. Now someone else, now that is possible," she dead panned. 'Especially if they are a threat to her.'

With a soft sigh she turned her head slightly over her shoulder and could see his tense stance from the corner of her eye. "Our time here is coming to an end; so you're right, it is time to share my business. It is simply this: Sarah wishes for you to know that the game is now in play, and that we will be in touch frequently with little visits such as these. For the time being it will be Paul and myself; his presence is requested by the wolves to verify the girl's well-being. Go figure why they wouldn't just take a vampire's word for it."

"That is all she wanted?"

'Nooo,' grimly drew through her mind, but she couldn't tell him as such. "She thought you should have a heads up about our random little visits. Guess she didn't want to send your Fae sense into a tailspin with the occasional vampire and a Child of the Moon's presence, not that it matters now," her sardonic tone selling her aversion as she watched him flinch causing her to fill with a twinge of guilt for her low blow before again hardening herself. She turned back towards the moon, sparing it a small glance, "Stay or follow, either way I have to find my puppy," she mumbled before following in the direction the wolf had taken.

'Damn Leech! Damn Council!' snarled through Paul's thoughts as his large shifter paws sunk into the soggy mud and snow covered earth, causing his silver fur to become matted and tainted brown as he paced the shadows on the far outside perimeter of the noisy two story home he was forced to watch; cringing as the shrill laughter and music merged sending an offending sound to his overly sensitive ears causing him to growl in irritation and whip his head towards the over decorated home. Instead of more irritation he found himself coming to a dead stop as a snort left the wolf's muzzle showing the inner man's amusement at the sight of the Santa a top the roof. 'Classy,' chuckled through his thoughts before a creaking sound had his golden eyes shifting quickly finding the source being the backdoor that slowly crept open. 'Why is it that when someone tries to be stealthy they couldn't be any louder?' he snorted as he continued to watch the door's slow progression. 'Damn it! It's like a bandage, the quicker you yank the quicker it's over with,'growled through his thoughts with his eyes slamming shut as he winced at the added pain the creaking door added to his already over pained ears.

The creaking continued as someone attempted to close it just as they opened it in hopes of being stealthy, causing a growl to now rumble in his throat at the continuing torture. Finally footsteps could be heard making their way across the wooden planks, as a gust of crisp air swirled around him filling him with so many scents: salt, pine, deer, a variety of foods, and the last one had his eyes snapping open to search it out. 'Kindred,' both Paul and the wolf's mind sighed as the scent involuntarily comforted them.

Quickly Paul flinched in horror at his thoughts. 'I do not sigh or coo in comfort!', his frustration causing the wolf body to respond by letting out a growl resulting in a sharp movement to catch his eye and for him to distantly meet a pair of green eyes intently staring at the far away trees he found refuge in. By the furrow in her brow and the small darting motions of her eyes he knew she did not see him but yet knew something was there. 'No way she heard that,' raced through his thoughts as he continued to watch her confused eyes. Wanting to know, Paul placed his massive paw onto a large branch and stepped down causing a loud snap; only for nothing to register on her face. The wolf more than Paul wondered if it had something to do with the growl which essentially was a distressed sound from a kindred, causing the wolf to let out a whimper. 'What the Hell? I do NOT whimper,' Paul snapped at his other half. 'You just did,' the wolf's tone nonchalant. 'Smug bastard,' he bit out as he pushed the wolf's mind more to the background, allowing his mind more control before shooting his attention back to the girl on the porch; her face remaining unchangedas she continued to search the area with her eyes. 'It's not sound, so how does she know exactly where to look?'

"Get a grip," she huffed out before taking in a long draw of air as in hope to calm herself only to cause her eyes to again roam in his direction. His eyes widened in shock as he now knew the answer. Like he had her, she had scented him. While it wasn't due to his wolf being, 'Distressed,' his inner thoughts spatting the word in disgust. His wolf however was on the right track though as it was wolf related.

'She remembers our scent,' Paul could feel the wolf preening with pride at the young pup causing Paul to internally roll his eyes. 'Obviously.' Yet he had to admit he too was impressed, she didn't even know what she was, yet with no nurturing of her growing gifts she was subconsciously in sync with her other half - her wolf.

"The only thing out there is the ghost of Christmas Past haunting me."

He heard her sigh before turning her eyes upward towards the starry sky. Her write off of her senses actually caused Paul to chuckle as he took to his haunches. 'Past, Present and What is to come is a much more accurate description of what is out here,' chortled through his thoughts knowing he would be like a ghost in her life for many years as the ticks current plan was laid out and a plan he far from agreed with.

Casting useless thoughts aside, he shifted his gaze letting himself take in the girl who literally stared off into space as she leaned up against the decorated railing as the moon shined down on her as if to showcase her. She looked so different than she had weeks ago but not being covered in cuts, burns or bathed in blood would do that. It also allowed him to see the wolf genes preparing her body for the transformation to come giving her eleven going on twelve year old frame the bit more mature frame of a thirteen year old girl. Not wanting to linger on something that would classify him as being a perv, he moved to what struck him the most, her face and eyes. They called to him with their haunted look. It was a look that was seared into his memory, a look he knew all too well, one that more times than he could count had stared back at him in his reflection. In that moment as much as he didn't want it hers was scorched into his memory right alongside his own.

The creaking sound of the door filled the air breaking his analysis causing his golden gaze to shift and watch the same boy who carried her earlier exit the house and slowly make his way up to the oblivious girl. Cocking his head he continued to watch as the boy slowly prowled his way up behind her before leaping forward and grabbing her waist with a loud BOO, causing her to jump and scream in fright. Normally Paul would have thought it funny how the pup could smell him at what seemed like a mile away but couldn't hear the screeching of that shitty screen door. Instead he found his shifter body up on all fours and a few steps forward from where he once rested as a small growl poured from him due to her distress. The boy's laughter and her now grumbling of a few choice curse words broke his spell. 'Funny? How in the hell is any of that funny? What a dick move,' he snapped. 'Damn near gave her a heart attack,' he grumbled as he lowered himself back onto his haunches as memories of the last time she was grabbed like that poured painfully through his thoughts.

"I see you haven't earned your merit badge for manners," she huffed as she pushed him off before again taking her stance against the railing. Paul watched as a look of fear hung on her features for a moment before quickly covering it up as the boy took a spot next to her.

Paul never was one to label himself as nosy unless it pertained to something that he believed could harm his pack or clan. Then and only then did he stick his nose in where it didn't belong and something about this boy made his hackles rise, making him sit and watch intently.

"Nope. Thought it would contradict the crudeness badge I earned," a playful tone in his voice as he eyed her from his peripheral vision. "Come on, Bella, you don't want me to be a hypocrite; now do you?" a smile playing at his lips as he bumped her shoulder.

"Of course," her serious tone causing his head to whip towards her in confusion. "Not," she chuckled as she bumped him back.

"So, what are you doing out here? Come out to admire your handy work?" his thumb jutting out to motion to the roof behind them. "Or plan your next great achievement?"

'You are full of surprises, Pup,' Paul chuckled as he again eyed the oh so classy Christmas decoration.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" her voice coy as she continued to look out into the night's sky.

"Why else would I be asking?"

"To tattle."

"And risk my own self-preservation. Never!"

"Geez. Good to know you got my back, Boyscout," a small playful smirk dancing on her lips.

His hands quickly darted out taking ahold of her shoulders. "What the hell?" she shouted as he attempted to turn her reluctant form around. The whole scene caused Paul to again involuntarily growl, his golden eyes intent on the boy's movements and ready to spring forward at any moment.

"Come on, Bella. Please turn around."

"Why?" her voice cautious as her eyes narrowed.

"Because you owe me!"

"Really. Mind telling me how you figure I'm in the red in your ledger?"

"You left me out of Santa-Gate. Therefore I lost my chance to go down in history, and most of all a chance to harass Sue. On that merit alone you owe me HUGE."

Her left brow arched as she took in his words. "FINE."

With a triumphant smile he spun her around, stopping her as her back was squared to him before taking a step back. "Cross your arms in front." Slowly she complied, her stubbornness causing him to chuckle.

"Now what?"

"Fall back."

"ARE YOU NUTS!" she shrieked as her head turned to eye him.

"Probably," he shrugged.


"Going off my family, I'd say it's genetic."

An amused snort escaped her. "I'll make a mental note to acquire a straight-jacket. NOW, why am I falling backwards?"

"Simple. Trust fall. You doubted me having your back. Well, let's put the theory to test."

"Aren't you a bit too far back?"

"Ledger is going deeper in the red."

"Alright, alright!" she snapped before turning back around, allowing Paul to see so many of the conflicted emotions that ran through her eyes.

"Anytime, Bella...," his voice coming out in a sing song tone at Bella's constant hesitation at backing onto her heels only to rethink and catch herself before letting go.

At the sound of his mocking a look of determination flew into her once fearful eyes that allowed herself to fall. With a grace Paul didn't believe the boy possessed, he caught her right before she hit the snowy wooden planks below, causing a gasp to echo from her as she realized just how close to the ground she came. Quickly he was pulling her up, only for her to push him away and for Paul to bare his teeth in reaction to the whole thing.

"You almost let me fall!" seethed through her gritted teeth as she pushed at his chest.

Reaching out Jacob grabbed a hold of her striking hands by the wrist, causing her to buck in an attempt to break free and for Paul to prowl slightly forward. A snarl building as he watched her remain locked in the boys grasp before she finally gave in and went still; her head turned out towards the forest keeping her angry gaze away from the boy in front of her.

"Done?" he asked but received no response. With a deep sigh he seemed to realize that was as good as it was going to get. "No I didn't, Bella, I had you the whole way. But I wanted, NO I needed to show you that even when you think nobody is coming or will be there that at least I will always be there to have your back just in the nick of time. You aren't alone, Bella. You can tell me-"

"Tell you what?" her gaze snapping back towards him. "About my past?" she hissed out as she pulled her hands away from him with such force it sent him off balance. "Why is it so important all of a sudden? Huh?" she spat out as anger and panic took her to new heights of anxiety causing her breathing to labor a bit as she eyed him questioningly. "I've only really known you for all of what? Three weeks, and closely for two days. Why do you even care?" she seethed as anger took control, causing her take a step closer to him in a challenging stance. Without thinking Jacob reached out for her, only to be shoved away. "Don't you touch me!" she screeched as hostility and fear radiated from her eyes.

Jacob never thought it could hurt so much to be pushed away, to be rejected. "Bella, I-," he stopped as he again reached for her only to have her step away, rage heavily reflecting in her exotic eyes; but it was the pain he could see hidden in them that had him lunging forward and taking her by the shoulders in hopes of getting her to listen and show comfort - but only forcing her to struggle more.


The fear and panic in her words pulsed through Paul's ears, igniting a fire that flowed through his veins. 'Defend our clan, our pack, our kindred, what is ours,' snarled through the wolf's mind, causing his massive body to lunge forward but instead of gaining ground, he only felt a hard impact and his body ache from being forced into the frozen ground. There was no thought as it was all pure instinct now as he rolled his injured form over and up into a defensive position, teeth barred ready to fight what stood between him and his protectorate. The changing winds caused his sensitive nose to snort at the disgusting yet familiar scent that assaulted it, sending his temper flaring even more at the intrusion. Without a thought his form shimmered as it shifted back into the form of a man - not caring about his nudity.

"WHAT THE HELL, LEECH?" he bit out through his clenched jaw as he eyed Rosalie.

"What the hell, indeed," her mocking tone and passive nature to the problem quickly became the accelerate to Paul's already raging temper causing him to snarl and charge forward in a blind rage ready to take out not only a thorn in his side but what he deemed a threat to what was his. In one motion Rosalie had dodged the advance and quickly launched one of her own and in less time then it took to blink she had the raging man immobilized face down on the ground with her knee digging into his back applying the leverage she needed to keep him down. Slowly she lowered herself to his ear, "Lesson for you, never attack in anger as it clouds the mind," she whispered softly yet smugly which caused Paul to growl deeply and for her to only chuckle, "Now I'm going to let you up and I want you to listen. Try any of that again, I'll break your legs then your back to get you to stay. Got it?" she cooed as she pushed down harder on his back to get her point across.

"GOT IT," he growled out and just like that he was free to move. As he pulled himself up a deathly cold grip took ahold of the back of his neck, "LET GO, OF ME. YOU DAMN FLEA."

"Clever, little puppy has more than one word for an insult after all. But what is a flea without a dog?" she sweetly mused before squeezing harder. "Now I will gladly let go when you shut up and listen," she bit out. Paul growled but shifted his gaze sideways to her. "Not to me, to them," she huffed as she pushed him forward. "Listen up, Cujo!" The snapping of a twig turned his attention, causing him to bare his teeth and snarl as he watched what he deemed the leech's elderly human pet come into view.

"Eyes forward, Wolfman."

A small snarl echoed as he shifted his gaze back, the scene causing his snarl to cease and for his face to become complex, his brow furrowing as he watched the events playing out so far away; yet so close by, all the while he tried desperately to catch up on what he had missed.

The silence was almost deafening, causing the tension to thicken every second and allowing her mind to replay it all again. "LET ME GO," ground out from her clenched jaw as her breath started to become labored; her mind only focusing on his tightening grip and the feel of restraint. She knew he was talking but it didn't register as every word all sounded like gibberish. Suddenly she felt a hand brush against her jaw; fingertips ghostly grazing at her hairline causing her breathing to seize as her fight or flight instincts kicked in and in that moment her past came rushing back. Without thought her fist flew upward and made contact with a hard surface, and for the grip that held her to disappear as her instincts had chosen to fight. Slowly her eyes rose up and her hammering heart thudded to a stop. In the fog of her mind all she saw was Joshua fading into Mr. Walker, but before her now she didn't see either. She watched Jacob as he stood hunched over rubbing his jaw while he stared at her shaking form; his eyes a mystery to her; not knowing if it was fear, anger, frustration or pain that shone back at her . In that moment she was positive she let her eyes show her fear and sadness as she looked back at him for that brief moment. Adverting her eyes she didn't speak, she didn't ask if he was okay, instead she quickly turned her eyes away and stumbled to the railing as if holding onto it would help her shoulder her burdens.

An icy breeze swirled around her almost as if Mother Nature was trying to bring her back to the chilling reality of the aftermath. The here and now had hardly ever been her friend, and dealing with fallout was never easy as it always left her more scarred and alone. Bella's grip tightened around the sturdy wood railing as frustration filled her; she didn't want to hit Jacob. She couldn't believe she had let her fears take control and blind her so badly. Not since leaving Joshua and the Walkers had she felt threatened so badly. 'But why lash out so blindly now? Why never before?' pondered through her thoughts. 'Because you are stronger now and he deserved it!' a part of her growled back - like the answer was obvious as the flashback of Jacob's touches came to the forefront.

"Bella," his voice low and soft almost as if he was talking to a wounded and frightened animal as he made his way to her side.

'Silence is golden when you don't trust the words that find you,' the soothing sound of her Papi's voice flowed through her, leaving her questioning her sanity for a moment as it truly felt as if he was right there next to her speaking all his wisdom to her; making her heart sink as she felt it clench. She truly wished that was the case but he was gone, taking his last breath in her hands, and while the evidence now long faded away his death forever stained her hands, just like Cruz, her foster siblings and even her own mother's.

She could feel her heart start to hammer. So much death had surrounded her. 'Your hands are bathed in blood.' The phrase caused her to flinch and her breath to falter as she jerked her hands away from the railing as if it burned her and wiped them down her pants as the harsh mocking tone of the words that danced in her head sounded so much like Joshua.

A slow movement caught her eye reminding her that she wasn't alone. Jacob was still out here with her and for shame and embarrassment to instantly flow through her at doing this in front of someone. She wasn't sure if her cheeks showed her embarrassment but from the corner of her eye she could see his brow puckered and his mouth open and close a few times just like a fish. It was as if he wasn't sure what to say or if to say anything at all before he seemed to decide the latter was the way to go as he remained silent but his eyes remained fixated. She didn't understand it; why was he still out here with her in the cold? Why didn't he take off and leave her to her demons? Why did it seem even after what she had done that he was trying to comfort her? Shifting her eyes back out into the blackness of the trees she just couldn't understand why did he stay? But most of all why did a part of her care that he did.

"Bella" his voice pleading for her acknowledgment, but her stoic mask never wavered causing his regret to deepen that he pushed her to far and to fast. The tension felt as if it was choking him as his heart raced at watching her well placed mask; it was a mask he knew all too well, one he wore not long ago when his mother's death and father's illness put the weight of the world on his shoulders, making everyone see what he wanted them to see and that he was okay with it all. A few times he was able to see the playfulness and the lighter side behind that well placed mask of hers, but today in those crazy moments that had her striking out at him he saw the fear, the hurt, the pain but most of all he saw someone who was just lost.

Did he want to know her story? Yes, everyone did; but that's not what he was pushing at. She let her fear overrun her when she lashed out at him so quickly, but he couldn't really blame her because why would she believe he was any different. So many pushed so why wouldn't she assume he was doing the same. Maybe in a sense he was and he wanted her to open up; and for some reason, he couldn't understand, he wanted that person to be him. Maybe it was because he could understand in a sense; while he couldn't empathize with her, he could sympathize with her from his own harsh family drama. But how was she to know any of that unless he told her, 'So man up and tell her,' his inner voice growled in frustration for him to fix the growing rift between them.

"Bella, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for all that. I shouldn't have pushed so hard with my actions and words. You're right, Bella, we have only known each other for a short time and that doesn't form an instant trust." He had to pause as those words left his mouth. They felt wrong to say, causing an ache in his chest because he already felt an instant bond with her and it tore at him for her not to possibly feel that same bond to him. Sure it seemed insane to feel this connected to someone he barely knew, but he couldn't fight it because it just felt natural and so right.

Shaking his head to clear his musings and push past the now smaller ache in his chest, he pushed forward. "In full honesty, do I want to know your story? Yes. I wouldn't be human if I wasn't curious. All I know is that you disappeared from your foster family at seven years old and arrived here on our beaches looking as if you just exited a battlefield - four years later. So many wrote you off as dead, so sure I'm curious as everyone else is on how and what you did to survive." He sighed as he watched her eyes narrow at his words and he knew he was pushing again but he had to say what needed to be said. "But the difference between everyone else, Bella, is I don't expect you to dump it all on me; so please believe me when I say I was not trying to push you to share anything you didn't want to; not now and hell not ever if you don't want to. I just wanted to offer you someone you can confide in and someone that will offer you a non- judgmental ear if ever needed. Someone that can sympathize with you on family hurt and drama."

He paused, this part would be hard to put himself out in the open like this but there wasn't any other way for her to see and to understand that he could relate. "You've seen my dad in that chair and how people dance around him... well it wasn't always like that. The same night he became dependent on that chair, I lost my mom to her own accident leaving me to care for a sickly father that, while I love him, I couldn't stand. Is any of this the same as your hurt. No, but I can guarantee you that I will understand you ten times better than anyone else here without patronizing you with fake sympathy."

As the last words left him it felt like a weight had been lifted off him; he said what he needed to say even if it meant he had to share a bit of his own burden to do so. The sudden sound of beeping made them both jump. As he scrambled to turn off his watch's alarm, alerting him that it wasn't just 10:30 but that his dad needed him. It would forever be a chain that bound him until his father became serious about all that had changed with his health.

As his eyes turned back he felt a small smile pulling at his lips at the sight of her; her eyes were still focused on the forest but her eyes were no longer narrowed and her shoulders now dropped as tension ceased. But what got him the most was her mouth as her teeth pulled at her bottom lip. He might have only known her formally for two days and as creepy as it sounded he never could keep his eyes or mind off of her from the moment he saw her weeks ago on that beach; quickly teaching him enough to know that she only ever did that when she was deep in thought.

"Uh. I have to go in really quick. That beeping was a reminder that I need to check on my dad's condition. Please don't go anywhere, I promise I will be right back... five minutes tops then we can plan how to lord our dice game winnings over Quil in TP-paloza. Okay, I admit the name sucks. I'm sure you got a better one, after all you are the reining prank master. So five minutes, okay?"

He knew he sounded desperate and pleading, but the thing is he was; he didn't want her to walk away and never speak to him again. He said what he needed to say and now he just wanted to move on to any other subject. 'TP-paloza. Really?! I'm such a spaz!' he internally winced at just how lame it all sounded. It was then he saw it and if he would have blinked he would have missed the small nod of confirmation. While she didn't verbally say anything that small gesture made his heart ping with hope that he didn't fully push her away. With a nod of his own, he darted for the door slipping slightly in his haste as he made his way back inside to keep his promise of only five minutes.

As the screeching of the hinges ceased with the clank of the door to the frame, her well placed mask slipped away. She was alone now, left with her demons and Jacob's words. Bella snorted as she leaned forward and rested her chin on her crossed forearms atop the faded railing, not exactly sure why she agreed to wait here. To wait for him. If she was smart, she would use this to distance herself from him, like she wanted when they first met and she felt the pull. It would be for the best, people had a track record to get hurt around her; just as much as she had a track record of getting emotionally burned by those around her. Yet here she was, waiting; because just like Manny this boy knew how to play her like she was a piano, knowing just the right keys to press to find just the right tune to get past the fortresses she had built for herself that night she had escaped the hell of that dungeon her foster parents called a bedroom.

She had always been so cautious after that, nobody was let in and she never let anything out of the walls she built so well, walls that now seemed to be slowly cracking against the tide of everyone's advances to break through. Some were wearing cracks through easier than others. Seth for one was wearing his way through as if he was the ocean's tide each time he came around; it washed another level away as if the wall was made of sand. Even the old man Quil, Quil Jr and Embry almost had the same effect, but when it came to Samuel it was like watching the tide trying to erode a rock, something that made such little progress that it almost seemed insignificant.

A few years ago she never would have believed that her brother would be outside her walls or have the hardest time breaking them down; but a few years ago they both needed each other, relied on each other. 'He never relied on you; you were his burden. One that he couldn't free himself with fast enough,' her inner tone bitter at the reality of the truth, which was why it was harder for him to wear down her wall because he was the biggest reason it was built. But when it came to Manny and Jacob they seemed to know the secret password that made her want to automatically make her lower the draw bridge.

Bella sighed, watching her breath take form in a fog as she straightened herself back up. She once again felt like she had in a time that seemed so long ago when she first met Manny. Tired of running and hiding, and just like Manny, Jacob offered her a grey area with his words for her to ponder. He too offered a place to confide, a place to feel safe and a place she could unburden the crosses she bared without judgment and like Manny a sympathetic ear to her plight, because he too bore similar burdens. 'How can you trust what he says?' the weary part of her mind asked with trepidation causing her to scowl in the validity of those words.

'Trust the pull, Mia.' Her Papi's soothing baritone voice entered her mind as if it had been whispered into her ear, causing her to jump and for her eyes to dart around expecting him to be right there, even though she knew it was impossible, leaving her again to question her sanity for a moment as she settled down. 'Trust the pull,' she snorted. 'Yeah, because that worked out so well in the end,'she bit out as memories of gunfire, blood, and smoke overwhelmed her mind to where she felt her eyes and lungs start to burn from the thick dark smoke that haunted her.

Since that night she hadn't had a night where she didn't wake up in a panic from it. Just as her panic was about to take control it felt as if someone rested their hand on her shoulder pushing the dark memories out as memories of her and her chosen family took center stage. Nights at the cabin laughing and roasting marshmallows, her learning to swim with six lifeguards ready to pounce at a moment's notice, her ninth birthday when Jay stumbled off the cabin steps accidentally dropping the cake to the forest floor leaving her to blow out a tray of twinkies, annual trips to Santa Monica to enjoy the rides and games on the lively pier, Manny tucking her in at night, kissing her softly on her forehead. 'It wasn't all that bad, was it?' again seemed to whisper into her ear. "No," instantly whimpered from her lips as tears pushed past the barrier and streaked down her face.

'Pregúntate a ti mismo Mia. será el bien supere el mal. No importa cómo termina?'

(Ask yourself, Mia. Will be the good outweigh the bad. No matter how it ends?)

A sob caught in her throat as she heard the loving wisdom whisper through her in his native tongue. It was a language she had come to love, whenever comfort was needed he or her uncles would wrap her up in their arms and whisper to her in it; and in those moments it felt like they were in a world of their own and speaking a language of their own. Her breath hitched as she ghostly felt fingers graze the side of her face to tuck away the strand of stray hair. It was a trait Manny had become accustom to always saying she should never hide. 'Confía en lo que sientes, mi niña.' (Trust what you feel, my girl.)

In that moment, from a mixture of the ghostly feeling and the ghostly words, the sob broke free. She missed him, all of them so damn much, and for the first time since that night in the cabin she couldn't fight it and allowed herself to truly feel it. She hated how it all ended, but she was sure of two things in that moment. One, that while it ended badly she couldn't picture her life without any of them, and secondly that ghosts have to exist because how else could she feel all this so intently.

Raising her balled up hand to her face she began to wipe away the evidence of her tears onto the red flannel top she wrapped herself in for extra warmth. Once she felt she had wiped away the reminiscence of her tears, she again took to the railing for support as she gnawed away at her bottom lip. He had wanted her to trust in the feeling of the pull that she had once felt towards him, but before it had taken months for her to fully open up about her life as she didn't just dive in with her most intimate pains in two days. Did he expect her to just dive into it this time? Because she just couldn't do it, no matter how much the burdens were beginning to wear on her.

She released the grip on her lip for a moment before she again began to worry it as she fought to bring back Jacob's exact words. 'Believe me when I say I was not trying to push you to share anything you didn't want, not now, and hell not ever if you don't want to'. She let go of her lip as she pursed them. Her Papi nor Jacob expected her to just dump it all then and there; her Papi wanted her to acknowledge the pull of the safety net for her to share her burdens, and Jacob wanted to be there for whatever she was willing to share with him.

'But why him?' she pondered yet knowing she wouldn't really know the answer. It was like the old question, which came first the chicken or the egg? Both were never ending riddles. All she knew is that she felt pulled to him, to trust him, befriend him, to-'You wanted to be strong. Do you really want to take a step backwards?' the fractured part of inner self snapped in caution, causing Bella to sigh as the part of her that felt compelled by the pull pulled Manny's words to the forefront to counter the other half. 'Will the good outweigh the bad?'

Looking at it in a broader picture Bella could see the benefits as it could remove some of the weary burden she shouldered. She was fighting the painful nightmares that forced her awake at night with a scream on the tip of her tongue that she barely was able to cover by burying her head into her pillow to keep her brother from hearing her distress. In sharing she could possibly rid herself of the demons that haunted her, just like Manny had helped her to do. After the pain is laid bare she could see possibly in the future being able to share with Sam and heal that part of herself and once again have a family.

But what if he despised her for what she had seen and done; what if they turned her into the police for it all because they couldn't understand the grey area you needed to abide by to survive. While Sam did allow the police to talk to her that one time, Old Quil had chased him off and Sam hadn't brought him back, even seeming annoyed at the questions asked when he heard. Again Bella worried her lip as she weighed the verdict as the scenarios battled for dominance. Finally she narrowed her eyes and let her lip go, a small half smile taking its place while a part of her rebelled. She decided that the good did outweigh the bad.

As if it was a sign that she had chosen the right path, she heard the creaking of the door causing her to turn with a smile bursting from her in anticipation. Only for it to quickly melt away; as fear, nervousness, and anger seeped in overwhelming her.

As she eyed the man in his perfectly ironed tan policeman's uniform, "I know a ham is the traditional Christmas dish but I am pretty sure it wasn't on the menu. So mind telling me what in the hell you're doing here?" her voice jeering, yet holding a small bit of amusement at her pun. Bella didn't like to show her cards, she much preferred a poker face when it came to being ambushed to retain control over the possible outcomes; but her normally well placed guard was down, causing her to spew word vomit and in return showing her hand in anger.

"Bella!" the sharp snap of her name had her turning her head to see her brother's disapproving face, who was standing slightly behind the officer that now stood outside the closed doorway.

"What? It's true he wasn't invited," she snapped ignoring the real reason for his disapproval.

Charlie sighed. "No I wasn't. And I hate to intrude but-"

"But nothing. Why in the hell-"


"What Sam? I want to know. If he hates to intrude so badly, then why exactly is here on Christmas of all days?"

"I'm here to talk to you, Bella"

"Well I sure as FUCK don't want to talk to you," she glowered at him.

"BELLA, watch your mouth! Must you be this hostile?" Sam shouted as he ran his hand through his hair as the tension continued to mount. "And to think Jacob said you were okay-"

"He said what?" Bella's voice betraying her as the words squeaked from her, instantly feeling as if the fight had been knocked out of her as she felt her heart clench from the realization of what had just happened. 'You did this to yourself. What is it they say? Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. And you are just that a fool,' the cynical part of her mocked.

As the sound of the creaking door brought her out of her inner taunting and for her head to snap up, she saw him, the boy, that played her and betrayed her making his way into the fray as if he didn't have a care in the world. Instantly Bella felt as if every nerve ending was on fire and ready to pop as her eyes narrowed from the rage. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" she snarled as she lunged forward ready to strike only to feel herself being restrained and being pulled away from her confused target.

"Calm down, Bella," Sam whispered in attempt to sooth her as he fought to control her trembling body. "I thought you said she was okay!? Because ever since we got out here she has been anything less than okay."

"She was when I left to-"

"To rat on me? To tell them you broke me down?" she bit out through clenched teeth as she bucked in her brother's grasp.

"What!? No, I'd never do that!"

"Liar!" she screeched as she again tried to throw Sam off her. His unwanted restraint was only making her blood boil even more and she wanted his hands off her; but even through her anger she knew he wouldn't dare let go unless he believed she wouldn't hurt anyone. "Let go of me, Samuel," Bella could feel him wince at the use of his full name. 'Did he really think I was going to show endearment when he set me up?' she internally scoffed. "I'm not going to hurt him," her voice void of emotion. 'Not physically anyway,' her inner self sneered as she forced herself to let the tension leave her body in hopes that her brother would believe her. She felt a smirk take form on the inside as her brother's restraint loosened and slowly disappeared.

As much as she wanted to go against her words, she knew she'd never make it to Jacob without either her brother or the cop standing in her way. 'He truly is a do gooder boyscout,' her inner self spat as she turned her narrowed eyes towards him, ignoring his pained look of bewildered innocence. It was all a con to her now. "Congratulations, Boyscout. You played me like a grand piano. You wrote the perfect symphony, played on all my keys like a pro with all that wanting to be an ear for me, telling me that I could share whatever I feel comfortable with, no judgment, that you understood my plight with family," she snorted. "Yet, it was all a bunch of crap! Be back in five minutes just got to check on my dad. Is your dad even sick?" she sneered before her tone again turned mocking as she played more of his words back at him. "Please stay here and wait for me? We'll plan on how to lord our winnings over Quil. When it was really all a set up to keep me out here contained while you went inside to tell Samuel and Barney Fife over there that I was all alone, wore down and ready to be questioned. This whole time I've known you, you've been playing me! For what, huh? In hopes to gain your brown nosing badge?"

"No, Bella... NO- What in the hell did you say, Sam?" his voice starting out pleading before fury took hold as he looked over at the older boy wondering just what in the hell was going on and what words were put in his mouth.

"Only what you said," Sam shot back in defense not understanding how Bella got this idea of conspiracy from what he said. He just didn't know or understand the walls and paranoia that plagued his sister and the overall bad timing that had just occurred.

"Calm down, everyone!" Charlie shouted before looking at Bella. "I can assure you that Jacob did not do anything on my behalf," his voice adamant but falling on deaf ears as Bella snorted and rolled her eyes in disbelief. Sighing he continued on knowing it was best to get on with it because it wasn't going to get any easier from here but he had people who demanded answers and she was the only one that could give them - minor or not.

"Bella, I know today isn't the most convenient time and believe me I wish I could do this tomorrow but time is of importance; so someone was coming tonight no matter what. I just thought it was best for me to do it since I don't have a family and because I know the families down here pretty good," he paused as he looked at Sam who gestured with a head shake in confirmation. "Bella, I need to ask you some questions about your time in California-"

"You and everyone else!" she snorted. "But I'm not talking for anybody because I got nothing to say about anything. But just so we're clear let me put it in words you understand. I- PLEAD- THE- FIFTH."

Charlie felt anger grab ahold of him. It was Christmas and he was alone, not even able to take a last minute offer for a Christmas dinner, because he was trying to in a way do her a favor by being the one to question her; but her constant digs and overall attitude finally wore thin. "Even to this!" he snapped as he threw down an open folder, causing Bella to jump back as fear and pain flashed through her eyes before she shut them and turned away. Sam and Jacob each took steps forward and look at the gruesome photos of charred bodies, buildings, cars, while other photos peeked out from underneath of a mangled boy, a frail rigid girl, and a bloody living room. If Charlie wasn't so observant, he would have missed her reaction and the painful emotions that flickered through her eyes at the sight of the photos that poured out of the vanilla folder. The girl obviously was traumatized; she didn't trust anyone and in a moment of his own childish anger at a damaged child, he had just added fuel to the fire causing regret and shame to fill him.

"What the hell have you done, Bella," Sam asked, disgust lacing his voice.

Bella felt everything flashing back. All the screams, the cries, the sounds and smells, the cold nights, the loneliness, the abandonment, the pain, the hunger, it all flooded over her like a tidal wave. How dare he-, No! How dare they do this to her, how dare they throw this in her face just like that and how dare they judge her. They knew nothing. They might say a picture is worth a thousand words, but in truth it was open to interpretation because it only spoke the words that the person viewing it wanted to hear. And in that moment she'd be damned if they all would get to have every word.

It was out there now, nothing else for her to lose. Her brother went from pity in his voice about her past to disgust, just like she knew he would. Anger licked down her spine, 'Who in the hell was he of all people to judge me?' growled through her as she felt her brother's judgmental eyes on her. In that moment rage had taken control, turning around to meet his gaze with ire in her eyes and a sardonic smile on her lips, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, Samuel, or are you forgetting that you yourself are far from a saint. Hmmm?" she paused as his eyes went wide at her words causing some satisfaction to flow through her. "You've stolen, an art form you mastered and passed on, you lied again something you mastered and passed on, and above all you taught how to abandon those that weigh you down without a second thought when you have the ability for self-preservation. You judge, Brother, but all I did was learn from the master himself on how to survive," her voice mocking yet dripping with malice.

"Guess a few years here of being coddled really made you blind to all of your own misdeeds. Being judgmental is something it seems you have mastered from Sue," she bit out before a dark chuckle left her lips as her eyes turned to all three of them. "But let there be no mistaking of my past... I mean it has pretty much been laid bare for you to see. So I might as well give you what you want because if you are to be my judge, jury and executioner then you might as well have all the evidence," her voice dripping with malice as she cast them a malevolent glance before beginning to weave her tale.

"I'd say where do I begin; but that would be redundant now wouldn't it?" she paused waiting for any kind of rebuttal but for only silence to be her answer causing a nasty smirk to take form. "Thought so. Now I know I might be backtracking a bit since good ole Dudley Do-Right, aka Jacob for those of you who are slow witted, informed me that you were all aware of my stint in foster care and since it's my story, please bear with me. So where do I exactly start? AH! I know," her voice void of any emotion as she paused and her glare locked onto that of her brother.

"In the hospital is as good as any place; it is where you left me, actually it is where this whole damn tribe left me to rot. But I didn't know them so they didn't matter but Samuel I knew. I watched you from that bed spew your lies and for the second time turn around and walk away; the first time was when you walked out on my birthday. Let me ask you, Samuel, was my true birthday gift the beating you left me to by Joshua, which landed me in that hospital?" she hissed as she watched him recoil at her words before she snorted showing her indifference. "No matter. But let me ask you this my dear brother, was your birthday gift to yourself a family, friends and a burden free existence when you decided to walk out on your broken sister?" She spat as he opened his mouth to speak as a sorrowful look crossed his features. "NO! YOU DON'T GET TO SPEAK! Because these questions are rhetorical since I already know the answers," she bit out causing his mouth to shut.

"When you shut that door on me, Samuel, as soon as it clicked shut, I went from broken to shattered and my body couldn't handle it, causing it to ever so slowly to begin to shut down. I went into a seizure causing all the stitches that held my broken self together to rip, my lungs filling with blood, my ribs re-breaking, unbearable pain to flow through me as I could feel my heart slowing. I wished so bad that it would because I hoped maybe at least my mother would come for me, would want me. But you know what? When it did stop nobody came, even she didn't want me, hell even the grim reaper himself couldn't even take pity and burden himself to collect me and to deliverer me to my hellish fate."

"When I opened my eyes I was surrounded by the most beautiful people you had ever seen that you'd think you were graced by angels of heaven, but in reality it was my doctor and his family but for a time I thought they were angels, sent to me; and while I remained distant due to my shattered heart you had given me they pushed and pushed to mend it. Rosalie would sit there for hours and watch over me, read to me, tend to my wounds, take me to the park, my doctor appointments, make sure I ate, played with me. She was there Samuel, she was there for each of my first steps. First one with a walker, first one with a cane, first one with braces, and then finally my first step with no aide. As much as I tried to stay distant, she stitched my heart back and she and her husband both talked of adopting me. I didn't want to believe it because how could something so good happen to me. How could I deserve such a family when I have wronged so many by taking Mom away from you and Joshua and then burdening you all those years."

"Thing was as much as I tried to remain a skeptic I started to believe and you know where that landed me? It landed me with a fat cow of a woman showing up one day to collect me to take me to my new home because Rosalie didn't want me; I was just some PR project she and her family had taken on to build her father's medical career. She never loved me; I was a pawn for their means and just like that I became a pawn in the social system stuck with a greedy caseworker who cared more about putting money in her pocket then a child in a good home. But you all knew that; it was admitted to my face. Yet still nobody came to claim me so I lived with the Walkers. NO! Wait - let me rephrase that, I was a slave for the Walkers along with my two foster siblings."

Tim was ten and Kristy seven, they were blood siblings by the way," she paused taking a moment to glower at her brother as she tried to get the meaning across to him, that this brother stayed with his sister and didn't run away and leave her side like he did. "I along with my foster siblings cleaned, ironed, served, performed any task asked for all for the means of a mix of scraps from meals all mashed up and given to us at night. In our room... well if you call a dirt floored, stone walled basement with a bucket, one dim light, a barred window and three cots a room."

"Now if we behaved, didn't embarrass them during their parties and stayed clean, didn't talk back we got food and were sent to our room intact. But how often do you think that happened? We spent most nights being punished for something. If we got dirty, we were locked into a dog crate being told if we want to act like an animal we would be treated like one. If we messed up bath water or any kind of water it being cool or possibly too hot for their liking, we were drenched in scolding hot water, burning our flesh. If we talked out of turn, we were struck and gagged or mess up a meal we didn't eat."

"Never thought it was going to change, until one day it did. Kristy had been getting sick and then one morning she was so pale and breathing so hard; but our foster mom believed she was faking to get out of school and chores, so there would be no doctor and no care. Tim and I were shipped to school for appearances. Appearances are everything as my foster mother would say. Let me digress for a moment and say yes I did attend school. Shocking, right? Because I didn't learn a damn thing. I was separated into special classes and thought of as to stupid due to my background. Anyway, when we got home from school she didn't improve so Tim and I covered on her chores before taking to our room to hold a visual over our sister while our caretakers went out for the evening."

"Hours ticked by and she just became worse, making Tim frantic for his sister's well-being. He dared to break the rules and went upstairs to their bathroom for something to soothe her aliment. Cough medicine. Something so simple our caretakers' couldn't even be bothered to give. But his timing was less than perfect, timing his return right as I heard their drunken asses come in."

"I don't have a damn clue what happened up there; just a lot of yelling, shouting and then thud after thud echoing in the darkness before it stopped with one last thud in the dusty floor. Shattering and screams continued upstairs and well let's just say we all know how that turned out, now don't we," her face despondent as stepped up to the picnic table ripping out four photos and with a flick of her wrist sprawled them out for all to see. "That twisted form at the base of the steps was Tim. Did he die before he was pushed or on way his way down, or did that last step onto the dirt floor do him in? Don't know, but the one thing that I do know is as you can see by that bottle in his hand, he died for his sister," her eyes narrowing at Sam before flicking them to another photo.

"That small frail girl on the cot was Kristy and she showed me such kindness. Did everything to make me feel like a part of her sibling group. The first girl that ever wanted to play with me, taught me patty cake. I know it seems preschool but well you take what you get. Now you might be wondering why not pry the medicine out of Tim's death grip. Well NyQuil seems a bit useless on the dead. They died within minutes of each other," her voice dying off at the end into a mumble before diverting to another photo.

"That there, I couldn't tell you a thing about; I have no idea how or when the living room became a blood bank. I can only guess it happened during the argument and scuffle I heard," her voice monotone before tackling the last photo. "That broken bloody window, that's how I made my escape, pulled myself up and crawled out with the help of my cot and crate. I have no idea how or when the bars and glass broke; and I didn't care, I just knew I needed to run and get away and as soon as my feet hit the grass, that's exactly what I did."

She had to pause to regain her composure as the memories and fear began to eat at her; yet she hid it, seeming almost void to those around her. "So from there I began my life on the run in hopes to avoid police for the part I played in leaving my foster family for dead and to avoid any kind of repeat back into foster care. Deciding to become a street rat, I bounced from here to there, picking out of cans for a meal, stealing on a rare occasion, doing whatever I needed to survive the harshness and the loneliness, cutting off my hair to appear more boy like, taking boy's clothes from the Salvation Army boxes to blend into the part I was portraying .Because well let's just say women and girls most of all don't have the easiest time when living on the streets. Hell even appearing as a boy didn't save me from beatings but it saved me from the worst of all kinds of abuse I could have faced. I lived that way for about seven months before food became too hard to come by and I wandered into new territory. It was then that I met Pap-uh-Manny; he saved me that day from someone's wrath as I picked through the trash."

"Can you believe someone could get so pissed about someone wanting something nobody did?" she snarked. "That was that day Manny took me back to his garage; fed me, cleaned the broken glass from my latest assault from my cheek, and offered me a place to stay with him and his crew. Might seem fast but he understood me; same way I believed you did," she sneered at Jacob. "He taught me to write and read. I'm not great at it but I can do it. But he taught me how to channel myself and I found that in learning how to build a car piece by piece. I healed his hurts and he healed mine. He became what I always wanted - a father and to me he was Papi and I was his Mi Nina and his five friends became my uncles and we were a happy family. They gave me my first birthday party, taught me to swim, to turn a wrench, to speak Spanish, to stand up for myself, and to fight."

"And steal," Charlie's voice cut in.

Bella turned her dark gaze to him. "No comments from the peanut gallery," she hissed. "But since I feel gracious, they never taught me to steal, like I said before Samuel taught me that trade. My new family just helped alter and perfect it to acquire targets of choice. Something I had no idea they were doing until I was in for a while; but who was I to judge them. I loved them they loved me so who was I to judge. Stealing is stealing whether it's a candy bar, a car or motorcycle. So don't play tit for tat with me because whether it's worth a dollar or thousands, it's all taking something that doesn't belong to you and each thing a loss for someone that hurts them in the end."

"For the record, my Papi didn't even want me to have anything to do with any of it; it was my uncles who got me involved when they would watch me, only to have Manny's wrath later. But after a while it became too late and I was in deep and I felt the need to help pull my weight as it was the family business," her voice showing her steadfast belief in what she had done before her face became crestfallen. "This past year things changed, Pap-er- Manny became stressed and wanted out of LA., much to my dismay, and make a go for it in Colorado. It was the night before we were set to leave that my world blew up," her voice pained and angry as she again ripped photos from the file.

"This one is the charred remains of my uncles. This one is the charred remains of the place I called home for a good part of my life. This is all the cars we stole still left in the shop that are now nothing but burnt metal, and this charred body in that room is the burnt remains of Manny, my Papi, who died in my arms among the thick black smoke. Lastly this is the asshole that assaulted me as I made my get away. I'd like to say I feel disgusted at whoever tore him up like that but after what he tried and did he got off easy," she spat as she tossed the picture aside.

"So how did I get here? Well Manny was always a man to have all ends covered and his dying wish was that I get away; so I got in his truck and I drove to where he begged me to go... and that is what I did. So you can be disgusted all you damn well like but none, not a damn one of you has the right to judge me for what I did to survive," she spat, her chest heaving from so many emotions.

As she eyed them,'It's like the three Stoogies of disappointment: Bleak, Brooding and Grim,' her inner tone wry as she eyed all their faces. A dark chuckle escaped her, startling them as she locked her wrathful gaze on each one of them but steeling it onto her brother. "So there you have it. You know I wondered from the moment I knew I was going to cave and come here, to the moment I got here, and up until just a few minutes ago what you would think of me if I told you that I am a thief, a liar, a bringer of pain and death, and someone who runs out on others in the name of self-preservation. And now I know Samuel, because look at your life now, so perfect, that you can forget that you were once just LIKE ME! But I have one question for you my dear brother; how can you disgust something you created? Everything I am is all because of you. So take a good damn look of what you made me, Samuel."

She seethed from all the hurt that was overwhelming her and knowing now she never should have listened to that old fool Manny who guided her here; or who lured her into a false sense of security to trust a pull because just like last time it burned her and made her weak. She knew she needed out of there now. She had no more ire, only devastating soul crushing pain, causing her to attempt to push past Jacob in hopes to make an escape down the steps behind him; but only for him to come out of his stupor and block her with a shake of his head. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the others seemed to have recovered as well and all were closing in on her, causing her fight and flight to flare again but she had no more fight as she was to broken down for this fight. As she backed away a twinkling light caught her eye giving her an out and with two more steps backwards, she took ahold of the lighted railing - choosing flight - and launched herself over the side, landing firmly in the muddy snow before making a run for the darkness of the forest before a tear could drop. She might have let them see her ire and pain but she would be damned if she would let them see the hurt their disgust and rejection caused. The moment the first tear slid down her face, she silently vowed that she would never let them see her cry.

Paul shook with explosive rage as he watched the scene play out. Rosalie's strength and use of alpha control, which she had been granted, and he was ordered to obey by the council were the only things that kept him in place from ripping them all apart at their judgment and betrayal. He now knew the council and the leeches' plan wasn't for the best. She didn't belong here she belonged with her clan and her future pack; they would accept her with no misguided principals, like these people did as they sat high up on some moral high horse.

Paul became ramrod stiff as her attempt to flee was blocked and they began to close in on her. In that moment Paul broke any and all control Rosalie had placed upon him, causing him to easily throw her aside and into a tree, leaving her momentarily stunned not only from the blow but at his strength. From her prone position she watched him bound forward with fury as he burst into his smaller werewolf form, and to suddenly veer to the left. Quickly hopping to her feet she could see Bella taking to the railing for escape and nimbly landing on her feet in the slush below before taking off to the forest at a speed that wasn't mortal but not completely fast enough to fully raise suspicions. All the while she was completely unaware of the werewolf that persuaded her. Rosalie had no clue what Paul was planning but she could bet it would be reckless as she glanced back towards the aghast mortals on the porch. She was just glad in that moment that Paul's drive to be with the girl overrode his reckless desire to continue an assault on all that he had deemed a threat.

The slight pressure on her right arm brought her from her daze, bringing her amber gaze to the dark eyes next to her. "You need to handle this, get rid of the cop, get the boy Jacob and her brother in the right sense; otherwise this will be all for not. If it isn't already; God only knows what Paul will do," she scowled.

"What does that mean exactly?" Old Quil's voice laced with anxiety

"You just deal with that and I'll deal with the rouge wolf. Alright?" she snapped. With a sigh and nod in agreement from the old man, she disappeared into the night on the trail of the wolf and his prey, all the while hoping that if she didn't catch him first and he managed to catch his quarry, he would think before he acted.

So there we have it; I hope it was worth the wait. As promised Bella has shared her past with Sam... I didn't promise it would go well though. She had a lot of resentment built up and she needed to vent it.

I can't say much about where the next chapter is going. I have an idea and started it.

What I can say is that we will start to lay building blocks as forgiveness isn't instant, so please remember that. Also I cannot say when the next chapter will go up; I don't want to make any promises. I will only say that I will do my best not to take so long in between updates. My schedule is heavy and my muse seems to drift in out.

Also, I would like to specifically thank Auroura'sDawn your support and words are the reason I keep fighting to find my muse and write this story. I cannot thank you enough.

Lastly, please take a moment and review as they are very much appreciated; however, as always, flames are not.