
Shanghai Restoration Project – Babylon of the Orient

Yet, for all their joy, there was no indication to where the Hyperboreans could be found. Thule remained a dream.

Severus had ranted at Misha the library assistant. "Misha, what a stupid name for a stupider man who clearly does not have the brains of the bear he was named for. Even Russian bears are less idiotic as that dunderhead who could only compete with the likes of Neville Longbottom for the Order of the Most Ill-Fated Son of a Spider and a Pigeon who happened to cross my path."

So they had continued on to Ulan-Bator, had boarded a train to Beijing.

All the while, their hands remained joined.

It was in Beijing amidst glaring lights and the smell of frying grease and soy sauce that Hermione had first gathered the courage to press her lips to Severus' in a dry, close-mouthed kiss. In that moment, it had become clear to them that their travels had been more than a search for solace, for the distant dream of freedom and Thule, but also of themselves and each other.

Maybe they would not like what they found along the way, but the endless nights on the Transsiberian had taught them patience and fear had taught them caution.

"This might have been what the fur rug meant when it purred," Hermione said thoughtfully, stirring her noodles.

Absent-mindedly, Severus nodded.

"It might have meant unrealised potential and Thule to discover within," she murmured.

"I'm not giving up on Thule," Severus said firmly.

"We will keep searching," she agreed and squeezed his hand tightly.

Their travels had brought them to strange places, but this was stranger still, this quiet companionship that had grown between them on white Russian nights, vodka and storm-ridden plains.

Yet again, they boarded a train that night.

Hermione heard the clean whistle that indicated their train had arrived at Lhasa. A little worse for wear, a little weary, but she wasn't ready to give up yet. If they didn't find what they needed in Lhasa, they would simply continue on to Hanoi and Saigon, to the dark alleys of Bangkok and the mysterious waters of Singapore.

But first, Hermione thought as she descended from the train, first there was Lhasa to explore. And with that final thought, she resolutely breathed in Tibetan air and looked up at Severus.

"Let's go."

Author's Note: And that's it! I hope you enjoyed the journey.

No books were harmed in the production of this piece. Every book mentioned exists, except for About the Ocean, which, however, is rumored to have existed. Quotes from that book are of my own invention. Places, food and folk tale creatures mentioned in this story also all exist, as do the train connections, cities and beautiful landscapes. The departure and arrival times of SSHG's trains reflect actual departure and arrival times from 2012. If you're interested in finding out more about the Transsiberian Railway, I encourage you to seek it online; there are lovely pictures and videos of the journey available. Oh, and the purring bloodthirsty rug is all mine.

As promised:

Original Prompt by citrinestone:1)Muggles have discovered how to tell if a person is magical. Witch hunters hunt them down. Wizard communities have been destroyed in Europe. The ones that have survived have fled to other countries. HG/SS travel on the Trans-Siberian Railway to escape and hope to find others like them. Who do they meet along the way? How do they keep their magic concealed? Will they reunite with any familiar people? Do they have a destination? How can a witch hunter detect them? Do they ever make their destination?