Author's Notes: Here's the bonus chapter that was requested by Princess Sammi. She asked very nicely and I do appreciate politeness. (; Here we have a little taste of Imogen's point of view. It's perhaps more poetic than she appeared in show-canon, and certainly more than book-canon, but her use of metaphor and her phrasing in the show always made me feel as though she had a more hidden poetic side that might find its way out in certain company.

I edited little bits and pieces of the previous chapters but nothing all too noticeable.

As always, please do feel free to make requests. This story came because my friend-I think typicalRAinbow on ffnet but I'm mostly familiar with her on tumblr-suggested 'tea and kisses' as a prompt. If you're looking for anything specific or longer, or have always wanted to see something written but didn't want to write it, feel free to send those along as well! It's always inspiring to have requests. Here goes! The end of my first The Worst Witch fic.

Imogen, feeling invincible, ran full-tilt through the forest.

The sensation of Constance still hung heavy on her lips, stirring her to endless animation. The cold could not touch her: she now knew the dip of the woman's waist, had discovered it with tentative fingers and explored it with an eager hand as heat engulfed her body. Her legs could never give way now that they had survived the grip of her inamorata's thighs—they had kept her aloft through the impossibly thrilling arousal of it. Her heart could surely beat no faster than it had then.

Constance had uttered only two words after the kiss—which was long, hurried and interminable at once—and by the colour of her lips and cheeks, Imogen wasn't sure the woman was aware of them. It was one breath, the barest movement of lips, but Imogen had caught them with her own: 'not one'.

Not one?

How many, then, Imogen wondered: Two? Four? Multiples upon multiples of those burgundy lips pressed to her own, moving as they did with alternate ferocity and tenderness? And more besides, eventually?

(They had parted amicably, Imogen beginning her long wait with a run. She would win the prize.)