Another fanfic I started over a year ago but never continued because I'm a lazy piece of shit.

Shizuo just stared at the girl who had apparently just knocked Izaya out. She just kept looking back between Izaya and him, as if either of them would just start talking even though one of them was unconscious.

"Who are you?" He almost whispered.

"Who are YOU? I'm his assistant, who has a right to be here. You, however, do not." She huffed, starting to glare at him. She sounded bored, annoyed and amused all at the same time.

Shizuo got uncomfortable before he decided that Izaya was better off on the couch for the moment and after putting him there went to get a cup of water for when he woke up. The mysterious lady just stood by the door until Shizuo explained the situation. When he was done Izaya started waking up again but didn't seem to change at all.

After downing the cup of water that Shizuo got for him he stood up and looked around. After he noticed the woman he started wondering if she was the reason for being knocked out this time.

"I didn't touch you, Izaya. I walked in and you passed out. Maybe you should get that checked out." She looked smug, like this was something that she had wanted to happen, as if Izaya passing out is what benefited her the most.

Since that was cleared up Shizuo picked up the bag he had gotten for Izaya and Izaya and left. The woman looked shocked but didn't make any moves to stop him. Shizuo waved at her as he and the screaming man on his shoulder left.


When they got back to Shizuo dumped Izaya on the guest bedroom bed. Again Izaya had stopped struggling part way through the trip and Shizuo smiled. With Izaya taken care of for the moment he went to find food, but thought better of it and ordered out. He bought the Russian sushi that he knew Izaya liked so much but only bought some pizza for himself.

Izaya had come out to see who kept knocking on the front door as Shizuo went to get him and they bumped into each other. Izaya froze, confused before backing up quickly, his heart pounding. He looked away while his face cooled down. When he looked back at Shizuo it seemed that he was confused as well.

"What do you want?" Izaya asked, trying to get the awkward silence to go away.

"Uh… I ordered food for us, and got you that sushi you seem to love so much." Still blushing and confused Shizuo turned away and walked back into the kitchen.

Once Izaya's heart was completely calmed again he walked into the kitchen for lunch. When he saw what Shizuo got for him he glared. "What makes you think I'd eat that shit?"

"Probably the fact that every time I see you eat you, you're eating 'that shit'." Shizuo said smirking, loving how uncomfortable Izaya seemed to be in his house.

Izaya huffed and took a bite of the sushi then nodded his head, showing that it was better than he thought that it was going to be. Satisfied he sat down on Shizuo's couch, seeing as how the T.V. was on and Shizuo was headed that way he knew that it would be okay.

They watched T.V. without knowing what was really on it until it was too late and they had to go to bed. When they moved to get up both of them hesitated before shaking hands and going their separate ways for the night.

Laying down Izaya realized that it had been a stupid move but he had almost hugged the other man for helping him out, even though the idea made him nauseous.

After about an hour of just staring at the wall Izaya knew that he wasn't going to get any sleep that night as well, but only waited a few more moments before going into Shizuo's room. When he got situated he could feel Shizuo wakeup again, and again he pretended to be asleep until he actually did fall asleep. He knew he was gone before Shizuo had even registered he was in there but decided that he should be thankful that he only came in around 11 o'clock instead of 2 o'clock like the night before.


Shizuo woke up again in the middle of the night, although this time it wasn't really in the middle of the night so he was happy. When he looked down he saw that Izaya had snuck in his room again. He didn't know how he felt about this, but he knew that however he did feel wasn't a bad feeling. Instead of kicking him out like he originally wanted to the night before he just curled his arms around him and started snuggling with Izaya.

He could feel the man next to him get uncomfortable for a moment before he settled next to Shizuo properly. When he stopped moving Shizuo could feel that his heart was pounding. He thought it was because he was scared to wake Izaya up until he realized that his heart wasn't slowing down and the closer he hugged Izaya the harder it beat.

Finally Shizuo decided to find out later and fell into a deep sleep.


When Izaya woke up he could feel that Shizuo was hard. He played it off as normal morning wood when Shizuo groaned and started grinding against him, to which he tried to get up as fast as possible. However, Shizuo had an arm around him and kept him in place. Izaya cursed and tried to move again when Shizuo started grinding against his leg again.

As hard as he tried to ignore it he had to accept that what Shizuo was doing was turning him on. When Shizuo started groaning his name he decided he had enough and ripped away from Shizuo and ran to the bathroom, where he took a shower and took care of his problem before Shizuo even got up.

When Shizuo woke up he was glad to find that Izaya had left for the moment. He had been dreaming about chasing him again when all of the sudden the dream Izaya turned around and pushed him against the wall. While he had him trapped there he started to kiss him before grinding his hips into Shizuo's, which made Shizuo hard and hot. He tried to get away but the pleasure was just too much. Thankfully he had woken up before he came, but he was so hard that it almost hurt. As he got up he noticed that Izaya had gone missing for the moment and knew that he was better off with him gone than in bed with him making fun of his dream.

After one failed attempt at a relationship his partner had told him that he had been moaning a man's name in his sleep. She was okay with it because they had both been testing to see if either of them were hetero or not. He wasn't but she wasn't so sure what she wanted. When he told her that he, obviously, preferred dick she was okay with that and they ended it but were still friends.

After that memory down memory lane Shizuo got nervous. What if Izaya had left because he was moaning in his ear and it disgusted him? What if he heard his name come out of Shizuo's mouth and left to go throw up? Shizuo slowly walked over to his shower, thankful that he still hadn't seen Izaya.

After his shower was done and his problem was taken care of he walked over to the kitchen to look for breakfast. He had been hoping that Izaya was in his own room but he was on the couch watching Shizuo with an amused but troubled look. And just because of that look Shizuo knew that he had done something to the other this morning.

Blushing he made breakfast and sat next to Izaya. While taking his first bite Izaya decided to break the silence. "Well… you have a nice moaning voice, ya know?"