I'm re-editing this story, changing the dynamics. I have the entire thing written but it doesn't flow correctly. So I'm fixing it.

Ghosts from the Past Don't Disappear...unless you make them.

"Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of the telescope." -Dr. Suess


He was furious. Seething.

A raging pyre ready to destroy.

Frantic and livid.

Stupid Dobe.

Anger and red was all he could imagine at that moment as the world around him evolved into darkness. Second Sage was a joke at this point. If he was really the reincarnation of Six Paths, he would've lived and not leave him in the middle of the damn, barren battlefield; partly wondering if Madara or Obito were still alive somewhere and managed to escape. That wasn't even important, because he knew, he knew the next time he saw either of them, whether in death or in the realm of the living, their hearts would be on a platter for that idiotic blonde's tomb.

Hell, why was he thinking about this? The boy he grew up with, learned with, hated with, competed with, loved with was no longer breathing. It didn't matter what happened to himself anymore, since he was sure all of Konoha wanted him in the state of death, the Akatsuki was in ruins now, Sakura was...for the lack of better term, in pieces (literally), and his teacher now had no other choice but to take leadership in the Kage business. Tsunade, was nowhere to be found, unfortunately.

Dammit, Naruto was such a moron who couldn't keep promises.

"You're making me want to cry in pity for you, Uchiha-san." A female voice thundered within his mindscape.

Ah yes. Then the Dobe had the gall to seal this...bijuu, within him while he was down for the count with chakra exhaustion. Then further screwed this up by accidentally created a pathway inside his conscience and mind, so the Kyuubi could travel through with thoughts and memories of everything occurred as the fiend chills in another dimension plane. Now he was stuck with one and a half of the tailed-beasts and so far wasn't very fond of it.

"I can hear you, Uchiha-san," Matatabi purred out, with a threat underlying it.

He wasn't going to bother to answer that, nor did he really care. For now, being tired was more important than the risk of angering the ginormous ball of monster. He couldn't even open his damn eyes at the moment. Between the pain of the sealing, chakra exhaustion, near-fatal wounds, the death of the blonde, and fury (grief), his body couldn't handle it anymore. So here he was; floating in darkness and stewing with hatred.

"You know, Naruto-sama has also given you the Rinnegan as an apology gift."

Along with my Mangekyo Sharingan? That's impossible.

"He had a thing for making things like this possible. However, he did say that you need to be very careful with your eyesight now and the usage of the two techniques. Even allowing the Sharingan to be active for a long period of time is hazardous."

When did that Dobe say any of this? Or do any of this?

"Naruto-sama is the Second Sage."

She said this like it was the answer to everything. With an inward grunt, Sasuke simply let the conversation drop about his deceased lover.

The Kyuubi is inter-connected with our thoughts right?

"Technically, only in spirit, no pun-intended Uchiha-san. It'd be truly amazing if two bijuus could be here without tearing your chakra system apart."

I see, he's able to speak with us, but only using telepathy.

"You still confuse me on a simple matter, however."


"I can feel your emotions pulsing with an enormous tidal-wave. Yet you don't express it."

That would do me with no favors.

Matatabi did not answer, and so she gave no indication where she agreed or not. Sasuke didn't really care.

"Welcome to your new life, kiddo'."

The Nine-tailed fox. Although he couldn't see where the massive demon was, it's infamous chakra was still there somewhere around his mental sanctuary, along with the two-tailed, who sat obediently behind her cage.

I want answers.

"Pushy, self-centered Uchiha." When the human did not take the bait, the fox went on with some irritation. "Naruto took some vast precautions in making sure you were safe."

I can take care of myself.

"Noted. However, he knew you'd try to do something crazy if he died. So the boy did accordingly. Throw a tantrum, but the blonde took you to a whole other world. One that is almost peaceful."

The technique used?

"He got a toad to eat you."

Makes sense, for if there's a summoning dimension, then that means animals have the capacity to travel to others, not just their own. Meaning the reason why he can't move or see anything is because a giant toad is now having him sit his stomach.


This also means that summoning the large beast could have been the final blow to which killed Naruto. So the blonde did this to save him? From what? He was sure that Madara couldn't have survived that final blow-...

"That bastard is still alive. Believe me when I say that I do not like you Uchiha, because I don't. However, out of entertaining purposes, I will say that your ancestor has followed you into this world. Why, I do not know."


Being rendered speechless is quite a feat for him, and to be done so by the Kyuubi itself if somewhat pathetic. It's a huge fur-ball with a stick up its ass towards the Uchiha clan for what Madara has done. Yet, the raven can't seem to actually blame the thing.

Sasuke was about to say more towards the beast, but felt its chakra presence disappear. Which left him staring at Matatabi, who had lied down in her cage, gazing back at the raven. His mental cage was vastly different from the Nine-Tail's metal and urban styled look. (He's seen it once before). The huge, temple-like room was made from onyx and volcanic rock, and the monster's cage was steel with blue lightning flying around it, while the big seal was plastered right in front of it.

"Jinchuurki's have a wide range of chakra styles. Your mental cages for us are always different in terms of what mine and your element affiliation is."

Going off a guess, they were probably a perfect match for each other.

Abruptly, a familiar feeling washed over him then; it was calm and soothing, and soon, his eyes close with the last sight being Matatabi blinking at him curiously.

"I assume this means we've arrived."


"You know what our mission requires of you, Makarov."

The old man appeared outraged at the assertiveness, but did not speak aloud with the angry thoughts, instead he replied in a forced, civil manner, "Of course."

"As a part of the Ten Wizard Saints, we expect no less from you." From the shadows, he could see the stares from the taller and elevated council. Resisting giving them a nasty look, he nodded, not trusting himself to even speak anymore. "We trust you'll do as was said earlier. This boy had reportedly fallen from the sky and had enormous magical energy when he landed; even the Magic-trained medics cannot find comprehend how he's still alive."

"You're using me and my children to do something you could yourself," Makarov spoke humbly, startling the other adults for doing so abruptly. "However, I'm doing this for his sake, not yours."

Silence weaved through the large area, as the bold statement almost felt like a slap to the face. So the aged man still had some spunk, hmm? After he was dismissed from the meeting, he visited the Era Medical Center.

"Hello, how are you today, Guild Master?" a voluptuous blonde greeted as he walked through the doors.

Makarov grinned at her, "Morning Lily, I assume the family's okay?"

"Oh, they're surviving," She giggled good-naturedly.

He hopped onto the desk (since he's too short to see over it) and peered at the sign-in sheets. "I need to see the new patient, think you can let me pass?"

"Of course, Guild Master!" Lily replied happily, smiling as she scanned the newest update on the desired person from his file. "The poor dear has just woke up, it seems! But he's not speaking about anything, just staring around the room, amnesia perhaps?"

Nodding along as she prattled on about things only a mother would say, he wrote his name in order to pass. Afterwards, he waved a hearty goodbye to the secretary.

When he entered the top floor of the building (which was on lock-down with the boy still here), he looked around. Rune Knights were on either side of the hallway with the captain of the regiment at the end of it, by the patient's door. Once Makarov reached the desired room, the captain moved aside and let the guild master stroll in. With a heavy heart, he knew he was going to regret doing this mission for the council. The small, fragile-looking boy that had all sorts of machines hooked up to him made him realize it.

The question to how he actually got here in the first place was a complete mess. It was only when a farmer from a small town had seen something crashing down to earth, creating the loudest noise that woken the entire village, that the Rune Knights were called in. Come to find out, it was an actual person lying in the middle of the crater, heavily wounded and almost drowning in the blood that had been mixed into dirt.

It was quiet in the room, save for the window letting air breathe in and out, and the younger with black hair that touched his shoulders and bangs overshadowing his face looked up. Makarov could finally see the doll-like features the child had; his face was flawless and with large, doe-like orbs that held the color of onyx with elegant lashes framing them, stared back at him.

"I'm Makarov," he said at last, watching as the other titled his head, but otherwise didn't change facial expressions.

"*Wakaranai," The boy replied, blinking once.

Oh boy. He didn't speak the language.


*(I don't understand: informal. For we all know Sasuke doesn't give a crap about being polite, in general.)


Sasuke looked down upon the guild from the second floor. His forearms resting on the railing; with his large, doe-like orbs looking down to the first floor; lavishing, black bangs framing the pale, genetically inherited young face. People in Fairy Tail gave a sigh at Magnolia citizens who swooned and stewed in jealousy whenever he walked by. Many started a small fan-club that grew quite large over the years, and even a newspaper ran just for him, reporting to the large city everything he did. While most found it funny and proceeded to make jokes about it, the entire situation grew old and annoying quickly for Sasuke.

The only flaw the Uchiha had was the fact that when he arrived in this dimension, he was young (around the age of ten), but then over the years, as more people joined and the guild got even more vast, something caught his attention.

As time went on, he only grew a few inches, never taller; which had become peculiar since the ninja was sure that he had been 5'9" before coming here. Makarov had of course asked at one point, curious on why he hadn't changed much, to which he didn't reply and only shrugged. Laxus was beginning to become bigger in height and soon, he'd have to peer up. Something he did to Macao and the like already.

Someone was going to pay.

Someone who had blonde hair.

Someone who often had whiskers.

Just wait until Sasuke gets into the afterlife.

Not even Kami will stop the revenge of this prank.

Back to reality, Sasuke cocked his head towards the new member.

He looked somewhat relaxed as said new member who was a small, pink haired boy challenged a girl that went by the name of Erza Scarlet. The child had spunk and guts, to go up against the red-head when it was only his first day. Yet, from remembering from a book he had read a while back, this boy had all the qualities of a Dragon Slayer. Something that could possibly be a great adversary in the Fairy Tail guild, or a huge disaster; either way, not even he would know of the outcome until the fated day-unless the boy was like Naruto in that regards.

A loud cheer from the guild made him snap his eyes back down towards the children, who were in a one-on-one spar. So many kids have showed up to stay that it reminds him of a daycare almost. Or idiots, whichever name worked the most for this place of magic.

Without a word, he turned and walked calmly to the S-Class job board; his open-toed sandals barely waking up dust as he did so.

Upon reaching the board, the raven picked something relating to finding thieves that had stolen a large sum of money from a rich bank just a few towns over. Apparently, one had silver hair and purple eyes; the other was covered by a mask with only green eyes visible. Both had black cloaks with the pattern of purple clouds and had straw hats. It seems these were either cowards or really smart people, but to Sasuke, it didn't matter.*

Whoever made this S-rank was out of their mind and with a flick of his wrist, that was quick and unseen by the human eye, the Uchiha switched the job for another paper. This one seemed to be a five day trip for someone else, but to him, this will only take two. Still, he was going to take all the time he could before he came back to this daycare, and with that, he flickered to the Master's office to report and then take his leave.

"I demand you to fight me, Erza!" the young Natsu cried out, punching the air with his fists.

"Hey newbie, don't be so rash!" Gray said trying to grab his arm before the boy got himself killed.

He quickly turned to the guy who was dumb enough to get in his way. "Then do you want to fight me, ice-head?!"

"What was that, weirdo?"

"You heard me, idiot!"

"Let's go, right now, just you and me!" Gray proclaimed, taking a step back from the boy in front of him and then aimed a punch right for his eye. Of course the boy saw it coming and dodged it, and returned the favor with a punch of his own caliber, but Gray saw it just in time to move his own head to the side.

"Jeez," Wakaba sighed and exhaling through his pipe as he rested his head on his hand. "This is a guild, not a school-ground."

Macao, who was sitting next to him and leaning back in his chair, just shook his head. "I'm not going to question why Master Makarov let these kids join, and you shouldn't either."

"Well, we probably should, I mean I haven't seen Sasuke in days and it might turn into weeks!" the smoking man took a drag from the pipe of his and scratched the stubble on his chin.

"Sasuke seems the type to hate children." Another guy proclaimed.

Macao rolled his shoulders to say that he didn't even know himself and examined the cards of his own. "We don't know the guy that well anyway, but from what I heard, Master is going to promote him to a SS-Class mage soon."

"HUH!?" Wakaba exclaimed, dropping his cards he'd just picked up and falling off his chair in complete surprise. Many others who were playing the game of poker also copied his action, and some even fainted from this news.

"Master spoke to Gildarts that Sasuke will undergo the trial next week that is set up by one member of the Council in Era. He said this was important because it took a while for the Magic Council to approve of Sasuke, however, it seemed that one member was persistent enough." At this, Macao chuckled and opened his own pack of cigarettes,"Also the fact that he doesn't use his magic unless necessary."

"Is he that powerful, or something?!"

"It's kind of un-fair; I've never seen him have to use it against Laxus or Gildarts!" Wakaba complained.

"Wasn't he immediately promoted when he joined the guild?" Reedus Jonah inquired.

"No, he just joined a week before the S-class Mage Promotion Trial…" the men deadpanned in realization.

This is when the rumors usually start.

"He hasn't aged or even have a wrinkle, don't you guys at least find that weird? I mean, the guy is pushing sixty from what I heard!" The first to let go of the jealousy was Wakaba, who blew out grey smoke.

"Guys, we all know sometimes, that aging doesn't necessarily involve wrinkles…" Macao tried to stop the rumors before they spread. Unlike last time when Wakaba started the entire story of Sasuke taking down monsters the size of the Tower of Heaven. He was thanking the real heavens when the raven-haired mage did not really care and look into the rumor, or they'd not live to actually gossip again—he was sure.

"Do you see those fan girls that constantly hassle him when he goes out in public?" Reedus grumbled, flipping through the cards within his hand.

"To be honest, those red eyes of his scare me..." one person said, silencing the table once again.

"Well, who wouldn't be somewhat intimidated by the young man, I mean, he's stronger than Gildarts himself!" one of the poker players said in disbelief.

"Well, it doesn't look like that to me. It seems as if the boy has a long way to go to be that powerful as our Ace." Wakaba sat back in his chair, puffing out the smoke in habit.

"He won't make it, the guy's too much of a coward," a new voice made the men turn their heads to see a certain blonde.

"Well, hello to you too, Laxus," Macao said politely crossing his arms and slanting in his own chair.

The boy just scoffed and turned his head sharply, and with faster than the human eyes, a flash of lightning appeared and he was gone.

"Isn't he just pleasant?" Wakaba asked, getting chuckled from the other mages, and at that moment, a wooden chair flew by.

Erza held up a hand to stop the two boys from fighting and hurting each other and then started to walk towards the doors with her long braid following her.

"Not today Natsu, I'm going on a job." She replied, stopping in front of the doors and then turned back to them "How about when I come back?"

"You got yourself a deal!" Natsu grinned and immediately ran out before her to start training.

Today was a great day for him, first—he joined the guild just recently and made some new rivals. Second—he is the only one to be trained by a dragon it seems, and that was cool! Third—he joined only for one reason and that reason alone; Igneel had told him to look for the wizard of Fairy Tail that had pain in their crimson eyes, and black hair that was so dark that it put ravens to shame. So he just had to find this person, he just had too, for Igneel!

As he made his way to the training spot that he had scoped out a few days ago, het let out the big breath that he didn't realize he held. Then, with resting his hands on his knees, the pinkette looked up to the sky of endless blue with happiness in the golden orbs of his. Things were looking up to Natsu and he was elated but there was something bugging him, and it just wouldn't go away. What if he never sees his adoptive father, and never becomes strong? The people in the guild seemed nice enough.

At least he wasn't alone anymore.

This should work better with what I'm doing, now I feel more confident on publishing plus more chapters.
