AN: Sorry haven't posted lately, but we have made a goal- the goal is to write one chapter at least once a week. We are surprised with how well we are doing and would like to thank all of you who have followed along with this story despite how long it takes to update.

Disclaimer: We do not own the Mortal Instruments

So here it is, please enjoy and review!

I had never realised Jace lived in the Idris Institute, but I think I should have realised because Jace was Alec's adoptive brother. When I walked into the institute my mouth gaped and my eyes turned huge, Jace smirked at my reaction. When all the sudden I saw Max, his hair was astray and his eyes were gigantic and alive with excitement that only children had. He had the mischievous glint in his eye as well, Max was a nice kid and I loved him to pieces as if were my own brother.

"Clary!" he yelled with adoration and he ran up to me hugging my waist while his head pressed into my chest. I smiled a beaming smile and looked at him kindly; I crouched down so that I was level with him. I think Max liked me because I treated him like a child but also like an equal and I never left him out.

"Hey Max" I said smiling to him playfully, "how's your new Manga going?" I inquired while smiling,

"Naruto is amazing and I can remember how to read it the right way!" he said bursting with excitement. I smiled at that,

"That's awesome" I said ruffling his hair and then he ran over to Jace, Jace had this smile on I had never seen before. It was a full on smile, a genuine one as Max gave him a hug, he looked like an affectionate older brother, not like he did at school. Jace hoisted Max on his shoulders and Max was grinning at the two of us.

"Jace?" He asked,

"Yeah" Jace said,

"Why is Clary here?" Max asked

"We have an assignment to work together on." He replied simply.

Max's smile shifted down a bit, "what's wrong buddy?" I asked "well I was wondering if you two could play with me?" He asked hopefully, Jace sighed "Max I can't play with weapons today-"Max cut him off "no I was wondering if I could play mummy and daddy with you?" He asked, his smile beaming, and Jace and I looked at each other horrified but we both knew we couldn't turn down a smile like that.


So that's how Jace and I managed to end up in Max's room playing a game of Mum and Dad. We didn't touch and refused any physical contact but yes we were in there and that's what counted to Max. I pretend to have a loving smile on my lips which probably looked like a grimace and the same went with Jace who was squirming about and looked incredibly uncomfortable. Damn this kid. "Can we pause the game?" Max asked, "I need to peeeee." He wined; we nodded and stood silent until we heard his footsteps disappear. We both looked at each other and left the room, leaving because we couldn't stand the torture anymore. I followed Jace into his room and saw a T.V with a classic X-box 360, something he probably bought here. And then I saw some of the games he had stacked up Assassins Creed, Alice Madness Returns, Tomb raider, Halo 4, Injustice, and C.O.D Black Ops. And then I let out a small fangirling scream. He looked at me quizzically and I had already turned on the X-box and through him an extra remote while we played Halo 4.

After being stuck into the game, Jace turned it off and I gave him a murderous glare.

"Come on Fray, we have to work on this project." He said to me, my mouth gaped open.

"Is this the famous Jace Lightwood actually doing something good?" I tilted my head to the side while grinning and then I saw Jace smiled back. He sat on the bed and patted the spot next to him and I really saw him since I was ten for the first time. Jace was just trying to cover up all emotions which he really felt this was his way of taking his mind off grieving. I then forgot everything, our arguments and my family as I sat down next to him and seeing the glint in his eyes I think he did too.

"So what is your favourite colour?" He asked, I assumed this was how to get to know each other.

"Green" I replied lightly "You?"

"Black" he said with a smirk

"You know that just because you're a Shadowhunter doesn't mean you have to love the colour black." I replied

"Then why do you love the colour green?" he asked, his eyes sparking with curiosity

"Green reminds me of innocence whereas black reminds me of trust."
"What do you mean trust?" He asked

"Black is the colour of secrets, it reminds me that there is a bad side to everyone and that you have to be cautious in who you trust." I replied simply.

I swear in that moment I saw a bit of recognition.

Jace snatched my phone and I tried to reach it when he silenced me. "This is my number so I can reach you." He pulled out his own phone and added in my number.
"I still don't like you" I said simply as if stating a fact, he smirked

"I know."

It was still awkward I guess, none of us really liked each other still. So when I left we didn't do anything, I just gracefully walked out the door to find my father waiting for me. I bowed my head and followed him, grabbing my horse and then riding home. I fled to my room as soon as I got there I didn't want to hear threats, see snarls. I thought about today, I still didn't like Jace but if I had to spend time with him I would. And that was when I saw a text message from him. "We're going to hunt our first demon tonight" it said, I could imagine him saying it, I would be able to hear the cockiness and finality of it all. So I replied one word


I walked out to see Valentine who was sitting at the end of the dining table, he was eating with Jonathan and Jocelyn was at his side, quietly nibbling what she was given. And then I saw Pangborn and Blackwell sitting at the table as well smug grins etched on their faces as they feasted into their food, clearly drunk as well as my father. "Father" I said demandingly, he looked at me sharply, "What are you doing Clarissa, dressed up in Shadowhunter gear?" He asked, "I am meeting up with Jace for our project." He nodded and I left.

I see Jace at his house, itching his eyebrow with the tip of his knife, whilst looking at the ground. He noticed the bag in my hand,

"What's that for?" He asked with some snark,

"Well genius I know exactly where to find ourselves some demons." I asked meanly,

"And where would that be?" he asked clearly bored, while looking at his fingernails.

"We have to leave town but it's a club called the Pandemonium."

"I know where it is" he replied, "This is going to be a long ride."

The trip is a long time, we sit there saying nothing and sending each other hateful glares. My guess is that any vulnerability we both showed today was gone. And to be honest, I rather it that way. It's a good three hours away, a very long way from any borders of Alicante. And then we finally arrived. I had changed in the back into a black strapless dress which brought out all curves I didn't have, it was simple yet gorgeous with the silver sequences on each side. My hair was put up in a messy bun with a strand hanging out. I had on hard core combat boots which hid some knives, and a sword hidden under my dress as well as a silver exquisite headband. I was ready. We were at the destination of nowhere, there were trees all around and no light could be seen from the portal, we both wanted it that way. My stele was carving itself into thin air when I saw the streets of New York. My fingers lightly drifted into the watery substance, I moved my leg in and then an arm before plummeting myself through with Jace following behind.

The feeling of being sucked through a portal is unimaginable, it feels like your insides are churning about and you are falling through thin air from a very lengthy height plummeting to your death and then, we were there. The streets were covered with citizens which was why we had on our invisibility runes. And then, just like that we stripped them off like a layer of clothing. Around us were the streets of New York which of course meant busy streets, and buildings which shone as light as day even though it was nightfall. I heard the sound of music before I saw anything and I followed it slowly before I saw the club.

Jace was in his Shadowhunter gear on and he looked at the club with amazement.
"So what's the plan Fray?" He asked

"You are going to hide in the office, no one ever is there. I will lure the demon in there, and we shall fight together and kill it." And that was all I needed to say as we put back on our glamor and walked past the security guard. As soon as I entered the club I stripped it off. When I got in there I saw a sea of drunken bodies all swaying to the beat of the music. I smelt alcohol and drugs as well as the sweat of bodies, but most importantly, I smelt the foul stench of demons.

I walked into the middle of the room and swayed my hips to the music and then just like that I felt someone grab my hips. I looked up to see the piercing blue eyes of a man. No a demon. And then I grinned, the demon was looking for someone to lure off and kill and he assumed I was a helpless mundane, but by the end of tonight he will have been terminated. I moved my hips against his waist and danced gracefully, truly dazzling him, making him want to eat me, kill me. Although me, I was trying to resist the urge to gag. See a normal mundane would see him as a gorgeous good looking boy whereas me, I saw him as a blue skinned serpent with tentacles hanging out the side of his head. And then somehow I did what I had to and managed to kiss him. It was sloppy but it managed, for his eyes turned red- he wanted to kill me. I moved gracefully of the dance floor and pulled out a beckoning finger. This demon assumed I wanted to have a fling and he would be able to kill me, whereas I wanted to take him and kill him. And you know what?

Let the best man win.

The room is stacked with shelves; it is nothing but a storeroom. As soon as I get in there, the demons face changes from a flirty smile to a sneer. And my face transformed into something different, determination and distain. And that was when the demon finally noticed something was up. I took off the gloves which reached up to my shoulders and showed my newly inked runes. The demon hissed and spat out one word, "Shadowhunters." I smiled a bloodthirsty grin, "hey Jace" I called out innocently; the demon looked around to find Jace who was hidden. And then a black figure jumped down beside the demon effortlessly, like a cat- very graceful. The figure had kept his head down, his arms tattooed with runes; he was in black pants and shirt, his face hidden underneath his hood although you could see shags of golden hair, Jace. Jace lifts up his head towards me; "yes" he says almost silently "this demon has finally come to his senses that we are Shadowhunters here to kill him." Jace cocked his head to the side will striding towards the demon, a blade in his hand "oh really?" he asked, in an innocent manner I could tell now that he joined this game. I looked at him battering my eyelashes at him, "really."

The demon finally realised the position it was in and slowly backed away. But I had already run towards the door, blocking off the demon. "Going somewhere?" I asked innocently twirling my sword between both hands, my eyes flashing malice. Jace made the first move, his blade swiping at the demons head. But the demon had already ducked and had struck its foot out at Jace who had stumbled over it but kept up right. The demon pointed the tip of its blue tail out at Jace, trying to poison him. But Jace's eyes had narrowed to slits and had now become more focused on his new opposing threat. Jace used the demons back as a bouncing pad and placed his hands on its back before flipping over it. I watched Jace slowly kill it and play his golden dance of intruding murder. Blue blood of the demon only adding effect to the show as it all as it splattered on the floor of the room. Jace was only teasing it, slowly and torturously killing it; it was his way of a game. The demon had fear in its eyes as it was swiped repeatedly with a knife.

And that was when I got bored; I just wanted to kill it. I hadn't done anything but lure it in, I wanted to kill this thing which tried to destroy human kind. The demon thing was in the corner backing away. "Jace" I commanded, Jace whipped his head around. I grinned and put the sword in my hand and slowly walked towards the demon. I lifted the blade up, at the exact angle of the heart, where it would slide through the rib cage cleanly before piercing the heart. "Say our goodbyes." I said menacingly, but then I saw the demons blue plump lip quiver. "WAIT!" He busted out, "I know where Valentine is." I grinned at him, a sweet smile which looked innocent really. "So do I" I said nicely "because I am his daughter." It was the same look in his eye that every demon had when they found out about me. I pierced the blade through his heart and his look was sheer terror. His scream erupted into a nasty bloodcurdling shriek before his body started having nerve spasms, and then he fell still, lifeless. Jace walked over to me and grabbed out a vile and slit the demons throat and let blood drop into it. It was proof that we had killed it, and then the demons body dissolved; it was well and truly dead.

So what's going to happen? Are magical Taco's with legs going to blow down the door and attack? If you want to know, please review, follow and favourite! XOXOXO