Fire was born almost instantly, barely a second after the crowd of man in black suits went rampage. Oddly, it's not black versus white this time, it's black versus black. Evil versus evil. No distinct difference from each other. The only difference is one of the two is dying; this is the last desperate attempt to defend itself.

Watching from a distance, a man sat comfortably in an overly luxurious car without any reaction, his face was perfectly composed all the time. His men are absolutely going to wipe out the Takaba family, just like what he ordered them to. This is his way to get rid of people who stand in his way. Takaba has been his rival for quite a long time as its family head is undeniably good in maintaining their territories. However, it's going to end now. Just as what he expected, Takaba's men were completely down in less than half an hour. Blood and screams are everywhere in the Takaba's mansion, staining the peaceful place.

"Asami-sama, we've gathered all the Takabas." Kirishima, the loyal right man announced as he opened the car's passenger door for his boss, Asami Ryuuichi.

Smoothly, he got off from the black BMW and proceeded to the captured family. His golden eyes was focused intensely at the people in front him, assessing their condition. There are no children, only adults with a few teenagers. Among the victims, a pair of eyes met his gaze; it's a man who stood with great grief being displayed on his face. It was Takaba Dai, the leader of the Takaba family. He is a man whose age is more than sixty years old, yet, he is one of the rivals that Asami found to be quite challenging to be eradicated. Even from afar, Asami can see his leadership.

Putting a halt into his steps, he stood in front the terrified people. "Takaba-san." He greeted.

Even though they are enemy, it doesn't mean he can be rude towards the old man, a man with remarkable power before the very exact moment where he'd destroyed him.

The older Yakuza, however, didn't bother to reply. He shot murderous glares at Asami. Takaba Dai knew what Asami is about to do. He will execute every Takaba's family member; a massacre is going to take place. He wouldn't take any chance to let any of his family to avenge their loss.

"You can do whatever you want with me but, let my family go." He'd at least try to compromise. He couldn't bear the thought of his entire family got killed when some of them are not even involved in the underworld.

"You know better than me, Takaba-san. I can't do that."

Of course, Asami knows what Takaba fears. He noticed how desperate the old man is.

"They are innocent. They don't even know much about underworld."

Finally realizing what the two men are talking about, the Takabas behind their leader paled. A few women started to sob, while the rest remained silence with their body trembling in extreme chill.

"Arghh! H-help me!" A hysterical scream echoed into the tense atmosphere, only to make the situation more sickening. Almost simultaneously, everyone turned their head to the direction where the voice came from. Approximately twenty meters behind them, a boy half emerged under the pile of burnt and collapsed house, his lower part of his body was trapped beneath.

"Akihito!" One of the women shrieked in shock.

All the male Takaba-except Takaba Dai- rushed to Akihito, forgotten that they are in the middle of death sentencing. Asami narrowed his eyes at the scene. One of the family members is trapped under the piles of ravaged building. He didn't react, only stood where he was and watch the men rescuing one of their family members.

They couldn't care about the situation they're in. All they can think of at the moment is saving Akihito, the grandson of Takaba Dai. They forced out every bit of energy they have to remove the steaming hot bricks and pieces of roof above Akihito still, their effort doesn't seem to be enough to free him. Sweat started to cover their body yet, only little movement happened to the piles. Seeing her son like that, Hanami cried in despair, she wanted to run to his son but the hands of her relatives strapped her tightly to prevent her from doing so. Consoling words that the women uttered to her had no effect.

"Father, help him. Aki-Akihito is…he is." Hanami begged Takaba Dai. Her knees gave her out and she fell on her knees to the ground. Takaba Dai is helpless, he couldn't do anything. Seeing how her father's face changed drastically, she knew only one person can help Akihito now.

"Asami-sama, please-Help him" Hanami blurted out "Save my son. I'll do anything, anything! I'll give you my life if that's what you want. But please save Akihito."

Asami stared the pitiful mother for a few seconds. Then, something pushed him from 's not because of what Hanami offered that moved him, he need nothing from the woman. He doesn't understand why but he glanced at Kirishima who also turned out to be an audience a few steps behind him as a signal to help the Takaba men. The bespectacled man nodded and brought half of their men to the boy. Hanami felt her heartbeat slowed down a little as she threw her sight to his son. There is higher possibility to save him now with the aid from Asami, the enemy of her family. Enemy or not, it doesn't matter anymore. She'll pay for his help later, no matter what he will do to her as long as Akihito lives.

The temporary alliance worked together without saying anything. Their aim is only to get the boy out and then they will be back to their real motives. After a few attempts, the piles rumbled before they manage to lift the crumbled pieces of the building and the Takaba males quickly took the unconscious boy to his mother.

"Akihito. Oh my God."" Hanami lurched to her son, cocooning him in her arms. She stroked his soft strands of hair off of his forehead then planted kisses on it. Droplets of tear landed on Akihito's cheeks.

Exactly at the same time, Kirishima reached Asami.

"How is the boy?" Asami asked.

"His legs are bruised and marked by the burnt pillar, but other than that I didn't see any other injury." Kirishima's perceptiveness kicked in. That was the top reason why Asami liked his right man.

He feels reluctant to be relieved hearing the boy's condition. The family won't have a good ending, though. He still have to finish what he was about to do. However, his thought was frozen by what he sees in front him. For the first time, Asami could have a good, clear view of the boy he saved just now as the Takabas who packed closely to see the boy slowly melted. The boy that he laid his eyes on can't be more than twenty years old. Unexpectedly, his steady pulse skipped a beat, which made him puzzled. The fine strands hair, the thick lashes on the closed eyes, the soft pink coloured cheeks, and on top of all that caught Asami's eyes, the red cherry lips, causes a stir in him. He couldn't help but wonder how those lips would feel like on his own lips…

"Thank you, Asami-sama. Now, you can have my life." Hanami spoke determinedly. Her precious son is safe. It's time to fulfill her word.

Unbeknown to her, Asami can barely pay any attention to her as he couldn't tear his golden eyes off of Akihito. However, no one seemed to notice his drifted away mind as he quickly regained his thought. He shifted his sight to the boy's mother. She meant what she said, Asami said mentally. Looking at the boy again he suddenly knows what he would want from the woman.

"I don't want your life. Instead, I want to offer you something."

Takaba Dai who is now next to Akihito could sense something from the way Asami spoke. Hanami expectant, while Kirishima is taken aback.

To be continued…

Hello,this is my first fanfics, so I'm really worried about the reaction I'll get. Please do send me a message if you feel I lack something(Of course there are...T_T) I'll try to upload the next chapter ASAP. Thank you ;)