No one knew what to make of Stephanie Plum these days. There have not been any car bombings in months, all of her skips made it back to jail without her looking like a disaster in just as long as it has been for the car bombings and now it seems as if she is sporting a little smile along with a gold band on her left ring finger. No one in the 'burg, Trenton PD or the bonds office knew she was dating anyone, let alone got married.

The list of candidates of potential husbands were few and far between; it couldn't be Joe Morelli because he was dating Terri Gilman after Stephanie and his latest big blow out fight where they each went their separate ways. It could not be Ranger MaƱoso because he has been gone for the past six months. No one thought it could be one of those thugs at RangeMan, because it is known on the streets that Stephanie was Ranger's woman. Who else would be interested in this catastrophe of a woman, no one that any one knew and no one that anyone wanted.

The 'burg grapevine couldn't get any information out of the Plums; they didn't have any to share. Stephanie walked away from their house not to return due to one too many 'why me' dinners at her parents house. Frank Plum often went to the lodge, he was sad that he is now left out of the loop of his pumpkins life, if only he had stood up for her one time he would still be in her life. Helen Plum was so taken back by the lack of control she had over her daughters disastrous life she is now openly seen drinking from the bottle of whiskey, even while she shops at the grocery store. Edna Mazur, even though she loves her granddaughter, she had no juicy bits of the 411 on Stephanie, nor has she gotten to pinch those fine rear ends of those RangeMen. Valerie Kloughn was so wrapped up in her own life that she never stuck her nose out of her own ass to see that her sister wasn't apart of dinners at the Plum's house.

Even her so-called friends dumbfounded on what is going on with Stephanie Plum, they all got together to swap Stephanie stories early on Monday morning while Stephanie slept in. Stephanie never knew that they were the key people in feeding the gossips around town. Connie, Mary-Lou, Lula and Eddie would have coffee cake over at Mary-Lou's house to talk about the latest and greatest. However, the past four months there has been limited information so they have upped the get together to twice a week to go over any and every bit of gossip they have heard.

Connie and Lula don't see Stephanie anymore at the bond's office since Vinnie took over handling of her files and checks to her. Lula thought it would be a great idea to tail Vinnie to see how and when this all transpires. Maybe if she see Stephanie she can con her into getting some Cluck-in-the-bucket with her and get the low down on white girl. Unfortunately for Lula this did not go over to well since she lost Vinnie when he went to the feed store out Chesterfield Township. Lula knew that he wasn't going to meet Stephanie that day, because no one would be seen with Vinnie anywhere that close to live stock.

Some people were starting to question whether she was actually married, because again, who would want Stephanie she's a mess. However, those thoughts were that of the jealous women in Trenton that wanted a piece of ether RangeMan or of Morelli, usually that was one person and one person only who spread that rumor and it was Joyce Barnhart. She thought that Stephanie bought the ring so that she wouldn't look like the loser she is and old maid that she will become. Because if Stephanie was married, Joyce surely was going to get some of that action, she had before and she will again.

So now the good people of Trenton were at a loss of what was going on in the life of their Bombshell the Bounty Hunter. No one knew but she sure did look happy.

A/N: Just a quick two-shot that went through my scheming 'what if' mind! Characters belong to Janet.