Hello again! Well after a few hellish weeks, in which I was kicked out of my house and my computer was stolen by said family member who kicked me out I have managed to get it back. Now that I have my stories back, I figured I'd post a few one-shots starting with this one since...well it is October lol!

The crisp, early October breeze fluttered in through the open window of Ichigo's office where he sat pouring over the large stack of paperwork that had greeted him that morning; set directly in the middle of his mahogany desk with a little pink sticky note, that informed him they were due by the end of the day with a badly drawn heart, at the very top. A heavy sigh flowed from his lips before they were pursing shut, his elbows thudding onto the top of his desk while his fingers played haphazardly with a few strands of hair. Cocoa-brown eyes flitted from the jumble of words, no longer legible after countless hours of staring at those white pages, towards the window.

Outside, he could see the yard; the grass now a dull brown as winter approached while the trees had managed to still cling to most of their leaves that were now stained brilliant shades of crimson and orange. Those bright colors blended in beautifully against the early sunset that had painted the cloudless sky in matching colors. Fall had always been his favorite season, enjoying treats like hot apple cider and pumpkin pie, both of which sounded a thousand times better than being stuck in his dull, beige walled office.

He'd been offered the job at Vampyre magazine straight out of college, where he'd studied photography, two years ago. That was the job he had taken, though he spent more time enclosed by those four walls than he did with the freedom he found behind a camera. The world was alive with beauty, that he desired to capture, but instead he was cooped up going over paperwork that in all honesty had nothing to do with him.

Why would a photographer need to know how much they spent on paper alone? Hell, he could tell that just by looking at the precarious stack of papers now at the edge of his desk.

Drumming his fingers against his chin, an annoyed scowl twitched at the corner of his mouth when the intercom buzzed to life, and the cheery voice of his assistant chirped, "Mr. Shirosaki is here to see you, shall I send him in?"

Ichigo could feel the twitch above his right brow throb at the mention of that man's name. Ogichi Shirosaki, editor and owner of Vampyre, was his personal demon, that bad habit that just couldn't be kicked. Ichigo had gone to high-school with the man, and even back then the bastard had intended to make each day a living hell. Though that hadn't been enough, no of course not. Ichigo had been stupid and jumped at the first opportunity that came his way, no matter if he'd be working for his arch-enemy.

Pressing the small, plastic button at the right of the intercom, Ichigo let out a sigh as he responded curtly, "Send him in."

Just as he'd pulled his finger off of the device, the door to his office clicked open, and he lifted his gaze towards the devil that had just stepped into the room. As always, that pale porcelain skin was accentuated by the charcoal black designer suit, complete with matching tie and dress shirt, while equally snowy, long white hair had been pulled back into a messy twist that was pinned in place with two ebony sticks adorned with silver skulls that hung off of a thin bit of chain.

Clearing his throat, Ichigo shifted in his seat when those eerie gold on black eyes locked on his form, a devious smirk curling onto pale lips. If there was one thing he'd learned in the few years working for the man, it was that that smirk spelled doom, the kind that left Ichigo pulling at his hair and gritting his teeth against the urge to spit some rather vulgar words back at the albino.

Cautious eyes watched the pale skinned man as he moved about the room, pausing in front of one of Ichigo's favorite pictures; a black and white photo of a large, magnificent oak whose branches had been stripped bare by the fresh covering of snow that drifted up its trunk. Black nailed hands linked behind the man's back as he rocked a bit back and forth on his heels, head tilted to the side as he studied the photo.

After what felt like an eternity of staring at his boss as he stared at the picture, Ichigo let out a deep sigh as he went back to work. He could at least do something before Shirosaki decided to grace him with his reasoning of disrupting his time, even if it meant doing something so idiotically ridiculous as signing invoices.

"It's a lovely day don't ya think?" The watery, distorted voice that had prickled Ichigo's eardrums for the past few years seemed deafeningly loud in the enclosed space of his small corner office, and he lifted his gaze to find that the albino had finally turned to face him, that smirk still firmly in place. There was a wicked gleam to those golden orbs, and Ichigo imagined the man was hoping to get a rise out of him. Instead, he cleared his throat, returning his gaze to the page before him as he scribbled his name for the countless time.

"I wouldn't know." He mumbled under his breath, scowling deeply as he pulled the next page forward, "I've been stuck in here all day doing your work."

An amused chuckle followed his words, his shoulders stiffening when the other's footsteps moved closer to his desk. Ichigo's pen paused in mid-signature when a pale hand landed on the wood right next to his hand, making him lift his head to the side to find his boss leering down with him, teeth bared in a cynical smile.

"Is that a lil' spite I detect in yer tone?" Shirosaki taunted, one pale brow cocked as his eyes sparkled with mirth. Ichigo's jaw hurt as he clenched his teeth, trying to remind himself that the man before him was his boss, the one who signed his paychecks.

Swallowing down whatever nasty comment had been on the tip of his tongue, he instead glared at the man as he spoke calmly, "This isn't what I signed up for, Shirosaki. As a photographer I should be out there taking pictures for the magazine."

Releasing the breath he hadn't known he'd been holding, Ichigo leaned back in his chair, his eyes studying his boss's expression. After a few moments, Shirosaki hopped up onto the corner of his desk, one pale finger hooking into the knot of his tie as he responded, "I've already got a photographer to take care of that stuff."

That had a vein in Ichigo's forehead popping as his right eyebrow twitched in annoyance, the hand still resting on his desk curling dangerously tight around the pen until it gave a creak of protest warning an impending break. That albino was impossible, leaving him to wish he could reach forward and tighten that bit of black silk until it cut off his airway and turned that white skin blue.

"If you already have a photographer, why am I here?" Ichigo hissed, his gaze turning dark when the pale man shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

"You've got an eye fer creativity, sometimes I like a lil' extra somethin' in a photograph." Shirosaki stated, eying the ebony polish on his thumb nail for any cracks or peels.

Slumping down in his leather chair, Ichigo ran a hand haphazardly through his hair as he muttered lowly, "I shoulda been a teacher." The cackle that followed had him scowling petulantly as he made a fist around a few unlucky strands of orange spikes.

"I would've still hired you!" Shirosaki taunted, leaning back on his hands that were planted firmly on his desk. A wide grin split onto his lips as he stared at the orange head through narrowed eyes. Ichigo knew the man got glee out of toying with him, pissing him off like no other could, and no matter how hard he tried, he always played right into the man's hand.

"So I could teach your illiterate ass how to read and write so you can actually do your own work?" He spat back, no longer able to keep that simmering anger in check. It really was an impossible task with a bastard of a boss. Though he slightly, minuscule at most, regretted those words when Shirosaki hopped down from his desk without a word and made his way towards the door.

Pale, black nailed fingers curled around the door as Shirosaki paused, tilting his head back once more to look towards Ichigo, though instead of that ever present smirk, he was scowling. "And here I was gonna offer ya a chance ta get out of this office..." He stated all teasing aside to be replaced with a dull, monotonous tone. Ichigo couldn't read the man's expression as he turned to leave, his mouth opening before he could even think things through.

"W-Wait...Please, I'll do anything. Just no more paperwork."

With the albino's back towards him, he missed the wicked grin that split onto pale lips and the way gold on black eyes flared with a dark amusement.

If he would have seen either, he would have declined the offer immediately without even bothering to hear what it was.

Ladies and gentleman!
Boys and ghouls!
Step right up!
Behind this curtain lies a ghastly concoction of delight! Horror! Fantasy and terror!
Your every wish is our command!
Your every whimsical desire brought to life.
But I'm warning you...There's always a price!
Welcome to the greatest show UNEARTHED!

Ichigo was in his element, favorite camera hanging from the strap around his neck, as he zigzagged through the massive room filled with men dressed up in every costume imaginable from a vampire to a sexy fireman while the women looked as slutty as ever in everything revealing from a french maid to a she-devil. When Shirosaki had told him he wanted him to take pictures of the Halloween party thrown by one of the most famous rock stars for a spread in the magazine, he had immediately jumped at the offer. It was a dream come true, not only over the fact that he was out of that confining office, but he could also appease one of his guilty pleasures.

It was a dream come true.

Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez was one of the most well known rock stars, made famous by his deep, husky vocals and the intricate riffs on the electric guitar. Coincidentally, he was Ichigo's favorite musician which had his inner fan doing the most extreme happy dance of the century as he moved through the bluenet's massive mansion.

The entire place was decked out for the elaborate party; winding staircases and chandeliers covered with spiderwebs and life-like plastic spiders, intricately carved pumpkins resting on any open space not covered with food and drink on the black clothed tables, bats and orange and black streamers hanging from the walls, and a fog machine covering the floor with wispy smoke. Jars of eyeballs and hands mixed in with the bottles of liquor that rested on top of a coffin set in the center of an eerie cemetery scene complete with gravestones. Hell, even the punch bowl was in the shape of a tower of skulls, the red liquid pouring out of their eyes and mouths while the ladle looked like a skeleton's hand. Everything looked amazing, though Ichigo's favorite thing would have to be the fortune teller near the entrance to the Grand Hall.

When he'd first entered, he ran across the woman dressed in a white blouse that just covered her chest, the sleeves billowing out over her black painted nails. She'd topped off the look with a pair of black shorts tied off with a violet sash complete with gold coins, and knee high leather boots. The black scarf that covered the top of her violet hair held the same gold coins that matched her cat-like eyes. Her skin was a dark toffee color that seemed to glow against the smoky glass orb, her hands waved over, set in the very center of her small table. The woman had given him a smirk as she shuffled a deck of tarot cards, watching as he disappeared further into the room.

Ichigo was having the time of his life as he moved through the crowded room, snapping pictures here and there whenever something caught his attention. He'd just lowered his camera after taking a picture of a creepy, life-sized Frankenstein statue when the lights suddenly went out, making him cock a brow as he spun in a small circle. The entire place was dark, and though he could hear their excited whispers, the crowd was invisible in that pitch black.

Just as confusion started to slip into panic, a spot light hit the center of the room, and the sight that met him had Ichigo feeling as though he'd just been kicked in the gut, forcing the air from his lungs. Cerulean eyes sparkled under the beam of false light, that infamous teal hair striped with black and styled in a mass of imperfect perfection.

Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez stood proud, a feral, untamed grin on his handsome face that brought one's attention to the razor sharp canines on display. The rock star had dressed to kill that night in a pair of pants, made from the tightest leather Ichigo had ever seen, tucked into knee-high combat boots complete with spikes and numerous straps. Those powerful, muscled arms stretched at the black button-up that was left open, revealing the tribal tattoos that cut along sharp hipbones and dipped into that leather. The rest of the bluenet's torso was covered in splotches of blood along with his chin, making him look as though he'd just torn into some unsuspecting victim's neck and drained them dry.

The sight alone had Ichigo's mouth going dry, forcing him to swallow thickly as he watched the man lift a microphone to his lips. That dangerous grin was ever present as a deep, husky baritone filled the room, "Ya'll havin' fun?"

The entire room filled with cheers and applause while the orange haired photographer was left frozen, a delicious tingle playing along his spine. He couldn't quite quell the excitement that coiled in his stomach at the sight of one of his idols, leaving him smiling like an idiot as the man continued, "Fuckin' right ya are! I didn't spend a fortune fer nothin', so ya'd better enjoy yerselves!"

A loud, bubble of laughter broke out around the room as the spot light dimmed, replaced quickly by flashing strobe lights as a deep, heavy bass rumbled out of the speakers set up around the room. It shook the very ground, vibrating up into Ichigo's legs as he squeezed through the crowd of people that had swarmed into a sea of grinding bodies. He had no intention of joining them, no he had other priorities at hand. He couldn't very well turn in the portfolio without a picture of the host, his own unhealthy obsession aside.

It took entirely too long to make it through the crowd to where the bluenet stood, a black goblet in hand, as he chatted with a few other men. Ichigo was frozen for a moment, only able to stare up at the man that put the gods to shame, faltering when those bright blues slid in his direction. His tongue swelled up like cotton, making it impossible to speak even if his brain had been working properly enough to form a coherent thought. He knew he was making a fool out of himself, but hell be damned, Grimmjow just had that effect on him. It wasn't everyday that he was able to meet someone as famous as the bluenet, fuck he was lucky if it was a once a year thing with how little Shirosaki let him out of the office.

Quickly shaking off those thoughts, Ichigo took the last few steps until he was standing next to the rock star, barely noticing the other men take their leave. It was hard to notice anything but those watery orbs that watched each and every movement he made. It left him feeling like prey being sized up to see if he was a worthy kill, leaving him on alert as he held out his hand towards the bluenet. The man took it in a rough grasp that had Ichigo's knees shaking slightly as he tried to yell over the music, "You've outdone yourself! This is amazing!"

A trimmed, teal brow cocked in slight amusement as the musician leaned forward to growl against his ear, "Yer gonna 'ave ta speak up, Ichi."

Cocoa-brown eyes blinked repeatedly as the orange head processed those words before his lips were parting in surprise. How did the man know his name? They'd never met before, and he didn't even have one of those 'Hello My Name Is...' stickers plastered on his chest. His obvious confusion had Grimmjow chuckling against his ear before he stated lowly, "Shirosaki told me abou' ya, can't say yer wha' I was expectin'."

That had Ichigo jolting out of his stupor, and he shook his head before hissing back, "Don't ever trust a word tha' man says." Leave it to Shirosaki to ruin the one good thing that had happened so far since he started working for the man.

"Why not? He was right on one thing," Grimmjow's question had the hairs at the back of his neck standing on end as the bluenet's lips brushed against his ear, "Ya are cute."

Even in near darkness, Ichigo's face lit up like a beacon with a rosy blush at those words, that heat spreading up to his ears and down his neck. Hanging his head to hide his embarrassment from the bluenet, he lifted his hands to fidget with his camera. The rumbling chuckle so close to his ear had him stiffening as the rock star moved subtly closer, enough to leave Ichigo feeling swarmed by his presence as he peaked up at the man through his bangs.

How could he respond to that? Grimmjow had spoken those words with such ease, repercussions be damned. For all the bluenet knew, he could be straight as an arrow and flipped out hearing those flirtatious words. He had to admire the man for his blunt, I don't give a fuck what you think, attitude, saying whatever it was going on inside that sinfully gorgeous head of his.

Ichigo's own mind brushed off the fact that Shirosaki had told the man that he was cute, letting that information flow to the back of his mind where it would be blissfully forgotten. A small smile quirked onto his lips as he lifted his head to meet those crystalline eyes straight on, letting loose a breathy, "T-Thanks."

"Don't mention it, I call it where I see it," Grimmjow responded with a nonchalant shrug as those steel blue eyes wandered over his form in narrowed concentration, "Though yer costume could use a lil' work."

Ichigo flushed at that, tugging at the hem of his gray graphic-T, bunching the black cross that ran along his ribs on the left side. In all honesty, he hadn't even thought of dressing up. Costumes tended to get in the way most of the time, and he had work to do, so he'd thrown on the t-shirt at the top of his basket and a pair of white skinny jeans with a chunky black belt and converse sneakers.

Easy to work with and stylish.

"I-I'm just here to take pictures!" He protested, holding up his camera for emphasis when the bluenet gave him a skeptical look. Grimmjow shook his head as he snorted, folding his arms across his blood stained chest.

"So? Get inta the spirit of the holidays! Ya could dress up as anythin' ya want," Grimmjow called out over the music before leaning dangerously close so the tips of those blue bangs brushed along Ichigo's forehead, "Be anyone ya want."

Ichigo was sure his brain had misfired and was currently leaking out of his ears as he stared into the other's eyes, so close that he could see the tiny flecks of azure and the ring of silver near the outer edge that made that blue gleam even more brightly. Grimmjow's breath was hot as it fanned across his face, smelling minty and simply divine. If either one were to tilt their head in even the slightest of fashions, they would connect, and Ichigo wasn't sure his heart could take that. It was already pounding against his ribs in a vicious tango that left him unable to breathe and seriously lightheaded.

"I-I...I need to sit d-down..." He managed to get out, though his dry mouth made his voice crack and shake. Glancing around to find a nearby chair to collapse into, Ichigo was unprepared when his hand was snatched up, and he was pulled along to one of the walls and through a door. Once it was shut again, the pounding music muffled to a dull hum, and he was thankful to be able to hear himself think again as he was pushed down onto a rather comfy, pillowy white couch.

Inhaling a deep breath to calm himself, he slouched down into those cushions as he tilted his head to watch the bluenet riffle through the wet-bar set in the corner of the room. Grimmjow had grabbed two crystal tumblers, filling each with ice and a caramel colored liquor before turning back towards him. Though the light in the room was not exactly bright, it still brought out the light tan of the bluenet's skin and created shadows that gave a toned six-pack more definition as the man bent down to hand him one of the glasses.

Ichigo quickly brought the tumbler into his own hands, diverting his gaze away from planes of thickly corded muscle, tossing back half of his drink to calm his nerves. An immediate warmth spread throughout his body, nestling in his belly, and he gave off a content sigh as the rock star plopped down next to him. A strong arm hit the back of the couch behind his head, and Ichigo turned to find the bluenet watching him closely.

"Feelin' any better?"

Grimmjow's voice was enough to make his body quake when it was masked beneath the pulsing music, but now there was nothing to hide the rugged, seductive tone that had Ichigo's insides melting and his eye lashes fluttering in bliss. His wicked mind was supplying him with images of that voice whispering into his ear as the rock star molded against his bare back, sweaty blue locks brushing along his skin.

Jumping slightly at the sudden turn in his thoughts, Ichigo cleared his throat before giving a stiff nod. Curling both hands around his glass, honey brown eyes turned to glance around the room, more so to keep his sanity. If he stared at the bluenet any longer, things were going to go horribly awry. He was here to take pictures of the party, to prove to Shirosaki that he was capable of more than blasted paperwork.

He couldn't get distracted now.

Setting his glass down on the table, he placed his hands in his lap as his gaze darted around the room. Silence wrapped around the pair, and Ichigo chanced a glance at the blue haired rock star after awhile to find him toying with one of his canines, swiping his tongue over it before pressing the muscle against the sharpened point. Those pearly white fangs looked all too real, making him wonder if the man had gone as far as to file down his own teeth. It wasn't that farfetched, he'd seen worse working for Shirosaki.

"Yer starin'."

Cocoa-brown eyes blinked as Ichigo's brow furrowed in confusion for a brief moment before those eyes were widening in a sort of shocked horror as his cheeks flushed. "S-Sorry...It's just t-they look so..." He began to sputter out in his embarrassment, only to clamp his mouth shut when those fangs were suddenly teasing along his neck when Grimmjow bent his head. Swallowing thickly, Ichigo did his best to suppress a shiver, his skin prickling with gooseflesh at the feel of sharpened teeth scraping a path up to his ear.

"So wha', Ichi?" Grimmjow husked out against his ear, and this time Ichigo couldn't hide the tremble that racked through his body or the breathy groan that left his lips.

Closing his eyes to try and reign himself in, he bit his lip hard before sighing out, "So real."

He expected the bluenet to pull back after receiving an answer, though Grimmjow seemed to have other things on his mind. A sharp nip to his ear had a gasp falling from Ichigo's lips as the bluenet growled out, "Wanna find out just how real they are?"

It seriously had to be a carnal sin, but Ichigo was highly debating taking the man up on his offer. Usually it was never this hard to keep his cool, but with Grimmjow it was like he was some pubescent teen strung up with raging hormones and ready to literally jump the man next to him. Warm fingers pressed against the side of his jaw, forcing his head to turn towards the other, and Ichigo's lungs were squeezed dry as he stared into those eyes, darkened to a deep azure and heavily hooded.

Thin lips split into a feral grin as the rock star's finger hooked underneath his chin, and Grimmjow tilted his head to the side, letting their lips meet in a ghosting kiss before pulling back. Ichigo was left stunned, a frozen statue, as he stared at the bluenet with his mouth parted cutely in surprise. That brief touch had felt like an electric charge shooting all the way down to his toes, and he wasn't sure if he should run or let the man before him completely consume everything.

Ichigo was only partially aware of the strap for his camera being lifted from around his neck, the device gently set onto the coffee table in front of him. A strong, powerful arm looped around his shoulders, hugging him close to the body, permeating a furnace like heat, next to him. His mind drew a complete blank when those lips were slanting over his in a rough kiss as calloused fingers ran through his hair, tugging at the strands and forcing a groan from his throat. Honey brown eyes screwed shut, his hands shakily moving to grip at the open folds to the bluenet's dress shirt as a slick tongue flicked over his lower lip teasingly before drawing back.

Parting his lips, Ichigo was ready for the next attack, nipping gently at the other's tongue. The hand in his hair tightened its grip as another wrapped around to grab the back of his neck to pull him closer. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, his conscience was ranting about how he had work to do and sucking face with the host of the party wasn't part of the job. It wouldn't have been creepy if it hadn't taken on Shirosaki's warbled, watery voice. That alone had him trying to break the kiss, only to let out a muffled squeak when he was pushed down onto the couch, Grimmjow's tongue prying its way into his mouth.

The spicy mint that filled his mouth had Ichigo's hands delving into obnoxious teal locks, pulling the other closer as their tongues tangled and danced. Ichigo's toes curled in his sneakers and his back arched when cool fingers dipped underneath his shirt to tickle the skin of his abdomen.

Grimmjow withdrew from the kiss first, nipping at a plump lower lip before moving his mouth to toy at the orange head's pulse point. "G-Grimm..." Ichigo panted out, clenching his fingers as sharp teeth teased the skin red before the bluenet's tongue soothed across it.

"Fuck," Grimmjow growled low against his neck, giving a quick, hard bite for emphasis, "Say it again."

The party going on just on the other side of the door was lost on Ichigo when the bluenet was suddenly crawling down his body, and he lifted onto his elbows to watch as the man bunched his shirt up to the bottom of his ribs. Dark, cerulean eyes flashed up towards him as Grimmjow bent his head while his fingers hooked into the waistband of white skinny jeans. "Say it." The bluenet purred out just before Ichigo's head was falling back against the armrest to the couch when the other's tongue laved at his navel before moving down to trace the curve of his hipbone.

"Grimmjow!" Ichigo moaned out, arms shaking when the man reached up to pinch one of his nipples through the fabric of his t-shirt. Almost immediately after he had said the man's name, lips were on his in a vicious, dominating kiss filled with tongues and teeth. That sinful mouth greedily swallowed the throaty moan that Ichigo let loose when the man rolled his hips, bringing attention to their obviously mutual excitement. The fingers holding his nipple prisoner pinched and twisted, making him practically cling to broad shoulders for dear life.

All of Ichigo's attention was fixed on the rock star, and what those wicked hands were doing to his body, completely oblivious to the door opening and closing quickly. Not even the increase in the volume of the music registered in his mind, though the bright flash of a camera caught his attention quickly. Turning his head to the side to break the kiss, he panted for breath as his eyes slitted open.

It took all of five seconds for his foggy mind to process the identity of the man standing across the coffee table with his camera in hand. Another flash captured his eyes widening as a completely horrified expression took over his face. Gold on black eyes gleamed with a dark, twisted mirth, and even though he had yet to say a word, Ichigo could hear that mocking tone ringing against his ears. The flash continued to go off, making him shove Grimmjow away so he could sit up, and he shivered at the annoyed growl that came from the bluenet.

He couldn't seem to care though, his focus too riveted on the albino, hisboss, standing there with a wicked, devilish grin that pulled his lips apart and bared two, gleaming white fangs. Ichigo knew vampires were a common choice, but this was ridiculous.

Black leather, ripped to show more flashes of skin than it covered, hung loosely on Shirosaki's hips, held in place with a spiked belt that coincided with the spiked, calf-length boots on his feet. A black, knee length jacket complete with silver skulls for buttons, hung open reveal a pale, toned torso and the red gem that gleamed from the albino's navel ring. Ichigo hadn't known the man had gotten it done, and any other day would have teased him for doing something so girly along with the two hoops dangling from his nipples but he couldn't seem to get his voice to work. Snowy white hair had been left down to pool over his shoulders and was covered by a black fedora complete with ripped lace and yet another skull centered in the middle of the black ribbon.

Though Ichigo could admit to himself that Shirosaki made the outfit look good, he'd never say it aloud. Scowling at the camera when another flash went off in his face, Ichigo huffed out an annoyed breath. "What the hell are you doing? Give me back my camera!" He exclaimed, scrambling off the couch to reach over the table, trying to catch the albino who danced just out of his reach.

"Oh don't mind me, do continue!" Shirosaki teased in a sing-song tone, snapping another picture for good measure. This had Ichigo's hands tightening into fists until his arms shook under the strain. What he wouldn't give to punch that smug grin off of his boss's face, his entire being singing with the want, the need to do so. To hell if he got fired, he could always find a new job. One that didn't consist of him locked in an office on a near daily basis...

"I did say ya 'ave a creative edge to yer pictures, Ichi. This just proves it, ya should model more!"

Two more flashes captured Ichigo's head tilting up just enough for darkened brown eyes to glare at the camera.

That. Was. It.

Consequences be damned, Ichigo lunged over the coffee table, tackling the bastard to the ground. The pair rolled around the floor, wrestling over the camera while the blue haired rock star, seemingly forgotten, leaned back against the couch to enjoy his drink, watching on in amusement. It wasn't everyday one got to see two men who looked nearly identical move around the floor in a tangle of limbs, it was the best entertainment he'd seen so far that night.

A few minutes passed, and it looked like neither had the upper hand until Shirosaki got Ichigo on his back, fluidly straddling the boys hips to keep him down as he brought the camera up to his face. "C'mon give me a smile, Ichi~!" He taunted, only to give off a yelp when the orange head bucked his hips, making him topple forward right onto the other.

"Argh! Get off of me!" Ichigo hissed out, hands placed firmly on the albino's shoulders as he tried to shove him away. A small cackle breathed against his neck before fangs were tracing the vein in his throat up to his ear, making him stiffen.

"Mmm, ya seem a lil' excited, Ichi. Did ya like Grimm's hands all over ya, hmm?"

Those words, carried on the breath of a whisper, had cocoa-brown eyes widening comically as Ichigo went rigid. Warmth began to seep into his cheeks when the man above him shifted his hips ever so subtly, bringing attention to the obvious tent in his pants. His eyes fluttered a bit, a quiet groan falling from his lips at the sudden jolt of pleasure. It wasn't his fault, Grimmjow was a wicked seducer, and he didn't have the strength to fight his spell. Though he could do without Shirosaki bringing that to attention.

Not to mention the man seriously needed to stop moving.

Gritting his teeth, Ichigo tried to find his voice once more to tell the bastard off, only he wasn't given a chance. Chilled, pale lips closed over his in a light kiss, just enough to make his brain short circuit before pulling back, fangs tugging at his lower lip. Shirosaki's face hovered just above his, snowy locks curtaining either side of his face as utterly confused brown stared up into gold.

If Ichigo was having problems thinking before, it was nothing compared to this. His mind was drawing a complete blank, to the point he couldn't even remember his name, and his body didn't seem to want to move.

Shirosaki had kissed him.

The man who had caused his life to be a living hell since high-school had just kissed him. Granted it was a quick, ten second thing, but still! It was a kiss and honestly, Ichigo had no idea how to react.

"Speechless, hmm? I'll take tha' as a good thing..." Pale lips murmured against his as gold on black eyes narrowed to half mast. Ichigo's body jolted when the other's tongue traced his bottom lip, making his body prickle with an emotion he couldn't quite decipher. It had to be whatever Grimmjow had given him to drink because he wouldn't be thinking of closing that little bit of a gap if he was of sound mind.

"I-I...w-why.." The orange haired photographer finally managed to squeak out, his face burning more when a wolfish grin, that would put the boogeyman to shame, split onto pale lips.

"Ya sure ya wanna know? Might be a lil' too much fer yer brain ta handle..." Shirosaki teased coyly, making Ichigo's brow furrow in confusion and his lips to pull down into an annoyed scowl. If he didn't want to know, he wouldn't have asked damn it!

"He already knows ya find 'im cute..." The gruff voice that caressed Ichigo's ears reminded him that a certain bluenet was still in the room, horror sinking into his blood. Oh God, what was Grimmjow thinking? This entire situation was embarrassing, even more so with the fact that his idol had seen the whole thing.

He really wished the floor would open up and swallow him completely.

"Does he now? Wha' else did ya tell him?" Shirosaki questioned, tilting his head back to stare at the bluenet while Ichigo went over the different ways he could off himself before things got even worse.

"Nothin'. Not my place. If ya got the hots fer the kid, you should be the one to tell him..." Grimmjow responded, feral grin splitting his face wide as cerulean eyes twinkled humorously, "Ooops, did I say tha' aloud?"

Ichigo was seriously waiting for the hidden camera crew to pop up and tell him he'd just been pranked as the bluenet's words settled in his brain, and when they didn't come, he decided that he'd entered some alternate dimension where nothing made sense anymore. It was easier to explain that way than even delving into the idea that his boss harbored feelings for him. That just couldn't happen. Shirosaki made everyday a chore where he was more than exhausted when he finally made it home, that's something you don't do to the person you like.


Completely absurd.

And he was just about to say that aloud, his lips barely parting before a pale, black nailed fingers was pressing against them. Inhaling a shaky breath, Ichigo looked up into swirling gold as Shirosaki traced his nail along pinked lips.

"Just...don't say anythin', k? I don't wanna hear the rejection, not now." Shirosaki murmured under his breath, and Ichigo felt his heart clench when that golden gaze took on a pleading edge. Those words danced around his ears, but Ichigo couldn't make heads or tails of them, completely brushing them off when pale lips brushed along his before taking hold in a searing, dominating kiss that had Ichigo's mind buzzing.

It was one of those kisses that took hold of your body, made you want nothing more than to deepen that delicious lip-lock.

Ichigo did just that, lifting a hand up to tangle his fingers in snowy tresses knocking off the other's hat as he tilted his head. The groan that reverberated from Shirosaki's chest had him shivering, his skin prickling with gooseflesh. This was insane, mad really, but he couldn't get his body to stop.

When chilled fingers slipped underneath the back of his t-shirt, pulling him closer to the body above him, Ichigo wrapped his arms around a pale neck. The kiss was sweet, laced with more emotion than the orange head knew what to do with, but it made his body heat and his toes curl. A slick tongue swiping at his bottom lip had his own parting to allow it entrance as he shifted his hips. Before he knew it, the kiss had turned hot, his mouth filling with the taste of vodka as that tongue dove into his mouth.

Shirosaki wasted no time in memorizing every plane and crevasse of his mouth, before coaxing Ichigo into a wicked, spine-tingling dance. It left Ichigo feeling like his body was on fire, his fingers slipping beneath the other's coat to dig his nails into that wintry flesh.

The slight bite of pain had Shirosaki tearing away from the kiss with a low growl, his fingers fluttering along the orange head's neck. Pale lips trembled a bit as if the man couldn't find his voice before he quietly croaked out, "B-Bedroom. Now."

Ichigo vaguely heard the groan of the couch as the bluenet stood up, but the man's voice sounded deafeningly loud.

"Follow me."

Cool, crimson silk felt amazing against Ichigo's bare, heated skin as he was guided to lay back on the rock star's king-sized bed. Heavy, jet black curtains kept the rest of the world out, like he was in his own personal world with two of the hottest vampires slowly crawling towards him. The entire way up to Grimmjow's master bedroom, Shirosaki had spent whispering rather lewd things into his ear and nipped at his neck. The bluenet hadn't seemed to even be paying attention, so Ichigo was completely taken off guard when Shirosaki had pushed him into the room, straight into the rock star's back. Grimmjow had turned around, those stormy cerulean eyes sweeping over his form before Ichigo was letting out a yelp when the man nearly ripped his t-shirt off.

The bluenet had pulled him into a fierce kiss, looping an arm around his lower back to spin him around and guide him to the edge of the bed. Ichigo had expected Shirosaki to protest, but the albino remained quiet as he was pushed down onto the bed. And now, staring into those gold and azure eyes both matching thickly with lust.

"W-What are y-you two..." Ichigo began to question, only to trail off when pale lips pressed against his ear.

"Don't ya want yer treat?" Shirosaki husked out before delivering a sharp nip to the lobe, pulling just slightly.

Ichigo's eyebrows shot beneath his hairline at that just before lighting tanned fingers were hooking beneath his chin, turning him towards the grinning bluenet. "Don't think too hard, ne? Just..." Grimm drawled, leaning in close to ghost his lips over Ichigo's, "feel."

And with that, the last bit of rationality left inside his head vanished when to rock star pulled him in for a kiss while pale, black nailed hands proceeded to make his body sing. Sharpened nails scraped along his chest, making him whine into the kiss. He had no idea what to do, where to put his hands, so he settled for curling them in silk sheets as he let the tongue currently teasing his lower lip. Just as that slick muscle delved into his mouth, fingers latched onto one of his nipples, pinching and twisting to send a delicious spark of pain up his spine that had him arching into the touch.

"Mmm, I can't tell ya how long I waited ta do this, Ichigo." Shirosaki purred against his neck as that pale hand slipped lower to trace the waistline of his jeans. Fingers made quick work of the button and zipper before Ichigo was breaking the kiss with a yelp when that hand slid into his jeans.

"Nnnn, Shiro...w-wha'?" Ichigo babbled only to have Shiro hush him. Those pale fingers curled around his dick, hardened by excitement, just as something warm and sinfully hot curled around his nipple. The photographer's hand shot from the sheets to curl into messy teal tresses as the bluenet nipped at his nipple before soothing his tongue over it sending tingles of pleasure throughout his body to settle in his groin.

Distracted by the sweet torture Grimmjow was delivering to his chest, Ichigo wasn't aware of Shirosaki removing his hand to tug those white skinny jeans down tan hips. A darkly pleased grin split onto pale lips when the orange head's erect cock, bobbed a bit with no fabric to confine it before settling against a toned, quivering stomach.

Wasting no time, Shirosaki sucked the head into his mouth gathering the small beads of precum that bloomed at the tip onto his tongue and relished in the ragged moan that rang against his ears. Bronzed thighs trembled under his touch as he bobbed his head, taking in more and eliciting more of those pleasing sounds.

Gold on black eyes widened when a hand suddenly wove into his hair, forcing him to take more, and he lifted his head to find cerulean eyes sparkling sinisterly down at him as a feral smirk curled onto the rock star's lips. Grimmjow had managed to lift Ichigo's torso just a bit to lean against his side, one strong arm wrapped around the lithe body so his fingers could tease pink lips parted as the orange head panted. That grin widened a bit more as he slipped his finger's inside the other's mouth, quieting the moans as Shirosaki hollowed his cheeks and began to bob his head.

It was a delicious sight, gazing up and into hooded, mocha eyes as the orange head coated those fingers liberally with saliva with a light dusting of pink staining the apple's of his cheeks.

When Grimmjow's fingers released his hair, Shirosaki lifted his head to gasp in a couple lungfuls of air, startled when the bluenet growled out gravelly, "Flip him." It took a few minutes for the albino to realize what he wanted, grinning toothily when he did.

Grabbing slim hips, Shirosaki rolled Ichigo over before tugging the boy onto his knees. Once in place, he, himself, rolled onto his back, settling between the orange head's spread legs to continue with what he was doing. Pale, black nailed hands came up to grope at plump mounds of firm flesh, nails digging into the skin as he pulled the cheeks apart to reveal a tight pucker.

Shirosaki nearly choked when Ichigo's hips bucked forward, forcing the head of his engorged dick to press against the back of his throat. The orange haired photographer had let out a loud cry when two fingers plunged into his hole, making his eyes snap wide open at the pain, though the sweet mouth doing wondrous things to his dick had that sharp pain melting away almost as quickly as it came.

Those fingers began moving, plunging in and out before scissoring to stretch him wider, and Ichigo was having a hard time keeping still. He had no idea which way was up and down anymore, only knowing that he needed release and he needed it fast.

"Fuuuuuck...p-please..." He cried out before burying his face into the cool silk pillows. His skin felt like flames were licking against it, creating a thin film of perspiration that had his bangs sticking to his forehead. Than fingers clenched against the blankets until his nails were turning right, and he made a sound somewhere between a choked sob and a groan in the bag of his throat when another finger was added.

The force behind the three increased, and when Grimmjow curved them to the right, Ichigo's vision erupted with white static. There was no holding back the wanton moan that flew from his lips, his balls tightening as the bluenet continued to stroke that little gland deep inside.

"A-Ahh..so close!" He exclaimed, screwing his eyes shut when the mouth around his dick sucked hard, a devious tongue dipping into the slit. These two were trying to kill him, that was the only explanation he had when Shirosaki suddenly released his cock to suck on his balls, using his tongue to do evil, evil things.

Just as those words had left his mouth, the fingers playing with his ass withdrew, making him let loose an aggravated whine. Why the hell had he stopped?

Honey brown eyes went wide when a hand tangled in his hair, yanking had and forcing him to straighten his back. Once he had, a growl rumbled against his ear, "This is yer last chance ta back out, kitten. There's no turnin' back." There was a finality to the bluenet's tone that had him chewing on his lower lip as Shirosaki's hands softly caressed his legs.

No going back?

It took all of four seconds for Ichigo to make up his mind, his fingers tracing a line up his torso smirking when the path was watched closely by swirling sea-blue eyes. Bringing his fingers up to his mouth, Ichigo bit down playfully on his index finger asking, "And if I stay?"

The hungry, fang-filled, grin that split onto the rock star's lips was all the warning Ichigo had before his hips were grabbed in a hard grip, and he was being yanked further down to nestle on a certain albino's lap. When Ichigo's gaze landed on Shirosaki's face, the little breath he had managed to hold was knocked from his lungs, and he could feel his dick pulse with want.

Gold on black eyes were heavily hooded, staring at him with a concoction of lust, hunger, and a few emotions Ichigo couldn't quite place. Wintry skin was flushed a light pink with arousal while the albino's mouth hung open in a heavy pant, bringing Ichigo's gaze to those pearly fangs. He was vaguely aware of the shuffling going on beneath him, only to gasp in surprise when something blunt rubbed along the crack of his ass.

Grinding his hips down, Ichigo bit into his lower lip hard when Shirosaki's neck arched, his eyelids fluttering closed as a name ghosted past his lips, "Ichigo!"

The orange head suddenly had an idea flash through his mind, one that had him rolling his hips down carnally. He found himself desiring to see Shirosaki's face at the first initial penetration, making him groan heavily as he reached a hand back to curl around his boss's dick. Shirosaki let out a deep throaty moan at the contact, and Ichigo shifted his hips to align the other with his hole, all away of the rock star's heated gaze watching each movement he made.

Taking a deep breath, Ichigo lowered down slowly until the albino was nearly all the way inside, letting out a squeak when the man bucked his hips. Shirosaki's eyes had snapped open, rolling back slightly as black nails dug into Ichigo's hips, and he'd let out a rather loud groan. Gasping for breath, the orange head waited for his body to adjust to something so big before shifting his hips.

Balancing his hands against Shirosaki's stomach, Ichigo took his time of lifting up before slowly dropping back down. He started a steady, slow pace until that spike of pain dulled and pleasure began to seep into his pores.

"Nnn, fuck Shiro!" Ichigo moaned out, linking a hand behind his neck to tangle in orange spikes as his other hand scratched red lines along a pale stomach. Shirosaki responded by grabbing his hips and bucking up the next to Ichigo came back down. The orange head's eyes closed tightly as he let out a wanton mewl, rocking his hips a bit before repeating the motion until he was practically bouncing in the albino's lap.

Fuck, it felt so good! Like being caressed by the smoothest of silk and burned by the very fires of hell at the same time. Like living, breathing sin.

And Ichigo couldn't get enough.

"Fuckin' hell ya make one sexy sight."

Ichigo groaned quietly at those words, trembling when lips danced over the back of his neck before teeth were biting down hard into the skin. A hard, hot body pressed against his back as those tugs dug deeper until they broke through. Ichigo fell forward onto his hands and knees as he was guided, feeling like prey trapped under a big prowling cat, especially when the bluenet's growl rumbled against his back.

The photographer let out a whimper when the fluid movement of pale hips slowed, only to purr in delight when he was pulled down into a sweet, slow tangle of tongues. Shirosaki's tongue slipped into his mouth just as something blunt and large rub against his already stretched hole. It had Ichigo struggling to break the kiss, but Shirosaki held fast to the back of his neck, swallowing his whine when the bluenet began to slip in.

It was an odd feeling, being stretched so full, and Ichigo wasn't sure if it hurt or not. His mind was foggy, and his body was wound so tight he was afraid he was going to burst, and the added pressure wasn't helping mouth. Nipping at the tongue in his mouth lightly when Grimmjow was fully seated, Shirosaki finally let him go, and he tilted his head to flash dangerous brown eyes on the rock star.

"Mmm, fuck Ichi, tha' look just makes me wanna pound inta ya until yer screamin' yerself hoarse!" Grimmjow groaned out, looping an arm around the orange head's waist to keep him upright as he barely withdrew before snapping his hips forward.

Gritting his teeth, Ichigo hung his head as that small movement stroked his prostate lightly, "Then do it."

That dark command seemed to release the animals from their cages, Grimmjow and Shirosaki finding a steady rhythm. It took only a few thrusts to find his prostate, making him nearly scream in pleasure and the two shifted to abuse that gland fully. Each thrust had Ichigo seeing stars, and he was able to little but grip the sheets on either side of Shirosaki's head and stare down into gold eyes through sweat dampened bangs.

The bed creaked with each thrush, the only other sound in the room that weren't grunts and moans, and an occasional slap of flesh when the blue haired rock star got a little frisky. Ichigo's arms shook under the strain of keeping upright before he was collapsing onto the pale body beneath him. Shirosaki's arms wrapped around his back as pale lips pressed against the side of his neck.

"Nnn, p-please...I'm g-gonna-!" Ichigo gasped out, responded by two groans as he tightened with impending orgasm. The fangs that sunk into his neck moments later had his body going rigid, and the coil in his gut snapping free to spring throughout his entire body. Muscles tensed and toes curled as Ichigo's release pooled on a pale stomach, the stringy, creamy white fluid blending in.

Shirosaki's jaw locked, sucking and biting at his neck as the pace increased, bringing the two close to their undoing. Gathering all of his strength, Ichigo clenched as tight as he could, only to let loose a tired mewl when the two came almost simultaneously with guttural, animalistic growls. Shifting his hips, Ichigo's nose scrunched a bit at the odd feeling that came when the two slowly pulled out, and something sticky and wet dripped down his thighs.

Collapsing onto the cool sheets, Ichigo gladly let his eyes slip closed. His body had been worn out, exhausted, and sleep sounded heavenly.

"Awe, c'mon don't tell me yer too tired for another go~!" Shirosaki's voice called from somewhere over him, and one cocoa-brown eye cracked open to glare up at the man.

"Mmm...later..." Ichigo murmured, his voice already slurred by sleep, as he buried his face into the pillows.

Later he'd find a way to get revenge.

When Ichigo walked into the office on Monday morning, sporting a slight limp, he knew something was dreadfully wrong. Everyone he passed watched him like a hawk, leaning to whisper to other employees and giggling behind their hands. He was highly confused as to what was going on and by the time he reached his office, an annoyed tick and formed over his scowling brows.

Throwing open the door to his office, he stepped in side. Tossing his coat onto the chair, he slumped down in it only to hiss as a dull pain spiked up his spine, making him grip the armrests to the chair hard. Fucking hell, it had been two days and yet he still felt as if he'd had two cocks shoved up his ass just hours ago.

Running a hand through his hair, Ichigo glanced at his desk expecting to find another stack of paperwork, only to cock an eyebrow when nothing but a large, white envelope covered the stained wood surface. Leaning forward, he snatched up the envelope turning it over to find a small note written in flowing cursive.

I hope you just love the newest addition of Vampyre. ~S.

Curious, Ichigo tore into the envelope, quickly pulling out the glossy paged book. He was excited to see what pictures Shirosaki had chosen to put in the magazine, a certain sense of pride swelling in his stomach only to drop when he turned the magazine over to look at the cover.

His own face stared back at him, turned towards the camera, lips parted and cheeks flushed a light pink. He was lying on Grimmjow's couch, the bluenet hovering just over his neck, cerulean eyes dark and hooded while his lips were parted to make it look like he was just about to bite into Ichigo's neck. The blood on his chin really sold the picture, along with the obnoxious caption at the bottom. Jaegerjaquez Halloween Fang-tastic Party! Thrilling, Dark, and Sexy!

Ichigo's hands clenched tight, crinkling the magazine's smooth, glossy pages. His face flushed with anger and embarrassment. He didn't know what was worse, knowing he slept with the rock star and his boss, or the fact a picture had been plastered out there for everyone to see.

Marching out of his office, Ichigo headed straight for the bastard's, not even bothering to knock as he shoved the doors open. Shirosaki was standing in front of his desk, dressed in all black like every other day, and going through a large pile of papers. For a minute, Ichigo watched the man mutter to himself and scratch at the back of his head before shaking his head and asking, "What the hell are you doing?"

Shirosaki jumped at the sound of his voice, whirling around with surprised wide gold on black eyes before smiling sheepishly. "I-I'm doin' paperwork, is tha' a problem?" Ichigo blinked at that. Shirosaki was doing his own paperwork? Did hell freeze over during the weekend? "I have a shoot for you to do if you're interested. Nothing big, just an cologne ad." The albino continued, turning back towards the papers.

Yep, he was sure of it now. Something crazy had happened over the weekend, and he was now just noticing the effects. Shirosaki was giving him work that actually put him behind a camera? Was he trying to suck up?

That brought Ichigo back around to the magazine cover and he stalked over to the desk, slamming it down onto the wooden surface and sent a stack of papers fluttering to the floor. Shirosaki only blinked at it before smirking deviously. "What is the meaning of this?" Ichigo demanded, pointing at the picture of him and Grimmjow.

Shirosaki shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly as he replied, "It was a perfect shot. Really captured the mood, don't ya think? Besides, it had you in it, and I can never get enough of your blushing face." Leaning forward, he brushed his nose against the orange head's, his words making Ichigo's cheeks flush anew. "Am I forgiven?" Shirosaki whispered against his lips, and Ichigo groaned when the man pulled back when he moved forward for a kiss.

"Yes. Fine. You're forgiven! Now shut up and kiss me."