The kingdom of Avian had no beginning, for it was as old as time itself. As the stars aligned and galaxies were born, Avian watched with wonder, as they had to memory of creation, only the memory of being.

While looking into the stars, a small planet was discovered. Its inhabitants seemed to be quit like Avian's own. Humans, they called themselves. Humans.

Upon investigation, it was found that Avian's sister kingdom of Prokleta had created to world in the image of the Avians as a peace offering. The Avian king Abdon accepted this gesture, by promising that in turn Avian would wager war against any who rose against the Prokletians.

Avian kept their distance from the small planet, but always kept a watchful eye. The lives which lived there belonged to them and no others. They never meddled in the planets doings, the simply obsevered with fascination.

As the ages went on for the humans, and war engulfed their home, a disagreement began emerging from within the confines of the immortal world. No battle had ever taken place amongst the everlasting, which frightened the kingdoms.

Izben, the kingdom of the lost, had begun to quarrel with the Prokletians. Izben sought to defeat the Prokletians and reshape the human's world into their own. But as the Avians had promised, they rose to the defense of Prokleta.

The king Abdon choose to send his daughter, Maximina, to resolve the the conflict. There was, however, an obstacle. No immortal had ever descended to the kingdom of the mortal humans. It was a great risk.

King Abdon and his wife Queen Valencia knew what danger there could be, but they had promised to help in any way they could. The Avians would have to let their beloved princess leave.

It would take Maximina sixteen years to reach an age at which she could ascend back to her home, once she had resolved the tension between Prokleta and Izben. The only way that she could reenter into Avian would be to love. Love was one of the few things that bound Avian and the humans, which made it the princesses only way to escape mortality.

King Abdon sent guardians with the princess when she descended to the human world. They were to guard and protect her, as she turned into an infant and grew up a human. Maximina's guardians were to be her only connection to her home of Avian.

If the princess were to experience death in a mortal state she would be lost forever. Even the powers of the king would not be able to retrieve Maximina were she to perish. Any mistake could mean the end of the princess.

When Maximina descended, she transformed into a newborn baby. She was cared for in a large manor, with servants and maids. Although she knew that she was a princess, Maximina did not regain her memory when she awoke as a child. All feared that the princess was lost.

Nothing went according to plan. The Prokletians and the Izbenians fought a bloody battle, which lasted until Maximina reached the age of three. But Maximina could not ascend to her home until she was returned by love. She would have to wait thirteen more years.

When the princess turned fourteen, King Abdon sent Greys, Maximina's fiancé from Avian, to introduce himself. In Avian, the princess had not loved Greys, but the king was hopeful that she would fall for him in her new life. And although Maximina was fond of Greys, she still did not love him.

As the princess grew so did her wonder for the world. She had never been able to leave the manor. Maximina knew nothing of the humans, nor nothing of the Avians. She just was simply there.

Maximina lived each day without question. She did what she was expected, she lived as she was told. Days blended together, life went on. Until the day that her father sent a visitor to prepare her for the day on which she would ascend.

Until the day Fang arrived.