And now we get to read what happened after Kish got knocked out :) enjoy!

Kish moaned, feeling a headache developing at the back of his head. His vision was blurred and doubled but then focused as he became fully conscious. He was tied to a chair next to Ichigo, who was still looking terrified. So much so now that her ears and tail had popped out. Suika was standing at the front of the classroom in front of the blackboard. He had a piece of pink chalk and was drawing randomly on the board. On the teacher's desk was Ichigo's mew pendent. When he heard Kish, he put down the chalk and slowly turned to face them with a malicious smirk.

"Well, well, well," Suika said, "you really shouldn't sleep through class."

Kish sneered at him, "maybe if you'd teach something interesting that wouldn't happen."

Suika clasped his hands behind his back and walked over to stand a foot or so in front of Kish and Ichigo. "Students should learn to be more respectful." He knelt in front of Ichigo and glanced at Kish. "I wonder what would happen if..." He raised his hand and put it on Ichigo's thigh. She visibly shuddered.

"Get your f**king hands off of her!" Kish screamed and thrashed in the chair, trying to break of the ropes that bound him. Ichigo tried to kick but her feet were tied tightly to the legs were tied tightly to the legs of the chair.

Suika snickered, "you're like a gun and she's the trigger! This is fun." He gripped her hips with both hands and stood on his knees. "Do you know how jealous Kish gets when he sees you with other guys?" His hand shot up and grabbed her jaw, roughly forcing her head to turn and look at Kish. He was glaring at Suika with all the hate and disgust he could muster up.

"Let her go," Kish growled, "kill me if you want, just let her go."

"Killing you wouldn't be any fun," Suika said, "not with what you took from me."

"The hell are you talking about?!" Kish shouted, "I didn't take anything from you!"

"Yes you did!" Suika shouted back. "It was supposed to be my group that got the Earth mission! Not yours!"

"That isn't my fault!" Kish argued. "I didn't make that decision. Deep Blue did!"

"You still stole it from me. You stole everything from me," Suika said, quieter now, "so now I'll take something from you." Ichigo was shaking witht of fear. Suika stood up, "Kehki, move him."

Kehki appeared behind Kish, who hadn't realized he was even in the room, and picked up the chair he sat in by the back. He walked to the front of the room and set Kish on the teacher's desk, being careful to not knock Ichigo's Mew Pendent off. Kish noticed Mikan still at the back of the room as he tried to struggle out of the bonds. He couldn't seem to break them. A sound started playing from underneath the desk and Suika looked over with a raised eyebrow.

"What is that?" He asked. Kish recognized it as Ichigo's cellphone ring tone but didn't voice the fact. Suika walked around the desk and shuffled through Ichigo's cafe uniform. A small pink device fell out of the apron pocket. He picked it up and stood. "What is this?" He asked. He glanced between Kish and Ichigo, walking around again to stand between them. Kish caught a glance at the caller ID. Ryou. Suika fiddled with it, trying to turn it off, but accidentally answered the call.

"Ichigo?" They heard.

"Ryou!" Kish shouted, "Send the other-" Suika threw it at Kish's face and it hit him right in the mouth before falling to the floor. He could already feel a bruise forming. The back popped off on the linoleum flooring and the battery slipped out. Kish glared as Suika marched over and stomped on the device, crushing it.

"Clever," Suika said, "very clever." He walked around Ichigo, standing behind her. She flinched when he started petting one of her cat ears. "Calling your little friends won't help anything. Not this time." He summoned his chain and tossed it around her neck, pulling on it and making her choke. She whimpered, unable to breathe. Kish clawed at the rope that bound his hands behind the back of the chair. If Suika was distracted long enough, he could break it. Suika leaned close to Ichigo's ear but kept his eyes on Kisshu, "let's put on a show for him, shall we?"

He straightened and took a step to the side, standing next to her now. He held his chain to the side and whipped it, hitting Ichigo in the stomach. If it hadn't of been for her restraints, she would've doubled over, but instead she could only scream through duct tape in pain and let her head hang.

"Leave her alone!" Kish yelled, ripping even harder at the rope.

"Kehki, Mikan," Suika said, "go see what their little friends are up to. They might be close by now."

"Gladly," Kehki said with a twisted smile. The two disappeared.

Suika stepped in front of Ichigo and knelt. He reached and started pulling her skirt up her thighs. Kish was seething as he tried to break the rope. Ichigo whimpered, unable to do anything. Suika grabbed her inner right thigh, digging a nail into her Mew Mark.

"She isn't really that strong, you know," Suika said quietly. "This is her only real power. The animal that lives inside her." He looked up at her and grabbed her face in one hand, squeezing her cheeks. "She's nothing. Just as pathetic as the human you lost her to."

"You don't know anything about her," Kish growled.

"Oh?" Suika stood and spun to face him. "Don't I? I know she's terrified because she can't transform and her only rescue is also tied up. I know she's heartbroken because a little human boy left her. I know she's afraid of using you for rebound."

Kish paused, "rebound?"

"Yes, rebound. She does care about you," Suika said, "maybe not in the way you would like just yet, but she might just come around."

Kish glanced between Suika and Ichigo and then let his head hang a little, "you're lying. She'll never love me."

"Why would I lie, Kish?" Suika asked, feigning hurt. "She kissed you this morning, didn't she? And no, it wasn't all feisty tricks." Kish looked up at Suika. "Somewhere, something inside her meant it."

"Really?" Kish asked. Suika nodded, thinking he was reeling him into an emotional trap. "Guess I'll have to ask about it later," a rope dropped and Kish lunged at him, sai in hand. Suika's eyes shot wide and he jumped out of the way. He summoned his chain and got to his feet, prepared to fight. He flew at Kish, who held up his sai in defense, and struck his forehead. A small gash appeared and blood trickled down. He glanced at Ichigo, then Suika, then the Mew Pendent, and back to Suika.

Having read his mind, Suika and Kish both lunged for the small golden charm at the same time. They fought, shoving each other, until Suika grabbed it and tossed it as hard as he could out an open window.

"No calls during class!" He growled. He punched Kish in the face and tackled him to the ground. Ichigo started thrashing in the chair, trying to wriggle her way free. It wasn't working. Kish rammed a knee into Suika's side and they tumbled over with Kish now on top. He summoned his sai again, ready to strike, but Suika punched him in the solar plexus and grabbed one of the Dragon Swords. Kish tried to recover as fast as he could, forcing lungs to accept the air he was breathing in.

Suika flew at Ichigo and struck at her as she threw herself to the side. He slashed her cheek and then took a swing at her knee, making another cut. He had his arm raised, ready for another strike, when Kish tackled him from behind. He straddled Suika's hips and grabbed the collar of his shirt, repeatedly punching him in the face.

"I...Said...Don't...Touch...Ichigo!" Kish yelled through gritted teeth as he threw punches. Suika grabbed his hand before he could swing at him again and threw him off. He immediately teleported away, knowing he wouldn't have a chance in fighting Kish while disoriented and having a swelling black eye.

Kish sat there, panting, and glared at the spot where Suika had been. He got up and set Ichigo's chair on it's feet. He stood in front of her and peeled the duct tape off as gently as he could. He knelt to untie her legs and stood again, reaching around her to untie her hands. As soon as the rope hit the floor, Ichigo jumped at him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Oof!" Kish stumbled back and had to grab onto the teacher's desk for support. Ichigo started to sob into his chest and two slid down the front of the desk. Kish put one arm around her, the other feeling too sore from punching to move, and leaned his head back against the desk. He was still a little out of breath and Ichigo was clinging to him, crying from how scared she had been. She shook with every breath.

The door slid open and Kish rolled his head to the side to see Pai standing there with the other Mews behind him. "About time..."

"Ow! That stings!" Kish winced and jerked his head back as Retasu tried to dab at the gash on his forehead with disinfectant.

"You need to hold still," she pleaded with him.

"Isn't there something else you can use?" Kish complained.

"No, not really," Retasu again tried to apply the stuff with a cotton ball but he dodged her. He and Ichigo were sitting on Ichigo's bed as Retasu cleaned them up. Pai was there, too, leaning against the window frame with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Kisshu, let Retasu-san use the disinfectant," Pai said in an authoritative voice.

"Fine," Kish grumbled and held still so Retasu could do her job. He winced every time the cotton ball touched his forehead. When Retasu was done, she put a band aid over the gash and stepped back to look at him.

"All better," she said. He only bruises and a busted lower lip left. She moved on to Ichigo, who had a cut on her cheek and knee and a bruised stomach and left shoulder. Kish couldn't looked at her. It was too painful to see. He closed his eyes with a sigh and looked away. It was his fault, he told himself, because he had left her alone.

"It's not your fault," Ichigo said. Her head was tilted to the side so Retasu could disinfect the cut on her cheek.

"What?" Kish opened his eyes but didn't look at her.

"I said it's not your fault," Ichigo said, "you shouldn't blame yourself."

"Can you read minds, too, now?" Kish asked, almost sarcastically.

"No," Ichigo said, "but I know you."

"I shouldn't have left you alone like that," Kish said. He shook his head, "you can't try to tell me it's not my fault." They both fell quiet.

Retasu sighed as she cleaned the cut on Ichigo's knee, "I'm just glad you're both okay."

"As am I," Pai said, "Suika is a very dangerous person."

"It took us a while to figure out that Kehki and Mikan were only sent to attack us as a distraction," Retasu said. "I was so worried we'd get there too late."

"If Kish ranked highest in hand-to-hand fighting, then fighting him should've been no problem, right?" Ichigo asked.

"No," Kish said, "I might have ranked highest, but Suika was a very close second. It was almost a tie between us, actually. That's really the only reason he even made it into the military aside from his mind reading thing."

"It's so weird to think that you're in the military," Ichigo said. Retasu stood up, done with Ichigo's knee, and went stand by Pai.

Kish raised an eyebrow at her, "why?"

"Because you're like, what? Sixteen?" She said.

"Fifteen," Kish said, "and yeah, so? You're fourteen and saved the world a year ago."

"That's true," Ichigo said with a small smile.

"Well, we'd better head out now," Retasu said, "I'd like to get to the library." She looked up at Pai, "that reminds me, the book you borrowed is due back today."

"I shall go with you then," Pai said. "I will see you both later," he dipped his head at Ichigo and Kish and they both waved a goodbye.

"See you tomorrow!" Retasu chirped happily as she and Pai left the room to let themselves out the front door.

Silence settled over Kish and Ichigo. Before she knew it, though, he had thrown himself at her, wrapping his arms around her waist, and knocked them both backwards on the bed. He nuzzled his face in her stomach and held her tightly.

"K-Kisshu, what are you-"

"Do me a favor, Koneko-chan," he interrupted.

"Hm?" Ichigo asked, confused.

"Stop getting kidnapped," He said, "no more going off on your own, even if Ryou tells you to. I can't stand the thought of Suika putting his hands on you again..."

"Kish..." Ichigo pushed tried pushing on his shoulders to make him get off but he wouldn't budge. Instead, he held on tighter.

"Please, Ichigo," Kish said quietly, "I need this right now..." She stopped pushing on him and let him hold her.

Pai and Retasu had gotten back from the library and were at Retasu's house. She had a clean load of laundry in her room and was putting it away. Pai stood near the door of Retasu's bedroom, watching carefully as she roughly folded her clothes and shoved them into her dresser. She kept sniffling once in a while and kept fiddling her glasses. He was there by Ryou's orders since she had recently been attacked during their trip to the beach.

"Are you alright?" He asked. She nodded quickly without looking at him. He didn't buy it. "Tell me the truth, please."

Retasu inhaled deeply and let out a shaky sigh, putting her palms against the edge of the dresser to lean on it. She kept her head hung low. "I don't know what to do," her voice shook slightly.

"About what?" Pai asked.

"I don't know what to do to protect myself!" She exclaimed. She pushed off the dresser and crossed the room to her bedside table. She swiped her Mew pendent off of it and glared down at it in her hand, "I used to feel strong, like I could protect the whole world if I needed to. And I was! I did. But now...even when I transform, I feel like...being targeted like that, without reason, I just...I don't know what to do if they come after me again!" She squeezed her eyes shut and raised her hand, ready to throw her pendent across the room. Ready, until a strong hand grabbed her wrist. She blinked and looked up at Pai, who was now standing right in front of her. He gently lowered her hand and took her pendent, pressing it to the Mew mark on her chest with his palm.

"You are not weak, Retasu-san," he said, "and there is reason. You are also not alone. We are here to protect you." A few tears slid down Retasu's cheeks and she slid her arms around his waist in a hug. He lightly put his arms around her, a bit surprised at her actions.

"Thank you," she said quietly. After a short pause, she pulled away and smiled up at him with a few tears still in her eyes, "you're like an anchor, you know?" Her smile softened, "keeping me from drifting too far out in a sea of bad thoughts." Pai stared down at her, a little amazed that he was able to calm her so easily. He felt a strange urge pulling at him. To kiss her, he realized. He refrained, thinking it wasn't the best time. He wasn't ready for her to know yet, but knew she would soon. He just hoped he would be able to tell her before Suika or his friends did.

A bit of PaiRetasu at the end :) Ichigo nearly getting killed like that kind of freaked her out. And there will be much more KishIchigo coming up! As soon as I write the chapters, haha.