Disclaimer: I don't own Primeval or it's characters. No copyright intended.

A/N: So I actually have quite a few little fics with this style that are Primeval but they're all villains. It's a segment of stories I'm writing right now, little shorts of the villain's POV. But! Since this is not a villain, but Abby, I didn't see the point in not posting.



That was how she had always felt. Ever since she was a child, she always felt like she was in the way – helpless, useless …


Even at the zoo, her project always came to an inconvenience to the founders and the funders. She was the part of the zoo that was cut off from the budget – cut off from the exhibits.

When Abby found the ARC she finally felt useful. She finally felt like she was needed, instead of the other way around. That was until Connor Temple came along; having her even feel like she was more important than anyone else, and also making her feel like she couldn't depend on herself anymore. She felt like she needed him, always – but it was okay, because he needed her back.

But when she arrived back home with Connor, being in hell for a year, the gnawing feeling came back to the once again felt like she, and now Connor, was inconvenient.

Once it melted away, being placed in to care for what she loved, her fear of forever feeling in the way was brought forward again, seeing that her creatures felt just as she did.

They were in same position she had been in from the beginning of her life.

Inconvenient. It was like she couldn't escape.

After all they'd done here, was that how they were going to be remembered?

Brushing away the inconvenience.

Brushing away the meaning of what the ARC was made for? What the team made the ARC for? What Cutter made the ARC for?

It was wrong. She wouldn't let some domineering, suit wearing, scientist, millionaire destroy the legacy Cutter and the team did everything to build. These creatures alive – that's what Cutter wanted. She couldn't let Cutter's last wishes be erased just because some pompous scientist was fixed on destroying these innocent lives.

Cutter didn't care if they were inconvenient. To him they were life. They were living. They were a long way from home.

And he knew farewell, if they killed these innocent lives over an inconvenience, what did that make humans?

Inconvenient or not, she wasn't allowing herself to be that of what Philip steeped so low to.

That wasn't her.

Reviews are like Brownies.

I love Brownies.