Tony sat, with pen in hand, looking out the window of the airplane trying to ignore the hollow ache he now feels. He glances down at the paper on his tray. 'I will' the list in empty. He doesn't know how to go on. He looks back out the window, clicking his pen unknowingly, and sees only his face looking back. His eyes are dark and red, his lips quiver, he runs a hand over his newly shaven face, remembering how her hands held his cheeks. He starts when the man sitting next to him clears his throat. Tony turns and sees the man look pointedly at the pen in Tony's hand.

"Sorry" he mumbles and opens his jacket to place it in his pocket. He stops as he feels something. Slowly he pulls Ziva's Star of David necklace from his pocket. His breath catches in his throat, his eyes fill with tears, and a tiny smile shows itself on the corner of his lips. There, in that small golden necklace, lies hope. Hope he didn't dare to have before. He closes his hand around the necklace and strokes it with his thumb before putting it back in his pocket and removing his pen. He writes "I will wait for her." He clicks his pen a final time and puts it away. He folds up his now precious list and holds it in the palm of his hand as he closes his eyes and drifts off the sleep.