Alfred crouched down by the, now slightly wind worn, stone. With a small smile he stroked the cold marble.

"Hey." he greeted softly after a quick glance around to check no one else was about. "Nice weather today huh? Makes a nice change from that rain storm yesterday. I spent the whole day inside just watching a stream form outside the window." he laughed under his breath.

While it wasn't actually raining, the sky looked like it could change it's mind any second as they hovered threateningly overhead but Alfred just brushed it off.

The weather here's just like Arthur. Constantly changing its mind about if it wants to be sunny and bright or stormy and pissing down with rain, he thought to himself with a grin before he turned his attention back to the silent stone.

"Man, this is killing my knees. If I knelt down do you reckon my suit'll be ruined or can it survive five minutes of contact with the mud?" with no answer forthcoming Alfred shrugged and knelt into the soft soil. "If he moans I'm pinning the blame on you mom, okay? Just kidding.

"Today's the day, finally. It took a while but you know how it is, life happens and plans get changed. The good thing is, now we can actually get married. Can you believe it?" he smiled as he remembered his initial excitement when the law was passed to legalise same-sex marriage. He had been the one to propose that day. Admittedly it was a much quieter affair; he just popped the question halfway through the news article. Arthur had still said yes though and that was all that mattered (he chose to forget the fact that it took a lot of persuasion for Arthur to agree due to his protests that he had 'already bloody asked you twat').

"I hope you watch over me especially closely today. I'm so scared that I'll mess up one way or another but if I know you're there supporting me I think I can make it, so please, I really wanted you to be there." he had to stop briefly to wipe a single traitorous tear away.

Even so many years after losing her, he still choked up when he came to talk to his mom like this.

"I've already spoken to gran. I know she regrets being unable to see us finally tie the knot and I'm really sad she can't be there either, but Matt made it. And Dad, though I don't suppose that's good news in your opinion. No offence but him being here makes me happy and I'm glad he's in my life again, you guys had your problems but he's not a bad dad. Not really."

Alfred spared a second to look down at his watch. Still early, he had a bit of time to spare.

"Do you want to hear my vows? I wrote them myself but I'm pretty sure Arthur's are going to show me up. He was always better at that creative stuff, do you remember his proposal? But I guess it doesn't really matter."

He stood up and took a step back whilst clearing his throat.

"Arthur, it's been a long road and many times along the way I thought we wouldn't make it. I never knew there could be so many obstacles between two people, but after getting past it all I think it only makes me appreciate you all the more.

"We're not perfect, no two people are. We fight all the time, can never agree on anything and frequently act like children with a crush but after all of it, we still come back to each other, we still love and care about the other and that's what is important. You once said to me you couldn't promise happily ever after, but as long as I'm with you I know I can bear even the darkest days and my love for you will never fade."

He took a deep breath when he had finished and closed his eyes. It wasn't that he was nervous or having second thoughts. Actually he had never been more sure of anything in his life before, but he did feel a tug to stay out here in the gentle breeze and the fresh air instead of heading for the dusty old church behind him.

After another minute or two he realised there were footsteps drawing closer. Without turning around he already knew who it would be.

"Why aren't you getting ready?" he asked as Arthur drew level with him.

"I am ready. What about you?" he asked quietly.

"I, I just wanted to see them quickly before I went in. I am ready though I swear."

"I believe you. I came to say hello as well you know. And to check on you." Arthur offered him a brief smile before stepping forward.

"Mrs Jones? Ms Jones? This is incredibly embarrassing to be saying when Alfred is stood right here, I'm sure it'll boost his ego even more. I wanted to thank you. Thank you both for giving me someone like Alfred to love, I couldn't imagine a kinder, more loving man existing in this world let alone choosing to be by my side. Even after everything Ms Jones, I want you to know I will always do my best to protect your son and I promise to always love him. Even when he is being a complete insufferable... Mrs Jones, I'm sorry for 'dragging my feet', I wish you could have been here, I know it would have meant the world to Alfred, and to me too."

He then stepped forward and lay a bouquet of flowers on the grave marked Georgie Jones and took a few steps to the right and lay an identical one on the newer, less worn grave beside it marked, Mercy Jones.

He stepped back beside Alfred and wrapped his arm around the younger man's shoulders, looking the other way whilst the man wiped the new tears that had sprung to his eyes.

"Come on love, we'd better get going." he said lowly, gently squeezing his shoulders in an awkward attempt at comfort.

Alfred nodded and allowed himself to be steered around and led back towards the church.

"Yeah, can't be late for our own wedding can we?" he said with a weak and watery smile, slipping his hand into his soon-to-be husband's.

The end. Really this time.

And that was the short epilogue that didn't really add anything or tie it up any more than it already was. :P

Can I just say this has got to be the longest thing I've ever written? Almost 200 pages on word! And now it's over, I am so sad but happy at the same time. Thank you for all the support, it took a while but it's over now :)