My first ever LND fan fic! Yaaay! Okay this is completely E/C and lots of Raoul bashing, for all you raoul bashes out there ; change of events on how LND shoulda ended. Diolch!

Megs POV

I stood stock still after realising Christine was slipping away. Mother came and tried to slip the gun from my fingers. But that only caused my fingers to grasp the trigger too tight. Another bullet spiralled through the air. It narrowly missed the vicomte's head. He raised his hands and ran from the pier. 'Raoul, no,' Christine groaned as he backed away. She settled back into Erik's lap as soon as she'd realised he'd gone. He'd probably gone for good.

I deserved to die. I thought about tumbling backwards into the sea that very moment but I needed to make sure Christine lived. I heard Erik and Christine talking to each other, and when I turned, I saw Erik gently kissing her lips. But soon she became lifeless and limp. Erik shouted and cried her name. 'Erik!' i called to him 'the doctor is here.'

'I need to check her pulse, if one is found we can insert blood into her body and get her heart pumping again,' The doctor told them kneeling down beside Christine.

'if she's alive take my blood,' I said firmly, which elicited stares from all around the pier 'I'm the one who did this to Christine, it's only fair that I get her out of it.'

'are you sure?'

'I am willing,' I took a deep breath. Erik placed her body on the floor and moved to the end of the pier. He stood there, his arms out wide. He was going to jump, I knew it.

'Mr. Y,' Gustave came behind him and placed one of his small hands on Erik's back. Erik cowered down to his sons touch, immediately embracing him. He began to sing the song in which Christine had sung before the accident, Love Never Dies. Gustave pulled away from his hold and then reached up for his mask. With a gentle pull, it came of his face.

I stared with awe at the master. I'd never seen his face before and now I realized that mother wasn't exaggerating. Then Gustave, reached his hand out to touch Erik's face. Quietly he sung 'it is so beautiful, so strange yet beautiful, why was I scared once before?'

'and your so beautiful, perfect and beautiful, you are my savoring grace,' he sung back to his son.

'sir, she has a pulse!' Erik rushed over to his angel and embraced her tightly. 'get miss giry's blood, quickly!' He cried nursing Christine. The doctor grabbed my arm and carefully extracted the blood but then shook his head 'it's not enough.'

'well take the rest from me!' He rolled up his sleeves and braced himself for the needle. But both our pain was worth it for Christine's pulse began to strengthen. 'Oh my Christine,' Erik kissed her forehead.

'Mama, please be alive,' Gustave begged nestling into her lap

'Shes alive Gustave,' He stroked his head 'and soon we'll all be back to normal.'

Only now the amount of blood extracted was starting to effect me. I knew I'd be fine, a doctor would never take too much blood so that the donor would be in danger. The world around me fell away and I was in the land of dreams before I could feel my head hitting the hard floor of the pier.

Christine's POV

I forced my eyes open. The light was blinding but I didn't care. I gathered as much strength I could to shout 'Erik! Gustave!' And my angel of music came running in. 'Christine! Are you all right? I was so wor-' I cut him off by sealing his lips to mine. After a few seconds he began to kiss back. I was beginning to remember the night before. Raoul? What happened to Raoul? I didn't remember seeing him after I passed out. Oh that's right, he left. As if I care. 'The only problem is how Gustave will react... Wait Gustave?' I thought. I pulled away from Erik and grabbed fistfuls of his shirt. 'Gustave? Where's our son.'

'Outside,' Erik shook his head 'the nurses thought he would cause you too much stress. Stupid cows.'

'Erik!' I exclaimed but giggled also. Erik called him in. He rushed over to me. 'Oh my baby have you've been a good boy?' I kissed his head.

'Of course mama,' he walked backwards and sat on Erik's lap so he could play with my hand. I looked with awe. 'What?' Erik asked. I pointed with one finger 'oh.' I laughed and tears brimmed in my eyes. My son accepted my angel. After all my worrying. 'Christine, you were out for 2 weeks, and Raoul buggered off to god knows where, what else were we supposed to do?' Erik smiled

'What exactly did you do?'

'Nothing much. Wrote some music, visited the rest of Coney Island-'

'We had really good fun!' Gustave finished his sentence.

'Im so glad darling,' I propped myself up 'heres the big question... when can I leave this dreadful place?'

'The doctors coming in to do a checkup in 10 minutes and if your cleared, we can leave.'

'Thank god!' I breathed out. There was a rattling at the door. 'Am I interrupting anything?' The very smiley doctor poked his head around the door 'and there is a vicomte here to see you, sir.'

'Ill go over right away,' Erik cracked his knuckles. That made the doctor jump. I couldn't help laugh 'Erik honey, when your finished with the darling vicomte, tell him I do not wish to see him.'

'I will.'

'Oh and give him this,' I pulled my wedding ring off my finger. Erik looked shocked as I dropped it into his palm. 'I wish to end my marriage with that posh snob.'

'As you wish, dear,' he leaned down and I kissed him 'oh and Christine, I love you.'

'I love you too,' I replied as he slipped away. I sighed happily and patted Gustave on the head. How I loved it when Erik admitted his love for me.

'Madame, I'm Dr. Trupp. How are you feeling?'

'Absolutely fine.'

'Can I ask you some questions?'

'Sure. Concerning?'

'One your health after the accident. Two, we need to talk.'

'Thank you. Gustave you can stay in for the first half.'

'Ok mama.'

'Lets crack on,' Dr. Trupp picked up his medical pad 'how do you feel concerning your wound?'

'Only slight pains, not too much.'


'Not really.'

'Can you stand up for me?' He walked over and helped me up. I stood there completely fine. 'Thats all okay...' He muttered frantically scribbling away 'Walk?' I stepped one foot after another to Gustave where he took my hand. 'Check,' I said. His glasses fell down his nose as he wrote.

'Now, miss DaaƩ, the talk we needed to have.'

'Gustave, can you leave now?'

'Oui, mama.' He rose from his chair and let go of my hand. He slipped out of the room silently, just like his father. 'Now miss DaaƩ, may you lay on your bed with your eyes closed.'

'Please call me Christine.'

'Thank you, I will. Well, Christine we had results back from your tests and they prove to be fine. You should be able to go tonight. But in other matters, its that man in the mask who trails along with you whom I'm curious of. I have no right to poke in but I've been keen to know more about this Erik.' I heard footsteps in the room and the door was closed quietly. There was someone else here with us. But I didn't care at the moment. I gulped back the urge to snap at this interfering cow and answered 'Why? Why would you need to know about my angel?'

'It's him isn't it,' dr Trupp asked


'The phantom of the opera, opera ghost, angel of music, it's HIM.'

'Im in love with Erik and I've been for a very long time. I know he is nothing like those rumours.'

'But what about the vicomte?'

'He is a useless drunk. He was a wonderful man, many years ago, when he watched me sing in the opera populaire, the days when he gave me a single red rose every time he came to my dressing room. But once we'd married, he turned into a monster. Alcohol and gambling controlled his life. That's why I gave my wedding ring to Erik to give back to him. I wish that I no longer have to be the vicomtess de Chagny and be Christine Muhlheim. I want to marry Erik.'

'Oh little Lotte, time will tell,' the other person whispered. The door opened and shut again. I'm guessing it was dr Trupp leaving me to talk to this person in private. Well of course, I knew that voice too well. 'Papa?' I gasped trying not to open my eyes 'how did you come here?'

'It does not matter about me, it's about you, little Lotte. And if you want my advice, keep doing what your doing, and I do know about that night beneath a moonless sky, my dear.' I felt my cheeks turn scarlet. Wonderful, my father knows of my night of passion with Erik. 'Im sorry papa, I love him so much.'

'I know you do. How is your son?'

'Gustave. He is wonderful, just like his father. I named him after you papa.'

'Yes thank you. He has your beauty my child. Now wake up, little Lotte. Your beautiful son and angel of music is waiting for you.'

'I love you papa.'

'As do I.'

I woke up with a sudden jump. There was Erik, his eyes open wide, with Gustave cuddling into his chest. 'What happened, where's papa?' I asked


'My father was here, I was talking to him.'

'Christine the only other person apart from me and Gustave here is Raoul. But I think he's left.'

'How did the talk with him go?'

'He took your wedding ring back and said after a very long fuss he'd leave.'

'Good. Now Erik , dr Trupp said I'm dismissed.'

'Thats wonderful dear.'

'That means we can go home now, doesn't it mama,' Gustave asked

'Yes, my darling,' I rose from the bed and practically fell into Erik's arms. He picked me up in a bridal carry and swirled around the room. 'I love you, so so much,' he whispered to me

'Vice versa,' I whispered back.

The feels! Too many! More chapters up soon xx ;D

Timevamp x