This was supposed to be their new start, the opening to a bright, new future…but now everything was going to Hell- literally.

Annabelle's life is drastically changing every day that goes by. As her and Klaus prepare to build a new life for themselves as her pregnancy progresses, trouble begins to raise its ugly head in New Orleans as well as Mystic Falls yet again.

With an angry New Orleans vampire and Silas still hiding in the shadows, Annabelle and Klaus must find a way to stay strong and fight for their future…

But when a new danger arrives to Mystic Falls, their future seems more bleak than hopeful…

"I guess asking for a normal life was asking for too much. But I chose this and I chose you~ forever. No matter what, no matter what happens, remember I am with you always. You and me~ forever. As you like to say, always and forever."

Author's Note: I'm back! Thank you guys for waiting for my sequel, I've been dying to get the ball rolling on this! I'm continuing the story between Klaus and Annabelle, and it is going to include other character's perspectives in chapters, such as Elijah, Hayley, perhaps Marcel as well…?

I'm putting this under crossover since there are still going to be small elements of TVD within the story- mostly due to the smaller plot line between Charlie and Meredith Fell.

Hope you guys enjoy what I have in store for you! The prologue's going to be short, it's just setting up everything for the first chapter, which will again be mostly Elijah's POV since it'll be flashing back to his role in everything that happened in New Orleans….

Prologue: Family and Complications

(Elijah's POV)

My family's story has been anything but a fairytale. It is drenched in the blood of the innocent, some my siblings have shed, some I myself have shed. I cannot atone for my sins, for every day they are there, lingering in my mind like a shadow.

For a long time, I believed my family would not know happiness. Not after what my mother and father did to us by turning us into vampires. Not after my father ruthlessly hunted us down like animals across the globe, set on erasing the error he had created himself.

We had nothing to hope for, no one we could trust, expect for each other. And even that trust wore thin as time passed.

Everything changed, however, the day Annabelle Davis walked in my brother Niklaus's life. There I saw the small spark of hope that had long waited to be rekindled inside us. I felt it grow within myself the more I got to know the tiny werewolf, and the more I saw how Niklaus looked at her.

From that day forward, I vowed to bring together this family yet again. I vowed that I would help my brother find happiness with his mate and the two children growing within her.

I observed Annabelle and Niklaus from a distance, reflecting on past events that had occurred while in New Orleans. I found myself wondering if returning there would be for the best.

Nonetheless, I knew one thing- I would protect that woman and her unborn children, and I would stand by my brother's side.

Always and forever.


(Hayley's POV)

One of my first thoughts on the Mikaelson brothers was, Man, they brood a lot. So far, they hadn't proven me wrong.

Elijah was lurking as Anna and Klaus were getting ready to head back to New Orleans. I figured he had managed to convince her to leave again with some…persuasion.


I glanced up as they stood together on the balcony of the mansion that overlooked the surrounding woods. Despite their whole in love thing, I had to admit they looked good together. Anna definitely knew how to put the Hybrid in his place and his psychotic murderous side had toned down a lot thanks to her.

I gave my cousin props, even though I wouldn't want to be in her shoes.

Crossing my arms, I glanced towards Elijah again. I knew him and I were thinking the same thing- whether or not going back south was a good plan. I would bet that despite everything, Klaus still had a bug up his ass about Marcel ruling over the Quarter. Not even Anna could suppress that egotistical side of him.

But she was family, the only family I had. So I was stuck with her despite my own doubts and…concerns. So I figured I would stick around and help her, since it was the least I could do.


Disclaimer: I DO NOT own any of these characters, apart from my own O/Cs, I do not own the lines from the show, apart from the ones I added in, these all belong to the creators of TVD and The Originals, as well as the CW.