Chapter Three:

Let Your Heart Decide

John sat in his chair, shocked that he had just kissed his flat mate at midnight of all things. He hadn't even dreamed that their first kiss was going to be like that, but he really hadn't known what to expect with Sherlock. The blond took a deep breath before looking up at Sherlock, whom still stood surprised by the kiss so he waited for the brunette to say something.

"What the devil was that for?" Sherlock asked after a few moments of silence.

John took a deep breath, thinking of what to say but he didn't know what to say. He just decided to say the first thing that came to mind, "Because I have feelings for you."

"Feelings?" Sherlock replied, a light sneer in the words as he stared at his flat mate.

John laid his head back, "Yeah, in a romantic way." Sherlock stayed quiet, staring intently at the blonde, awaiting further elaboration. John wasn't sure what to say when he looked back at Sherlock, "Have you ever been in a romantic relationship?"

"No, never. What's the point in it? It's just a distraction from what I should be focusing my mind on, all it would do is cloud my judgment."

"The point is to be with someone you love and I want to be with you, in a relationship, with you." John said, standing up.

"All love is, is a chemical reaction in your brain. It would just be a liability. I would just worry about you instead of focusing on the case."

"Really? Since when would I be liability?" John asked, just a bit surprised.

Sherlock stared at him intently, "If you're held at gunpoint, kidnapped or shot, how will I stop myself from committing homicide to protect or avenge you?"

John stared, perplexed and surprised at the others confession, having seen the man having all but anxiety attacks when he was caught. It was like something had clicked and he stared at his flat mate, "You reciprocate my feelings, don't you."

Sherlock sighed and looked to the side, "That I do, but at the same time I don't. I will never have you fully in my thoughts, for my brain is needed mostly for logic and science."

John cocked a brow, "That's why you recall every fact about me but dump information on everyone else."

Sherlock chuckled, "I only keep what interests me, after all."

The blond stood almost speechless that his flat mate Sherlock felt the same way about him. He had gotten lost in thought and didn't see the other walking up to him until the brunette took his hand. John looked into Sherlock's glasz eyes and the brunette leaned in placing his lips against the doctors. He moved closer to John entangling a hand in the blonde's hair and moving one arm around the others waist. The smaller man moaned softly, wrapping an arm around the brunette's neck while John's hand moved towards Sherlock's unruly hair. John pulled away keeping his lips close to Sherlock's, though every thought he had before the kiss was gone. He pulled the other back in for another kiss and found the other was just a tad inexperience with it, but John didn't mind.

Ok, so i finally post this it only took me over a month or so.. right? you can tell i lost track of time (No surprise). I didn't forget about it just took me awhile to write part of it. oh yeah before i forget to mention winterimperfect wrote Sherlock lines (during a role play of course) but i will try to post the next chapter by the of the week after i complete Psychopath Relations just one chapter to go with that one.

Let Your Heart Decide by Celine Dion