(((((this is my 2nd time posting this story. the first time i posted it i had a lot of spelling and grammar errors. I had a lot of good review but my Errors wear relay i took down my Story and i went i my hunt to find me a beta. I had one and she helped me for the first 2 ch, then i found me another beta who is helping me a lot to make this story a lot better. thank u thriller for all the help and making this story so much better)))))

ok now that i said that lets get to the story. :)


(((this takes place after x-3, with the add in of the 1st wolverine movie...)))..

To start off with, Jean did not kill Scott and only put him in a coma for 3 months; they found him when they found Jean. But she did still kill the Professor. Then at the last battle, when Logan walked up to Jean, he gave her the cure instead of killing her, weakening the Phoenix so Jean could gain control of herself again. She still has her powers put the Phoenix is gone. It has been 4 months after the battle. Scott woke up a month and a half ago and him and Jean are now taking some time away from the X-Men to get their strength back because they are too weak to fight. They still teach at the school though. (P.s. If you have not seen the little clip at the end of the X-Men 3 movie, you need to watch it to understand what is up with the Professor).


So it all starts off with Rogue being taken. The X-Men have tracked her to a forest in the middle of nowhere. This chapter goes into a little more detail; just giving you the heads up...


It was dark outside and in the middle of a forest the X-jet began to land. As the doors open you can see Logan, Storm, Kitty, Colossus, Bobby and Marvel Girl step out. (Marvel Girl's real name is Carol Danvers; she was accidentally subjected to radiation and transformed into a superhuman with super strength who can also fly. She has blond hair down to her shoulders and a tight black outfit on with a gold lightning bolt going from the top of her chest down to her side. She also has a black eye mask on).

As they all walk out you could tell that Logan was ready for a fight; he had a cigar in his mouth and was wearing that look that said he was going to skin whoever had Rogue. He watched over her like a she was his own kid. All the rest of the X-Men were looking around the woods, whilst Bobby was one of the last to get off the jet, walking besides Colossus and Kitty.

Logan looked behind him to the X-Men he had with him, all of whom were there at the fight when Rogue got taken...but only one was teamed up with her...

Flash back of fight

-(((((It was Bobby.

They were all on a mission looking for the Brotherhood, who were causing the usual problems. When it came to teaming up, Rogue was teamed up with Bobby like always. Even though she did not have her

powers, Rogue still wanted to be an X-Man to help out when she could: Logan could not tell her anything, all he could do was train her and besides, he knew she could handle herself.

Everyone was looking for the Brotherhood when they heard a call from Rogue saying that her and Bobby were under attack, but by the time the rest of the team arrived at the scene, all they found was Bobby on the floor; unconscious... rushing him back to the jet, they managed to track Rogue; she was still moving, but very fast.

As soon as they took off, Bobby slowly came around. The very first thing he saw was a pissed off Logan in his face asking

"What the HELL happened out there?!"

Bobby explained to him that some time after splitting up with the group, John and one other guy mutant ambushed the pair, and, Bobby being Bobby, he rushed things and got himself knocked out just as they took Rogue…..This pissed Logan off even more as he worked out that it was all a trap to get Rogue again.

Logan could not help but think he should have stayed with her...maybe she should not have even been there in the first place… but before he could finish the thought Storm informed him that Rogue had slowed down and she was in the middle of a forest not too far away from where they were.

Why they took her and brought her there, in the middle of nowhere, was beyond him. And in no time they were there)))—

As Storm stood by Logan she was wondering why they would bring her here so far away.. the only thought she could think of was that the Brotherhood did not know that the X-Men had a fully developed tracking system and by bringing her so far from where they were, they assumed there would be no way to find her. But they were wrong: along with the communicator that was left by Bobby, the X-Men also had trackers installed into their uniforms...the only downfall, however, being that the only way to track a fallen X-Man was using the computers installed in the X-Jet or back at the school. The place that the Brotherhood had stopped at was just over an hour away from where the X-Men were currently and the only possible way the enemy could have gotten that far was by super speed...but why stop here...?

Storm placed her hand on Logan's shoulder knowing he was in deep thought. He looked at her, then to the rest of the team.

"Ok, we need to get Rogue, and get out." Logan stated while tossing his finished cigar to the ground. "Everyone split up: Marvel Girl with me; Colossus, Kitty and Bobby, I want you too go with storm."

Deep in the woods..

Pyro (John) and Quicksilver had tied Rogue's hands behind her back and her legs were tied up to, loosely enough so that she could walk awkwardly with Pyro pulling her by the arm.

You could tell Rogue was weak; she kept stumbling and tripping over her feet. She was still trying to pull away, but she was failing at it. The Brotherhood had drugged her with something, causing her to become confused and disoriented. Even so; if she had been untied, John's ass would definitely have been handed to him.

There was no way she would have been in this state without the drug, but it was slowly beginning to wear off and she couldn't help but smile in defiance. Rogue hated this helpless girl act; she was trained by Logan after losing her power and definitely knew how to defend herself better.

Never had she wanted to be in this situation, ever.

She had her X-Man tracker on, she doubted that the two men suspected, and that only made her smile more. With the Tracker on her, Rogue knew her team would find her in no time. After some time of walking John tossed her to the ground roughly.

"What the fuck John! Why are you doing this?" Rouge asked, looking up at him. She was infuriated: being tied up and then dragged through the woods to God-knows-where was not something Rogue found enjoyable. The fact that she was completely defenseless—due to the drug—did not make her mood any better.

"Why the hell not? It's fun being in the brotherhood and, unlike being an X-Man, you get to have fun and you don't have to hide your power." John replied whilst kneeling down in front of her. His eyes were hidden due to the darkness, but the malicious smile on his mouth couldn't be missed.

"Whatever John." Rogue turned her gaze towards Quicksilver, "who the hell is this guy anyway? Your lover?" she asked with a laugh.

John slapped her across the face and stood up.

That slap only made Rogue struggle more against her ties, but with them behind her back it was causing some problems, and even with the drug wearing off it was not enough for her to get out of this.

"You're going to pay for that, John!" She shouted, her lips curling into a disgusted snarl.

"It's Pyro, not John, and for your information this is Magneto's …." The guy smacked John on the side of the head before he could finish and gave John an evil look. "Oh, right, sorry, my bad dude. This is Quicksilver." He finished, while rubbing the spot on his head that had been hit.

Rogue glared at them in hate. She would love nothing more than to punch that smile off the little shit's face. She was thinking in detail, just how she'd accomplish that idea, when she noticed John had pulled a syringe out and had begun to walk towards her.

Was he going to drug her again? Just when she can feel her strength returning.

Did they already know that the original stuff was wearing off?

John looked too sadistically happy about this for it to be the same drug...something was different, and not knowing scared her. Her heart started to go faster. Wear the hell was Logan!

"What is that Pyro?" Rogue asked, trying to remain calm even as she pulled harder at her restraints.

"Oh, this…?" He asked waving the needle around slightly. "This is going to help you Rogue." He said with a grin. "Just so you know; this stuff makes a person a little paranoid at first, so try and relax."

Rogue started moving backwards, her butt sliding harshly against the rough terrain, but suddenly a woman came out of nowhere and grabbed the X-girl, bringing her roughly to her feet.

Twisting her body harshly, Rogue was still barely able to glimpse the woman holding her.

"Rogue, meet my sister, Scarlet Witch." Quicksilver said with a dark smirk on his face. "It's about time you helped us." He said, addressing the woman. He glanced back to Rogue; "Now, stop fussing, it'll be over soon."


Logan and Marvel Girl were walking though the deep woods as Logan tried to pick up a scent, when out of nowhere he heard Rogue scream. This is one of the times where Logen was grateful for his heightened sense of hearing: he knew which way the scream came from. With that, his claws popped up and he looked at Marvel Girl.

"That way! You go ahead and I will catch up." Logan ordered, his arm pointing in the direction of the voice.

She nodded and took off flying with Logan following behind her as quickly as he could. John's scent filled his nose, as well as two other unknown mutants. He was ready to kill: Rogue was unprotected and that was unforgivable.

Rogue's scream ripped through the air again. She was in pain.

He ran faster.


Pyro backed away from Rogue, an empty needle in his hand as well as a smirk on his face.

She was screaming, wrenching against the ropes.

"Sis, you can take off the rope around her hands and feet: she isn't going anywhere. The dose we gave her won't allow her much more activity." Quicksilver said with a grin. The Scarlet Witch easily complied and shoved Rogue roughly over to a nearby tree.

Although she was confused, Rogue managed to stand but...'what was that stuff?' Her head was spinning and nothing made sense.

"Rogue!" They heard Logan yell. He was still far away but close enough to worry the Brotherhood.

"Shit! She must have had another tracker on her!" Quicksilver cursed as he grabbed Rogue. "Let's go." Rogue yelled yet again; his touch was like a million needles going through her body. Why was she so sensitive to touch right now?

Before anyone knew what was going on though, Marvel Girl came down from the sky and quickly grabbed Rogue before flying away.

The mutants from the Brotherhood looked at each other and then Quicksilver grabbed his sister's hand. "We will get her later; we have to go," he said as he took off running and they were gone within seconds.

"Hey!" Pyro yelled out, only to hear his name yelled out from behind.

"Pyro!" He looked behind him and just saw Logan as the X-Man tackled him, knocking Pyro out.


Rogue was freaking out in Marvel Girl's arms and could not comprehend that she was being saved or that this was a friend, all she knew was that she was in pain and couldn't stop panicking: Rogue just kept grabbing anything within her reach.

"Rogue it's ok. You're going to be ok, just a little longer." Feeling Rogue shaking, Marvel Girl held on tighter to try and keep her from moving. All of a sudden Marvel Girl started to feel very weak and began to fall from the sky, turning at the last moment to take the full impact so Rogue wouldn't be badly injured.

They crashed heavily into a tree branch and Rogue passed out...but as she came around moments later she was back in her right state of mind and looked about her; spotting Marvel Girl a few meters away. The other mutant was not moving. Rogue ran over to her friend and tried to remain calm, as she started to give Marvel Girl CPR...but what Rogue didn't know was that the drug she was injected with had returned her powers.

With every breath she gave...she was taking Marvel Girl's life.

"HELP LOGAN!" Rogue screamed in fear. 'Why is my friend not waking up', she thought. Tears started to fall.

Bobby ran up to Rogue as she was still trying to give her friend CPR but he could see what she was really doing to Marvel Girl.

"Rogue stop!" Finally pulling her off of Marvel Girl, Bobby was very careful not to touch her. "Rogue!"

"Bobby, I have to help her! Let me go!" she struggled with him.

Looking at her, Bobby could only reply calmly; "Rogue, it's over. She's dead...you killed her." Rogue would never forget that look: it was not the look a loved on is supposed to give you. It was so dark...cold...full of fear. It went straight to her heart.

Bobby finally let go and walked over to Marvel Girl.

Dragging John's body behind him, Logan suddenly appeared and headed over to his teammates. He saw Rogue was finally safe and felt relieved but then noticed she was crying...and why was she looking at her hands in that way? It was not until he got closer that Logan spotted Marvel Girl lying on the ground, not moving. Putting two and two together, Logan walked up to them all and placed his hands on Rogue's shirt.

His look was different to Bobby's. Logan truly cared for Rogue and could never look at her like he was distasted with her.

)))( ok not bad for the first Ch right.. please let me know what you think and if this is your 2nd time reading it please let me know what you think of the changes..now remember i can take crite for some but all the hard work went to my beta. I can not say think you enough for helping me with my story.))))