Disclaimer: I do not own Red Eye or its characters, however Emma is of my own creation.

Author's Note: For those of you who don't know, this is a sequel to my other story Green Eyes. I highly recommend reading Green Eyes first, or you may not understand everything in this story. For my readers who have waited for this sequel thank you a lot and please read and review.

Chapter 1:

"Eric. I mean it. I'm fine." Emma insisted over the phone, even though she didn't sound so sure herself. The truth was that she felt like she was suffocating, and she knew Eric could tell. To his credit though, he didn't push it and respected her need to regain some independence. After all, that was the point of this trip. It was Maria's birthday and she had begged Emma to be there. Considering the fact the Maria barley spoke anymore Emma couldn't say no. Eric wanted to be there with her but with Joe's wedding coming up he couldn't risk it, and Emma in a way didn't want him there.

Emma took a deep breath and sighed into the phone. "I do want you here Eric. I mean it, but I just…I need to re-establish my own independence, and I'll only be gone a week." Emma bit her bottom lip as Eric fell silent on the other side of the line. She could almost see him pacing through the living room with his phone, running his fingers through his hair as he always did when he knew he was defeated.

"I Know Em, I just worry about you."

"Me too. Which is why I have to do this. Look the flight will be here soon, and the layover in Atlanta is only about an hour. That's just enough time to make my next flight. Maria and her mother will be there waiting for me. I won't be alone. Trust me." Emma continued to insist. It wasn't a lie either. This place was packed with businessmen and tourists all hurrying to and fro in search for their own terminals.

"Besides," Emma continued, " Joe and Ana need you. You have the rehearsal dinner and everything."

"Ya. I know your right, but damn, I never thought he would find someone to settle down with it must be nice. " Emma couldn't help but wince at the slightly bitter tone in his voice. A few months ago, after Joe and Ana announced their engagement, Eric had taken Emma out to the woods for a little get away. When he pulled out the small diamond ring, she wanted so badly to say yes but she chocked. She had so much on her own mind that she couldn't stay focused and she just wasn't ready yet to try to learn how to be a wife. After all, she was still trying to find the difference between survivor and victim.

"Eric…" she said softly wishing she could pull him close and kiss him gently on the forehead like she used to.

"I know I know, I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought it up."

"I want to Eric. You have no idea how much I want to."

"You just can't. I get it." Eric's words were strained, but Emma could hear him trying to hide the bitterness. He wasn't angry he was just hurt and she knew he was trying his hardest to be patient.

The phone fell silent, neither of them saying anything as Emma continued to weave in and out of the crowd. She tried to bite back the startled gasp as a man crashed into her, but she still let out a little squeak. Like a mouse. Carson's words drifted through her mind and she grasped her back tighter to her hip.

"Eric" she chocked out, suddenly seeing bright green eyes everywhere she looked. Not here she thought over and over again ordering herself to calm down. He wasn't here, he was gone and it was over. She just had to relax.

"Emma!" Eric called panicky into the phone.

"I'm….I'm fine it's just the crowds, I some guy bumped into me and I…Once I get to the terminal and into a seat I'll be fine. I promise."

"Em, I'll only ask one more time, but are you sure you're okay." Eric's voice almost broke her heart. He blamed himself for a lot of what happened, and no matter how many times she tried to reassure him he shrugged her off by telling her she was the one he was concerned about and no one else. She was glad for his help, and she felt safe with him, but almost 4 years had passed and she couldn't be smothered any more. She wanted to move on with her life, and start living again. Obviously, she wanted to spend that life with Eric, but she couldn't drag him down with her. She had to find her way on her own before she could fix things between the two of them.

"No I'm not," she answered truthfully her voice quiet, "But I have to try." Eric fell silent. "I don't agree with this." Eric said "but I can understand. I love you Em, I can be there as soon as you need me. All you have to do is ask."

"I know love, and I miss you already."

"Alright. I love you Em, Later."

"Later." Em replied hitting the end call button. They both decided they would never say goodbye, goodbye was too final and after what she had faced, she knew it was too easy for everything to end without warning.

Emma continued past the terminals until she found her own. She kept her arms crossed over her chest protectively as if she could hide behind them. She glanced around and was glad to see that no one seemed to be watching her. She glanced over at the board, and saw that her flight was still on schedule. At least that was working out well. In about two hours, she would be safely on the plane, and on her way to Atlanta. There she wouldn't have to worry about the crowd because she would be catching her next flight immediately. "It's for Maria," she thought to herself, trying to remind herself why she was doing all of this. Emma pulled her phone out of her pocket and thought again of Eric. She wanted so badly to relay on him, but she knew she had to face her independence eventually. She slipped the phone back into her pocket and scanned her surroundings again. If she didn't find someplace to curl up and hide from the crowd she would be on the phone in moments begging Eric to come get her. From her terminal she could see several different food courts including a tex-mex restaurant, a pub, and a small café with round tables. It took her a moment, but she decided that the café would be her best bet.

The café was small and only had a few things for sale. But it was set back a little bit allowing her to see all around, without leaving her back open for some stranger to startle her. She scanned over the sandwiches trying to decide on turkey, ham, or tuna. She smirked slightly at the idea that choosing a type of sandwich was the hardest choice she ever had to make. In the end she decided a plan turkey sandwich loaded with veggies. She wasn't going to get a drink but the berry smoothie was just too tempting and she couldn't help herself.

There was an empty table in the corner of the siting area and she slid into the seat against the wall. It was a perfect seat out of the way, but she could still see the terminal with perfect clarity. Two hours and counting she mumbled to herself.