The new Tattoo

Emily is getting another Tattoo on her butt. This time it is the New York Giants symbol Tattoo. This is Chapter 1. She will show Becky and Violet her new Tattoo that is. To the same Tattoo parlor.

Emily: Yes i am getting another Tattoo.
Becky: I will also get a new Tattoo.
Violet: Same here.
Emily: Lets all go together.

They are now heading to that Tattoo parlor. This time they took Becky's car. They got there and went inside of it. Becky picked The Captain Huggy Face symbol Violet A Unicorn and Emily the New York Giants symbol. All 3 will get them on there butts. So they can have Tattoos there.

Adam: I will take you all 1 at a time. Since i am the only one in here right now. Unless you can wait an hour?
Becky: 1 at a time seems good to me.
Violet: Same here.
Emily: And same here.
Adam: Okay.

Becky is the first today. 2nd will be Violet then Emily.

Adam: Which Tattoo did you pick? And where you want it at?
Becky: The Captain Huggy Face symbol on my butt.
Adam: Okay.

After her and Violet it was Emily's turn. She picked the New York Giants symbol on her butt.

Emily: That is my Favorite NFL Team.
Adam: Same here.

Next chapter they will show each other there Tattoos.