Chapter One

I looked at the man at my feet. Time seemed to slow down as I heard my own heart beat and heard my own breath come out in ragged, uneven gasps. I had fought hard to get here, hadn't even paused to wish my fallen foes a speedy trip to Savengarde. I didn't have time to linger on how many of my brothers I had slain that day. How many of my countrymen I had killed during the course if this war.

"You call yourself a nord!" Ulfric snarled. "Yet you help the dying empire that wishes to enslave our people and deny our gods! You have brought shame to name Ice-Born!"

I had no energy to be offended that he had brought my family honor into this. "Without the support of the Empire, Skyrim would fall to the Thalmor Ulfric. The damn elves are knocking at our gates and you lit the fire to burn our cities! If the empire couldn't defeat them how could Skyrim hope to stand against them? Even with an alliance with Hammerfell we have no chance. This ends here Ulfric."

"Dragonborn your lack of faith in the true sons and daughters of skyrim will be your undoing! How many of your brothers fell to you this day? Ralof hasn't reported in in nearly a fortnight. Did he meet your blade too? You have betrayed your people and your destiny. The dragonborn is the protector of Skyrim. You are nothing more than a puppet!"

I lashed out with my foot, my ebony boot glinting in the torchlight as it caught Ulfric under the chin. He fell onto his back and I placed my boot onto his chest. "You go too far Rebel. It is you who has torn this country apart, you who murdered our High King. You and I both know that using the Voice against Torygg was a cowardly and malicious thing to do. You killed that boy by a means he had no way to retaliate. Do you wish to test your Voice on me Ulfric? Do you wish to see what a fair fight is?!"

Rage filled me. I knew I would hate myself later but I couldn't stop myself.

"FUS RO DAH!" I bellowed. Ulfric flew across the room. He rose to his feet shakily before opening his mouth to shout back.

"IIZ SLEN NUS!" He shouted.

I smiled darkly at the thin sheet of ice that had formed on my armor and in my sweat drenched hair. Ice Form was useful against weak enemies but his Voice was weak. Nothing but a whisper compared to mine.


I watched a whirlwind appear and toss Ulfric up in the air before smacking him against the throne he would no longer occupy.

"Give it up Ulfric. You only shame yourself further. You will see Sovengarde this day." Rikke called from behind me. I had almost forgotten she and General Tullius were behind me.

Ulfric Stormcloak lay in a crumpled ball at the foot of his throne. The rage left me as we three approached him. "I have had enough killing for today." I said quietly. I turned away as Rikke swiftly ended the Bear of Windhelm and in the same breath wished him a safe journey to Sovengarde. I bowed my head and prayed that Talos would forgive me.

The general was making a speech about the glory of the empire when I left the Palace of Kings and I had no stomach to hear it. I walked into the darkness, through the city gates, deeply saddened by the shouts of victory accompanied by the stench of death.

I walked all the way to Solitude. I'm not sure how long it took. My thoughts were troubled. I arrived home and was greeted immediately by Jordis. I asked her to draw me a bath. She complied with a smile. I knew why Jordis wore an amulet of Mara. I heard her talking to her friend Lena. She wanted her handsome thane for a husband, with "his fire red hair kissed with gold, his strong arms and quiet demeanor he would make the perfect husband."

There was nothing wrong with Jordis. I had no time for a wife. I had just defeated Alduin, ended a civil war and had to help rebuild my country. I knew the Empire was rallying troops to drive the elves out. I hated the idea of calling my brothers and sisters to arms again but it would have to be done.

I finished washing up and shook myself like a dog. Jordis would eye the mess but not complain. She hadn't placed any linens for me to dry off with. Just as i was feeling dry enough she walked into the room carrying linens. She didn't say a word or physically flinch, but I caught the flame that lit up her cheeks and covered myself to alleviate some of her stress. She presented me with the linens and rushed out of the room. I dried myself off and cleaned up some of the water on the floor.

I appreciated Jordis. I knew it wasn't easy for a warrior to become a glorified housekeeper, and she was so dedicated. It took an hour to fill this tub and she did it anyway, heating the water over the fire. She would make a fine wife for someone. Just not me.

After I had dressed in a loose tunic and pants I pulled my shoulder length hair back with a leather strip and asked Jordis if anything interesting had happened in my absence.

"A messenger from the Blue Palace was here earlier today. They dropped off a letter for you. I told him I didn't expect you for a few days my Thane. You made it here just a few hours after I received word of your victory." She said.

I nodded and took the letter. Elisef wanted me to go to Markarth to talk to a scholar about a new gemstone found in the dwarven ruins. The possibility that they might be extremely valuable was there and if so, Elisef would sponsor a mining outfit to assist Igmund. Apparently he and she both wanted the Silver Blood family driven out.

I sighed. This would be one undertaking I would wait to embark on. I wanted a good nights rest. So I bid Jordis goodnight and retired to my large bed. I was almost asleep when I felt Meeko jump up and lay next to me. I smiled. It was good to be loved.