Hi everyone for those of you who don't know me I am mysticgirl. I have mostly been writing about Castle and NCIS but have now decided to give Criminal Minds a go.

I guess though I haven't totally left them behind though as although this isn't a crossover it does involve a character from one of my other stories. The character is in my Castle story Her Secret Life No More. If you don't watch Castle then it is fine – there are no obvious Castle references in this story.

The character is of my own creation hence why this is not a crossover. I assure you I am not trying to create one of those Mary Sue characters. That idea is one of the reasons I haven't uploaded before now.

I really hope you like this as I love Criminal Minds, especially Spencer Reid. He is the definition of adorable. And after everything he has been through, I wanted to give him something happy. And I guess I wanted to do the same for my own character.

Anyway I hope you like this. Please inbox or review with any questions. Enjoy:

Chapter 1

'Love at first sight is easy to understand; it's when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle.' Sam Levenson

Spencer Reid walked quickly towards the FBI's behavioural analysis unit deep in thought as always, considering the book he had read last night on theoretical physics barely paying attention to his surroundings until he stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for their floor. Just as the doors were about to close a hand slipped between them and he looked up startled as a girl slipped into the elevator and the doors slid closed behind her.

Her hand hovered over the control panel before it dropped back to her side having seen that the button for the BAU floor was already lit. Curiously Reid glanced at her, she was younger than he, but not by that many years, maybe five at most. She didn't look long out of college. She had light brown hair which was slightly damp from the rain outside and she kept brushing it out of her face. She was very slender and had pale skin and was dressed modestly in trousers, a loose button down blouse with a jacket over the top and boots. She glanced over at him then and their eyes met for a few seconds and Reid found himself transfixed by her eyes, warm, gentle yet wary, a strange greenish gold in colour and totally mesmerising.

The girl was the one to look away and as she did so a small smile slipped onto her face "so what is your business with the BAU" she asked in a gentle smooth voice and Reid blinked to focus. "I uh... I ... I work there as a profiler". She looked back at him "really" she said "been there long" he nodded pushing his glasses higher up his nose and shifting his bag on his shoulder "yes five years, four months, twenty seven days" he said and she gave him a look "really" she said again "you don't look old enough to have been working there that long, you look like you are still at college"

Reid shifted "I'm 31" he said "huh" she said smiling "I wouldn't have guessed that". Blushing slightly he looked down "and you knew how long you have been working at the BAU exactly off of the top of your head" she asked and he nodded "I could tell you the hours and minutes but I thought that might be taking it a little too far" he said. She laughed gently and Reid found himself fascinated by the musical sound. She cocked her head to one side eyeing him keenly and he ducked his head again before he looked up "so um what is your business at the BAU is it business or pleasure... I mean do you know someone here... I wasn't assuming you were coming here for pleasure" he gabbled nervously.

She laughed gently again "business I hope" she said with a smile eyeing him "am I making you nervous" she asked and he blushed "little bit" he admitted and she grinned before she turned to face him fully. "Don't worry" she said and her eyes flicked to his name badge on the strap to his bag "I don't bite Spencer Reid". He shifted again 'was the elevator ride always this long' he found himself wondering as he stared into her greenie gold eyes again.

They were still staring at each other when the elevator stopped and the doors opened with a cheery ding. It was a moment before the girl looked away breaking the spell she had over Reid much to his relief "you wouldn't happen to know where I could find Jennifer Jareau do you Spencer" she asked. Numbly Reid pointed down the hall towards JJ's office and she smiled "thanks" she said as she stepped out of the elevator "well I hope to see you around Spencer it was nice to meet you" and with that she turned and headed down the corridor her long light brown hair bouncing on her back as she walked.

Reid stared after her until he heard someone clear their throat and he looked over to find Morgan, Emily, Garcia and Rossi all staring at him having evidently seen everything that had happened one the doors had opened. Reid blushed as he stepped out of the elevator and tried to head to his desk but his path was blocked by the others, slowly he looked up at Morgan who was staring after the girl. "Who... was that" he asked looking back at Reid and slowly he looked away down the hall in time to see the girl disappear into JJ's office "I have no idea" he said slowly before he stepped round the agents and over to his desk but they all followed "really pretty boy" Morgan teased "because another few seconds and you two probably would have started making out, come on now kid, you know you can tell me who she is"

"I honestly don't know" Reid said sitting down "I only just met her in the elevator and we talked during the ride up that is all"

"Well whoever she is I like her" Emily said "she is the only girl I have seen make you blush Reid". Again Reid reddened "Blushing is all to do with your fight or flight response being activated and adrenaline being released which speeds up your breathing and heart rate, it also causes the pupils to dilate so that you can take in as much information as you can...and it is involuntary, I have no control over it" he muttered "and there is no psychological explanation behind it". "Yes there is" everyone said and Reid looked up confused "oh baby boy you truly are innocent aren't you" Garcia said moving round to hug him "you like her"

"No I don't" Reid spluttered his voice rising a few octaves "how can I... I know nothing about her and I only met her for 2 minutes and fourteen seconds". Everyone rolled their eyes "come on Reid don't you believe in love at first sight" Garcia asked "it is physically impossible ..." Reid began but Morgan cut him off "I don't even want to know" he said raising his hand to stop him just as Rossi said "hey look there she is" and they all turned to see JJ and the girl standing by the elevator smiling as they talked before the doors opened and they shook hands before the girl stepped in.

Before the doors closed she looked past JJ and her eyes fell on Reid again and he felt himself blush again as he stared at her. She smiled at him before she winked, then the doors closed and she disappeared from sight.

JJ turned and headed into the bullpen were Garcia and Morgan pounced on her gleefully. "Who was that JJ" Morgan asked eagerly. JJ raised her eyebrows at him before looking past him "why is he so interested" she asked "because they think Reid is in love with her" Rossi responded "am not" Reid muttered. JJ smiled and looked back at Morgan "she is one of the possible interns" she said "we have to choose one and mentor them for a few months, I have twenty three others to interview and it is going to take me all day"

"Is she any good" Reid blurted out unable to stop himself and Morgan grinned, JJ smiled "yes" she said "she graduated top of her year from Longwood and has plenty of recommendations from a psychologist in DC, I put her down as a possibility". "Aw there you go Reid you might see your girlfriend again" Morgan said giving him a playful shove "not my girlfriend" he muttered and was relieved as Hotch appeared and ordered them into the briefing room to give them the rundown of their new case.

As the others left he paused and looked at JJ "what's her name" he asked softly and JJ looked at him "Olivia" she said with a smile "her name is Olivia". Reid nodded and slowly moved over to the briefing room. He barely listened to the rundown, all he could think about was Olivia, the girl with the bright eyes that had stunned him to his core and was causing him to have all sorts of feelings that he had never felt before.

'Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye'. H Jackson Brown Jr

Hope you enjoyed that. If you have any queries feel free to inbox me and I will do my best to explain.

Please review; I would love to know what you think

