Title: Chicago Fire, One Month, Chapter Nine.

Summary: : The days following Andy Darden's death and how it was handled. Mostly Kelly Severide, Matthew Casey but have all.

Disclaimers: The show is property of Dick Wolfe, and NBC. I don't own anything. Just borrowing the characters to practice my writing. Only thing I own is Season 1 DVDs and they are getting well worn. LOL

A/N: Here is Chapter Nine. Finally. I do hope you enjoy. This is the final chapter. My writer's block has broke. :D Thank you all for following, your Favs and your reviews. It is done. :D I do hope you all like it. :D

Soot meows and settles on Matt's lap to be petted. Matt smiles as he remembers finding the kitten outside in the bushes. Kelly gets up and heads to Chief Boden's office to talk to him. Kevin Hadley is also sitting at the squad table. He has little boy good looks but he can be a rotten apple. He is going to stir up trouble between Kelly and Matt.

"Hey Casey how are you doing?" Kevin inquires looking at the lieutenant. "I'm fine." Matt looks over at Kevin for some reason he feels suspicious about this conversation but he goes with it anyway. "Kelly doesn't blame you for anything does he?" Kevin looks at Matt with concern that is fake. "No he doesn't. Why would he blame me for anything? What are you getting at, Kevin?" Matt stares at the firefighter across from him wondering where this was heading.

"Well I just don't want him to blame you for Andy's death. It wasn't your fault." Kevin smiles over at Matt. He just stares at him in wonder and hoping what he is saying isn't true but in the pit of his stomach some truth can be found. Images flash in Matt's mind of fighting between him and Kelly. "Excuse me please." Matt stands up displacing the kitten from his lap. Matt feels his headache come back full force. The light is bothering him. He heads inside to the common room trying to find Kelly.

"Hey Matt how is it going?" Leslie Shay goes over to Matt when she sees him squinting his eyes from a headache. "Where is Kelly? I want to leave." Matt says. "Follow me." Leslie says leading the way to Chief Boden's office. Kelly turns when he hears someone behind him. He sees Matt and takes notice that his headache is back full force.

Chief Boden nods his head at Kelly indicating the end of their talk. "Hey Matt how are you?" Chief Boden looks at Matt. "I'm fine. Hey Kelly could we go?" Matt asks. Kelly nods his head. Both of them head to Kelly's car and get in. They go back to Kelly's apartment.


Both men step into the apartment. "Hey Kelly is there anything else you want to tell me that I've forgotten?" Matt looks at Kelly. "Um…What do you mean?" Kelly looks at Matt. "You didn't blame me for Andy's death did you?" Matt asked Kelly. Kelly has a apologetic look on his face as he turns toward Matt.

"I'm sorry man. Yes I blamed you and I'm so sorry. I still sometimes may blame you but please know I don't really mean it. I'm still mourning Andy's death and some days it really hurts. Heather blames me and we really have a lot to work through but I don't know if that is ever going to happen. Some days I feel so lost and alone without Andy. Can you understand that? Andy and I were childhood friends since school and losing him makes me face that death can happen to anyone. Who told you?" Kelly looks at Matt.

"Kevin Hadley told me about it in not so many words." Matt replies looking at Kelly. Kelly gets a dark look on his face. Kevin Hadley is going to be scrubbing toilets instead of Otis. Kelly thinks rubbing his shoulder absentmindedly. "You sure there is nothing wrong Kelly? You keep rubbing your shoulder." Matt looks at Kelly. "I'm sure. Leave it alone." Kelly turns away from Matt in annoyance.

"I just want to help if something is bothering you." Matt tells Kelly. "I didn't ask for your help. It's none of your business." Kelly heads over to the refrigerator and grabs a beer. He twists the cap off and takes a swig of beer.

"Fine handle it yourself. See if I care." Matt snaps at Kelly as he heads to the couch and sits down and places his crutches next the couch. His headache making him short-tempered and irritable. His usual calmness forgotten in the heat of the words exchanged between the two Lieutenants. Kelly becomes agitated with Matt. He placed his open beer back into the refrigerator and turns toward Matt.

"Look Casey, I'm a big boy, I can take care of myself. I'm going running." Kelly runs upstairs to change into his running clothes. "Whatever Severide. Sorry for looking out for you. If you're in pain, I just want you to get better." Matt shoots Kelly a disgusted look as he comes back downstairs. Kelly swore at Matt under his breath as he comes back downstairs and heads for the door. The door slams on Kelly's way out. His anger apparent. When the two start calling each other by their last names sometimes it isn't so pleasant.

Fine I don't need this crap from him. I just wanted to help him. Why is he being such and ass?! Matt thinks as he grabs his crutches and stands up. He goes upstairs to start packing his things he was heading home. No way was he putting up with Kelly's attitude.

Once Matt is packed he heads downstairs and calls the taxi service. He heads outside with his packed bag and waits. The taxi pulls up fifteen minutes later. Matt gets in and gives the driver his address to his house. He looks back one last time at Kelly and Leslie's apartment as the taxi pulls forward to take him back to his home.


Kelly finally gets back to his apartment and heads in. "Casey! Look man I'm sorry. I know you're only trying to help. Please forgive me." Kelly says as he notices that Matt is absent. Where the hell is Casey? Kelly thinks as he goes upstairs to look for Matt. He goes room to room and can't find his friend anywhere. Then he sees that Matt's stuff is gone.

Kelly grabs his cell phone and calls Leslie. "Yeah what's up? Leslie says into her phone. Her and Dawson heading back to the firehouse from a call. "Where is Casey? You don't happen to know do you?" Kelly is concerned. "Isn't he there anymore?" Leslie asks. "Um…We both sort of had words and it didn't end well so I went for a run." Kelly tells Leslie.

"Kelly what did you do?" Leslie asks her friend. "I sort of told him I'd handle my own problems. I didn't ask for his help." Kelly admits to Shay. "Check his house first." Leslie says. "Okay. I'll talk to you later." Kelly hangs up his phone and heads out to his car and gets in to head over to Matt's place.


Matt pays the cab driver and heads inside on his crutches his packed bag in hand. It feels good to be home. Matt locks up and feels extremely tired. He puts his packed bag at the bottom of the steps for later. His head is pounding. He sees his new couch and decides to get comfortable. He grabs the throw pillows and the blanket off the back of the couch and lays down and shuts his eyes. He didn't feel like navigating the stairs with his crutches. He falls asleep, but before he does he thinks; I wish Kelly would listen to me. I just want him to be well and at his best. I just want to reach out and help the way he helps me all the time.


Kelly parks his car at Matt's home and goes up the front walk. He knocks on the front door loudly. Matt wakes disoriented as he hears someone knock on his front door. He grabs his crutches and goes over to the door and looks through the peephole and sees that it is Kelly.

Kelly yells through the door. "HEY MATT LET ME IN!" "NO WAY SEVERIDE! WHY SHOULD I? YOU DIDN'T LISTEN TO ME AT YOUR PLACE! I'M NOT IN THE MOOD TO TALK! GO AWAY!" Matt yells. "I'M NOT LEAVING!" Kelly shouts. "THAT'S YOUR CHOICE! I'M GOING BACK TO BED! GOODNIGHT!" Matt heads back to the couch and lays down and falls back to sleep.

Outside Kelly sits down on Matt's porch and leans his back against the wall beside the front door, his legs out in front of himself. He pulls his coat tighter against the cool evening air. Kelly wasn't leaving. Both firefighters are being stubborn at the moment.


Matt gets up later in the early morning hours and heads for the bathroom downstairs. Once he is finished he washes his hands and turns out the light. He looks out the window and sees Kelly's car still parked in front of his house. He opens the front door and sees Kelly leaning against the wall beside the front door.

"Kelly wake up." Matt holds onto his crutches and shakes Kelly. He opens his eyes and yawns. Kelly stands up. He wobbles from tiredness. Matt holds onto his arm until he has his balance. Both head inside. "Go lay down upstairs in the guest bedroom." Matt tells Kelly. He heads upstairs and lays down on the bed and is asleep in minutes.

Matt heads back to the couch and lays down to catch some more sleep. His head isn't pounding as much as the night before. He heads over to the couch and lays down and is asleep in moments as snores can be heard coming from the guest room.


The next morning at about seven thirty, Matt Casey opens his eyes and gets up to greet the new day. He grabs his crutches and his bag and slowly makes his way upstairs. He than finds clean clothes and heads to the bathroom to take a shower and shave.

After the shower Matt checks on Kelly who is still asleep in the guest bedroom. He heads down to the kitchen, and opens the refrigerator and finds nothing much in there. A six pack of beer, a few condiments, and the left over soup which was in there since he was sick.

Matt shuts the refrigerator door and leaves out a sigh. Looks like a trip to the super market is in order. There is a knock on the front door. Matt goes to answer it. He sees that it is Leslie Shay standing there with a bag in her arms. He opens the door and lets her come in.

"Hey Shay." Matt steps out of the blonds' way as she heads to the kitchen and sets the bag down on the counter. She puts away the milk, eggs, butter, bread, and a few other things she got for Matt and Kelly.

Once everything is put away Shay just stands at the counter and looks at Matt. "Why did you leave Casey?" Leslie doesn't beat around the bush but gets to the point. Matt takes a deep breath and just looks at Leslie Shay. "Kelly wouldn't listen to me. I'm concerned for him. He wasn't listening so I just had to leave. I-I just want Kelly to be okay." Matt tells Shay.

"He'll tell you when he is ready if he wants to tell you. Let him be the one to tell you." Leslie Shay says. Matt nods his head in understanding. "Thank you for the groceries. You're a life saver." Matt tells Leslie and gives her a hug.

"I'm the red one right?" Leslie tells Matt with a smile on her face. Matt smiles as he steps over to the refrigerator and grabs the eggs out to make scrambled eggs for himself and Kelly. He sees hash browns in the freezer and gets them out. He grabs the bread to make toast also.

Matt starts breakfast and makes enough for three. Leslie and Matt hear that Kelly is up and taking a shower. The coffee is brewing as Kelly comes downstairs to see what Matt is doing and to follow the wonderful smell of breakfast that fills the air. Matt places a plate in front of Kelly and Leslie and himself at the table. The three sit down to eat.

Silence fills the air as the three are eating their breakfast and drinking their coffee. Leslie finishes her breakfast and puts her dishes in the sink and waves goodbye to her two favorite men. They both wave back as she leaves.

"Kelly I woke up this morning and my headache is gone. I can remember the last few weeks. Pure hell for me Kelly. Losing Andy as I saw the flames engulf him. You blaming me for his death. You probably still blame me. You're going through something and you aren't telling me. I know you and I see you rubbing you shoulder. If you're in pain get help. Please. That is all I'm going to say because I know you'll share when you are ready." Matt tells Kelly as he gathers the dishes and puts them in the sink.

Kelly looks over at Matt. "Hey man that is great. Memories are precious to have. Even the bad ones. You learn from them. You're right on one count. Pure hell walking the path called grief. I miss Andy so much. Right now the memories hurt." Kelly looks at Matt.

"Thank you Kelly for letting me stay with you and Shay at your apartment. I'm staying here. I need to get back on my feet. My house needs worked on. Thank you." Matt smiles at Kelly.

"Hey you're welcome.. Anytime man. I'm going back home. I'll see you around." Kelly tells Matt as he stands. Both Matt and Kelly hug and Kelly turns to leave. Matt Watches him go. It is still a long road ahead for them before they have back what they had before Andy's death. They are still friends but there is some damage to the closeness they once had. Hopefully they both get it back. Stronger than before. Their brother bond is like no other at the firehouse.


The days pass and Matt goes back to the doctor to get checked out. He has a clean bill of health. The doctor gives Matt his papers to return to active duty. Matt heads to the firehouse to go see Chief Boden.

Matt parks his truck and gets out. His papers in hand. He heads inside and goes to the Chief's office. Matt knocks on the door. Chief Boden waves him in. Matt steps into the office and shuts the door.

"What can I do for you Casey?" Chief Boden looks at Matt. Matt hands him his papers. Wallace Boden looks through the papers and looks up at Matt. "Next shift you can start. I'm glad to have you back. Also we get a new candidate next shift." Chief Boden tells Matt. Matt nods his head.

"Thanks Chief. I'm glad to be back. If you don't mind I found a home for Soot. This wonderful nurse I know lives alone and she could use some company. If you don't mind." Matt tells the Chief.

"I don't mind at all." Chief Boden tells Matt as he gets back to work. Matt steps out of the office and shuts the door. Matt goes to find a box as Soot runs up to him and rubs himself along Matt feet. Matt picks up Soot and gives him a hug.

The kitty cat is purring. "You're going to a new home. That way you both have each other. I'll miss you." Matt kisses the kitten on top of his head before Matt place him in the box and closes it, leaving some holes so the cat can breath. Matt gathers up all the cat things and places them in his truck bed.

He puts the boxed up cat in the truck and shuts the door. He goes back into the firehouse and steps into the locker-room. Matt looks at Andy's locker and runs his hand over it. He'd have to box it up next shift and give Heather a call. Matt is tired of looking at it.

He heads out toward the hanger and sees Kelly. Matt waves but Kelly doesn't wave back. Matt isn't surprised. Kelly stopped coming over to the house. It hurts but Matt understands the dark path Kelly must walk in order to come to terms with his friend's death. He tends to push people away and deal with it himself. Hopefully things work out. Matt prays it does.

Matt gets into the truck and head to Olivia Bennett's house. Thirty minutes later Matt pulls up to her house. He gets the boxed kitten and gets out of the truck and heads up the front walkway and knocks on her door.

Olivia opens the door after looking out the window to see that it is Matt. She gives him a hug and he hugs her back one armed. "Come in." Olivia tells Matt as he sets the box down in the living room and opening the box.

Soot jumps out of the box and goes up to Olivia to check her out and rubs up against her leg. "Oh how sweet." Olivia and Soot seem to hit it off. "The kitten's name is Soot. I found him outside of the firehouse. He needs a home and you need company. That way you both aren't alone." Matt tells Olivia.

Matt heads out and gets the rest of the things Olivia needs for the kitten. Matt visits Olivia for awhile and Soot is settling in at his new home. Both are sipping some iced tea as they talk.

Finally Matt stands up and gives Olivia a hug. "Thank you for what you did. If you need anything at all give me a call." Matt heads outside and waves goodbye. He gets into his truck and heads home.


It has been one month since Andy died. Matt is all ready to head into work. He doesn't believe a month has gone by so quickly. Matt huffs out a breath as he picks up his bag and heads outside to his truck.

Matt puts his bag inside the truck and gets in. He starts up his truck and heads to the firehouse. Ready to be at work doing what he loves. Trying to move forward in a new normal without Andy.

Matt parks his truck and gets out. He looks at the firehouse. It stands for brotherhood. In the most difficult times they all stand together. To support each other in their hopes and dreams or give each other space when needed. Right now they all were together. All but Kelly who is dealing with things on his own. What he doesn't know is that his "Brothers" have his back no matter what.

Matt steps forward to start his shift and to see what the day holds. It is all good. He is doing the job he loves.

The End (Of my story.)

The Beginning (Where the show starts, that we all love to watch.)