The story Twilight and all its characters belong to the wonderful Stephenie Meyer.

Prologue Part 1

It's strange how you could live you're entire life so safe, you start to feel trapped...
When I woke up this morning I didn't think that today would be much different then any other weekend. Most people think that about most days, and sometimes, we're wrong.

Today I had decided to go to the corner store down the block. It wasn't far away at all it would take three-five minutes to get there.
As I was walking to the corner store on a mission for junk food and enjoying the quiet walk and alone time I had I looked down at the sidewalk that I was walking on. I watched the cracks that had grass growing through them disappear under my feet as I walked. Still looking down I looked towards the road and noticed that someone's feet in the middle of it. Curious I looked up to see their full body. It was a man. He was just standing there with his eyes closed. His face was handsome, he looked like Sean Bean when he was thirty. He must be around that age. He wore blue jeans with a plaid blue shirt and brown loafers. He very attractive. Leave it to me to find someone almost twice my age attractive. I don't know why I find older man attractive I just do! I looked forward to the corner store and after a minute I was there.

I reached for the door handle of the small white building and as my hand grabbed it I heard a car swerved then a horn go off, then something went BAM! I looked towards where the alerting sounds came from to what had happened. I saw the car that most likely made the noises I had heard driving quickly down the road and away from the man I had seen standing in the middle of the street. But right now he wasn't standing, he was laying in the middle of the street. I reached quickly for my cell phone to call 911. I didn't find it in my right jean pocket where I usually have it, so I patted all my pockets. It wasn't in anyone of them. Then I remembered that I had left it on my battery charger because I forgot to charge it while I was sleeping. I decided to go over to the man to see if he was okay if not I could call 911 on his phone. I half ran half walked quickly over to him.

I saw that his eyes were tightly closed. I leaned down to him with my knees.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked. Oh god please let him be okay. I'm to young to see a man die right in front of my eyes! I started taking calming breaths because I was almost hyperventilating. I put my hands on his back and pressed just a little bit on his shoulder blades just in case he was injured, didn't want to hurt more then he might've been.

I asked again louder this time "Are you okay?!" No answer. I covered my eyes with my hands. He's dead!

"Uhh...'' I heard. I jumped in surprised."Uh...God am I dead?" He asked. I knelled by him again.

" You just got hit by a car!" I stated."But you're moving and talking that's a good sign!" I said."Are you alright?"I asked again. He just sat there scratching his head.

"I got hit by a car?" He asked looking up at me squinting his eyes. I was already freaked out and him acting mellow about it just made me agitated.

"Yes!" I answered him. Even louder I asked again "Are you okay?!" He tried to get up but struggled so I put my arm under his arm and helped him up.

"I think i'm gonna be okay." He breathed then looked down at me. "Why were you standing in the middle of the street?" I asked. "I was thinking" He said looking slightly towards the ground.

"Oh, well just don't stand in the road or other dangerous places while doing that." I said.

He looked away and mumbled"I was hoping to get hit."He said. Now I am sure he didn't mean for me to hear that but I didn't shake it off. "Why would you want to hit?!" I half shouted confused. He looked at me.

"You don't care." he stated.

"Yes I do. Why would you want to kill yourself?! Sure life is full of problems but it wouldn't be life without them! And there's so much to look forward to even if it's something small!"I shouted breathing hard. I ramble a lot when i'm excited. He just looked at me confused. When I was gonna start another ramble about the joys of life. I saw his failure to hide his smile and chuckles. I looked at him strangely.

"What's so funny?" I asked. He lifted an eyebrow in my direction.

"You" he stated.