A/N: Hello! So, I've been asked if this was going to be an Axel/Mitchie story. And I assure you, it will NOT. They're the main characters, but there is no chance they'll end up together. I think that's… well… gross. No, this is going to be Shane/Mitchie, some Shane/Tess and maybe some eventual Nate/Dana or Nate/Caitlyn or even Jason/Caitlyn. But by no means will it be Axel/Mitchie. Now… Onto the story!

Mitchie Torres woke up that morning with a terrible headache. Her eyes would barely open, and her back felt as if she'd been sleeping on the floor. Letting out a groan, she did her best to sit up. Rubbing her eyes, something occurred to her.

This wasn't her cabin.

Her eyes widened. As she looked around, she began to feel uneasy. She was in a small room with old tile floor. A lot of which was chipped away. The rose covered beige wallpaper was peeling and beneath it you could see decaying wood. In one corner was the uncomfortable bed she had been sleeping on. It almost looked like a plank with a bunch of blankets on it. In another corner was a tin bucket. Right next to it, leaning against the wall, was a mop. Besides that, all that was in there was a floral apron which was hanging on a hook, and a beat-up looking old wardrobe.

Mitchie frowned. "Where am I?" She questioned.

Slowly, she began heading to the wardrobe. As she walked across the room, her foot caught on her pajama bottoms and she tripped.

She made a face and rubbed her head. "Ouch. I don't remember them fitting that badly before."

She glanced at what she was wearing and almost screamed. She was wearing an extremely baggy pair of worn, plaid pajama pants. She was also wearing an equally baggy t-shirt. It was gray and said, 'Axel's Kitchen Staff'.

Her breath caught in her throat. A-Axel... Like Axel Turner? She was fearful as she got up and finished making her way to the wardrobe. Opening it, she almost screamed. In it were different shirts that all said the same thing. Below them were some old slacks. She got over her shock and slowly pulled on her clothes.

"Mitchie!" Her mom's voice called from the hallway. "Mitchie, are you dressed?"

"Mom?" Mitchie breathed a sigh of relief. Her mom was here. She would be able to tell her what was going on. She ran over to the door and flung it open to see her mom standing there, a chef hat on her head. She was also wearing an apron identical to the one hanging on the hook.

"Mitchie, why aren't you wearing your apron? Mr. Turner is going to be expecting his lunch in a few hours. He's going to skip breakfast because he has a meeting with Connect Three but-"

Mitchie interrupted. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. What do you mean 'Mr. Turner'?" She questioned.

"Mr. Turner as in our boss!" Connie seemed to be panicking. Checking her watch, she sighed. "Mitchie, I don't have time for this. Just get ready."

"Our boss... Wait, are you talking about Axel Turner? As in the evil man that spent all summer trying to close Camp Rock?"

"Evil?" Connie Torres lowered her voice. "Look Mitchie. As much as I agree with that, I really don't want to get fired." Suddenly, a funny look crossed her face. "Did you say Camp Rock?"

Mitchie raised her dark eyebrows. "Yeah..."

"Mitchie..." Concern now riddled her tone. "Camp Rock closed last summer."

"What?" Mitchie's voice was a combination of fear, anger, and disbelief. "How is that possible?"

"When we lost Final Jam, well... You know the story." Her mom ran a hand through her hair and went to leave.

Mitchie stopped her. "No, I don't know the story. Mom, what's going on? We lost Final Jam, but all the campers... They switched to Camp Rock. We had enough people to carry on to next summer."

Connie bit her lip. "Maybe you should take a seat, sweetheart. You obviously aren't feeling well." Mitchie stayed standing. "Nobody switched to Camp Rock. They couldn't. You know the agreement Mr. Turner made us sign."

"What agreement?"

"The one that said that the camp that lost would have to close. Forever. And then afterwards we had to sign the contract that said you either had to work for him or give up music completely. That's why Connect Three switched labels. That's why you're here. We're trying to convince him to give you a chance."

Connect Three switched labels. That was like a slap to the face. She would never had thought that Shane would work for Axel. He couldn't have. He hated the man. So did Nate and Jason. Why... Why? Then her eyes widened with realization. "Are Shane and I..." Why was this such an awkward question? "Are we still... Dating?"

Her mom furrowed her brow. "Mitchie... You and Shane were never together."

"We... We weren't..." She was suddenly extremely dizzy. Placing her hand against the wall, she finally sat down. "What..."

"Shane is dating that Tess girl." Connie wrinkled her nose as she said it. "They're trying to get her signed, but I personally don't think she has any talent. You're a much better singer than her. And her aggravating step-brother. Yet they're considering signing him as well..."

Mitchie tilted her head. "Tess doesn't have a step-brother."

"Yes she does. You know... What's his name... It's starts with a J. Jake? Jason? No, that's Shane's brother. Oh, maybe it started with an L. Lionel? Leo? Lucas? Yes, that was it! Lucas!"

"Lucas... Wait, you mean Luke?"

Connie smiled. "That's the one. Luke... What's his last name..."


"Yes! Luke Williams. He's Tess' step-brother."
"What? Since when?"

Connie shrugged. "I'm not really sure. I think the wedding was four months ago... I wasn't invited. Not high-class enough for them, I suppose." She rolled her eyes. "But that's not important. Mitchie, just grab your apron. We have work to do."

Wordlessly, Mitchie stood up and grabbed the flowery garment. Sliding it over her head and skillfully tying it behind her back, she followed her mom out of the room.

She was speechless as she found herself in a long, beautiful hallway. It was lit by diamond chandeliers. The walls were a light shade of yellow, creating a happy atmosphere. The tile on the floors was in much better shape than the stuff in what Mitchie supposed was her room. Mitchie looked around wide-eyed as her mom led her to the kitchen. When she got there, her chin dropped once again. The kitchen was amazing. Every appliance was shining sterling silver. From the double convection bake oven to the fridge, it was astounding. The countertops were granite, and also sparkled. It was utterly stunning.

"W-Wow..." Mitchie stuttered. This made the Camp Rock kitchen look like a dump.

"Mitchie, stop staring and get ready! We have to have the lobster done by six, and we have to start making Mr. Turner's lunch. I wonder if he's awake yet. Oh, I don't want to pester him... Let's see if Brown knows what he wants."

"Wait... Brown's over here too? Brown is working for Axel?" There was fury in the teenager's voice. "Ugh! It's like this stupid place is designed to be Axel's paradise." It was like a light bulb went off in her brain. "Maybe because it is!" She gasped. There was one loose end she needed to tie up to confirm her suspicions. "Mom, do you know what happened to Caitlyn Gellar?"

"Caitlyn..." A sad look crossed Connie's face. "Oh, I haven't seen her since we signed the contract. I believe she lives in town. She can't be very happy, though. She, Barron, Sander, and Lola refused to work for Axel. So they were forced to give up their music, as you know. I can't imagine her without music." She sighed. "But enough of that. Let's go find Brown."

Mitchie's voice was dry as she spoke next. "What's his job? Axel's personal servant?" She spat sarcastically.

"Might as well be." An Australian voice came from the doorway. "Sure feels like it sometimes."

Mitchie turned to see her former boyfriend's uncle. "Brown!" She exclaimed.

"Yes. And since you're asking, Mitchie, I'm his personal assistant. Practically the same thing as a servant."

He seemed so depressed. The joy that used to be in his eyes was gone. He looked like he had had the life sucked out of him.

"Brown, why are you working for him?" Mitchie asked, her tone cold.

"You know why." He turned away. "I have to. A long time ago, before she passed away..." He fought to keep himself from getting emotional. "I promised my sister I would keep an eye on her sons. And with them working for Axel, this is the only way I could."

Her eyes glistened with sympathy. "Brown, I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault." He sighed before turning to Connie. "Anyways, what do you need, Connie?"

"I was wondering if you knew what Mr. Turner wanted for lunch." She said, keeping a professional expression on her face.

He shook his head. "'Fraid not. If you like I could call Dana. She'd know what to make."

"That'd be great, Brown." Connie nodded.

He left the room and Mitchie could hear him holler, "Dana, could I have a little assistance?"

"Coming!" She heard the familiar voice of Dana Turner yell. A few minutes later, the girl was standing in the kitchen, a warm smile on her face. "Hello Brown. Connie, Mitchie."

"Hi Dana." Mitchie muttered, not sure whether in this world Dana would be nice or not.

"So what do you need, Brown?" She asked cheerily.

He gestured to Connie. "Well, Connie here is trying to figure out what to serve your father for lunch. We were hoping you could help us."

Dana nodded and began to explain what exactly her father liked. Meanwhile, all Mitchie could think was 'I have to get out of here'.

A/N: I was so glad I could get this up. Sorry it took so long. Anyways though… What did you think?