A/N: Guys. I'm sorry. I promise I will update as much as I can. But honestly, I don't have a lot of ideas for this story; so I would love it if you guys could help me out. PM me with ideas and whatnot. Seriously, I'll take anything into account. But yeah, this chapter will be kind of short. Okay. I'm going to stop talking now and let you guys read. Oh, and follow me on Tumblr. It's followyourarrow34. I don't post a lot of Zoey 101 stuff, but just cute things. Okay yeah. Oh, and beware of more suggestive themes in this. If you don't like, don't read. But I'm not writing porn, so… I guess it doesn't matter. But yeah. Do whatever you want. K bye.

Chapter 3


"Um, I was kind of busy!" I say annoyed as Lola drags me through campus back to our dorm.

"Oh, please, I stopped you from making the biggest mistake of your life!" she defends, her grip still hard on my hand.

"And that would be…"

"Having sex with that man slut!" she exclaims. I gasp. "What? You don't know where he's been!"

"I don't even know where you've been! And Logan is NOT a man slut! The only person he's ever had sex with is ME!" She stops dead in her tracks and I gasp and cover my mouth. "Oops," I whisper.

"WHAT?!" she squeals. "WHEN?"

"This summer," I mumble. "Look, what were you going to tell me? What was so important that you had to drag me away from my boyfriend just to say?"

"We'll talk about this later," she grumbles. "But we ALMOST got Chase to crack."

"Really, how?" I question her, suddenly interested.

"Zoey told him that she sent a racy picture to him, which you know, of course she didn't, but Chase wasn't about to question that. He literally charged for the box until Michael and Vince came running in and grabbed him before he could. So I came to grab you to discuss Plan B, where I found you two… fraternizing…" I roll my eyes.

"There you guys are! What took you so long!" Zoey opens the door to our dorm before we even had the chance to unlock it. I can feel Lola's gaze boring into my head.

"Um, just… stuff. What's the plan?" I say, composed as I can be. Lisa gets up from the couch and walks over toward the bunk bed where we're all standing.

"Guys, we can win this; we just need to think and plan this out carefully if we want the guys to crack," Lisa said.

"Who's the guy that would do absolutely anything for their girlfriend?" Lola asks.




"Vince." We all say at the same time, then burst out laughing.

"Okay, probably not Logan. I mean, he's a great boyfriend and everything, but when it comes to competition…." I trail off, cringing at the whole coffee cart thing when Logan nearly got us suspended.

"Michael can be …. A little dense," Lisa admits reluctantly.

"Let's try this with Chase." Lola says matter-of-factly. Zoey raises her eyebrows.

"Are you sure? We already tried to trick him once; do you really think he'll fall for it again?" Zoey remarks uncertainly.

"Chase is pretty gullible." I add, smiling at how we convinced him and Logan that Lola was a boy. Looking at Zoey, I can tell she's thinking about it, too.

"What if he thought you were hurt, or in danger?" Lola excitedly suggests. Zoey quickly shakes her head.

"No. I'm not going to make him think that I'm in trouble. That's mean," she retorts. "Guys, let's just wait. They're gonna crack sometime."

"NO!" Lola and Lisa exclaim simultaneously.

"We're not just going to stand here like sitting ducks and wait for them to try and trick us!" Lola elaborates. "We're going to win this, and we're going to win this soon."

"Okay, okay, fine. What's one thing that will have the guys running for their phones?" Zoey questions.

"Nudes." Lola answers immediately. I gasp. Zoey rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, we're not doing that." Lisa shakes her head. "They wouldn't believe us anyway."

"Chase did." Lola shrugs.

"Yeah, that's why he wouldn't fall for it again. And just because-" I'm cut off when the door swings open, and the boys jump into our dorm.

"HI!" they all chorus happily. I stare at them wide – eyed. Chase is wearing a polka – dot clown suit, complete with makeup and a pair of granny panties over the jumpsuit. Logan is wearing a peter pan type costume, including green tights and a tight tunic. Michael is wearing a hot pink princess dress with silver stilettos and a jeweled tiara. Vince is wearing an "I heart the Biebs" t-shirt and pink boxers with hearts all over them. We all stare at them in shock, and then start howling. Lola even crumples to the ground, in tears. Lisa's slapping her knees, and I have to clutch tightly onto the bedpost to keep myself upright.

"What – Are – You – Guys –Wearing" Zoey puffs between heavy laughs.

"Oh, we just decided to dress up today." Michael says casually.

"I bet you guys want to take pictures so you can embarrass us." Vince smirks.

"Sorry, nice try, but I think they have it covered." Lisa gestures toward the hall, where people are peeking in and snapping pictures with their camera phones. The guys groan.

"WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?!" an angry voice sounds. Uh – oh. Busted.

A/N: Yes? No? What did you guys think? I'm honestly not that confident in this, but whatever. Thought I should update. Running out of ideas, so please please message me! I'm about to go to bed, so you know what's nice? Waking up to beautiful reviews. I love you guys.

Follow me on Tumblr: Followyourarrow34