People wanted it, and now they've got it! A LarryxLaney love story by me! Now, this takes place after It's Too Weird, just so we can avoid any confusion. Either way, I hope you all enjoy it. I adore this couple to death, so it's obvious I'll have fun writing this. xD

I regret absolutely nothing.

Visit my dA for artwork of this fanfiction.

Laney rolled over in her bed, squinting her eyes as the morning sun penetrated through her eyelids. The warm beams of light shone through her curtains, silently telling her it was a brand new day. She sat up, stretching her stiff limbs as a smile spread across her face. The memories from last night flooded her mind, causing her cheeks to blush.


A gust of wind made her shiver. Despite the warming weather, the late winter season still had a few last moments in Peaceville. Laney suddenly stopped shivering when Larry drapped his hoodie over her shoulders. A blush worthy of royalty overtook their faces. Larry pulled back hurriedly, rubbing the back of his head shyly.

"S-sorry, Laney..."

"No, it's okay, Larry." Laney sheepishly smiled back at him. She was flattered; she was never treated like this before. That all too familiar feeling from the night of the dance came back to her. 'Not only does he treat me like a friend and an equal, he treats me like a lady...'

Larry fought against the shivers as the gusts of wind kept blowing relentlessly. 'Man, I hate the cold!' His eyes traveled to Laney, watching her as she snuggled into his hoodie. It was two sizes too big for her, but it was blatantly obvious it was keeping her warm. The smile on her face said it all. Larry's heart pounded against his chest. 'But I don't care...' He smiled. 'As long as she's okay, I'll be fine.'

They sat there in silence for what seemed to be hours, but was actually five minutes. Neither of them said anything; they just stared in unison, blushing with identical sheepish smiles. A sudden gust of wind caused Larry to shiver, and that triggered a sneeze. Laney blinked, realizing that he must have been fighting against the cold this whole time.

"Larry, you need your hoodie," Laney said as she began to unzip the fabric. Larry shook his head, rubbing his nose. The smile was still plastered on his face. "Nah, I'm fine. You need it more than me."

Laney's heart skipped a beat. She smiled as she scooted closer to the Newmans bassist. "Here." She unzipped the hoodie, then wrapped one side around Larry, giving him some much-needed warmth. The sudden mixture of warm and cold skin temperatures caused them both to shiver, but they quickly got over it when they realized how close they were.

Laney looked down shyly, her face tinged with red. "F-feel better?" Larry pulled his side of the hoodie over his shoulder. Although it didn't cover him completely, it was enough to fend off the relentless gusts of wind. Blushing, Larry nodded. "Y-yeah. Thanks..."

"You're welcome."


She relaxed her body as she hugged her knees. The Grojband bassist never thought that Larry could be so nice and generous. He offered his jacket to her despite being cold himself. She smiled as her cheeks blushed...Corey would never do that. At least, not in a romantic way. She sighed when Corey appeared in her head; how could she tell them? How could she tell her friends she was dating one of their mortal enemies?

Well, ex-mortal enemy.

Her phone suddenly buzzed. She looked at her night desk, grabbing her phone. She snickered; she forgot she needed to charge her phone. Then again, who could blame her for forgetting? She swiped the text to the side to reply to it. She gasped when she saw the name. 'Larry!' She could feel her cheeks go a deep scarlet color as she read the text.

Nepp: sup? u enjoy last nite? :)

Laney giggled; his texts were so dorky! They always made her laugh for some reason. "Maybe it's because he seems to serious and well-mannered." Nevertheless, she pressed her fingers against the screen to reply to him.

Penn: Yup! And yourself? :)

Nepp: sick! the movie was excellent despite the cramped space. sorry i got you home late. :(

Penn: You got that right! XD Hey, no sweat. My dad just got a little irritated, but he let it slide. This time.

Nepp: oh geez. i feel like ive made a bad impression! D:

Laney couldn't help but laugh. What a dork! But he was a dork in a good way.

Penn: LOLZ no way! Even if you were a few minutes late, Mom got him situated. You're in the clear, dude. ;D

Nepp: thank god. ur parents seem pretty cool. :)

Penn: Thanks. :) My mom seems to like you a lot.

Nepp: that's a start. XD im glad we were able to enjoy last night without any conflict from u know who.

Nepp: ugh, Carrie's going on about nothing getting done, so i gotta go. talk to u latr?

Penn: Oh, geez, good luck. I'll text ya!

Nepp: thanks. :) ur so cool.

Nepp: and not just in the friend way either.

Laney blushed as she stared at the last two texts. Even though they were just little messages with poor spelling and grammar, she couldn't help but feel strangely happy about it. She turned off her phone and lied back down on her bed.

However, the gnawing thought of her friends kept taking away her fantasy. She rolled over, staring at the wall. She realized dating a Newman was a risk, but she didn't want to hide it from her friends...They deserved to know after all! But still...

"It's like Romeo and Juliet..." She sighed. "Brought together by love, separated by hate." However, a smile creeped up to her face. "And 'not just in the friend way, either', huh?"

Her phone buzzed again, and this time it was from Corey.

Corey: Lanes! I have a new idea for a gig! Meet me and Kin and Kon in my garage in an hour!

Penn: An hour?! Core, it's eight AM! I just woke up!

Corey: Well, good morning then! :DD

Laney gave an exasperated sigh, but smiled. That made him get on the list of dork number 2.

Penn: Okay, okay. I'll see you later then.

Corey: Sweet! You're the best, Lanes!

Laney had a bad feeling in her stomach despite of what happened. "I really hope Larry isn't going to do the same thing with Carrie..."

Larry walked into the garage with Carrie, annoyed on how early it was. "So, what did you want to show me at eight o'clock in the morning, Carrie?"

"Larry, I'm sure that eight AM is the latest you've ever slept!"

Larry stared at her with a dull expression on his face. Carrie just laughed, "just kidding!" They walked towards their instruments, spotting Kim and Konnie doing something that only they understood. Carrie coughed, grabbing their attention.


"What's up, Carrie?"

The two twins stood in front of Carrie, smiling as they awaited to see what their boss had in store. Truthfully, Larry wanted to see too, but didn't show it. He just nonchalantly crossed his arms and waited to see what she had up her sleeve.

The Newmans guitarist pulled out a slip of paper, revealing that an upcoming festival. Larry's eyes widened, "the Summer Solstice festival?"

"Correct, Larry!" Carrie smirked as she rolled up the flyer. "They're in need of a band for the whole week; this could be our big break! The Newmans are gonna rock this town onto the map after this!"

"Yeah! This'll so be so epic if we get the part!" Konnie cried, clapping her hands. Kim nudged her sister, "you mean when we get it!"

Larry grabbed the poster from Carrie, staring at it. Something wasn't right. "Uh, Carrie...?"

"Yeah, Lare?" Carrie looked at him, tuning her guitar. Larry pointed to the date. "This is a flyer from last year."


Carried grabbed the flyer from Larry in a haste, nearly ripping it. As her eyes scanned the typing, she began to howl in exasperation. "Aww, man! Why didn't I make the band last year?!"

Larry pulled out his phone and checked the time. Not even eight thirty yet. He sighed; he was exhausted, and it wasn't just from the early morning. He didn't get any sleep last night.

His mind traced back to last night, remembering how cold it was, but how warm Laney was. He never realized how warm a hoodie could make somebody. His mind went back to where he held her hand, and blushed. A small smile appeared on his face.

"Hey, Larry!"


The bassist jumped when Konnie got in his face. He didn't even hear her! "Konnie, geez, don't do that!" The drummer grinned. "Sorry. I was just wondering if you were okay."

Larry blinked. Where did this come from? "Yeah, I'm fine...why?" Kim stepped beside her sister. "Are you sure? Your face is really red." The boy froze. He never realized how obvious that he blushing! Carrie turned away from the poster, taking a break from her lamenting.

"I bet he's got a crush~!" Konnie giggled, elbowing her sister. Carrie stepped through them both, staring at Larry. The bass player could feel himself shrink in her gaze. His heart pounded against his chest. 'Oh God, oh God, oh God...!'

"Is it true, Larry?"

Larry gulped, laughing nervously. "Eheheh...I-is what true, Care?" Carrie's frown tilted upwards into a smile. "It's so obvious~! You've got a crush on someone!"

Larry froze. 'Oh sweet mother of all things rock and roll, don't let them find out! Not now!' Larry grinned nervously, sweating like a maniac. Carrie stared into his lime green eyes, still smirking. "Soooo?"


"Is he cute, Lare?"

Larry stopped. He?

"...Wait, what do you mean 'he'?"

"Well, duh! You obviously aren't interested in girls because you're cool with hanging out with them!" Carrie started giggling at Larry's appalled face. Did she, Carrie Beff, of all people, accuse him of being gay?

Suddenly, the three girls started to howl with laughter. Larry continued to stare at them, frozen in his spot. Although the girls joked about him being the only boy in the band often, they never went this far. 'I swear, one day soon, these girls will be the death of me...' He gave a snort, his dull expression returning to his face.

"I'm only kidding, Larry!" Carrie clutched her stomach. "I know you're not into guys!"

"We just loved pushing your buttons!" Konnie said, rolling over the floor. Kim slapped her hand on the ground, giggling until her sides began to hurt. Larry stared ahead, walking over them.

"I really need to reevaluate who I'm friends with."

"Aww, come on! We said we were sorry, Lare!"

And there you have it. xD I had to put the gay bit in the end, I'm sorry. XD