"Dan, I've changed my mind."


"I don't want to do this, Dan!"


"I hate needles!"

"Phil! Calm down. It's just an injection." Dan sighed as he stopped at a red light.

"But they hurt!" Phil wailed.

"It's just a flu jab, Phil. Do you want to get the flu and die?"

"No..." Phil mumbled.

"Good. Dying is bad. Don't do it." Dan said, turning a corner.

Phil stayed quiet for a moment. "But Daaan-"

"Phil, if you can stop complaining until we get there, I'll buy you a lolly."

"I'm not ten, Dan."

"Then stop complaining."

"I just don't like needles!"

"Too bad. Come on, we're here."


"Phil. Come on." Dan snapped. Phil moaned and stepped out of the car. "Do I need to hold your hand?" Dan said sarcastically. Phil tried not to smile and turned away.

"Will it hurt?" Phil nagged, chewing on his lip.

"A little bit, but not for long." The nurse replied. Phil anxiously turned to Dan as she messed on with the needle.

"Thanks for coming in with me, Dan."

"It's fine. The only reason you wanted me to drive you was so you could drag me in here, so I was prepared. Just no screaming." Dan said.

"I won't scream. I'm manly." Phil said, adding a growl at the end of his sentence.

"Only the manliest men get their friends to come with them to get injections." Dan teased.

"I'm so glad you see it that way."

"Okay, Philip, are you ready?" The nurse said, turning around with the needle in her hand.

Phil gulped and looked at Dan before nodding slowly and facing the nurse.

The needle had almost touched his skin when he jerked his arm back. "No! I'm not ready. I, uh... Gaah!"

"Phil. Calm down." Dan said. "What are you shaking for?" He said, clasping Phil's hand in his own two, keeping it still. "It'll be over before you know it."

Phil breathed in slowly before looking at the nurse. "Go on. Just do it."

The nurse tried again. Dan's thumb caressed Phil's hand soothingly and he felt as it relaxed slightly. Phil watched the needle attentively, his eyes following it as it met his arm. He winced as they collided and dug his fingers into Dan's hand. The injection was over quite quickly, although Phil looked like he could cry.

"There. Done. You okay, Phil?" Dan asked, smiling.

"I think so."

"You hurt my hand." Dan said, twisting his wrist to show Phil the marks on the side of his palm.

"Oh," Phil blushed. "Sorry."

Dan nodded to the nurse and got up and led Phil away. They didn't notice that they were still holding hands until they got to the car and tried to go separate ways.

"Dan! I'd prefer if my arm stayed in its socket."

Dan turned red before taking his hand back. "Oh. Yeah. Sorry. Uhm."

"I don't mind." Phil said quietly as he got into the car. Dan laughed quietly to himself as he started the drive home.

"You know how I didn't scream?" Phil said sweetly.


"Will you buy me a lolly?"