My fingers twiddled with scroll wheel as I waited impatiently for another innocent victim to log on. 5 users online- none of them children. I sighed. The house was quiet save for the low hum of the air condition.

No one was online…I mean I couldn't blame them, but it still didn't change the fact that I wanted what I wanted. I was sick-yes, but also hungry. Had it not been for Momo introducing me to such a dangerous yet exciting lifestyle, I would never known the addicting essence of little boys. 3 months in counting, 12 scared victims, and everyday full of joy- each day better than the last. Sure the fun was illegal, but let's be honest; all the good things were. Still…the party couldn't get started without the guest of honor…

Another sigh flew past my lips when an anticipated ding filled my ears. First paranoia, then mischievous delight. I eagerly went to check my private pms. The disappointment ripped through me when I realized it was none other than the site manager, a close friend. Reluctantly I responded; it's not like any takers would be stopping by soon. (Though the setting was perfect. 2am, the site connected to a boys game forum. If it didn't scream naughty boy staying past his bed time, I don't know what did.

Seitanni: I noticed you were online and decided to say hi. Lately it's been dry here no? Since that news report, parents have been watching their kids like hawks. 'Guess none for us.

'Say hi' my ass. He knew better only to contact me when he had something mutually beneficial for the both of us….But he did have a point with the sudden decrease of prey.

Fujihiko: What do you want?

Short, straight, quick to the point; we'd have it no other way.

Seitanni: Testy tonight eh? I just wanted to tell you about my day…

I frowned slightly. I could hear his annoying moe voice read it aloud.

Fujihiko: I'm blocking you.

Seitanni: As if, I'm the mod.

I leaned back in my chair away from the monitor for a good 30 seconds before he shot another message.

Seitanni: Ask me about my day!

Small sigh this time, but I none the less responded.

Fujihiko: Oh please tell me about your day!

Another message didn't come for a minute. Perhaps he was writing a paragraph.

Seitanni: So I went to the park around 6th for a coat meeting when I ran across this school of children. Obviously we couldn't do our exchange there, but as the other guy packs up his merchandise to move to a different location, this ball happens to fly near us. Red tether ball; the works. They call out when he books it leaving me to handle these two beautiful angels all by myself. -You know your good friend hit the jack pot right?

If he was saying what I thought he saying, then I was all ears.

Fujihiko: I'm listening

30 seconds

Seitanni: What if I told you we had a double date? ;)

My eyes closed as I briefly imagined my euphoric release I'd have later on.

Fuujihiko: Who's my date?

2 minutes. I liked my lips as rubbed at my partially limp cock. I could already hear the sounds of skin slapping. I bit my lip when he finally responded.

Seitanni: Obviously I've already called dibs on this boya for reasons you're about to know, but you still want the juicy details all the same. My lovely was such a wild child. Running towards me so quickly, practically smashing my ears, bouncing excitedly- so adorable _. Tan skin, cherry red hair, a cute plump face, and delicious auburn eyes you just want to see the life ripped out of them. As for your date, he stood next to his friend staring intently at me with these sharp copper eyes- almost like cat. He seemed all there; aware of his surroundings. His face was slimmer, but round all the same. Strong eyebrows, small nose, soft lips, I almost paid more attention inspecting him for you than my sweetheart. His hair a green black that looked silky to the touch (unlike mine) and he was a tad bit shorter than mine; Cute.

I tried to imagine his face, drawing all of his features in my mind. I wanted him instantly and my dick jumped in approval.

Fujihiko: Age? Any other info?

Seitanni: Hmm, possibly around 10. Maybe 4"8 for the two. Around 100 pounds? Since they were in the 6th park about 4:50, that means that they could've gotten out of school. I'll leave it to you to check there. But of course this means that we'll be partaking of the fruit?

Vicinity of 6th? Then the only schools in that area were Dotonhori , Seiharudai, and Minami Shonan Elementary School.

Fujihiko: Absolutely. I'll find time, date, location and you can acquire the material.

The plan already coming together.

Seitanii: And for extra measure, camera or no camera?

I paused for a moment to ponder. Camera meant documentation, yet also memories. Risk the paranoia and evidence or miss getting the chance to watch and rewatch his boy's first time… A minute, 2, 3; the decision was decided. His boner had went away though…

Fujihiko: I'll give Inui a call.

Seitanni: You might have a little surprise waiting for you with that one, but whatever. Meet at the usual place and time.

He logged off and 5 went to 4 as I sat pondering what he meant. I toyed with my lips while I signed out as well. Surprise…?


Hallo guys ´ ▽ ` )ノ I updated this garbage. New delivery, not so much edit. Good or bad?