Placebo – Meet Mousetsu!

I felt a great deal of guilt.

Sasuke held me in the hospital bed. It had become a sort of tradition it seemed. His face was calm, I knew without looking at it, because his heart beat was steady and slow.

I did love him. I loved him a great deal, I had realized, but not at all in the way he wanted me to love him.

I came to realize that Sasuke was not a monster, or the traitor everyone dubbed him to be. He was just naïve and passionate, going after any goal he set for himself. He and Naruto were not different at all- they only walked different paths.

My feelings for him had become incredibly complex. I didn't want him the way I wanted Naruto. I blushed, sighing. I wanted Sasuke forever, to protect me and smile at me and only me. I wanted him selfishly. I needed him- because Naruto was not near.

My feelings bordered on childish, if it weren't for the intimacy I wanted to achieve with him. I secretly longed for a kiss, or more, but not the innocent kind Naruto often gave me. Sasuke was darker, and despite admitting his virginity, I imagined him to be experienced. It was unlike me to want a man in such a way, and love somebody like a friend yet want him like something else.

I wondered if I loved Sasuke more than I loved Naruto, and that was why I didn't recognize the feeling Sasuke gave me. I soon dismissed the idea. Naruto was my one and only. He had to be, right?

I noticed the pressure Neji put on Sasuke to be around me. I doubted Sasuke understood why, despite his previous clan connection. Father was incredibly hesitant when he allowed me to be the clan head- it came with conditions. He wanted an heir and a marriage to a strong shinobi. When he passed, the counsel thought it was appropriate to keep his conditions while factoring in who should be the leader. My steady relationship with Naruto was enough for them. However, I signed an agreement saying if something should happen to Naruto, or my heir, there was to be a replacement. Although I hated their heartless choice of words, I had to comply. Naruto's death put the clause to action and in a year, if I wasn't married to a man I liked, Neji would become my husband.

Both Neji and I were heavily against the idea. We grew up too much like siblings to comfortably sleep in the same bed. Sasuke, my cousin must have thought, was the best replacement. He was quiet, and I loved soft spoken people, but he was also fiercely strong and known for protecting his loved ones till the end. Sasuke was incredible in a way that Kiba and Shino just weren't. Also, Sasuke and I hardly had a past, so I was not hurt by his 'betrayal' years ago.

I should have wanted Sasuke more, it seemed, considering all the trouble Neji goes through to see us together. But I was confused- or maybe conflicted- when it came to Sasuke.

I shrugged and smiled. There was no reason to be so serious or calculating. He kept me tightly in his arms and I scooted closer, accepting his healing warmth. It was comfortable, unlike Naruto's nearly suffocating body heat. It was nice to be against.

I didn't sleep much more, but it was because I was thinking too much. I was incredibly excited about my child, my Daisuke, and I was eager to pick him up from the nursery when Tsunade came back.

Sasuke stirred when I yawned suddenly. I covered my mouth as he slowly opened his eyes. Instantly he smirked. "How feminine."

I shrugged and turned around. Morning breath was a real bother, I wasn't about to gag him.

Sasuke dug his face between my shoulder blades and sighed softly. "I love you."

I closed my eyes tightly. "Who would have guessed the Uchiha prodigy was such a softy. You act so tough but you succumb so easily to your heart."

I felt him chuckle against my back. "I am a beast creature of habit."

"Have you fallen in love before, then?"

Sasuke was quiet. I felt my heart drop into my stomach and I shrugged softly. Before I could speak again though, Sasuke said, "Not like this."

I didn't want to say anything. I was kind of hurt, but for no real reason to be. So what, he may have had a fling here and there. I should have known, right? He was incredibly handsome and intelligent, and when the man was passionate about something it was all he thought about. If he became passionate about some woman he probably treated her like a queen. There was no reason to be upset or jealous about such a thing.

"Say something."

"What is there to say?"

"Say what's on your mind."

I didn't want to say anything but I found myself quickly blurting, "I can't imagine what kind of woman you'd be into."

Sasuke chuckled again. "It was all short-lived. And like I said, nothing like this. I've never been so dedicated to anybody like this."

I felt my heart slow.

"There were two. Do you remember the story, about the woman and the baby? I was around her often. I liked her a lot. Not like you, of course. But enough- once her family found out about my feelings they asked me to never see her again. The second was a younger woman, three years younger than me, who followed me around and healed me. She had a house in the woods and let me stay and eat whenever I pleased. She never knew my name or that I was an Uchiha and therefore she never feared me. It was nice for a year or so."

"If it was so great, why'd you leave?"

He smiled, his chin on my shoulder now. "Because I didn't like her too much. She was nice company for a while but my feelings did not hold me to her."

"How'd you leave?"

"I waited until she was asleep and I left. She was use to me coming and going. I don't think she worried too much."

"Oh," I deflated.

"They were different than you. The mother was sort of noisy and liked to bicker about everything- if my shirt was stained she wanted me to change it. If I didn't eat she would demand I make lunch and eat in front of her."

"Why did you like her then?"

"She understood things a lot of people didn't."

I didn't want to speak. I was becoming jealous over women I didn't know and wouldn't care about.

Sasuke didn't seem to want to talk either and I was beginning to think he fell asleep.

"I'm excited to see Daisuke," I said softly. Probably to myself.

"He's cute."

I jumped slightly at his voice and turned back to look at him. "He is, isn't he?"

Sasuke's eyes were closed and he moved his face to the pillow. "I haven't seen his eyes yet, but I assume he's got the Byakugan."

"I think so too. Or at least, I hope he does. The elders wouldn't be very accepting of him if he didn't."

"Downfalls of being in large clans- let's write a book."

I laughed softly. "Let's do it. You know," I began, thinking about my son's eyes, "I don't think I know of a Hyuuga going outside of the clan to have a baby. Maybe we'll have to document Daisuke as the first one. I hope they don't trouble him…"

I sighed and Sasuke opened his eyes. "I'll protect him."

Smiling, I pushed my bangs away from my forehead and sat up. "Do you want to go back to the cabin and change or shower? I understand if you do-"

Suddenly I felt my hospital top being pulled up and his lips pressed to my hip. I glanced down, my heart beating fast, and shrieked.

"Sasuke, w-what are you doing!"

He glanced up at me with curious eyes and I tried to ignore the heat pooling into my stomach. "What?"

"Why are you k-kissing me…?"

The man sat up and titled his eyes, his eyebrows falling. "You're mine now."

I gasped and blushed, attempting to laugh. "S-Sasuke, I am so sorry but you're mistaken, I-I-"

He pressed his hand to my mouth and chuckled. "Don't be shy."

I grabbed his wrist and pulled it away, fighting the urge to stutter. He was close, or at least I was just noticing his proximity, and leaning closer. "Is this about the dream or something?"

Sasuke frowned. "Hinata, you said you-"

"I know I said I loved you," I huffed. I was beginning to regret my words. "But not like that- I'm not really ready for that."

Sasuke seemed to deflate. "What is that, Hinata?"

I blushed. "That."

He smirked and rolled his eyes. "Don't flatter yourself."

He stretched and got up, leaving me alone on the old cot. Running his fingers through his hair, he said, "I'm going to go home and take a shower. I'll be back."


"Tsunade released me from this probation."

He didn't wait for me to say anything else. I watched him go with a small sinking feeling in my stomach. I liked Sasuke around. Would he really stop seeing me and join ANBU like he had written in his journal?

I sighed. No, he wouldn't.

But he would. It wouldn't be hard to leave me. Sasuke was an amazing man with limitless possibilities and I was just Hinata Hyuuga, struggling to control her own clan.

After sometime, Tsunade came in and asked how I was feeling. I told her everything felt fine, but I suppose I was lying. I wanted to see Daisuke sooner.

She led me to a small nursery room filled with small, cute babies crying and sleeping. She carelessly disregarded each but I smiled down at almost all of them. They were innocent and cute- some would become ninja and some civilians. Neji would assume it was their fate but Naruto would have of course convinced him otherwise. I looked at all the babies. They would become whoever they became because of the situations they were put in and the way they reacted. Sasuke Uchiha was a strong man who reacted in a brave way- he destroyed the thing that destroyed him. But then again, he acted very childishly, chasing after a memory of something he can't have ever again.

"Here you go, Hinata," Tsunade said suddenly, quietly. She lifted up a small baby wrapped in an orange blanket and gently handed him over. "Ya like the blanket? Sakura dropped it off."

I smiled, hugging Daisuke to my chest. "It's very Naruto."

"Yeah, isn't it? She said Ino and Tenten sewed it up. They wanted to add some designs but they ran out of time." She reached out and Daisuke gripped her finger. He was a sweet baby.

"I'll have to thank them."

Tsunade nodded. She looked at my son for a while. "He doesn't resemble either of you just yet, huh? I wonder whose eyes he'll have."

Daisuke's eyes were barely open, looking as if he were drowsy. "I was wondering that too."

"If you're feeling okay, you can take him home. If you feel any sort of pain, I'll pull his chair into your room and you can sit and wait."

I smiled. "I'd like to go." Daisuke had to meet some people, of course.

Tsunade nodded and led me back to the front desk for paperwork. In ten minutes, I went back to the room to get Sasuke's shirt, and in no time I was walking back home.

The day was cool and it felt warm considering winter was approaching. Daisuke perked up a bit in my arms, his eyes widening slightly.

Amazingly, they were a soft, pupiless blue.

I smiled and held him closer, adoring his soft humming and cooing. His hair was soft against my cheek and his eyes roamed my face. "Hey, Daisuke," I laughed. "We're going to see your uncles!"

He pressed his forehead to my neck and I laughed again. Inside, my stomach was quaking and aching, and I couldn't help but miss Naruto. He would have been an amazing father, and he would have protected Daisuke with incredibly ferocity.

But, for that, Daisuke had Sasuke, Kiba, Shino, and Neji. Not to mention Ino, Sakura, and Tenten, who were really the ones to fear. I smirked again- I nearly realized how well loved I was.

I came up to the compound and saw Neji sitting outside with Kurenai, Kiba, and Shino. Instantly I perked up, picking up my pace. "Hello!" I called, not too loud, because Daisuke was still a sensitive child.

Neji looked up suddenly and his usual frown was replaced with a gentle smirk. "Hello, Hinata-san."

Kiba was the fastest to me, plucking Daisuke from my arms. "Wow, this guy is real small!"

Daisuke erupted in tears and grabbed Kiba's nose, causing Kiba to shout in pain. I was about to grab my son, feeling worried, but Shino reached out and cradled him. "There, there," he said softly.

Neji, Kiba, and I stood there speechless as Shino rocked Daisuke back in forth quietly, calming his cries. "What?" Kiba scratched the back of head, puzzled.

I shrugged, but giggled.

"How are you feeling?" Neji asked. He focused his intense gaze on me and I blushed. It was almost as if he could see right through me.

"I'm doing well, actually. I slept well, considering I was so worried about Daisuke."

Neji nodded. "And the Uchiha, how did he sleep? He was in your bed, after all. And, you are wearing his clothes, so I assume you two were together."

I let my head drop, ignoring the look Kiba gave me. I was wearing Sasuke's shirt, which fit almost like a dress, but my own pants. "He slept well, too."

Neji didn't say anything for a long moment, but soon lifted his hand up and put it on my shoulder. I looked up and saw him smiling. "I'm glad everything is going well, Hinata."

I smiled back.


Tenten and Ino offered to babysit Daisuke, because they absolutely adored him. He needed more clothes and food, seeing as I had close to none, and Sasuke asked if he could tag along.

Sasuke brushed his hand through his hair constantly, but his free hand kept bumping against mine as we walked. I couldn't help but feel warm inside, and I blushed whenever his pinkie interlocked with mine, but I felt wrong. I imagined Naruto watching me with a sad look on his gentle face, staring down at Sasuke's fingers brushing mine. But on the other end of the spectrum, I couldn't deny the exciting feeling that burning in my heart, edging me closer to Sasuke. I couldn't help but think the feelings I had for the tall man were more than a crush, and that I was honestly falling in love again, or perhaps for the first time. Guilt flooding my mind when I looked up at his sincere face, his dark grey eyes glancing down at me every so often, but along with guilt I felt happy that I was walking along side him.

When we were kids in the academy, I kept my hair cropped short. There was a rumor amongst the girls that Sasuke Uchiha loved long hair, and I didn't want him to think I liked him. I always thought short hair was a clear sign that I was on Naruto's side, waiting for him patiently. But that's how I lived my life- wishing for Naruto without very clearly understanding him. I began to think my love for Naruto was just mistaken admiration. With Sasuke, I was indifferent and hardly noticed him. It gave me the chance to get to know him without judging him too much, and I was really beginning to care for him. Well, I loved him. A lot. I loved Sasuke Uchiha, but I can also say I loved Kiba or I loved Neji. Was Sasuke any different?

Yes. Sasuke Uchiha was incredibly different. I loved him incredibly, irrevocably; I loved with every fiber of my being.

Sasuke held open the door to the clothing store and I looked up into his eyes as I passed. He was smirking at me, satisfied with what he saw.

"What are you planning on getting?" He asked.

I glanced around. "A few outfits. I heard babies grow fast."

Sasuke chuckled. "Okay."

An employee smiled. "Can I help you?"

Sasuke shook his head. I smiled back. "No, thank you though."

She nodded but her eyes lingered on Sasuke. I frowned.

I led Sasuke over to an area filled with blue clothes and onsies, and giggled when he sneered. "Children can be so annoyingly weak," he scoffed.

"But Daisuke is cute," I laughed and shrugged.

Sasuke smiled and glanced down at me. "I guess."

He grabbed my chin gently and lifted it up, bringing our lips closer. I couldn't help but blush, and giggled. "S-Sasuke, people are going to stare."

He shook his head and laughed. He released me and handed me a small shirt. "Here, look at this."

I looked down at the black garment and pushed it away, laughing. "I won't have my son wearing black."

"Why? What is there to fear?"

I glanced at Sasuke and shook my head, smiling softly.


Daisuke squirmed in my arms, his hat slipping from his head. Sasuke held a bottle, prepared to take the baby. "You seriously need a nanny?"

I shrugged. "Neji said now that Daisuke is born and I don't have a mission to do, I will be home a lot more. Besides, I had a nanny and I turned out just fine."

Sasuke smirked. "Well, you've never even met this lady, she could be a murderer."

I frowned, nudging him with the elbow not holding up Daisuke.

We stood together in Daisuke's bedroom. It was something the branch members put together when they heard I was pregnant, and it was really beautiful. The walls were a faint blue, but the carpet was a mix of childish colors. He had toys in the corner, waiting for him to be a tad older, and a white crib. Small stuffed animals sat around the crib, but inside was the toy Sasuke got him from the festival. Overall, I was incredibly happy with what they did for him, and the previous fears I had had about them mistreating him washed away.

There was a soft knock at the door and I smiled. "Come in!"

The door was pushed open and a small woman peaked in. "H-Hello, Hyuuga-sama?"

I waved and said, "I am Hinata Hyuuga. Are you Mousetsu?"

She stepped closer and nodded. She made eye contact with Sasuke but quickly looked down, petting down her brown hair. "I am sorry if I am late. That man, N-Neji Hyuuga, he gave me the third degree. I really hope you can forgive me, Hyuuga-sama."

I was shocked by her weak and shy demeanor, because I'd assumed the clan had hired someone strong and self assured. "Uh, don't worry. Want to meet Daisuke?" I asked, unsure.

Her ears perked and she nodded. Suddenly her eyes were twinkling and a blush dusted across her cheeks, her arms extending. "I think he's beautiful, by the way."

I gently handed Daisuke over and smiled. "Thank you."

Sasuke set down the bottle and crossed his arms. "You'll be defending the Hyuuga heir. Are you even a ninja?"

Mousetsu stiffened up slightly but nodded. "Yes, I am." She sounded cleared when she held Daisuke, and I figured she was most comfortable around children.

"What rank do you hold?"

"I am a jonin."

Sasuke and I locked eyes. "That's good," I quickly said. "How old are you?"

She rocked Daisuke gently, her eyes never leaving his form. "I'm twenty-four," she answered.

"Why are you babysitting instead of taking missions?" Sasuke asked. He had a suspecting look on his face, but it was clear he was watching out for Daisuke.

"I like babies and children. I really didn't like hurting others, you see, and kids are very…well, they are gentle and they aren't condescending. They just accept you for who you are."

I smiled. "Oh, that's very sweet."

Sasuke stayed quiet and I continued on about Daisuke's habits and meals, and how she could get me if there was an emergency. She was much shorter than I was, with short, brown hair that she kept pulled back, but her eyes were aware and kind. Sasuke seemed indifferent toward her, but I felt like there was more that needed to be said.

Neji came in and told us it was getting late however, and Sasuke grabbed my wrist. "Come on," he said, pulling me along, "I know you want to spend this night with him, but he's got Mousetsu."

I frowned, but allowed him to pull me. "Where are we going?"

Sasuke let his hand slip into mine. "Be patient."

It began to down pour and I squealed, but giggled after seeing his bangs matted to his forehead. His hand tightened around mine and he suddenly started running, forcing me to move faster. I could hear his soft chuckled under my laughs, the calm sound of his voice creating chills on my back. Or was it the cool rain that splashed against my legs and dripped down my hair?

I had my eyes nearly closed but I saw a house in front of us, and quickly recognized it as the Uchiha Compound. He back pressed against the door and he smirked, the rain flooding between us.

The door opened and he yanked me inside and we fell onto a sofa somehow. His arms were tightly hugging me and his eyes, the dark orbs, were staring into mine. My bones began to thaw in his embrace, and I couldn't help but giggle in embarrassment. He was close to me. His cool breath caressed my lips and his eyes closed- I leaned closer.

With his lips a fraction from mine, I decided to close the distance.


Author's Note-

Wow, that took forever, ne?

I'm sorry if there are a lot of mistakes, I was really eager to push this out to you guys. And I'm working hard on other fics, trying to complete them and what not. I really love all of you for looking at this, reviewing, favoriting, following, just taking the time to acknowledge this.

QUESTION- Is there anyone you guys want to see? Hear from?