A/N: Sorry it's been so long since I updated...real life can be really complicated sometimes! I appreciate all the thoughts and reviews and I truly am humbled by the positive feedback! Thanks to my wonderful beta, DanniMitchell and all she does for me... Enjoy this chapter...it's a long one! AOE01

Chapter Twelve

Carefully looking over the completed spreadsheet in front of her, Caitlin double checked with her gradebook to ensure everything was accurate. Satisfied she had transferred everything correctly onto her computer, she hit the send button. As the email went to the registrar, she felt like getting up and doing a happy dance. Leaning back in her chair, the extreme stress she was under now miraculously gone. It was nice to know she was done with work until the new term started.

Relaxing, Caitlin looked over at the seating area as she allowed herself to recall the last week. After leaving Jamie at the bar, she took a cab home. It took her a long time to get to sleep and she was still angry when she got to her office the next morning. She was angry with him, but even angrier with herself for even going out the night before. She knew she had no business trying to be sociable after her awful day.

It had taken a while, but as she focused on grading papers and projects her anger dissipated and the sense of accomplishment she felt restored her good humor.

With a soft smile, Caitlin recalled being interrupted by a knock on her door. When she looked up, she saw a white handkerchief being waved in the doorway. Jamie's face appeared right after and she could no longer hold the laugh in any longer.

He had apologized, his words honest and from the heart. She found it was impossible to resist his smile and boyish charm for long. The fact that he brought a peace offering of Chinese food and she was hungry didn't hurt either.

Caitlin also apologized as they sat in the seating area eating the delicious food. Relaxed and eating out of the cartons with chopsticks, they talked about their disastrous date. Neither one could remain angry for long, so they laughed and made up.

Stopping her reminiscences, Caitlin checked her watch. She got up quickly after making sure the files were saved and her computer turned off. It was late. Now that she was free, she realized she had even more to do. Putting on her coat, she left the office and silently kicked herself for putting the grocery shopping off until two days before Christmas.

She knew it was going to be a madhouse, but there had been no choice. Hailing a cab, she tuned out the honking horns and shouting people as they drove through the busy Manhattan traffic. She needed to review her list to make sure everything was on it. She would hate to have to make a return trip or do without.

Once at the local market, Caitlin pushed the silver cart ahead of her. Scanning the shelves, she looked for items on her list and placed them in the cart. Maneuvering through the crowded store, she idly wished they delivered. Shaking her head at her laziness, she knew even if they did, she wanted to pick everything out for herself.

Making her way to the meat department, Caitlin greeted the worker behind the counter. Looking at the crowd of people, Caitlin was suddenly glad she had thought ahead and called a few days ago to order the meat she wanted. After taking her name, the butcher went into the back to gather her order.

As she waited for Mark, if his name tag was correct, to return with her order, she watched the people around her. She smiled in sympathy at the young mother trying to get her shopping done as she kept track of her two small children. They weren't making it easy for her. Caitlin smiled to herself as she looked away wondering if that would be her one day. She realized the idea didn't seem as far away as it used to. It was a shocking realization and one she found she liked.

As Caitlin continued to wait, she conversed idly with an elderly woman standing near her. They talked about the cold weather and they debated whether or not it would snow before Christmas day. Caitlin didn't mind the cold anymore, but the older woman was dreading the snow and worrying about how to get her walks cleared if it did.

"McKenna?" Hearing her name called, Caitlin came forward and took her order, thanking the worker. She placed it carefully in the cart before wishing the woman she had been talking to a Merry Christmas and continued on with her shopping.

The last thing on her list was the alcohol. She searched the area around her, locating the wine and spirits section and checking to make sure she didn't cause a traffic jam, crossed the aisle and entered. Walking through, she found the bottle of tawny port she needed and then thought about Jamie. Recalling their first date, she put a bottle of Cabernet in her cart and left quickly.

Once she was out of the aisle, she noticed a difference in the aroma. The hardy shelves that had held the bottles of wine and spirits held a strong, rich scent and she found her mouth watering. She missed drinking. The smoky flavor of whiskey, the rich fruitiness of red wine, the light citrus of white wine, she missed them all.

Walking to the front of the store, she found a line and waited to check out. Once again she mentally reviewed what she had and what she still might need. Seeing all the items on her list in her cart, she was satisfied she had gotten everything.

She loved to cook and missed having someone to cook for. She smiled at the thought of Jamie enjoying something she had created. It felt nice being able to cook for a man again.

It wasn't long before she moved up in the checkout line, the young cashier seeming to understand that it wasn't a day to waste time. When it was her turn to check out, Caitlin placed her items on the counter, and was glad to see the young teenager seemed to have a smile on her face, even with it being as busy as it was. She was quick and efficient, scanning each item and placing them in itemized bags. In no time Caitlin paid and gathered her bags, with a thank you she made her way out of the store.

Normally, Caitlin enjoyed walking to and from the market since it was only a few blocks away, but since she had a lot of groceries, she hailed a cab. As she sat in the back, she let her mind wander.

Picking out a gift for Jamie had been difficult. Caitlin wanted to get him something nice, without it costing a nice price; they had just started dating after all. Finally, she settled on a classy dress watch. She had noticed he often wore a watch more suited for his work and thought he should have something nicer to wear to church or when he dressed up. It had taken some time and creative searching, but she finally found one she thought would suit him and he would like.

Letting herself into the house, she quickly carried the sacks of groceries into the kitchen placing them on the large island. Caitlin sorted them, putting away what was not needed, and left out what she would use right away.

Walking upstairs, Caitlin hummed a carol to herself happy now that she could focus on the holiday. After hanging her dress in the closet and putting her heels away, she pulled on a pair of old, comfortable jeans, a t-shirt, and a cardigan before putting on thick, warm socks. She returned to the kitchen and poured a glass of sparkling ginger ale, trying not to think how good a glass of wine would taste instead.

Caitlin walked over to the radio and flipped through the stations. No one was playing what she wanted to hear, all the local stations were playing either remakes of the classic Christmas songs or horrible new holiday songs. After turning it off, she looked through her collection of CD's. Thumbing through them, she realized she was in the mood for a mix of songs and artists not available on a single CD. Opening her laptop, she connected it to the sound system and opened the Pandora radio, choosing a classical Christmas station.

As Christmas music filled the air, Caitlin began to cook: chopping, grating, stirring, and measuring carefully. The rhythm soothed her soul and she found herself singing along with the carols, thoroughly enjoying herself. It had been a while since she was utterly content. The sound of the music, the aroma of her cooking, and the sight of the comfortable home relaxed her in a way that had been missing lately.

Several hours later, Caitlin was finally finished cooking for the evening. There was more to do tomorrow but she was satisfied with what she got accomplished. Sitting on the couch, tired and worn out, she was glad the time consuming part behind her. Music continued to drift around her, soothing her. With a smile on her lips, Caitlin closed her eyes.

She woke sometime after midnight, confused for a moment. Stretching as she got up, she turned the music off and picked up her phone, turning it on to check the time. Looking through her missed calls, she noted Jamie had called several times. As she turned off the lights off and climbed the stairs, she sent him a text, hoping it would ease his mind.

'Fell asleep on couch. Going to bed. See you tomorrow.' She typed, adding a winking emoticon on the end.

Waking late the next morning, Caitlin stretched languorously even as she burrowed further into her warm bed for that last minute of quiet before getting up and starting the day. She had a lot to get done, but she was going to enjoy every minute of it. Thinking ahead, she pulled out the dress and shoes she planned to wear so she had them at hand when getting ready later.

After pulling on jeans and a shirt, Caitlin checked her phone to see Jamie responded to her text. She smiled at his message, a warm feeling flowing through her she wasn't ready to think about too much. It was going to be a great evening, she could just feel it.

Preparation for dinner would be done later, but there were still little things to do around the house. Walking through the downstairs, she looked at it with a critical eye. This was going to be the first time Jamie would be inside the house and she wanted to make a good impression. Festive holiday decorations adorned the house and she adjusted things here and there while she dusted until she was satisfied.

Once happy with the rest of the house, Caitlin walked into the dining room. Taking out a crisp, white tablecloth edged in lace, she spread it on the table. Turning to the cabinet in the massive hutch, she opened it and surveyed the contents. Locating the china she was looking for, she started taking out the appropriate dishes. Placing some on the dining table, she took others to the kitchen for when she would need them. Returning to the dining room, she reached into a long, felt lined drawer and chose the sterling silver utensils and placed them next to each place setting. She stood back and admired the effect of the set table.

Hearing the chime of the doorbell, she looked over at the grandfather clock. It was hours before Jamie would be arriving. Curious, she walked to the front door and answered it, finding a deliveryman on the front step. With a warm smile and nod, he handed her an arrangement of flowers, wishing her a Merry Christmas as he walked away.

Closing the door, Caitlin looked at the arrangement. Red roses and carnations, greenery, a beautiful gold ribbon wound throughout, and two long, red candles sat in a red crystal bowl. It was beautiful and would make a perfect centerpiece for the table. Setting it down in the center of the large table, she realized it completed the look. Elegant and classic, the vibrant colors blended well with the rest of the house décor.

Spotting a card tucking in with the roses, she pulled it from the plastic, forked holder. Unfolding the message, she was not surprised to see a note from Jamie. Smiling broadly, she went into the kitchen and tucked the card into a drawer; she didn't want to lose it.

The personal message safe, she hummed happily to herself. Caitlin continued cooking and preparing for the evening. She couldn't wait for her guest to arrive.

~Blue Bloods~

Waking late that same morning, Jamie sprung out of bed and got dressed hastily. He should have been up earlier, but he had been guilty of hitting the snooze button one too many times. He had picked out part of Caitlin's Christmas gift but still needed to pick out the keepsake box.

In a rush, Jamie cursed himself as he fought his way in traffic. It seemed like everyone was out looking for last minute gifts or running errands. It didn't help that the sky was overcast and snow was predicted.

Arriving at the Cloisters, he parked quickly and headed right for the gift shop with purpose. He had called ahead and they had set aside a few boxes for him to choose from. It was one of the few times he used his shield to get special treatment. When the manager found out he was NYPD he was more than happy to help out one of New York's finest. After selecting the box that was just right he paid and thanked them. He felt better now that there was one less thing to worry about.

Originally, Jamie planned to take her out for a nice dinner in the city. He asked her when they were having lunch in her office having just made up after their fight. He was surprised when she, initially, turned him down; he thought they were past all that. For a moment he was worried he had really screwed things up.

Jamie smiled as he remembered her shy, almost fearful expression as she invited him to her home for dinner. He was elated and looking forward to the evening. He knew this was a big step for her and he wanted it to go well. Glancing at his watch, he wished he could speed up, but the bumper to bumper traffic prevented that. He still had to wrap her gift and get ready; he was glad he still had a few hours and not much more to do.

Arriving home, he wrapped her gift, admiring the results. Linda could have made it prettier, but he hadn't wanted to ask anyone for help. He placed the gift in one of the bags of wrapped presents that sat by the door. He would take the other gifts for his family to church and give them to his dad for Christmas day. Looking at his watch he noticed the time.

After showering quickly, Jamie dressed in a suit and as he tied his tie, his thoughts wandered to the evening. He had wondered what her house looked like on the inside and he looked forward to seeing it. Things had worked out better than he had planned. Unlike at a restaurant, they would be alone within the comfort of her home.

Looking in the mirror, he checked his appearance one last time and smiled at his reflection. Leaving his room, he grabbed a warm coat and made sure his phone and keys were in the pocket. Taking the bags by the door with him, he stored them in the trunk of his car. Removing the gift for Caitlin, he placed it on the front seat with a card and headed to her house. His only thoughts as he drove were that he hoped there wasn't too much traffic and that he could find a parking space fairly close to her house.

One minute he was pulling out of his parking space and the next he was pulling into another one. The whole drive over to Caitlin's was only a blur. Walking up the front steps, he could see the house alight, giving off a warm and welcoming glow. Ringing the doorbell, he eagerly anticipated his evening. Not for one single second did he regret missing the traditional dinner with his family.

Caitlin opened the door, smiling warmly at him; Christmas music played softly from within the house. Walking in, Jamie tried to settle his nerves as Caitlin closed the door behind him. She offered to take his coat and hung it in the closet as he looked around.

Jamie stepped into the front room, amazed at how formal it was. The large, dark black grand piano stood out beautifully in the room. It was positioned almost in the center of the room with the bench placed on one end of the windows overlooking the front of the house. Standing out of the way in one corner was a well-worn brass music stand. Facing the curve of the piano and extending around the opposite wall, was a formal brocade settee seating area. Jamie thought it was what previous generations would have called a drawing room. He remembered Caitlin telling him she was house-sitting for a friend, but this room seemed to be designed with her in mind.

Turning, Jamie looked at Caitlin. Wearing a rich, deep black velvet holiday dress, she was a vision. His breath hitched in his throat; simply standing there she took his breath away. Normally, she would put her hair up, but tonight she had left it down with only a few strands pulled away and out of her face. Thoughts of running his fingers through her thick, beautiful hair engaged his mind for a minute, before he deliberately turned his thoughts away from the dangerous image.

"You look beautiful," Jamie said quietly, as he took her hand and pulled her close, kissing her gently.

"Thank you," Caitlin replied, continuing, "Thank you for the flowers, they're beautiful."

Jamie smiled broadly, he was glad she liked them. As soon as he left her office after accepting her invitation he called the florist to make sure his order could be delivered Christmas Eve.

With a smile and a firm grip on his hand, Caitlin pulled him with her. "I have things to finish in the kitchen, come with me."

Passing the formal dining room, Jamie got a glimpse of the flowers in the center of the large, formal table. It was set with fine china and looked like a page from House Beautiful magazine. He would definitely think twice about inviting her to his small, cramped apartment decorated in eclectic bachelor.

After Caitlin led Jamie to the back of the house, she dropped his hand and went to work, finishing the preparation of dinner. Looking around, he was surprised with the sudden change in atmosphere. The back of the house was as casual and comfortable as the front room was formal and rigid. The kitchen was large and spacious, a chef's dream.

Dark, rich, polished granite counter-tops, high end stainless steel appliances, and a huge center island greeted him. It was warm and inviting. A large bay window overlooked the small yard out back, allowing him to spot a pile of firewood stacked against the house on the small patio.

Beneath the window, sat a small table; it was perfect for two. Jamie's mind pictured himself sitting there enjoying a morning cup of coffee and having a conversation with a beautiful redhead. With a deep breath he pulled his eye away from the table, once again, turning his thoughts away from another tantalizing thought.

Across from the kitchen was a doorway leading into a cozy den. Walking in and looking around, Jamie could hear Caitlin moving around in the kitchen. Under the wall of windows that also looked over the backyard was a wide couch that looked incredibly comfortable. Jamie thought that it would hold two quite easily and hoped to test it out one day.

Several overstuffed club chairs were facing the couch on the other side of a large, round coffee table. The wall behind the chairs held a mounted large television with an impressive sound system. Jamie spied a DVD machine close and had a few DVD's sitting on top telling him Caitlin must enjoy watching movies in this room. He filed away the thought of a movie night for a later time.

The long wall opposite the doorway was taken up with a grand stone fireplace and hearth that ran the length of the room. It was an intimate and inviting room, one he hoped they could put to good use later down the line. Like the table in the kitchen, he could see them enjoying a lazy night watching a movie; a blazing fire lighting up the room as they cuddled on the couch.

Knowing his train of thought was once again getting dangerous, Jamie returned to the kitchen and sat on one of the stools at the large island. He enjoyed watching Caitlin finishing up her tasks; it was relaxing and he felt his nerves fading.

Caitlin picked up the open bottle of Cabernet and poured him glass. As Jamie took a sip, he wondered what she would be drinking. He watched, silently, as she went to the dining room and returned with their dinner plates.

Jamie watched as Caitlin filled the plates, making an attractive presentation. Was there anything she couldn't do perfectly? Picking up both plates she turned and asked him, "Could you bring my glass of sparkling grape juice and follow me?"

Standing, Jamie followed her. Glass of wine in one hand and glass of sparking grape juice in the other, they walked into the formal dining room. Noticing the table was set for two close together at one end, he set down the drinks. Jamie picked up the lighter and lit the candles in the centerpiece as Caitlin dimmed the lights. Setting the lighter down and out of the way, Jamie moved to pull out her chair as she walked back to the table. After assisting her to push her chair in, he took his own seat. After saying grace, and complementing Caitlin on how good everything looked, they began to eat.

Looking at the plate, Jamie realized he was very hungry; he'd been so rushed today he'd had no time for a proper meal. Everything looked and smelled wonderful. She had prepared an elegant looking wild mushroom stuffed beef tenderloin with a port wine sauce surrounding it. There were also homemade mashed potatoes and steamed green beans. Cutting into the tenderloin, he raised his fork to his mouth and tasted a bite; he thought he'd died and gone to heaven.

As he ate, he tried to think of ways to get her to cook for him again. It was easy to tell this wasn't something a beginner could make. It was clear Caitlin knew her way around the kitchen and how to pull out the best flavor in the foods she cooked. He savored every bite, trying not to groan in pleasure.

They didn't talk much while they ate, choosing to enjoy each other's quiet company while they enjoyed their dinner. After they finished, Jamie helped her carry the empty dishes to the kitchen and, over her objection, helped her clean the kitchen. Reminding her of the family dinners, he told her he was used to helping out and they quickly established a working rhythm that allowed them to finish the chore easily.

When they were finished, Caitlin looked at Jamie, shyly. "We never talked about gifts…but I have something for you."

"Oh, yeah?" Jamie said, amused. "Well, it just so happens, I have something for you, too," Jamie said with a wink and a smile.

Caitlin laughed and went to the den to fetch the small package she had wrapped earlier. At the same time, Jamie returned to the closet and retrieved his gift to her from his coat pocket. He returned to the den with it in his hand.

Jamie reached out and took her hand, leading her to one of the chairs. She sat down and after they exchanged gifts, Jamie sat down in the matching chair near her.

"Open yours," Jamie requested as the strains of music washed over them.

She looked at the small, beautifully wrapped box in her hands. It was so pretty she almost didn't want to open it but Jamie's eyes on her told her he was waiting to see her open it. Unwrapping it carefully, Caitlin was touched to see the small keepsake box. It had a picture of one of the tapestries from the Cloisters and she was reminded of the rainy day they had spent there together. Their time in the Gothic chapel was a memory she treasured and thought of often.

"Open it, "Jamie prompted.

She opened it and was almost speechless, "Oh, Jamie…" Caitlin looked at him, stunned. She took out the delicate bracelet and looked at it closer. It was made of elegant white gold links with a pale green amethyst stone set in each link. "It's beautiful."

Gently, Jamie took it from her and lifted her wrist so he could put it on her. As he closed the clasp, he admired how it looked on her soft skin. Kissing her hand before releasing it, he looked up and saw a soft blush dust her cheeks.

"Open yours," Caitlin said, trying to divert attention away from herself. Jamie looked at her in a way that made her stomach dip and her heart pound. The deep gaze in his eyes was a hungry one and she looked down afraid he saw the same hunger in her eyes.

Seeing he was making her uncomfortable with his full attention, Jamie opened the square box she had handed him. Inside was a classic, formal dress watch, the gold gleaming in the firelight. He had been meaning to get one; he needed one but had put it off. Once again, Jamie was surprised, he knew he shouldn't be, but he was. Caitlin had picked out a watch that fit him perfectly not only in size but also in style.

Lifting it out of the box, Jamie pulled the crown stem out and twisted it to set the correct time. Once the time was right, he pushed the crown stem in and adjusted the watch until it set just right on his wrist.

Holding out his hand, Jamie held Caitlin's; standing, he pulled her up with him and wrapped her in his arms. "Thank you, I love the watch," he said before kissing her lightly on the lips. Pulling back he looked at her with a smile, "I have a request," he said, softly, looking at her again with the same hunger as earlier.

Caitlin, not sure what he was talking about, leaned back to look at him. She knew he would never ask her to do something she wasn't comfortable with, but the sheer hunger in his eyes made her wary, nonetheless.

"Would you play for me?" Jamie asked as he smoothed her hair back from her face.

"You've heard me play," Caitlin replied, with surprise.

"I heard you play part of one piece when you thought you were alone in your office," Jamie said, softly caressing her face. "I want you to play just for me," he said, watching her reaction.

Thinking for a moment, Caitlin reached down and took his hand in hers. Leading him to the front room, she turned on a few lights, leaving the room bathed in a soft glow. Normally, Caitlin left the large lid of the piano closed to prevent dust from accumulating on the strings, but always raised it when she played to allow the sound to reverberate in the room. Jamie raised the large, curved lid of the piano and carefully slid the prop into the groove to secure the heavy piece safely. Backing away, he took a seat where he could watch her play.

Sitting down on the piano bench, Caitlin debated what she should play for him. Slowly raising the lid over the keys, she placed her hands on the ivory keys, relaxing at the feel of them under her fingers. Rejecting the classical repertoire she typically played, she chose to play Christmas carols.

As Jamie listened, he was awestruck. He knew she had been a concert pianist, but the music she played was unlike anything he had ever heard. She played carols he was familiar with, but instead of sounding like a four part hymn one would hear in church, they were fluid and flowing, one part leading into the next seamlessly. There were wonderful harmonies and many intricacies, but she never obscured the tune.

She played without music and as Jamie watched her he saw a sense of peace and content envelop her face. She was almost glowing, she was so beautiful. He felt his desire for her swell within him and he had to make a concerted effort to reign in his feelings. Jamie knew it was much too soon to take things to the next level, but every moment he spent with her was sending his mind straight down that path.

She played carol after carol. Jamie didn't interrupt or request any tune, allowing her to choose whatever she wanted to play. Thirty minutes later, Caitlin was still playing. Looking over at Jamie, she could see he was entranced. Caitlin suddenly decided to show him the one talent she rarely shared with anyone. Tentatively, she asked, "Do you have a favorite carol?"

Jamie thought for a moment he liked so many, but finally replied, "One of my favorites is: What Child Is This."

Caitlin nodded, "I like that one too." She started playing. At first it was a fairly traditional arrangement of the wonderful old tune. Then she let go. She diverted from the standard and improvised; her playing getting more and more intricate.

As Jamie watched her, he noticed she looked different now. She would get a faraway look in her eyes and even closed them as she played by touch. He realized she was playing from her heart, soul, and spirit; music that had never been written down. It was like she was composing while playing. He knew he could never explain adequately with mere words what he was experiencing and he wouldn't even try.

When she stopped playing, the only sound was Jamie's awestruck, "Wow, that was incredible."

Caitlin blushed as Jamie reluctantly stood and came over to her. He said, regretfully, "I wish I could stay, but I have to get to church." He offered his hand and after taking it, she stood and walked with him towards the front door.

"I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow," Jamie said. He'd had Thanksgiving Day off so he had a Christmas Day tour.

Caitlin nodded; she would miss him tomorrow, but she understood.

Jamie stopped near the door. Making a big show of looking around at the decorations he said, "You know what you need here?"

"What's that?" Caitlin asked, curious.

"Mistletoe." Jamie replied with a twinkle in his eye as he looked at her lips.

"Is that's what's stopping you from kissing me?" Caitlin asked with a catch in her voice.

Jamie quickly drew her into his arms, bent down and kissed her. Caitlin reached up and put her arms around his neck, enjoying the thrill of having him even closer to her.

When the kiss ended, Jamie looked at her. "Are you sure you won't come to church with me? The family would love to see you." Jamie entreated. He wanted her to come with him, not only because he loved spending time with her but also because he loved worshiping the Lord with her beside him. It felt so right to have her there with him.

Shaking her head, Caitlin answered, "No, I just…I need to be alone tonight." She hoped Jamie would understand.

Nodding his head, Jamie accepted her decision. "Okay. Thank you for the wonderful dinner," he said with a kiss. "Thank you for the watch," he added with another soft kiss. "And thank you for playing for me," he finished with a longer, more passionate kiss.

Caitlin smiled brightly at him, pleased she could make him happy by doing something she loved. She walked him back to the door and grabbed his coat for him. She watched as he put in on slowly, reluctantly heading to the door to leave.

"Jamie," she called softly after him before he could walk out the door. "Thank you for the bracelet, I love it." Caitlin said with a smile. She didn't want him to leave, either.

Before Jamie opened the door, he gathered her in his arms one last time. Kissing her gently, he told her she was welcome. As he opened the door, they could see the predicted snow softly falling. They stood there together watching the snow, reflecting on the beauty for a moment before Jamie finally left. Making his way down the front steps and walkway, he turned and smiled one last time as he saw her close the door. Picking up his pace, he hurried back to his car. He was leaving later than he planned, though he was not sorry at all.

Back inside the house, Caitlin put her hand on the door after closing it, disappointed the night had ended so soon. It felt as if it had rushed by and she wished she could rewind it and enjoy it longer. As she turned off most of the lights, she kept an eye on the clock. She needed to head out to church, herself. Touching her new bracelet, she thought about Jamie. She already knew she wouldn't be taking it off anytime soon.