Toris entered his bedroom sharply at seven, and stopped dead in his tracks upon seeing Lovino in bed with him. Arthur pressed a finger to his lips and carefully slipped out of Lovino's arms. He paused to pull on his pajama pants and motioned Toris outside.

"What is it?"

"Lord Braginsky is here and he is requesting an audience." Toris' nose twitched at the scent of sex on him, but the man kept his face politely blank.

"Take him to my study and tell him to be patient. I will come to him in ten minutes," he ordered. "Offer him a drink or something. I don't care what you do, just keep him occupied until I am ready."

"Yes, your majesty." Toris hurried away.

He went back into his bedroom, and found Lovino sitting up and yawning. Lovino blinked at him sleepily and Arthur pressed a light kiss to his cheek. "Good morning, my love."

"What the hell does that fucker want? Does he know what time it is?" Lovino got up and stretched. "Damn Russian."

"We're vampires. I'm surprised he even waited for morning." Arthur resisted the urge to take Lovino into his arms. He needed to stay focused on getting ready to see Ivan. "I'm going to take a shower. Feel free to go back to sleep. I'll take care of Ivan quickly and be done with it."

"Bullshit. You give your council too much power. You'll spend all morning arguing with the bastard and not get anything done." The demon yawned again.

"His opinion are important, and he's part of my council. I have to listen to all of them bicker." He frowned.

"No, you don't. Stop being a circus conductor for all your freaks, and get the show on the road." The demon wandered to his bathroom without any hurry.

"You can't speak. Your council fights even more than mine and you just let it happen." He followed Lovino.

"They may fight, but when I give an order, it is carried out without question unless there is a serious reason to change that decision." Lovino turned on the water, not bothering to wait for it to warm, and stepped under the fall of water. "It's time you realized, you run your council, not the other way around."

"Vampires don't work like that. They all want to come to a consensus, not listen to the command of one person." He stepped in after Lovino. The water was cold, but he pressed against the demon and felt warm.

"No, they're use to arguing until one or the other compromises. As common as that is in most governments, that is no way to run anything." Lovino rubbed soap into his hair, massaging his scalp gently. "People will listen to you, Arthur, if you just act like a fucking king. Your council is only there to advise."

He closed his eyes and sighed, enjoying Lovino's nimble fingers, but was annoyed with the conversation. "That's tiring."

"But it's our job."

"How unfortunate for us."

They showered quickly, delaying only to tease each other, and got out of the bathroom. He dried his body and watched Lovino do the same. He sighed wistfully. "If only Ivan wasn't here to bother us."

The demon rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't sit around and just have sex with you all day, even if he wasn't here." Lovino walked into the bedroom area and went through his closet. "I'm going to borrow some of your clothes."

"Go ahead."

"God, you have some of the dullest shit in here. Seriously, how many sweater vests do you own? Wait, a minute..." Lovino held up something that very much stood out among his many dress shirts and sweaters. It brought back memories of the 80s and everything that went with that mess.

"Ah, I didn't know that was still in there." He flushed, but couldn't think of a good excuse to give the demon.

Lovino grinned at him and pulled the shirt over his head. It stopped just above his navel and revealed smooth skin. The demon pulled on the tight pants next, and rubbed his fingers over the holes torn in the fabric. The clothes clung to Lovino's body in all the right ways, and Arthur swallowed dryly, adverting his eyes. The black clothes only enhanced Lovino's devious nature and made his smirk stand out in stark contrast.

"What do you think? I don't usually wear black much." Lovino's eyes flashed at him, and he knew the demon knew exactly what he thought.

"I...I really wish Ivan wasn't here." Arthur pulled on his usual sweater and slacks, but his eyes continued to drift back to Lovino. He could just imagine Lovino leaning against an alley wall, cigarette in hand, giving everything he set his eyes on a glare that could set the world aflame.

"Cheh." Lovino stole a kiss. "Come on. The bastard is waiting."

They walked downstairs and entered the study. Ivan looked up and smiled tightly, standing politely as they entered. "That was longer than ten minutes."

"It did not hurt you to wait," Lovino said before him and closed the door. He frowned at the demon's rudeness, but didn't blame him for being sharp. Lovino was never one for mornings, especially without any coffee.

"Ah, I was not aware King Lovino would be joining us." Ivan's smile widened in the way it did only when something displeased him.

"He is my husband." Arthur sat in his chair and motioned for Ivan to do the same. Lovino wandered around the room, looking at the books on his shelves and ancient telephone in the corner, and ignored them completely. "It seems appropriate that he should be here with us, and I value his opinion greatly."

Ivan looked genuinely surprised, but he quickly covered with a smile. "I see. Then you know why I am here."

"It's about the joining of demons and vampire forces. What's the problem?" He should have known better than to let Lovino make such a decision. Ivan would never agree to sharing a project with a demon, let alone actively monitoring it. It's not that the vampire had anything against demons, but he was a prideful and his pride would not take kindly to sharing command. In some sense, Ivan was a spoiled brat and Yao was the only one that could control him. Even Arthur found it difficult to have him do most things, and he's king.

Cold, purple eyes shifted from him to the demon standing at the edge of the room. "I do not believe it would be best to do that so soon. The people are still reeling from your marriage to the Devil—I mean, Demon King. My apologies, my tongue slipped." Ivan smiled. It was no 'slip of the tongue' that Ivan said that. He said it on purpose and he meant for Lovino to hear it.

The demon let out a chilling laugh, silencing them both, and leaned against the edge of the desk. "Devil? Is that what people are calling me now? I like it. What do you think, Arthur? It's fitting."

He frowned.

"It seems my husband does not agree, but I think it's a good name for the king who will end this fighting with Hunters." Lovino smirked in a way that said his next words would lead to conflict. "Now, you're a general of war. How are we to win if you aren't making plans to fight? Do you have no fucking courage to face off with Hunters?"

Ivan's smile twitched. "That's not it at all. I simply don't believe demons and vampires should be forced to fight together."

"If that bothers you, then find willing participants." Lovino's tone sharpened, and both he and Ivan shifted tensely. "You have a sister, si?"

"Two. Katyusha and Natalia. Why do you bring them up?" Ivan frowned.

"The younger one, Natalia, start with her. Pair her with Vash's sister, and they will be your first pair."

"I do not feet comfortable—"

"Do it."

The room fell silent as two wills battled each other. Ivan could intimidate people into obeying, but he was nowhere near as stubborn as Lovino. After a suffocating silence, Ivan finally dipped his head slightly and relented to Lovino's position. Arthur knew if Lovino wasn't a king and he wasn't in the room, Ivan would have killed Lovino before the demon could even open his mouth. "Yes, your majesty."

"If that is all, please, have Toris escort you out."

"Thank you for your time." Ivan stood to his full height, towering over Lovino, but the demon didn't even blink. "Goodbye."

As soon as the door closed, the crushing air lifted and Arthur relaxed. "How in the the hell did you do that? He doesn't listen to anyone."

The demon shrugged. "He has an unstable soul, and that makes it easy to influence if you know how."

"That's what you were doing?" He blinked in surprise. Arthur hadn't know that was even possible.

"Of course. Souls are my specialty." Lovino grinned devilishly, looking all the more sinister in those black clothes. "I did the same thing at the first meeting we had with both councils. That whole speech about helping our people 'flourish' was just bullshit to guide everyone to trust demons."

"I suppose I shouldn't be surprised." He laughed, but soon another thought crossed his mind. "Wait...Have you ever done that to me?"

The smile slipped from Lovino's face and he frowned. "You always ask the shittiest questions, but I won't lie. I've only done it a few times when you needed it."

"When!" He glared at Lovino. "I don't take kindly to having my soul fucked with."

"No one ever does." Lovino crossed his arms, glaring back at him moodily. "Don't get yourself worked up. You were only the edge of freaking out and I needed you to calm down. It would have been a disaster if you had a break down in front of everyone at the wedding."

He scowled, irritated with the manipulation of his soul. Arthur knew Lovino only did what he thought was best, but it still irked him that Lovino thought it right to take it into his own hands.

"Don't give me that look. You know I'm right." Lovino came around the desk towards him, wearing a matching frown.

"I still don't like it." He sighed. "Nevermind me. Ivan made me tense."

"He is a bastard. It took me forever to get a grip on his soul." Lovino leaned down and kissed him lightly. There was no apology on the demon's lips, and Arthur knew Lovino wasn't repentant in anyway. To the demon, touching a soul—manipulating it to his will—was just in his nature. He understood one could only resist nature so much, but it pissed him off.

There was a knock at the door and Lovino looked up sharply. For a tense moment, the demon stayed frozen in place, his eyes locked on the door. Before Arthur could ask him what's wrong, Lovino rushed over and opened the door quickly. Gupta stood in the doorway and quietly entered the room. "Good morning."

"What are you doing here?" Lovino didn't look happy to see him. The demon looked slightly panicked, as if Gupta's presence was a terrible shock.

Gupta held up a hand and looked at Arthur. "Would you please leave us? This is business between Lovino and I."

He looked at Lovino.

"Do it, Arthur."

Lovino's tight voice set his teeth on edge. Arthur rose and left the room, but he didn't go far. He stood beside the door to listen in on them. Lovino's reaction made him uneasy, and Arthur wanted to know what was going on.

Something hit the door hard and startled him. He heard Lovino shout, "Get the fuck away from the door, Arthur!"

"Bloody hell..." He retreated down the hall, just out of hearing range. Arthur didn't want to know what would happen if he did listen, but he did want to know what would make Lovino so visibly uncomfortable. He waited, and after a short while, Gupta opened the door. He watched the shorter demon approach him.

Gupta's steady gaze held him frozen in place, and Arthur felt fear climb up his heart. The air grew thicker, waiting for the demon to speak, but nothing ever came. Gupta continued to stare at him, eyes that swallowed him whole. He still waited for words, terrible words of death. None ever came. Gupta stepped around him and disappeared with the light scent of smoke. Arthur stayed stuck in place, bewildered by what transpired and what he should be doing.

Arthur shook his head quickly and hurried back into his study. Lovino sat in his chair, hunched and silent. He approached slowly. Something about the demon seemed tense, like he was waiting for a terrible shadow to befall him. The terrible waiting. It hung on Lovino's body, winding around his legs and arms, and held him in place. "Lovino?"

Lovino suddenly shot up, snatching up the closest object (which happened to be a lamp), and hurled it at the wall. "Figlio di putana!"

The demon stood still again. Lovino looked pale and his eyes were wild. Arthur rushed to Lovino and embraced him. "What is it? What did Gupta say to you?"

"Nothing you want to hear." Lovino took a deep breath, rubbing the panic from his face, and pushed Arthur away. "Sorry about the lamp."

The demon bent down to pick up the pieces, but Arthur stopped him. "Leave it for Toris to take care of. What happened?"

"I lost my temper, that's all. I'm just a bit tired." Lovino rubbed a hand over his face.

"Let's go rest in the library. It's quiet in there." He gripped Lovino's elbow, trying to comfort the demon without angering him.

"You go without me. I have another visitor." The demon leaned against the desk, held up only by the solid wood. There was the hallow knock of wood, and Antonio stepped through the open door.

"Am I interrupting anything?" Antonio smiled, but his eyes found the broken lamp and lingered on it.

"It took you long enough. Arthur was just leaving."

"I didn't say I would leave." He frowned. He didn't like the thought of letting Lovino alone with Antonio—not out of jealousy. Arthur knew well what sort of secrets could go between two people and he worried about Lovino pushing to the point of being self-destructive.

"Arthur. Please." Lovino looked at him, half commanding and half pleading for him to go.

He opened his mouth to protest, but thought better of it. Lovino looked tired and, in spite of his frustration, he couldn't bring himself to hassle Lovino over it. "Alright, love. I'll be in the library if you need anything." He kissed Lovino swiftly before the demon could stop him.

Antonio's smile soured, and Arthur took pleasure knowing the brunet still didn't approve of his relationship with Lovino.

Arthur left and wandered down the hall towards the library. He met Toris on the way there. "Toris, go see if Lovino and his visitor need anything. They're in my study. Make sure you knock, lest you hear something not meant for your ears."

"Of course, you majesty." His butler bowed.

"And once you're done with that, bring me a cup of tea in the library."

"Is that all?"

"No. I'm going to take up magick again. Give my other study a proper dusting. Once that's done, come find me. You're dismissed."

Toris bowed again and scurried off. He was once again left to himself. Arthur went to the library and picked up where he left off the night before. A great deal of the knowledge came back to him as he read, but there was also a good deal that had been lost to time. He had a natural curiosity for magick and all its oddities, although the practice of it baffled him at times. Most magick was just taking the will of one's soul and using it to connect with the energy around them to preform spells, but, like with all things, there were particular exceptions.

Exceptions like the magick Hunters used.

Frankly, it wasn't anything like normal magick. Instead of harnessing the energy around them, it solidified a person's will into something tangible. It made for an unstable type of magick, but it also did a great amount damage in close combat, where regular magick could potentially backfire, and against soulless creatures. Its potency against beings like demons led to its abuse by Hunters. Before being discovered by Hunters, soul magick was a emergency only option for any magick user, no matter how well-versed in the energies around them. Soul magick, if misused, would destroy the person using it, because there'd be no buffer between one's soul and the flow of energy.

"Where did I put that book?" He muttered under his breath and books pulled themselves from the shelves, floating past him. Some went into a growing pile of to-be-reads, while others went back to the shelf. Finally, the book floated by and he grabbed it from the air.

A scream shattered his concentration, dropping all the books around him. For a moment, Arthur was stunned. He knew that scream from a dream of a dream in the darkest place of his mind. The cry made his entire body tense and grow cold, fearing seeping from every pore.

A shout followed the scream, "Antonio! No!"

I've been experiencing a intense lack of motivation to publish, even my writing has slowed. I haven't stopped writing completely and I have some chapters waiting to be typed up and edited, but I have no will to do so. Updating will probably be less frequent due to this and I may take a hiatus, but I doubt I will stop completely.


I'll get over this little bump eventually, but until then, you'll have to be patient for chapters.
