Kurenai smiled at the four children sprawled across the floor sleeping, she really should get Sasuke in his bed. Sighing, she gently lifted the raven haired boy in her arms. Only when she walked out of the large living room did she realize she had no idea where the boys room was in the over sized house.

"Sasuke," she whispered to the boy.

The Uchiha stirred but did not wake, so she tried again.

"Hmm?" he asked half asleep.

"Where's your room?" she asked softly.

Rubbing his eyes, he pointed her down a long hall, and to the left. By the time she had gotten to his bed, he was back asleep. Carefully, she sat the serene boy on the mattress, pulling the sheets over him and tucking him in.

Watching him for a few moments, she wondered, would he be like his ancestors? How could he? He was so peaceful and sweet. Sleeping like this, the boy was so vulnerable, nothing like this could ever be evil, could it? The thoughts continued on for several long moments before Kurenai realized there were three other children she was tending to.

Walking back into the living room, she found Naruto and Hinata fast asleep. Sai was who surprised her. Instead of resting like his friends, he was sitting near them, watching over them. Sai was keeping watch. Questions rushed into her mind, where did they come up with this idea? Did the have rotations? Or was he just watching them out of instinct?

Instead of just staring at him like an idiot, she decided to ask "Hey Sai, what you doing?"

"Just making sure their safe," he answered simply.

"When'd you wake up?" She asked, for the boy had been fast asleep when she left the room.

"Well I knew that you left so someone had to watch us so I did."

Taken aback, Kurenai said nothing, how did he know she left? Most shinobi could sense the presence of other people, but that took years of training and being in the field, did this boy already have that skill? "How did you know I left?" She asked the boy softly.

He shrugged "I don't know, I kind of just felt it."

"... I see," Kurenai said after a pause. "Well. I'll be in here until we leave so you can go back to sleep." she reassured him with a smile.

"Are you sure?" he asked politely.

Kurenai smiled and rubbed his head affectionately "I'm sure."

The little boy nodded, then curled up on the floor next to his friends and fell asleep.

It was about an hour and a half later, 10 o'clock, when the head of the Uchiha clan returned home. Thanking Kurenai for putting Sasuke to bed, and giving her a secret tip (As for shinobi weren't exactly supposed to receive tips for their work, but it happened rather often), Mrs. Uchiha waved Kurenai and the three half-asleep children off with a smile.

"Naruto~" Kurenai said softly.

"Hm," the boy mumbled, stumbling a bit.

"Wake uppp," she chided.

"I'm up," he informed her, still staggering through the compound.

"Baka," Sai sighed.

Kurenai chuckled a bit, and caught the blonde haired boy right as he was about to hit the ground.

"Wow, Naruto-kun must've been really tired, I've never seen him run out of energy," Hinata marveled.

"Well, he was chasing Sasuke for hours." Sai said in his usually monotone.

"Yeah, you guys barely even got to play," Kurenai laughed. Naruto and Sasuke had spent so much time chasing each other around, that no one else really even played the game, it got to the point where they just sat on the steps and watched the boys run around like fools.

Hinata smiled "I still had fun, 'n it wus nice seeing Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun have fun," she yawned,

"As did I," Sai agreed.

"Maybe we can play again sometime, until then, lets get home before you guys fall asleep."

Home. That little word sent Hinata and Sai into a near panic, tons of questions flooding their young brains. Was Iruka-san's house their home now? Did that mean that they wouldn't have to go back to Miss Nanny?

Sighing, both of them decided that it was too late to thing about such things, all that they really wanted to do was snuggle back up in bed.

Kurenai knocked lightly on the door of Iruka's apartment, she would've let herself in, had she not been carrying three children. Foot steps could be heard before there was a click and the door opened.

"Hey Kurenai," Iruka greeted her as soon as he opened the door, "Oh, let me give you a hand," he said quickly upon seeing that she had three kids in her hands.

"Thanks," she smiled, gently handing him Sai from flopped over her shoulder.

"They really are out, aren't they?" Iruka asked, considering the children slept through all of the walk home, ruckus, and being man handled. "Even Naruto's out," Iruka stated with a raised eyebrow as they carried the kids to respective beds.

"Yeah, he was running around like a maniac," she smiled, then took a left while Iruka took a right.



"Thanks for baby sitting," Iruka smield after the two got the children off to bed.

"My pleasure," Kurenai smiled, "How'd it go?" she asked the question that had been nagging her.

Iruka grinned. "He said yes,"

Kurenai's eyes lit up and she grinned too, before she could stop herself, she lunged foreward, hugging her childhood friend. Though he hugged her back, she quickly pulled away and regained her composure with a slight blush.

"Did he say anything else?" She asked.

Iruka's eyes flashed with a hint of sadness, but quickly regained their shine and he spoke "He said he wants us to find more fitting homes for them, since I'm 'too young," she could've swore she saw him want to hold up air quotes. "Also, he wants monthly reports on their development, in hopes to find proper homes. And of course, he said there will be a fostering check."

Kurenai smiled and nodded enthusiastically, as much as she wanted to ask how much the check was for, that would be way too rude so she opted for "That's great Iruka! Congratulations!" and another huge smile.

"I'd also like to thank you for helping out with them, and thanks for babysitting tonight,"

"No problem, it was a lot of fun, they even met a kid their age," Kurenai said.

Iruka raised an eyebrow, "Who?"

"Uchiha Sasuke."

Taken aback, Iruka just blinked for a couple seconds, then nodded, mumbling something along the lines of 'That's good'. "Anyway, here," he said, pulling $100 from his pocket and handing it to Kurenai, all the while bowing.

Kurenai's eyes nearly fell out of her head 'Eeh? No Iruka, I don't want your money for taking care of the kids, it was a treat for me!"

"Please, take it, I owe you," he said smiling.

"No Iruka," she chuckled lightly, "keep your money.' Before he could reply, she glanced at the clock, too fast to even read the time before slurring "Manits getting late I better getgoin"

"Eh!? You looked way too fast to even see the time!" Iruka exclaimed, but she was out the door.

"Good night," She called with a wave.

"Good night, Kurenai," he sighed with a smile and clicked the door shut.

I could swear I put this chapter up already, but it wasn't there, so here ya go! School's out in another month or so, so I should be updating more with time! :D

Thanks for reading, and please review!