A/N: I was re-reading this story yesterday and I just realised how good of a writer I used to be, and to put it simply, my writing is now trash in comparison. So, this chapter may not be up to standards, but I hope it doesn't sound too rushed. I was struck with inspiration again when I was looking back at the reviews and how encouraging they were. So, here's the final chapter... after a two year gap!

"And where exactly is that portal?"

"The alleyway about a couple of blocks away from the manor," Mel and PJ exclaimed. In a shimmer of countless glittering orbs, Leo, Chris, Wyatt, Melinda and PJ orbed away.

Chapter 32: Back To The Future

Piper cradled a sleepy Wyatt in her arms, a look of relief flashing on her face. "Maybe Sheila won't have to babysit him," she murmured, "but it's still a damn disappointment we can't find the others."

"Wait," Paige said, her eyes wide with surprise. "The crystal just dropped again."

Phoebe stood up automatically, her eyes staring at the map in confusion. The crystal landed in San Francisco, just a couple of streets away. Confusion plastered over her face, "Weren't they somewhere across the world a couple of minutes ago? How did they get here so fast? And where from?" Questions bombarded her as her logic failed to understand the drastic difference.

"Leo must be with them," Piper commented, her mouth slightly agape in wonder, "they must be coming back home." She turned to her youngest sister, a determined glint in her eyes. "Wyatt's asleep. We'll put the crystals around him for a bit. Paige can you orb us to them?"

"Let's go."

The alleyway was desolate. A few large trash cans were close by, overflowing with rubbish. The narrow alley seemed like the type of paths you'd never cross at night. The pentagram symbol was etched on the brick wall, like it had been drawn with a white chalk. Each point of the diagram sharp and somewhat ominous. In a flurry of bright blue light, five figures emerged.

"I feel kinda bad for not saying bye to Mom and everyone else," PJ admitted, glancing doubtfully at the supposed portal. "Don't you, Mel?"

"We'll see them soon," she assured with a wink, leaning to Leo for a final hug.

Leo smiled in agreement."We'll see you all in a while after all."

Wyatt pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, and PJ instantly flushed pink. It was her spell, the one which brought them all together in the past. Wyatt caught her eyes and waved the paper in the air, "You better tell me why you wrote this in the first place." He grinned, "Alright, here it goes; hear these words, hear the rhyme, heed the hope within my mind. Turn back this time, so it may rewind. Send me to where I will find, what I need in space..." he paused, taking a deep breath. This was it. They were going home. He was going to see everyone again. "...And time."

The portal instant glowed a bright shade of red, the void swirling in small twists. The five stared at the portal. It was time to go. Chris' eyes became misty, staring at the his cousin and siblings with a sad smile. He enjoyed getting to know them. They offered a exuberant facet to his life that he never had, one that he often thought was a futile dream. Spending time with them for the past few months made him excited, joyful and hopeful. Hopeful. Their smiles, banters and love instilled burning hope inside him, true hope in the future. And though he'd never thought he'd ever say this in a million years; he was going to seriously miss Wyatt. His big brother.

Melinda turned to Chris, bringing him down to a bittersweet hug. "You're going to see us all pretty soon!" she whispered, beaming. He squeezed her back, only for PJ to engulf him in a hug of her own. Wyatt was up next, a friendly smirk on his face. He put his hand out, a mere hand shake. Chris reached out, only to be pulled in to a bear hug. Unexpected to say the least, but for once, Chris returned the overly enthusiastic embrace with a laugh.

"See you soon, Chris." He patted his back with an optimistic smile. "It's gonna be great having you back."

"I wonder how it's going to turn out," Chris thought aloud. "I mean, I didn't die in the past. Does this mean I'll remember all that's happened here?"

"Only one way to find out," Leo replied, an arm across his son's shoulders. "After you go back to your time via the triquetra symbol."

A flash of blue shimmers instantaneously appeared in the alley. Melinda's eyes widened and Wyatt and Leo swapped worried glances. Chris' eyebrow furrowed in concern and PJ felt a strange twinge of happiness. The sparkles found Piper, Phoebe and Paige. Their disbelieving eyes landed on the group, and then at what looked like a portal, on the wall. Piper glared at them, and Melinda inwardly winced. She'd seen that look so many times, it was practically imprinted in her mind.

"W-what's this?" She gestured wildly at the wall incredulously. "What on earth is happening here?"

"You guys have so much explaining to do!" Phoebe said, her tone of frustration piercing through PJ.

"Leo? Where were you?" Paige added, perplexed. She had tried to sense him and call him with her whitelighter instincts and power, but to no avail. It was first bizarre, but then the feeling slowly morphed to fear. Yet, here he stood. He seemed okay, if you ignored the dirty clothes and perspiration shining on his face. Where had they gone to?

"Truth. Now," the oldest sister demanded. The five exchanged unsure glances; should they finally reveal their real identities? "Stop looking at each other." Piper noticed they did that an awful lot. It was clear now; they harboured a secret, one that was miraculously stayed hidden from the sisters for these many many months. "Answers. Now."

"We're from the future," Wyatt confessed in a clipped tone. "We came to help Chris."

Paige let out a dramatic sigh, crossing her arms with a sharp stare. "Should've guessed that," she muttered, "so you all have lied to us about who you really are for the past 6 months?"

"We couldn't tell you," Melinda reasoned, "future consequences."

"You've spent to much time with Chris."

"But does this mean we'll see you again," Phoebe asked, her tone concealing sadness. The three great. Thanks to their sacrifices, the sisters were granted with normalcy in their lives. The demon distractions were taken care by them, and Phoebe wanted to express her gratitude to them. But this was unforeseen. Even for a physic like herself. She was going miss them dearly. And the emptiness of the manor will reflect their absences. PJ immediately detected her mother's sorrow.

"I have a good feeling you will," she said with a wide grin.

"Wait, you came here to help Chris' mission, which was to protect Wyatt from turning evil. Does this mean you've done it? Wyatt won't turn evil?" Piper questioned, slightly shocked as she realised the four literally saved the future while the Charmed Ones rested on their asses this whole time.

"Yes, little Wyatt's gonna stay good," Wyatt affirmed with a small chuckle. "I guarantee you that."

"Wow." She was speechless. Wyatt was safe. She and Leo were still together. She was leading a comfortable life, as normal as it could be for a witch. They helped her in ways that were too much to count. She wished she knew who Matt, Johnna and Melissa were. But Johnna hinted they would bump into each other in the future, and itself was satisfying to her.

"We gotta go now," Melinda piped up with a two-finger salute. "We'll see you soon. Bye everyone!" She stepped into the portal as everyone bid them farewell. PJ jumped after, closing her eyes as she readied herself for the nauseating tumble and migraine-inducing spinning. Wyatt was last. He looked at his past family one final time; his Mom with a proud smile, Aunt Paige waving her hand and Aunt Phoebe with a sad expression, but she still managed to grin. He looked at Leo, optimism that matched his exuding and he tried to appear not too upset. Wyatt threw Chris, who's eyes were glassy, a small nod and then stepped into the portal. It was as if to say see you soon. After his disappearance, the portal instantly closed, and the pentagram symbol that was etched on the wall, was gone too.

PJ, Melinda and Wyatt were travelling through space and time. They were home.

Chris rubbed his eyes, and Leo turned to him. "We going to get you home now too." And Chris smiled at the word. Home. Yes, he was going to return to a place where he'd always wanted to be.

"Wait, Chris is going too?" Piper gasped in shock. "Why?"

"My work is done," he stated simply. "I have no use of staying in the past any more." He bent slightly and embraced his mother in a tight hug, seeing her on the brink of tears. "And in a few months, I'll be in your arms again. Though a little smaller than you're used to!" The reference to his birth elicited a small laugh from the others.

"Chris is going to need a triquetra portal," Leo informed.

After a few moments, the remaining people orbed to the attic, to say bye to yet another family member. Heartbreaking for sure, but when the sisters and Leo watched Chris step through the portal and enter his own world, his time, an inexplicable feeling of pride and triumph coursed through them. An emotion strong enough to make them forget about their sadness. Leo decided that he would fill them in. Not about Wyatt's, Mel's and PJ's identity (or at least not yet. It was too soon. Leo pondered about telling them the truth about the future travellers further in time), but about the dreadful premonition, Gideon's sinister plan and his eventual ending in Valhalla.


"Ouch," groaned Melinda, "Wyatt get off me!" She kicked his arm away, trying to stand up. Though slightly disorientated, her vision was clear. She couldn't see PJ any where. Wyatt heaved him self up, his stomach in a tight knot. Sounds of heels clicking angrily were heard, and the two turned to see their mother. They gasped inaudibly; they were so used to seeing past-Piper that they now realised how old their mother looked now.

"Where have you two been? Have you seen the time?" she demanded, her tone authoritative. "Melinda Halliwell, you are grounded! That means no dates-" Melinda scrunched her face; she didn't have a boyfriend so that didn't matter. Piper continued her extensive list of bans. "-no orbing-"

"-Orbing?" Mel interrupted, confusion crossed on her face. She wasn't even part whitelighter, she never had the ability to orb, unless her father was a... Her eyes widened, almost comically as he connected the puzzle together! Her father in the past retained his magical position: Le0 was still an Elder, despite the fact he became mortal. This must mean that when she was conceived, some of the magic became fixed in her DNA; she was part-whitelighter too!

"Yes Mel, the ability you constantly use instead of walking," sighed Piper, her hands on her hips. "No more of that!" She turned to Wyatt. "Because you'll be leaving for college in a few days, and I'm going to bawl my eyes, I'll let you off." In normal situation, Melinda would vehemently oppose and fiercely answer back with an edge of resentment. But not this time. She was elated! She was back home, and had freaking whitelighter powers as well! "Your dad's at Magic School, and should be home in a while. He will agree with me."

"Mom, don't you remember what happened?" Wyatt asked cautiously.

"No...what happened?" Piper seemed clueless. This must mean that the fact they interfered with the past changed some events in the future; such as his family telling his about past-future Chris and the story of an evil Wyatt. The story they narrated before he travelled no the past. He shrugged carelessly at Piper's questioning look. And thankfully she brushed his odd question off.

"Do you want lasagne?" Piper asked, finished with her scolding. "I made lasagne. And cookies." The two grinned, suddenly realising how hungry they were when the aroma from the kitchen permeated in the dining room. They answered with an automatic yes.

As Piper trotted of to the kitchen, a door opened and closed from upstairs. A figure walked down the staircase with small steps: Chris. Melinda instantly grinned as Wyatt's eyes gleamed with success. Chris looked hesitant and unsettled.

"Guys, I just had the most weirdest dream," he announced. "We were in the past, and there was an Elder and a beautiful ladies in armor , fighting and Magic School. Demons and potions. God, it was really silly." He couldn't remember much. Most events were blurry and others tucked in places his mind couldn't reach. The dream was like a movie with scenes missing, or dialogue spoken too fast, or the quality not clear enough to discern. And it happened so fast that he had difficulty remembering. "And Wy, you looked really... different. Long hair and...evil?."

Wyatt laughed and shared a secret look with Melinda. "We'll fill you in later."

"Fill me in what? I want to know now," he urged, "did you have the same dream?"

"Wy, you go ahead," Melinda said, "I'm going to phone PJ. She must have landed in her own home." Wyatt walked the way to the attic, with Chris trailing behind him with insistent questions and random anecdotes ("And I think I kissed a Valkyrie!").

Melinda picked up the phone and dialled the number of the Cooper-Halliwell residence. Someone picked up: PJ! She talked vivaciously, her face changing animatedly as they recalled their adventure and the aftermath. Turned out, PJ wasn't grounded but instead got an earful from her parents. They had no utter clue about her disappearance. An PJ swore that her Mom gave her a knowing look, as if she knew PJ had just arrived back from the past. Maybe that was why she didn't get grounded. Melinda grumbled about telling her mother the truth, so she doesn't need to be grounded.

"And guess what!" Melinda whispered in a secretive manner.

"What?" PJ pressed the phone closer to her ear in anticipation.

"I can orb!" she squealed, "I have whiteligher powers 'cos Dad didn't become a full mortal!"

After a few minutes of excited chatter, they said their goodbyes and out the phone down. After all it was late: 11:12 pm. Melinda stared oddly at the clock, suddenly realising that that was the exact time when they had first inadvertently time-travelled to the past. 11:12 pm. He grinned as a audacious thought entered her mind: to orb. Despite the rule, Melinda shut her eyes and breathed deeply. She imagined her bedroom. Her purple duvet. The classic wallpaper. Wooden floor. Photos hung near the wardrobe. An old teddy bear sitting on one of the shelves. The window overlooking the street, framed with ruby-red coloured curtains. A shout was heard, it sounded like her mother yelling to her not to orb , but the voice was a million miles away. The sound faded into silence, overpowered by a gentle tinkling noise. Melinda Halliwell opened her eyes, hope shining inside her eyes. She was stood in her bedroom.

A victorious smile graced her face; she had just orbed for the first time in her life.

It was an adventure of a life-time, to travel back and save their family from devastation. To help a despondent brother from the past to secure his future. A story of unbreakable bonds and unwavering hope. A tale of endless laughs and cries. One of selfish, humorous tricks and dangerous plans. Not always successful, but perseverance shone with a golden lustre in their hearts. And their belief in each other, untainted and pure, carried them together hand in hand. Who knew a spell to enable PJ do re-do a embarrassing date with her crush would transform in something completely different; a spell with simple intentions could lead to something so complicated? But it was destined.

Because Magic works in mysterious ways, ways a person cannot fully comprehend no matter how hard they try. You can only accept, your head held high with determination to get through what circumstance you find yourself in, no matter what. And with hope; the only thing powerful enough to shatter the steel ropes of fear.

A/N: I hope I delivered a well-deserved finish to this story, and my endless gratitude to all those who stuck with me throughout writing this. Please let me know your personal thoughts after this huge hiatus, and feel free to rant and reprimand me for ignoring this story for a while. I do apologise. If you find any grammar mistakes and other errors, inform me please (constructive criticism is appreciated).

Well, finally there is it, the ending chapter to a great story. I began this story when I was 15, and now I'm 18. It's finished. Finally :) -Enchantedem7