A/n: I know, i know you're probably sick of these and want some actual story to read, but fear not! I have good news.

It's been years (literally, i know.) but after some time away and a lot of life getting in the way, in those spare moments i found myself always thinking back to Bebelle and what to do with her story. She's been a really special character of mine, especially since she was one of the more fleshed out characters and so i really wanted to write a story she's deserving of. Because of this i rewrote and rewrote secret weapon, crafting and moulding her personality and backstory into something i was really proud of.
So i have decided i am going to leave this story as it stands, and with a new published story post the rewritten version which will be named something like secret weapon rewrite or something similar.

I hope those who still read and keep tabs on this fic will enjoy the rewritten version.