
"Can you believe it? We did it!" Emi hugged Ryder. She found it amusing how enthusiastic her Elven-roommate was when she'd most likely graduated again, taking on a different major to pass the time.

It took months to restore Mirkwood University and its classrooms after the war against the Stewards faction. The campus was full of tall trees, green grass and beautiful flowers once again. The summer months were good to them; life for the students resuming like normal when the school reopened. Mirkwood Village was also filled with bustling students and staff. If they didn't know any better, it was as if nothing had happened. And to most of the student body who didn't remember anything because of the spell put on them, it was just that.

The Stewards faction members who escaped the night of the battle in Scotlain laid low and didn't dare set foot anywhere near the Reunited Kingdom. Others, such as Colin and Luka who pleaded for their lives, saying they were under Declan's control, were shown mercy. Lord Aragorn had enough of bloodshed and went as far as building a smaller establishment, almost like a community, within the outskirts of his kingdom where the faction members were allowed to live in exile. However, he still kept close watch of them and their activities. For the most part, they seemed grateful and content with their punishment and without a leader, finally gave up plans of overtaking the throne.

Even the other races who aided Declan Fenlock's quest for power were dealt with by their respective rulers. The last Ryder heard, Lord Oberon stripped Titania most of her powers after helping the faction and almost bringing their war to his borders. She was still regarded as the Faery-queen and feared by many in Midsummer Forest but she no longer possessed the kind of threat she once did.

Remembering her promise to Boldgren, Ryder told her father of the bargain with the ancient satyr and the glowing blue sword he wanted in exchange for helping her locate Declan and his men in Midsummer Forest. The Chieftain lectured her on how valuable the Elven weapon was and the kind of work required in making the handcrafted blade.

After a long sigh, he looked at his daughter. "I suppose it can't be helped. Without his aid, you might not have been able to escape Oberon's realm. And I know Boldgren. He likes to acquire items, not necessarily to use them, but to add them to his collection of rare antiquities." With a sigh of relief, Ryder thanked him. Raising an eyebrow, Aragorn leaned forward in his seat. "Anything else I should know about?"

"Well…" she sheepishly smiled.

Mentioning the other deal she made with Nyphadora about granting her permission to move about in the Reunited Kingdom whenever she pleased with a companion, as long as they stayed out of trouble, was an easier thing to get approved. Her father hoped the deal she made with the piskie was the last one he had to worry about. Promising it was, he agreed. Aragorn was familiar with deals with the Fey and their consequences if not carried out.

"Congratulations." Someone whispered in Ryder's ear. She turned to see Legolas with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. He was dressed handsomely well in a simple shirt, a cardigan and dark pants.

"Thank you," she smiled, taking the gift.

"And you, Lady Emilia." The Elf-prince also handed the Elf-maiden another set of flowers. She thanked him with a kiss on the cheek and told them she was going to go look for her father.

"So. Now that you've graduated…what do you plan on doing next?" He wrapped his arm around her waist, drawing Ryder closer. She rolled her eyes at the mischievous grin he had. "I heard the weather this weekend in Middle-earth is supposed to be lovely. A perfect time for a wedding."

"Oh, stop," Ryder rolled her eyes again, trying to suppress a smile. "We've talked about this already, Legolas."

"I know," he kissed her on the cheek. "But, you can't blame me for trying."

"And don't you ever give up, Master Elf," Ryder pretended to be firm with her words. She gave him a quick kiss on the lips before lightly shoving the flowers in his nose. He chuckled and pinched her side, making her yelp in surprise.

After Legolas proposed to Ryder on her hospital bed, he explained that the reason why he left Rivendell in such haste was to delegate authority to one of their trusted counselors in the Underground Kingdom. His father revealed that he would soon leave the shores of the Hither Lands and rejoin their people in Aman.

"But why would you have to delegate authority to someone else? Wouldn't the title of king fall to you as his heir?" Ryder asked curiously.

"Yes, that is true. However…my father knew how I felt about you."

"I know your father doesn't like me very much but…what do I have to do with your kingdom?" She looked away, avoiding the confused look he had on his features. Did King Thranduil feel that his son wasn't fit to be king, not with his affections for a mere mortal girl? Is that why he wanted someone else to rule in his stead? And technically, she only had a quarter of Elf blood in her.

Legolas caressed her hands. "On the contrary. My father is happy for us."

"He's what?" She brought her gaze back to him.

"Elves only give themselves to one partner. For the rest of their lives."

Even more confused, Ryder gave him a strange look. "Are you saying…you'd never been with anyone before? Ever?"

He shook his head. "Only you."

"But I thought…I mean you…you're…" she let her voice fade.

"A prince?" Legolas finished, smirking a little. "You think because I am a Prince of Mirkwood that I could have any female I wanted. Though…that might be the case, in all my years, I've never felt a connection with anyone—except with you. The Firstborn talk about love and what it feels like when they find the one they're meant to be with but…"


Gazing lovingly into her eyes, he smiled. "But experiencing the feeling yourself is…unexplainable. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, Ryder. I love you and respect you. And want to marry you. If I must wait until you're ready, I will. I have a lifetime, after all."

"And your father is… really okay with this?" Ryder asked skeptically.

"My father leaving is not the only reason why I'm delegating my duties to another. Because my father knows I've given myself to you it is tradition among my people to…seal the bond."

Another confused look graced Ryder's features. "Seal the bond? What does that mean exactly?"

"The rights of marriage. Because you will be a Queen of the Reunited Kingdom someday, I cannot take you away from Gondor. Not when your own people need you at such a critical time. I promised to always stay by your side and I will. I will help strengthen your kingdom however I can. But—that also means my duties will take me away from my own kingdom. So, while I'm away, I need someone to take care of things on my behalf."

Aragorn's daughter was speechless. The Elf-prince was making arrangements to make sure his kingdom was safe while he stayed with her to help rule her father's lands. Ryder was so overwhelmed that she didn't know how to react to the news of why he upped and left, especially his proposal.

"Am I still dreaming?"

"No," Legolas chuckled. "I understand this is a lot to take in after going through what you just did…but I mean it, Ryder. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Ryder frowned. "But you forget one thing…I'm mortal. I won't live forever like you. I'll grow old and…eventually die, while you remain this perfect, handsome being. Would you really still love me when my hair turns gray, my skin gets wrinkly, and my eye sight goes bad?" The thought of a few happy years together only made Ryder feel worse. It was a great notion, having a life together…but for how long?

He took her hands back in his again. "Yes, Ryder. I would." She looked up at him, shocked. "No matter how much time you or I have left, I want to spend every waking moment with you. I understand we were created differently by Eru, but we still come from the same creator. Young or old, I will still love you the same. I love you for who you are and the beautiful soul you carry. That will never change."

Those words still echoed in Ryder's mind. She remembered she couldn't stop crying because she was so overjoyed with emotions. But with the way things were in the Reunited Kingdom and Mirkwood University's reconstruction, they couldn't think about their needs and wants right now. Not when there were so many other things that required their attention. And so, Ryder told Legolas she wanted to wait to accept his proposal. Even though he brought it up whenever he could.

"May I interrupt?" a voice came behind them. Ryder stepped away from Legolas when her father approached.

"Hi," she said to him, still blushing profusely.

"Hi," he smiled, giving her a kiss on the cheek, along with more flowers. "Congratulations on graduating, sweetheart."

"Thank you."

"I just wanted to congratulate you and make sure you're not late for your dinner tonight at the Manor."

"Yes, of course, we'll be there," Ryder gave him another smile. Aragorn told her that he invited her friends to a dinner at Elessar Manor in her honor but didn't give specifics on the guest list. She didn't have many friends so Ryder expected only a few people to show up. Still, she appreciated the thought.

They chatted for a few more minutes before the Chieftain excused himself to congratulate a few more students and to catch up with his colleagues. Ryder did the same, laughing with fellow graduates and receiving hugs from her teachers while Legolas stayed close, but far away enough so he wasn't completely hovering over her. He wanted Ryder to enjoy today since this was the last day she'd have to be with everyone before they left for Middle-earth tomorrow.

x x x

"Today was absolutely perfect," Ryder sighed happily. Legolas lifted her hand he was holding to his lips and kissed it.

The people at dinner consisted of everyone on the council from Rivendell, Emi, her father, and a few surprise guests such as Merry, Pippin and Bilbo. Pippin ran to her with a hug, carrying a boyish smile on his face. He'd been back to his old, cherry self after his restaurant was restored and business was booming again. Merry was a lot friendlier toward her and even let her work at his café part-time. Bilbo filled most of the time with stories of his adventures and the mischief he'd gotten himself into when he was younger. It was one of the best dinners Ryder ever had. It was a night full of delicious food, laughter and great company.

"Will you miss this place?" asked Legolas. They took a stroll outside in her father's garden. With the warmer weather, the flowers were back in bloom, filling the night with their fragrance.

Looking around at the property, Ryder nodded. "I will. But I'll be back. I won't be gone forever."

Given everything she'd learn about the other worlds and how she was a princess, Ryder couldn't continue on with a normal life after graduating. Finding a job in her field would have to be put on hold since she had bigger responsibilities to worry about—for example, helping her father run their kingdom. She didn't know when she'd return to the mortal world she knew so well only that she would someday. Tomorrow, Ryder would venture back to Gondor with her father, and of course, Legolas. Sir Gandalf would take care of the school grounds while Legolas was away since the Elf-prince wasn't going to let her out his sights so soon.

"Are you cold?" Legolas noticed her hug herself when a sudden breeze blew their way. He rubbed her bare arms to keep her warm.

"I kind of am…actually." The blue-eyed girl found it strange since cold weather never really bothered her that much. She rubbed the goosebumps on her forearms.

"I'll run inside and get you a coat."

"Okay." She smiled at him.

The princess continued to walk along the stone path around Elessar Manor, taking in the different, exotic flowers she'd never seen before. Many of them were imported from Middle-earth and she knew she wouldn't find them anywhere else in this world. The sky was clear and beautiful above her with the stars on full display.

Stopping for a moment, Ryder looked up to enjoy the twinkling lights. There was a calming peace they brought that made her so thankful that everything worked out in their favor. She couldn't imagine losing anyone she cared about in that fretful battle. A strange, tingling sensation started at her fingertips then worked its way up her arms and eventually spread across her body. Ryder couldn't explain it, but something or someone was calling her.

Following her instincts, she found herself in a secluded part of the small forest behind the Manor. In the center of the clearing was a tiny pond. It gleamed in the moonlight, its waves flowing gently around in a circle—which was odd—but intriguing. Ryder stared at the water wondering if it was somehow enchanted.

A rustling sound came from the trees like someone was walking toward her. "Who's there?" Aragorn daughter whipped her head around. "Legolas? Is that…you?" The only thing nearby was a small broken branch she could use as a weapon if necessary. Ryder walked closer to it, just in case.

"I am afraid not, young one."

She took a step back, startled at the man—rather, Elf—standing before her. His pointed ears gave him away. Legolas used his glamour to still make him appear human in this world, but this Elf seemed like he had nothing to hide from her. He was almost as beautiful as Legolas.

"Do I know you?" She looked at him closely from where she stood. Something about him looked familiar but Ryder knew they'd never met before. Everyone from her past, her father already introduced her to. So who was this?

He was beautiful like his people with fair, smooth skin, long sandy-blonde hair, and eyes that were the bluest Ryder's ever looked at, bluer than the sky or the sea. His features were young, but with how slowly the Elves aged and their immortality, he could have been the same age as Legolas or be even older. The clothing he wore also suggested he didn't live around here. It reminded her of clothing someone with a high stature in Middle-earth would wear.

"No, I suppose you would not," he gave a soft laugh, shaking his head to himself. "But I have known you all your life."

"Come again?" She raised a confused eyebrow.

Stepping closer, Ryder impulsively took a step back. His gaze was so intense she couldn't look away. "I have seen all that you have endured—the pain, the sorrow, the happiness…the love in your heart. And the gift that was taken from you."

"Gift? What gift?"

The sad look in his eyes was baffling, although the Elf's features stayed passive. "The gift to choose, of course." He tilted his head to one side and blinked at her.

"Choose what?" Ryder almost had to laugh. She had no clue what this Elf was talking about. She wasn't even sure yet if he was a friend or foe. "Who are you? And what do you want with me? I guess I should also ask how you got onto my father's property."

"My apologies, my lady." He bowed. "Forgive me. I have not conversed with anyone in many moons. But I had to meet you…Annelaide Undómiel of the Royal House of Elessar Telcontar. You are quite famous in many worlds. The wind spreads word of your heroic journey and your brave deeds to win back your kingdom."

"Well, I didn't exactly do it all on my own," she muttered. This Elf made it sound like she was a one-woman show.

"True. But still, you were the one who preserved the most," he smiled. "Therefore, you deserve to be granted a wish."

Ryder had to laugh this time. "And you're supposed to be my fairy godfather?"

He winked at her. "Not quite, young one." It was strange to hear him call her that when he appeared so young himself. "I am your great-grandfather."

"You're kidding me. Right?" If Ryder didn't believe in all that she had seen to date, she would have thought this person escaped from the looney bin. And he looked much too young to be Galadriel's husband.

"Believe your eyes or not, I speak the truth," he smiled. "I am Elrond's father…Eärendil. The first Half-elven. The choice was originally only granted to my sons and their children, but I was able to grant the same choice to others over time."

It was like another dream. "How can you be my great-grandfather? You look…younger than Lord Elrond."

"True," Eärendil agreed. "I did not always look this young in appearance. However, watching the world and the heavens returned me to my youth and thus has been for as long as I can remember." The first signs of fear Ryder felt slowly melted away when he no longer seemed like a threat. Moving closer, she examined the Elf a little more. There was a light aura all around Eärendil as if the stars were always shining on him like a spotlight. "I have not touched land since I departed for the West. By Lord Manwë's request I watch over all of Ilúvatar's Children. Including you. My time is limited here, for many mariners need my guiding light, so make your wish."

"Wish?" Aragorn's daughter wracked her brain. "What wish?" There were a million things she could wish for but her mind drew a blank.

This seemed to amuse him. Her great-grandfather stood in front her and caressed her cheek. "I have heard your heart calling out to me, young one. You were deprived of your one true wish, which I will now grant you. All you have to do is say the words."

Ryder's breath caught in her throat. The familiar ache in her chest returned. Words echoed out from her mind and flowed silently into the night. A gust of wind made Ryder's chest hurt even more. She slumped on the ground, clutching her heart. It was as if her life force was being sucked out of her. Eärendil only smiled, saying a quiet farewell.

"Ryder? Ryder? Are you alright?"

Opening her eyes, it was met by Legolas's concerned gaze. "Legolas?"

He wrapped a shawl around her shoulders. "Ryder, what happened? I was only gone for a few minutes."

She sat up, rubbing her head. "A few minutes?"

"Yes," he nodded. "I saw you go into the forest and found you like this."

"So you didn't see him?" she asked looking around then finally at the sky. There was a bright star that shone then it seemed to vanish. Where did you go?

"See who?" The Elf-prince started to get even more concerned. "Who was here?"

Ryder shook her head. "No one. I think it was only a shadow caused by the trees." She stood up and looked around again. Everything seemed sharper like a glass veil was lifted from her eyes. Her sight reached beyond the trees, beyond the garden, and the Manor. Even her hearing picked up the sound of tiny insects flying and perching on branches up above.

So this is what it feels like?

Putting his hands on her shoulders, Legolas made Ryder face him. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes!" The princess hugged him. He still thought she was acting strange but hugged her back nonetheless and kissed her hair. Ryder broke away from him. "We should get back inside. We have a long day tomorrow."

x x x

Lord Aragorn ruled the Reunited Kingdom for many more years to come. The Stewards faction disbanded their group and served the throne faithfully as promised. Even Colin and Luka were permitted to join the royal army, swearing to protect the rulers and the kingdom. They also found their own happiness with their family and children.

Ryder learned all that she could about their lands and ruled justly like her father. She split her time between Gondor and Ithilien…and on occasion Mirkwood Forest. She also wanted to know more about Legolas's home after the close alliance they've formed. Legolas, as well, spent most of his days at her side in Gondor.

After King Thranduil sailed for the West, Legolas took over his father's kingly duties but refused to be crowned as king. At least for the time being. While he stayed by Ryder's side, as he planned, one of their well-trusted counselors managed his affairs while he was away from his Underground Kingdom.

Almost every day the Prince of Mirkwood asked Ryder to marry him and she'd only roll her eyes with a smile saying, "Not today."

Then one day, Legolas noticed something different about her. As if she looked younger, more radiant in the moonlight. He found her outside on the balcony next to the bedroom they shared. Ryder was in her nightgown, hair flowing freely in the light breeze. The content look on her face made him smile. He put down his bow and arrow after a day in the forest and walked toward her.

"Hello, beautiful," he said.

"Hi," Ryder smiled back.

"You look radiant tonight." He caressed her cheek.

"You say that every night," she rolled her eyes.

"Yes, but tonight…there's something different about you."

She gave him a secret smile. "Don't you think there's something that's been different about me since the night before we left for Middle-earth?"

He nodded, recalling the night he found her lying on the ground in the forest behind Elessar Manor. When she woke up it was like she saw him and the world for the first time. "You asked if I saw someone. Who did you see that night?"

"Someone who had been watching me for a long time." The cryptic answer made Legolas turn up an eyebrow. She only laughed and drew him closer. "I'd been waiting for the right time and the feeling I have tonight…is perfect."

"What have you been waiting for?" Legolas whispered, rubbing small circles on her lower back.

"For the right time to say yes to you."

"You mean…"

"Yes," she smiled. "I'll marry you."

Legolas lifted her in the air and gave her a hard kiss on the lips. Ryder continued to laugh at his excitement. He finally released her, a wide grin still on his face. "What made you finally decide this? Why tonight?"

"I'm pregnant, Legolas." It definitely wasn't the reason he was expecting her to say. He gave her a closer look and finally noticed the small bump she'd been trying to hide from everyone for weeks. "No one knows. Only the doctor I've been seeing. I wanted to wait until I was sure."

"I'm going to be a…father?" He still couldn't believe it.

"A father to a baby boy."

"A boy? But how do you know?" Because there was no modern technology in Middle-earth, there was no way of knowing the gender of a baby. The parents could only hope to have healthy a boy or girl.

"Just a hunch," she shrugged with another secret smile.

He pulled her closer again. "What else aren't you telling me?"

"That we have a lifetime to raise our child and watch them grow."

Looking closer at her features, he tilted his head to the side. "You haven't aged a day since we arrived in Middle-earth, have you?"

"No," she smiled.

"So…it was you who Eärendil visited."

It was Ryder's turn to be surprised. "How did you know?"

"I had a dream when we first met but I didn't know what it meant at the time. He appeared to me on his ship, Vingilot, and said that there was someone he would seek when the time was right and bestow something upon them that we both desired. And there is nothing more I desire than to spend eternity with you and be a father to our child."

"Never in a million years did I think my life would turn out this way." Ryder smiled at the thought and was thankful for everything she'd been through and the obstacles she faced head on that made her the person she was today. And the lifetime she would share with her prince.

"However you thought your life would be, I only wished to be a part of it."

There was so much love in Legolas's eyes that it made Ryder's heart swell with joy. Their son would never know the struggles they went through to provide him with a peaceful life, but Ryder would make sure he understood what it meant to have power and how to use it to benefit the people.

"I love you, Legolas Greenleaf."

"And I love you, Ryder Elessar Telcontar."


Author's Note: There you have it! Thank you for reading Mirkwood University and all of your great reviews. Apologies for any grammatical errors along the way. I tried my best!

Until next time…happy reading!