So I believe that this story has run it's course

I thank all who supported it, it was my first fanfic and I would've never imagined it be so well liked

I love you all and I hope this chapter does the story justice


"Hey Kate, come on! Your going to miss it!"

Kate looked up and saw her friend Ally waiting for her. She had to chuckle at her roommate's appearance. The elastic string of the gold party hat was leaving a red line in her neck. The party blower hanging out of her mouth had apparently been blown to roughly as it now hung limply from the blonde's mouth. Her look completed itself with the giant champagne glass in her hand, filled to the brim with glitter to throw when the ball dropped.

She took a heavy drag of air and slowly got up to join her friend. Even in high school, Kate had never been really fond of parties. It seemed as time past, her aversion to them only grew. Ally had refused to let her sit in their dorm and read her latest mystery novel again. She said that it was their last year and they had to "party it up" as much as they could before they entered the real world. Kate was actually looking forward to joining the work force.

Once she had reached the spot where Ally once stood, the girl had already disappeared, no doubt looking for someone to share a midnight kiss with and Kate made her way outside of the cluttered penthouse and onto the balcony. The sights were beautiful. The apartment was located not to far from time square and you could see the ball illuminating itself, alarming the world of a new year.

To Kate, it didn't matter. It was just another year without the one she loved. Yes, she and Rick had split shortly after graduation. With her heading to Stanford and he to NYU, they felt it wrong to go through the messy trial of a four year, long distance relationship. It had been rough and heart breaking at first, but with time, they dealt with it. They were still friends, still talked everyday, even told each other about dates. She looked at the lights again and wished he were her. He'd love the view.

She smiled as she removed her phone from her pocket, already knowing who it was. She pressed the 'accept' button without hesitation and reveled in his deep, soothing voice as it rang through the speaker, bridging the distance between them instantly.


"Hey to you too." She breathes and hears him walking, trying to get away from the apparent noise in the background "you got dragged to a New Years party too?" She chuckled and so did he.

"Yeah, not having much fun though," he says nervously and she wonders what's up before hearing his next words tumble out of his mouth. "I'd rather be with you when the clock strikes twelve."

"Rick..." he can't do this to her. Not now, not when she has finally healed her heart. She can't pine for him anymore, or get hurt because of some stupid arrangement that won't work out in the scheme of things.

"Look, I know what we said. Long distance relationships never work, and I know that. I completely stand by it, but honestly? We're both in our senior year in college. We'll be done in what, nine months? Not to mention the six breaks we have in between where we could see each other! Kate, I" she hears him take a deep breath "I want you back."

"Rick, even if I wanted, and I really want to, I don't think not seeing you would help the cause. I mean your there and I'm here." She mentally scolded her brain and body for not just screaming out yes and allowing herself to be happy.

"What if I wasn't?" He said.

"Rick I highly doubt you'll be able to catch a plain and get here before I have to leave which is in," she checks her watch "six hours."

"I don't have to catch a plane Kate." He says intensely and she is dazed and confused until she hears the door open behind her and no it's not him. It's probably just Ally telling her that they should get going. Yes, that makes more sense then what her brain is telling her right now, but the breathing she hears on the phone is now being duplicated into the space by her ear and her logic is failing her.

"Hi." He breathes once she's turned around and she curses her heart for fluttering at his appearance. He's definitely grown up, the boyish stubble on his chin and well rounded muscles fully proving that.

"H- Hey." she manages to stammer out. Her brain is still trying to get caught up with the situation, leaving her body sort of limp and without a commander. "I thought you said you were going to Miami?"

"I was, but Kate, when you said you were going to be in the city, I knew that it was a sign. This is the perfect place," he points to the ball that has almost reached it's destination "the perfect time," he shows his phone and yep, it's 11:58 pm "with the perfect girl." He smiles that charming smile at her that never fails to melt her heart.

"It killed me Rick. Killed me to have to walk away from you, to hear stories about how other girls could have you when I couldn't. I want that anymore."

He lifts her face in both of his cupped hands. 11:59. "You don't have to anymore. We can be together, we can do this finally."

She mulls it over in her head, in her heart, then in his eyes. She can't find one sign, not one, that tells her this is a bad idea. Instead everything's all clear skies and green lights and she finds herself ready to press the gas. She hears the countdown inside, distinctly hears the 6 - 5 - 4 before making her decision. "Okay, let's do this." 3 - 2 - .

He kisses her and they pour out the longing and need they have for each other. It's an indescribable feeling and most of it was a haze, but their together now so nothing else matters.

"Happy New Year, Rick."

"I love you too, Kate."

And cut! That's a wrap everybody!

I sincerely hope everyone has enjoyed the ride :)

Love Always, XOXOX